angelsndragons · 30 minutes
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fromsoftware comic
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angelsndragons · 33 minutes
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angelsndragons · 46 minutes
the Chicago White Sox won three games in a row and based on their IG comment section you'd think they're headed to the world series. and you'd be right
disregard my ask about the white sox they just lost in the ninth to the twins
the Midwestern Struggler.
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angelsndragons · 3 hours
Lmao you’re an adult, you shouldn’t be using the word squick. Use trigger. Use your grown up adult words to explain how you feel instead of leaning on a cutesy uwu term that no one outside of tumblr uses. It’s embarrassing.
Idek if this is serious or ironic honestly
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angelsndragons · 16 hours
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I spent way too long on something that has 100% been done before anyway… here’s Dorian!
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angelsndragons · 16 hours
The fact that Steve has that look of complete shock and says “Bucky?” in a tone of utter disbelief because he thought the person he loved most in the world was dead and gone and was never coming back so much so that he drove a plane into the ocean only for Bucky to look at him void of any recognition or emotion and steve then says in the most heartbreaking voice “he looked right at me and didn’t even know me” in a tone only comparable to after he watched bucky fall to his death is something that has haunted me for 10 long and hard years
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angelsndragons · 21 hours
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“How do I know the good side from the bad?”
“You will know when you are calm, at peace, passive.”
Happy Star Wars Day!! 💫
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angelsndragons · 22 hours
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I listened to the immovable object scene earlier and I just know Jester would try to hang onto Essek to hover with him at least once.
Essek is not amused but lets it happen because it’s Jester and he would let her do anything.
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angelsndragons · 1 day
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star wars, but it’s just the memes
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angelsndragons · 1 day
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and also with you
☆Happy Star Wars Day!☆
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angelsndragons · 1 day
Stop trying to be productive
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angelsndragons · 1 day
who’s got that one gif of Captain Kirk doing this I Need it
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angelsndragons · 1 day
I am begging everybody, fucking begging them, to slow the fuck down and fucking look things up. Right now, there are a lot of people who are making money off of creating headlines that are meant to make you mad, and it's going to get worse as we get closer to the election.
If someone tells you that there's a secret conspiracy to [do a thing you don't like] and that it's unique to Biden, you better fucking look that thing up, because chances are you're going to find that it's been happening under every administration for the last 50 years. Is that good? No! Should you want to change it? Probably! Is it a unique crime to Biden? Nope!
"Biden said [bad thing] [X] years ago." Well, this bad thing he said happens to be true, but it looks like it was 45 years ago, and he changed his stance 40 years ago. "Biden said [other bad thing] [Y] years ago." What's the source on that? So there's one person who says he said it? And nobody else who was there has corroborated that account? Who posted the story?
These are all random examples of things I've seen over the last couple of weeks, with the details slightly changed from the Tumblr posts and news articles I've seen, because the point isn't the details of the particular story, so I don't want to get bogged down in particulars that don't matter to the point I'm making.
The point of this post isn't the specific things I'm referencing but the fact that in each of these cases, the reality was not what was initially presented. Either the reality was wildly different, or this story can't be corroborated and was told by someone with a clear and very well-known agenda of their own, which means that at the very least, the story should be treated with extreme suspicion.
And on that note, please don't believe that because you're a leftist that you can't be radicalized in the same way that right-wingers are. You aren't immune to propaganda either. I'm not saying you have to like, or should like, any particular politician or political entity. I am saying, however, that you should view a lot of the news with a gimlet eye, and that goes double for anything that makes you real fucking mad.
You need - need - to stop and read the whole article and ask yourself if you can verify the claims and who benefits from this making you mad.
Please. For the sake of the people around you who have to patiently explain to you that you've gotten fucking bamboozled again by propaganda if for no other reason. We're all very tired of you thinking that leftists can't be propagandized.
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angelsndragons · 2 days
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angelsndragons · 2 days
When Lin found her book on a list of “objectionable materials” to be removed by a local district school board, she was stumped. The story is inspired by her daughter, who ate many moon cakes at a Moon Festival celebration and got really upset when the moon cakes were all gone: “That became the inspiration for ‘A Big Moon Cake For Little Star,’ which is simply about a girl who cannot resist eating a moon cake – a very, very big moon cake.” She continued, “The only political statement that it makes is that the main character is Asian … To realize that there are people, fellow citizens, who believe that we should not be the heroes in stories is very, very disheartening.”
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angelsndragons · 3 days
Remember tommorow are the local elections so take a photo ID or you will not be allowed to vote
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angelsndragons · 3 days
Imagine you’re friends with someone who hosts a really popular internet game show, and he invites you on a couple of times and you gain a reputation for winning that gameshow. Then, he sets up a show where the whole point of it is that you cannot win the game, just to break your streak of the whole thing. Your trust breaks just a little bit.
Next time, he asks you to put on a mic pack for another episode of the game show, turns out it’s a heart rate monitor for another episode where you have to sit there and be almost tortured as you attempt to keep yourself calm. Your trust is devolving.
Next time, you come on the show, he tells you to go and wait in the green room and locks you in there, he’s a recording on the screen because he’s locked in the bathroom, he’s been there the whole time, you’re forced to do an escape room to go to work. You don’t know if you can trust him anymore.
Next time, you go on the show, you play bingo, you don’t trust him, something’s wrong, he’s been manipulating players to manipulate players into manipulating players. There was no way for you to win this one, not really.
You are a mouse trapped in a maze
You are a performing monkey at the circus
You are the most popular person on TikTok despite not having a tiktok
You are Brennan Lee Mulligan and this is your life. Sam is your boss, your chief scientist and ringmaster. You will never escape.
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