angerworn · 6 months
------for anyone interested in the page for the muses involved in lee's lore , find it @insinkingcities here . morgan will be joining that roster , and only lee will have a solo blog . it's gonna be bare for a long time , save some musing posts , while i work on things .
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angerworn · 7 months
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PSEU·​DO: from Greek pseudēs ‘false’, pseudos ‘falsehood’.
a multimuse by anarchy. mutuals & mature audiences. more information.
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angerworn · 7 months
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PENNY DREADFUL Season 2 | Episode 1
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angerworn · 7 months
------so the plan , as i've thought about it during work , is eventually to have a blog for each muse in morgan's universe . i need to name the universe officially but it will include some affiliated characters from pals that have shown an interest and either want to make their own muse off of the lore , or have a verse for it .
morgan and lee will have their own carrd because they're already made . everyone else will be on a compendium sort of carrd which will have individual information based off of the actual muse themselves . each blog will be a solo blog because i know if i made a multi muse i'd see tumblr just choose to interact with the man - presenting muses because dick - chasing and that would piss me off . i love ships as much as the next person , but all of these muses are literally years old and deserve a chance at being written with .
currently slated as muses to be created are :
clarity hollis - a vampire mercenary , and her brother will be a guest on her blog
esmé everhart - a human gun runner , kingpin of the black market . his mother was a witch , and a good portion of his clientele are preternatural creatures
rider lorne - a witch ( specializing in necromancy and blood magic ) who runs an occult shop
lucien bello - an incubus who owns a no - touch gentleman's club , which doubles as a front for his black market fencing business
aleera "anaís valdez" - a upir , one of the former brides of dracula
moira osbourne - a shapeshifter who believes she is the reincarnation of muninn
aymeric xandros - a lamia , basilisk variant , whose a rather successful architect
letha righton - a changeling hunter who has no idea she's actually a fae
these muses will come slowly and over time and i plan on rotating through who i write pending who i have energy and muse for . currently only lee and morgan have blogs .
lastly , you can spot affiliated muses speckled throughout and i'll give them shout outs as they prop up more and more . currently we have @wyrdfractures with silas hale ( muse ) , @thirt13n with sylvi karsten ( verse ) , @medicbled with gloria de lima ( verse ) , and @intombed is currently making a muse .
I AM NOT ABANDONING MORGAN . i am working on things behind the scenes and shuffling around on my end . lee has more muse in my head currently but this is how it's gonna roll with a rotation of muses as i work to establish them . threads will be responded to !
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angerworn · 7 months
------i c u thirsty birdies wanting to play with lucien (incubus)
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angerworn · 7 months
To add - if anyone is ever interested in making an affiliated oc in the lore of Morgan’s verse lmk. I have … all of the information.
not any time soon , but i do intend to eventually expand on morgan's lore with muses that fill the species in her compendium ( much in the way lee is the werewolf @eltriador ) .
-they all have established lore and faces / names .
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angerworn · 7 months
not any time soon , but i do intend to eventually expand on morgan's lore with muses that fill the species in her compendium ( much in the way lee is the werewolf @eltriador ) .
-they all have established lore and faces / names .
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angerworn · 7 months
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NONE OF YOU ARE SPECIAL. Gemma Arterton, Culprits 1.01 — "Change of Use"
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angerworn · 7 months
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#ELTRIADOR : an indie , private , selective & mutuals only werewolf oc based in original preternatural lore && based in the universe of @angerworn - as played by the same mun . zed , 33 , she & her , est .
the traitor , the hanged man , the fool , the hermit , blackpaw , specialist , gunsmith , father , grandfather , fiancé , lover . i am whatever you need me to be .
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angerworn · 7 months
———fun reminder on this Sunday
Morgan has both nipples pierced. She changes the jewelry frequently and depending on what she’s doing. Her right breast has a double piercing, and the gauge is smaller to accommodate it. She frequently makes an ‘x’ with barbells, and if she wears shields she’ll have one barbell and one shield. That being said - unless she’s working or going somewhere more formal, she tends not to wear a bra.
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angerworn · 7 months
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------#𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐍, a study in feminine rage, becoming the monster you hunt, love = loss, women are not weaker, being haunted by the ghosts of your loved ones, grief is a knife you always carry with you,and many others. an original character concocted and loved by 𝒛𝒆𝒅 in 2020, 33, she/hers, est. 「𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔」 ⸺ preternatural creature hunter && specialist, aka 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫. ©
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angerworn · 7 months
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Remembering is easy for those who have memory. Forgetting is hard for those who have a heart.
an independent, highly selective portrayal of an original special forces combat medic. a study in: the horrors of war, the suffocation and ruination of grief, the family construct, the illusion of patriotism, the endurance and burden of duty, the struggle against misogyny in a patriarchal institution, the power of comradery, the guilt that gnaws at one's soul, and the ghosts that follow home from war.
promo credit
enlisted by frigga. she/they 25+
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angerworn · 7 months
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angerworn · 7 months
———what is sexy time with Morgan if you’re not threatening her with an edged object and pulling her hair???
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angerworn · 7 months
------spending the weekend at a hotel and seeing tool with my husband tomorrow. will be on disc ++ mobile but unable to reply and such. ask if you want disc!!
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angerworn · 7 months
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#ELTRIADOR : an indie , private , selective & mutuals only werewolf oc based in original preternatural lore && based in the universe of @angerworn - as played by the same mun . zed , 33 , she & her , est .
the traitor , the hanged man , the fool , the hermit , blackpaw , specialist , gunsmith , father , grandfather , fiancé , lover . i am whatever you need me to be .
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angerworn · 7 months
------i would make a bingo card for morgan, but she'd fuck all of your muses. however, if it's a card for relationships? yoof. i don't know if anyone has the wherewithal to stand her emotionally traumatized ass.
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