angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
If this had been any other situation, Lilith would have been sure that things were about to get interesting. But given that Lucifer was all but welcoming the angels in the hotel, the demon couldn’t behave quite the way she wanted when face to face with one of them. However, perhaps Lilith could still have her fun with it. “No,” she lied with a forced smile, shrugging her vessel’s shoulders so that her copper curls bounced. “But I could show you to my room? I’d make it worth your time, sweet.”
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even in life, haniel had always attracted danger to her. maybe it had to do with being the polar opposite of it ?   working like a magnet to attract the dark, when she was ( now, at least )  an embodiment of light ?
the angel’s breath hitched when she realized whom she’d spoken to - a demon. the drake’s energy threw her off, she hadn’t been on earth in way too long, and the contact she’d had with demons then was few and far between at best. the woman’s offer made haniel’s cheeks flush - why did demons have to choose so darn pretty vessels ?  ❝ i’m sure you would. ❞   she mumbled with an embarrassed laugh, fidgeting with the set of keys in her hand.   ❝ but i really just want to find my room. ❞   she’d almost instinctively said sorry but caught herself at the last moment.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
The stranger’s question was met with a warm smile from Rowan. It was one of her days off, but she was always happy to help. Besides, the person at the desk today was usually one of the workers that she had noticed weren’t particularly helpful towards the guests, something she had been making a mental note to help them with. A few tips wouldn’t hurt, right? 
“Hey! I do, actually! I work at the reception desk. Well, not today, but other days,” Rowan replied with a grin and a shrug. “I can show you the way if you want? Which room are you staying in?” Although not particularly fond of finding herself in situations where she was alone with the people of the hotel without preparation, this was evidently a new guest, and therefore not someone she suspected of being dangerous. 
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glad to have immediately found someone willing to help her, haniel smiled warmy at the woman.   ❝ what a lucky coincidence !  ❞   the angel said at the revelation that the stranger was actually an off-shift receptionist.   ❝ that would be so nice of you !  i’m staying in room 427, that’s on floor 4, right ?  ❞
haniel showed the woman the room-number attached to her key.   ❝ i’ve never been good at finding my way around places, especially when they’re this big. ❞ she said with a small sense of awe. the drake hotel was grand in every sense of the word, and much larger than any place haniel had stayed in back when she was alive.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
“Hmm.. I do know, it’s quite ironic. “ Natalia replied, her sleek eyebrow raising as she observed Haniel’s expression. She was anything but a lover of Christ, she represented everything he loathed, she was one of his weaknesses. Her finger fell to her lip, pressing down on it to expose the bottom row of her teeth as she gazed at the girl, she could be fun. 
The elevator begun to rise, soft dwindling music playing in the background as she listened to the reasoning of Haniel’s visit. She hummed in response, brushing her fingers through her long hair as she pushed back from the wall, the elevator opening as she guided the other down the hall. “You sing? Interesting.” Natalia purred and took note of the room number as she walked down the all too familiar hallways that would leave the inexperienced lost and in a haze. “I own the bar downstairs, love. Been here for quite some time.” she explained before reaching the girl’s door. “Here we are.”
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ironic ?   haniel raised a brow as she gazed at the woman.   ❝ who are you ?  ❞ she asked, still standing beside natalia. not that there was anywhere to go, but haniel didn’t feel particularly afraid of her. a certain arrogant awareness of her charm seeped out of her, but that aside, haniel didn’t think there was anything dangerous about her   ( well ).
when they arrived at haniel’s room, she opened the door and barely peered into the room   ( only stepping in quickly to deposit her suitcase in the room )   before stepping out again.   ❝ the bar ?  would you mind showing me where that is ?  ❞   the angel thought it couldn’t do any harm to get a glass of wine - or to get to know the cute bar-owner better.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
DEATH’S presence was always felt but never seen and she generally maintained herself that way. She did not spend much time around mortals; to be honest, she didn’t see the point. A mortal life was a blink of an eye for her. And the so-called immortal creatures
well, let’s just say they weren’t as immortal as they thought. In the end, Death would reap all of them. Even God wouldn’t be able to escape the Reaping when his time came. She smiled at the angel, recognizing her as Haniel. She remembered her reaping, as she remembered all reapings. “I come down here from time to time to enjoy a good drink and listen to a story or two,” she nodded. Death loved a good story, after all, what were souls but stories in walking form. “And what are you here for, angel?” she asked. She couldn’t help but notice there were a fair number of them scattered throughout the hotel. Death remained neutral, but she could always tell when a war was brewing. “I’ll have another glass of red wine, if you please,” she nodded.
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being recognized by someone you only knew through - well, through hearsay, haniel supposed, was definitely an odd feeling. she wondered how death felt, knowing anyone who’d ever died. she didn’t like talking about her own death - it hadn’t been a pleasant affair - or else she might’ve asked.   ❝ i’d think you already heard every story imaginable. ❞   haniel said, curious about the horseman’s habit. she liked heaven   ( and the fact that this was the first time in over a 100 years that she’d come down to earth )   and wouldn’t leave it just for idle chatter. but to each their own.
haniel thought that she could probably be honest with death. not that she saw much use lying to a creature that was far older than her mortal bloodline.   ❝ i volunteered for the mission. ❞   the angel said and flagged the bartender down to order a glass of white and red wine each.   ❝ Father decided to send some of us down here to see.. what’s going on. ❞
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
Natalia could sense another species presence before she even touched them, in her many years of experience she could point out an angel, a vampire, a human or anyone for that matter miles away. She didn’t particularly have a certain taste in species that she preferred over another.. but angels were fun, they offered a sense of light she never had and it was the most amusing to waste her time on, 
“Natalia” the demon replied, taking the angel’s soft hand in her own with a soft shake, her grin only growing. “Pleasure is all mine.” she hummed as the doors open, allowing the girl to walk in first before following suit, pressing the button for her floor before leaning against the wall. “On vacation?” she questioned, her head tilting to the side.
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❝ natalia, i like that name. did you know that it means ‘birthday of christ’ ?  ❞   haniel said with a small, lopsided grin. she had started memorizing the origins of names when she was still just a human girl, and it was something that stuck even throughout death.
the angel walked in, smiling as natalia ushered her in first before getting in after her. she’d let her guard down, and the question caught her a bit off-guard. but haniel had thought about her fake-persona for situations just like this one.   ❝ not really. ❞   she offered with a sheepish smile.   ❝ i’m here to audition for the time square church choir. ❞   not quite, but haniel had given actual thought to doing so, just so her alibi would be waterproof. she was positive they’d take her - as a seraph  ( an angel who sang to god on a daily basis )  she was aware of how good a singer she was.   ❝ and why are you here ?  ❞
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
Natalia’s thoughts were full of inconclusive thoughts as she left her bar. She was attempting to train a new staff which included individuals she deemed unworthy but she needed the extra hands. She needed to get away from the setting and chose to ascend to her bedroom, deciding a bottle of wine and her bath would be the optimal choice to calm her down. Her attention had been pulled at the sound of a soft feminine voice, a grin pulling at the corner of her lips as she turned at the request for help. “Who am I to say no to a damsel in distress?” Natalia replied, crossing the space between them as her hand touched the others, looking at the number placed on her key. “Fourth floor? Follow me love.” she purred. 
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haniel smiled brightly when the woman replied. her touch burned where their hands met - not in the way a demon’s touch would burn her but still, the angel knew immediately she wasn’t talking to a human. but, in a place like the drake hotel, that didn’t seem like something that could be helped.
❝ thank you. ❞   she said and followed as the woman led her towards an elevator.   ❝ i’m haniel, by the way. ❞   the angel introduced herself, holding out her free hand while they waited for the elvator’s doors to open.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
LUCIFER quirked an eyebrow as he watched the little angel roam the hallways. Father must have lost his bloody mind, he thought to himself. These are the warriors he’s sending? They couldn’t even find their way around a hallway, let alone a battlefield. Absolutely insulting, if you asked Lucifer. The devil smirked as his angelic sister approached him and asked for assistance. “Yes, I do know my way around. I’d recommend that way.” He pointed out the door. “Or perhaps this way,” he pointed up to the heavens with his middle finger. “Decisions, decisions.”
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haniel’s mind was racing a mile a minute. of course, the very first person she’d run into upon arriving to her first mission was lucifer himself. how hadn’t she taken notice of his aura before ?   how was she supposed to act around him ?   he was an archangel first, then the devil - but haniel had been human before she was an angel, so that probably meant he resented her either way, right ?
she was about to thank him and take the chance to escape, but she couldn’t let his implications stand. her cheeks burned, and haniel tightened her grip around the handle of her suitcase.   ❝ i won’t be returning to heaven any time soon, thank you very much. ❞   a part of haniel couldn’t actually believe that she’d just sassed the devil. her parents were probably  ( hopefully )  turning in their graves.   ❝ i’ve already made my decision, i happily volunteered for this mission. ❞   why was she even telling lucifer all this ?  the devil surely had better things to care about than a lost little wayward angel’s reasoning for going on a suicide mission.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
DEATH took a sip from her wine glass as she glanced over her shoulder at a young, dark haired man playing darts in the corner of the smoky bar. She watched as he landed the dart on the bullseye and cheered, kissing his wife in celebration. Poor bastard, she thought. He had no idea what was coming. His name was Frankie Zellwig and he was going to die tonight. Upon leaving the bar, Frankie and his wife would be hit head on by a drunk driver on the corner of Broadway and 6th. He would leave behind his wife, Sarah, and their daughter Ella. One of Moria’s reapers would come to collect his soul and bring it to her by morning. Frankie’s fate was sealed and the only thing left to do was wait. Moria sensed eyes on her and turned in their direction. With a sly smile she leaned forward, “It’s rude to stare, but if you are going to do it anyway you might as well buy us both another round. It’s going to be a long night.”
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haniel wasn’t a stranger to bars - but certainly to a bar mostly filled with divine creatures. the drake hotel would definitely take some getting used to. she hadn’t expected to meet death in the hotel’s bar, sitting among mortal and immortal creatures alike; so of course haniel couldn’t quite tear her blue eyes away.
with death’s eyes on her, the angel couldn’t very well leave, so she just smiled and walked over. the horseman seemed friendly enough at first glance. well, haniel was already dead, so she probably didn’t have much to fear for from the woman.
❝ i’m sorry. i just hadn’t expected to see you here. ❞   she said, cheeks flushed a soft pink, and batted her long lashes. haniel sat down next to the horseman and ordered a glass of white wine for herself.   ❝ what can i get you ? ❞   the angel turned in her seat so she was halfway facing the bar and halfway facing death.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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after acquiring her keys, haniel made her way through the entrance hall and looking out for any hints on where her room was situated  ( the desk clerk hadn’t been too helpful )  but the signs throughout the hall, pointing towards various hallways and staircases, weren’t much help either.
the angel spotted someone else in the entrance hall and made her way towards them. perhaps they were already a resident and knew where haniel’s room was to be found.   ❝ hello ?  you don’t happen to know your way around here ?  i’m looking for my room. ❞
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
Was that NATALIE DORMER checking into the Drake Hotel? Oh no, it’s HANIEL. They are a 24/145year old ANGEL who is staying as a guest. They define themselves as a HOMOSEXUAL CIS FEMALE and we heard they can be very CHARMING and GENTLE. Watch out, though! On their bad days they can be very POSSESSIVE and HOSTILE.
- Haniel is a Seraph, the kind of Angels that’s closest to God and with the duty of shouting holy praises to Him. In her true form, she has three sets of large wings, each with a wingspan of 3m.
- Before becoming an Angel, Haniel was called Hannah Voigt. Due to what happened during her human life, she’s not come to loathe that name.
- Haniel is clingy and still very naive of the actual ongoings between the creatures of heaven and hell. Most of what she knows about other divine creatures is the stuff she heard from other Seraphs, so lots of preconceived and probably wrong or outdated ideas  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Please love my sweet lesbian angel baby
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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Natalie Dormer attends Wimbledon Day 1 on July 2nd, 2018.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
garlic bread with cheese or without cheese? cake or pie ? sour, sweet or salty? coffee or tea? spicy or mild? ice cream or frozen yogurt? pizza with pineapple or without pineapple? strawberry milk or lemonade? sweet pickles or dill pickles? fruits or vegetables?
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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moodboards ✧ | angelic
 ↳  “as I collided on earth                                             with smoldering soul                                                                  and a burnt out life.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
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Light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.
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angelxhaniel-blog · 6 years
Can I get an AMEN? ——For all the bleeding and the prayin’?
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