angelsofficial-blog ยท 8 years
Happy new year
2015 a year in review. It has brought great love, new friendships to last a life time, happy moments, some might have been challenging. But whats more important it has tought great life lessons, it has tought to have the patience to trust the timing of life, bad things happen so that you can learn to appreciate the good. Be greatful and trust that the best is yet to come. Respect your self enough to walk away from things that no longer serve you. Have the strength to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to see the difference. Give back love as much as you can, it can never be enough. Smile and dance, whatever you do do not stop believing, hope, dont stop hoping and give a hand of help whenever you can. Life is a gift live it to the maximum and remember the moments you are sad will be lost forever they will never come back make sure the pain is worth it. Hapinness is better, chose to be happy, if you get a chance take it and if it changes your life let it! Happy new year!
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
You will never leave where you are until you know where you want to reach.
You will never leave where you are until you know where you want to reach. We all have heard this by now. We all think its easier said than done. Saying something takes someone hearing you whereas doing requires not only willingness but also a great deal of effort and persistance. Which we all have but what we lack is the motivation to continue. So what do we do? Its simple. Start by thinking where you want to reach. Forget about the how. Just focus on the end result you want to achieve whatever this may be, getting the partner you dreamt of, the perfect job, fitting to your favorite jeans again. But pay much attention to the following: understand the why you want to reach this goal. This part is very important. Being clear as to why you want the thing it is you want. Again, here there is no right or wrong reason and no one can judge your reasoning but you. You might decide that you want to get this job because of the money or the recognition. You might decide you want this partnerย  because of the way he or she makes you feel. Whatever the reason be sure to understand it. This is the key because this unlocks your motivation and helps you realise and assess the outcome. As long as you are clear you can take control and subconsiously you will know what you have to do. Dont worry yet as to what you have to do just focus on the first to steps: 1. Where you want to be and 2 why do you want it. Be very clear on these. Make sure you take your time on these two steps. Now lets assess the how. Again this is simple. Start by finding a target. Decide on the industry you want to work, the type of person you would like, the ideal kg you want to reach. Then, find out exactly everything about your target. Become a specialist, become an expert. This "research phase" as I call it will help you be sure about your decision. The more you research you begin to assess the advantages and disadvantages, you begin to understand what you like or dislike. This phase allows you to assess and reasses your decision making you sure this is what you want. At this point you still have time to change and alter your decision cutting and sawing making sure it fits you 100%. The last step you need to take is believe. Make sure you have made this part of your reality. Make it feel almost as if you have already reached your destination. This visualisation will speed up the process. Your positive vibes will ensure the universe works on your side. You need to understand that everything that has been achieved in our world has first been an idea. Its the case with your situation. Its the law of attraction! Good luck!
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
Those who are desperately searching for someone to love are the ones who cant love themselves.
People often wonder why โ€œwhy cant I find someone to love me? Someone to spoil me and take care of me?โ€ Have you ever stopped and thought of why? Its often people who are beautiful, intelligent and really should not have a problem finding their other half. Yet again, they face this desperate need to find someone to love them but fail time after time.
The truth is they face this problem because they cant love them selves. If you do not love your self how can you expect others to love you? Others who dont even know you.
We get the love we think we deserve. How we expect to be treated is a clear reflection of how we see and treat ourselves.
Subconsiously we transmit those vibes to others whether we realise it or not.
Its so simple if you think about it. Begin by loving your self, because whats there not to love? If you still think there are things that are not adorable change them! Dont expect others to do it for you. The purpose of having someone in your life is not to change you but to accept you for who YOU are.
Begin by accepting yourself and everything else comes naturally! Its as simple as that ๐Ÿ’‹
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
Perhaps its supposed to be just like this
A lot of us (myself included) at some point in our lives we feel at crossroads. We know we are not supposed to be where we are yet again we feel stuck and optionless. With the real question remaining? What have I done to deserve it. Why Do I have to go through this?
The reality is we are exactly where we are supposed to be. The problem is we just do not know it. For sure we cannot understand it because we do not trust the process in our lives. Everything happens the way it should. We have all heard this a thousand times before and you most probably are thinking right now that this is what we tell people to make them feel better.
The truth is its very true we are where we are supposed to be because things happen, we meet people, we visit places, we move, we rellocate all in a certain way which is meant for us to achive what we are destined to.
As long as we are clear on where we want to reach. We will reach where we want to and travel an unforgetable journey.
You may feel bad where you are now but you are supposed to. You are supposed to argue and feel upset. You are supposed to feel that you have reached your limits just so that you can assess and test what your limits actually are find out what your weeknesses are and where your opportunities lay. And when its time you will leave stronger than before. All you have to do is trust the process of your life and observe the process, learn from it as much as you can. Observe the environment and people arround you, why dont they feel as bad? Because thats their destiny they reached their destination because perhaps their journey is a small one. You however continue to feel this emotional learning process because your journey is long and your destination is higher.
Trust the process of your life!
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
The best revenge is to live well ๐ŸŒธ
Its the story we all heard of a thousand times. Boy hurts girl, girl is mad and seeks revenge. We all do it we all want to show we are strong and unbreakable.
The truth is we all how to break at times. We all have to fall low so that we can rise higher than before, just like a trumboline take a deep fall before we can rise up high.
Why is it that people get hurt really and want to revenge? Well thats how i see it when you fight with someone anyone be it your partner, your colleague, a friend or a family member the reason often ends up for the same reason. You were not appreciated, either you, your ideas or your values. At least thats what you think.
The truth is that its humans nature to feel the need and urge to be accepted..we all seek it more than we know. And when this is not in line with another individuals notions and ideas we break, we get upset and often angry. Then we seek revenge.
How can we avoid all of it the bad feelings and the plotting for revenge? Well quite simply. The best revenge is to live well. Arrive at the end result right from the begining. Think and do positive acts constantly. Live well.
Easy to say but not easy to do.Probably thats what ur thinking. Actually its much easier than you think.
Next time you are in such a situation think of why you are upset. Suddenly i can guarantee you will like all of us come to realise the reason we are so upset is because cant control others or a situation. This loss of controll makes us feel powerless.
Start by controlling your self, your thoughts. The root of fear which leads to anger lies in the future. Whoever is able to release him or herself from the thought of the future has nothing to fear. Because all can be controlled just not in the way we think. We control ourselves.! Not situations and not others. When out thoughts are controlled and in order we have nothing to be afraid of.
And just like that the need to revenge is gone and again we are happy ๐ŸŒท
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
Dare to live
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angelsofficial-blog ยท 9 years
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