angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
Written by Jeremy Lonien.
Illustrations and CSS wizardry by Dominik Johann.
 The Message was created with Love, Twine and this excellent guide by Anna Anthropy in a couple of days for Fuck This Jam.
 Partially inspired by this Tweet from paniq.
 We recommend listening to some space music while playing this game.
Copywhatever 2012 Jeremy Lonien and Dominik Johann.
We interrupt our programming. This is a national emergency. This is not a test. Important details will follow. The Emergency Alert System has been activated. The following message is being transmitted at the request of the United States government: ON 10 AM EASTERN TIME THERE WERE A SERIES OF SIGHTINGS OF UNIDENTIFIED CRAFT IN ORBIT AROUND THE PLANET. THESE HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED BY OUR NATIONAL OBSERVATORIES. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK SHELTER, LOCK ANY DOORS AND TURN OFF ANY TELECOMMUNICATION OR INTERNET DEVICES. I REPEAT: THIS IS NOT A TEST
   Our probe officially reached the Pluto-Charon system on July 14, 2015, 11:47 UTC. Then, only 4 hours later, just before we would've received the next data burst, a fleet of unidentified spacecraft entered a low Earth orbit.
 It all happened so quickly.
happened so quickly
Ecco arrivati alla mia prima scelta, sono molto contento di come l’autore abbia saputo trasmettere fin da subito un patos veramente importante e incisivo,  mi sono sentito subito chiamato in causa e il mio cervello mi spinge ad andare avanti per capire cosa succederà. Per quanto riguarda la parte prettamente narrativa, la scelta sembra non banale, crea quell’istinto di pigiarci subito, anche per le scelte delle parole che fanno capire al giocatore che qualcosa è andato storto molto velocemente lasciando l’umanità impreparata.
 The space stations went first. Size and location in orbit did not matter.
 The ISS, Tiangong, Genesis I and II, military and spy satellites, communications, weather, navigation, everything. Even the thousands of pieces of decommissioned satellites and junk and space debris left by 50 years of spaceflight. Everything.
 Then every radio telescope on the planet just vanished. Then every rocket capable of escape velocity, and all nuclear warheads. And before anyone knew Earth was under attack, it was over. Technologically, mankind was suddenly back to square one of the space age. And on top of that, communications were gone. GPS was gone. SDI was gone. Even all that crap the Apollo missions left on the Moon, as we later found out - was gone.
 And then the fleet was gone, too. But they left something behind.
the fleet
La mia seconda scelta è andata sulla flotta perché durante la spiegazione dopo la prima scelta, si capisce subito che la tecnologia spaziale umana è stata compromessa. La domanda nasce spontanea: chi sarà mai stato? Alieni? Beh sicuramente si, c’è però un indizio prezioso, ovvero durante la spiegazione viene precisata una cosa ovvero che questi presunti colpevoli abbiano lasciato qualcosa per gli umani. Dal punto di vista narrativo, la scelta ha una funzione di azione perché appunto qualcuno ha compiuto qualcosa rivelando un dettaglio particolare.
A mind-boggingly vast fleet of unidentified craft, in dense enough formation to - for a moment - block out the sun, the moon, the stars.
 It almost looked like one of those very high and thick clouds overshadowing the sky, though very quick and only for a moment.
 The irony that, of all our crap out there only one then-secret spy satellite which would from that point on be known as IF-5O managed to capture a single blurry image, looking down on earth shrouded by billions of UFOs, is almost depressing. Remember those "I want to believe" crackpots? Who would've thought they were actually right?
Who would've thought they were actually right?
La terza scelta invece è molto riflessiva secondo me in quanto verso le ultime battute si fa riferimento al futuro, in cui alcune persone dicono che il gesto compiuto dagli UFO in realtà si è rivelato realtà, come se avessero avuto il potere di prevedere ciò che sarebbe accaduto dopo.
"I want to believe."
 "Elvis isn't dead, he just went home!"
 "I was abducted and anally probed by green men from mars!"
 "Global warming is a hoax!"
 "The earth is only 10,000 years old!"
 "Your vaccine gave my son autism!"
 They had a field day.
They had a field day.
La quarta scelta invece è descrittiva ovvero parla di ciò che gli alieni abbiano potuto scrivere oppure mandare come messaggio agli umani. Può essere un grande allaccio con quello che ci riserverà dopo il game.
A message. The Message. A message to every living thing on our Pale Blue Dot to see in the sky, forever. Although it was, strangely enough, written in English, nobody really knew what to make of it. Some thought it was a warning, others said it was a declaration of war. Of course, the internet almost instantly went crazy over it, generating endless discussions about hidden meanings, trying to decrypt whatever could be hidden in those simple words.
 There were probably more theories about its meaning than there were Moon Conspiracy crackpots back in the 20th century. Religions were formed around The Message. T-Shirts were printed. Bumper stickers too. People love this stuff.
People love this stuff.
Questa scelta è una delle più importanti perché ci fa capire che qualcosa sia stato inciso per sempre sulla luna, un messaggio, il messaggio che per qualche motivo l’umanità non ha capito e che addirittura alla gente piace. Questa scelta trasmette delle azioni, quelle della gente.
People started tattooing The Message onto their bodies, naming their children, pets, a public holiday and even whole cities after it. Soon The Message was used as a universal greeting phrase. Or, depending on context and culture, to declare love, or hate to one another.
 It turned out that people didn't care about what it meant, they just invented their own meanings, used it in bedtime stories, wrote fiction and made movies and video games about it. In fact, we still don't know for sure. There are still archaeologists debating about its purpose.
 And why they chose the Moon for it.
a public holiday
Questa scelta invece fa capire che di questo messaggio ne è stato fatto un qualcosa di divino, la gente si è spinta a creare contenuti multimediali ma soprattutto ha un ruolo come saluto universale.
The 14th of July became known as Message Day, a global holiday to remember all the lives lost by crashed cars and airplanes and ships lost at sea. People stuck in elevators. All effectively lost man-hours in human spaceflight. All our little robots we sent out there, never to return. Frightened military leaders with access to Big Red Buttons, who snapped at the sight of The Message, killing hundreds. The money lost at the completely crashed markets. Lost jobs. Lives ended by suicide.
 They thought the world was going to end. It didn't. But overnight everyone knew: We are not alone. At last, a common enemy. Something to work together for. On that day, mankind lost every reason to fight each other. Message Day is a day of unity.
 Though, in the end, it saved everyone, nothing could have prepared humanity for The Message.
The Message
L’ultima scelta invece mostra esattamente il messaggio, ma con la consapevolezza che quel messaggio sia che abbia fatto bene o male, comunque da conforto, ovvere afferma il fatto che gli umani non sono soli nell’universo e che appunto hanno un qualcosa in comune da scoprire e da combattere.
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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Pianificazione storia non lineare
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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Shape of stories
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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Shape of stories
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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Shape of stories
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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Shape of stories
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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angelomurianni · 5 years
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