angry-oka · 2 months
Good lord, I used to defend him 😨
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angry-oka · 2 months
He finally started actually working on the game, long after everybody was gone and he was outed for gr00ming
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angry-oka · 2 years
Ryoba and Jokichi
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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angry-oka · 2 years
what if i were....
to just....
*drops another au*
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[click for better quality]
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angry-oka · 3 years
I just discovered the origin of the name of Sumire Saitozaki (Phantom girl)
Look at this.
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This photo is from one of the prototypes of Yandere Simulator, and this was the first rival ever!
Her name is Sumire Saito, the only thing Dev did is put the “-zaki” in her surname.
And there we have…
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Our cute Sumire Saitozaki!
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angry-oka · 3 years
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50′s Aishi by wiccan-artist
Yandere Simulator © @yanderedev
This is how I imagine one of the Aishi women in the 1950s. This was inspired by me just randomly going through the Yandere Simulator wiki page involving the Aishi family bloodline.
To be honest, I’m quite proud of this because I actually managed to make this look somewhat vintage looking despite the fact that it’s in an anime art style.
Reblogging my art is encouraged!
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angry-oka · 4 years
Belated congratulations to Yanderedev for completing Osana!!!!!
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angry-oka · 4 years
I'm going to loose it if I'm see one more comment complaint about how long it's taking Yandere Dev to make his game.
He legit had no previous experience with coding and coded everything through his own self learning thus leading to many problems with the code which he had to fix THEN teach himself a new program in coding, having to wait for models and voiced lines, teaching a new coder his program, finding a company that actually lets him have the rights to his game, etc, etc.
Stop fucking complaining about how long a game that started out being made by a novice coder BY HIMSELF is taking longer than 6 years. You sound like a petulant child whose not allowed to play the new animal crossing due to misbehavior.
In fact, it took Animal Crossing: New Horizons 8 YEARS to be made by a whole team of people, from conception to release date and that game is STILL BEING UPDATED as often as they can.
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angry-oka · 4 years
Btw in case anyone wonders why we stick up for YandereDev
It's because we want to be nothing like people who do this:
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And we NEVER want to make anyone feel like this:
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And if you're okay with either of these things, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
Look. I'm sure many of you seeing this post have experienced thoughts like that before. Maybe not for the same reasons, but we've all doubted that we had a future or that there's any reason to keep going.
If you've experienced your thoughts, and you know how horrible it is, and you still participate in this campaign? I have no respect or sympathy for you. Go to a therapist and grow the fuck up.
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angry-oka · 4 years
This is everything I wanted and a little bit more.
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angry-oka · 5 years
I’m OFFICIALLY Making My Own Let’s Play Series for Yandere Simulator!
(FYI: My Youtube channel name is emilyofjane, the same username I use for my mods, my main blog, and all other social media accounts. If you want to subscribe or check out the channel, remember to search for “emilyofjane”, NOT sassy-inkyu. Thanks y’all!)
Remember that Bad Let’s Play video I made a few weeks back? Well, the whole reason I made that video was to test out recording and editing apps on my laptop…so that I could record myself playing the Osana build in the future. And since Yanderedev said in his blogpost yesterday that he originally planned to release Osana on February 14th (yes, Osana would literally have been released YESTERDAY if you gremlin clowns hadn’t fucked everything up), I figured I may as well announce my plans for future Bad Let’s Plays™️!
Basically, I want to do a Let’s Play series where I play Yandere Simulator and show off all of Osana’s elimination methods — but unlike most Let’s Plays, I purposely leave in all of my goof-ups and mistakes, hence the “Bad” part. Osana is my favorite rival in the game, and I’ve been anxiously waiting to see her in the game ever since I first joined the fandom. And now that I know that she’s really THAT close to completion, I’m kicking my preparations into full gear, so that I can celebrate her grand arrival in a way that this Baka Queen deserves! ✨
Click “Read More” for a rough outline/schedule of what I have planned (subject to change):
Keep reading
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angry-oka · 5 years
I think tracing is really a non-issue unless you’re trying to sell the work or claiming to do it free hand. But that said, a lot of accusations of tracing aren’t even true, but are in fact hard referencing. 'Draw the squad’ and other art memes are popular but don’t you dare reference anything. like ??? It’s come to the point artists are afraid to reference anything because they don’t want to be accused of tracing. (1)
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Say it louder for the people in the back 👏🏻
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angry-oka · 5 years
I'm confused.. is okona-and-friends gone, or are then just closed off to the public?
Basically, the person who was sending her hate anons turned out to be one of her followers, and “gremlin-proofing” the blog by making it more private wasn’t enough to get rid of them. They were still sending her hate anons, even after the revamp, so she decided it was best to just deactivate the blog. I talked to Okona personally about this, and she prefers to keep all other information regarding her account private at this time.
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angry-oka · 5 years
oh god oh fuck
Does anyone know what happened to @oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap ?! Are they ok?!
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angry-oka · 5 years
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Yandere Simulator + Obvious Plant
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angry-oka · 5 years
Look at these messages.
Now consider the fact that gremlins STILL think they’re these shiny heroes of social justice.
Find a nearby surface, and collide your face with it.
You deserved every bit of abuse in your life. Get help.
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I’m the one who needs the help????
ᴺᶦᶜᵉ ʲᵒᵇ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵛᶦᶜᵗᶦᵐ ᵇˡᵃᵐᶦⁿᵍ. 
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angry-oka · 5 years
“YandereDev should’ve cleared up everything that people accused him of doing!”
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You say that like he hasn’t already. PART SEVEN.
I’ve been saying for a while that YanDev already cleared up a lot of allegations on Tumblr, and if they didn’t want to scroll through his blog they can check out clevelandsimulator, but I’ll make it even easier for you. I’ll provide the links to all seven of these blog posts. I don’t know if they cover everything but maybe people will finally stop saying “aldkgkalhg you’re supporting a pedophile”. Also, remember that some of these posts are three years old or older. That’s how long he’s been putting up with this shit. If it were you, would you still be sitting reading this blog post, or would you be in a hospital or worse? Just leave the guy alone.
Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 1 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 2 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 3 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 4 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 5 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 6 Clearing Up Misunderstandings Part 7 
Additonally, YandereDev does not support fans harrassing others, which I think is a good cue for us to just block the gremlins, which is what will ultimately rob them of power.
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