“Originally, I auditioned for Jonathan. They were having everybody across the country audition for that. And when I got the script, Steve was definitely a little harsher. He was having this party—I think it was on a beach, because it originally took place in Montauk, Long Island. And he was a total, total dick. He forced himself on Nancy. Way harsher. But I think the Duffer Brothers were up for incorporating ideas we would have into the characters, and I had an instant idea what Steve would be like. I based it on people in my life, and characters that you see in those movies. In my mind, I think he has qualities that make him sort of a jerk. And aloof. And maybe not the most intelligent guy. But at the end of the day, I think he really does mean well.”
Joe Keery, GQ
(via thelonelybrilliance)
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Well, neither did they.....
Noah wrote Allie every day for 365 days. Mike called Eleven every day for 353 days. Clarke radioed Bellamy every day for 2,199 days. But I can’t even get a text back.
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some last-minute halloween costumes! you’re welcome!!!!
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While it stands true that Jonathan and Nancy had a far greater bond then Nancy and Steve did at the end of Volume 1, the choosing of Steve should’ve been the end of this love triangle. However, in Volume 2 it is brought up once again that both Nancy and Jonathan have remaining feelings for each other, leaving a heartbroken Steve blindsided and forced to leave the relationship after Nancy drunkenly called their love bullshit. Steve genuinely cared about Nancy’s ass and in conclusion Steve Harrington deserved better.
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Stranger Things 2 + Text Posts
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Steve Harrington as a stressed out single teen dad is my favorite character development of all time 
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what i expected from stranger things season 2: bigger stranger things
what i got from stranger things season 2: steve harrington struggling with the burden of motherhood
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#Dustin is done
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In the next image we see the young ducklings imprinting on the new mama
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nature is beautiful
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jim hopper: who are you?
steve harrington: i'm you but with more kids
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steve harrington in stranger things season two (2017)
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kid: you don't have a father
steve, showing up 10 seconds later in his car running over a mail box in the process: THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT
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Steve Harrington deserved better.
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Why cognitive biases are harmful
Yesterday, I was banned from an all female Facebook group I had been a member of a while. Why? Because I told the truth. You see, there was a post the group agreed with that stated ONLY men could and would sexually assault people, and that women were only at risk of abuse by men. And, as such, it was completely appropriate to ban men from participating in social events "until all men learned to control themselves and not abuse women." I pointed out that abuse in all forms is not dictated by the gender of the perpetrator or the gender of the victim. I told the people in the group that I had been sexually harassed by women (particularly "straight drunk girls"), that many of my gay friends have been sexually harassed by girls claiming that there was no harm in their actions cause "it's not like anything was going to happen since they're gay," and that a number of my straight guy friends have also found themselves the victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by women. I also presented the argument that physical, mental, and emotional abuse have been perpetrated by women, and gave examples of people I had known who had been victims (including my male roommate, my grandfather's male client and his son (my grandfather was his lawyer when he sought sole custody to keep his son safe from the woman abusing them), and my male-to-female transgender friend). I asked how it was appropriate to demand men be removed from social events if we're not willing to hold women to the same standard. I was then told that my comment was "completely inappropriate," a "symptom of the patriarchy," and that I was an "apologist." When I demanded to know how what I said fit any of those statements, I was met with claims that "keeping women safe from men is the number one priority," and that "I undermine the feminist movement with my patriarchal views." I was also informed that the experiences I shared "were nothing compared to the experiences people all over the world have at the hands of men." My experiences, my friends' experiences, and the experiences of other people in my life were deemed unworthy of mentioning because the abuse was perpetrated by women, rather than men. And I was deemed "anti-feminism" because I tried to hold women just as accountable as men. I was then banned. Their reasoning was that "I violated the community guideline of creating a safe space for women."
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Can't tell if serious or using sarcasm.
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While the Democrats are desperately trying to keep it all together with their convention only a few days away, us Republicans are sitting happily at home, reflecting on our successful convention and our admirable candidate!
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