angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
I will always remember exactly where I was on this day in history when the 112th Congress of the United States accomplished …. something. I’m not sure exactly. Whatever the hell that was.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.
Gautama Siddharta, the Buddha
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
So it is late, and I know this is a lot of pictures, but this is just a few of the comments available on the Fox News page on Facebook regarding the American Atheist lawsuit regarding the 9/11 cross. For the full article regarding these go here and thank you to playthequeen who sent me the link tonight. It should be evident that many of these comments are absolutely disgusting.
This type of thing is absolutely hideous and shows another example of why it is still difficult to be an Atheist is America. The fact that these people can say these things under their own names on a page visible to anyone is absolutely horrifying and many of them should be investigating for making serious death threats over the internet. It’s hard to imagine that many main stream news outlets will pick up a story about these disturbing and disgusting comment but it needs to be known.
Take a look at these comments and for just a moment replace any instance of Atheist with the word “black” or “Jews” or any other minority group. It would be considering a clear hate crime and there would be rightful reason for people of that group to be concerned with the lunacy of some of these individuals. Is this the Christian spirit of America? It is absolutely disgusting. The entire state of Christianity in this country is absolutely disturbing to the point where I honestly worry about some of the “extremists” among them. That term is on the verge of becoming more applicable in America.
Even the religious should easily condemn the people who make these disgusting comments. The American Atheist association is working within the confines of the law and even if you disagree with what they are doing it does not give anyone the right to make these types of comments. I have a great deal of respect for Dave Silverman, and I honestly worry for his safety and the safety of Blair Scott (who I don’t know enough about to comment on) when people are willing to openly make these types of statements in a public format. Congratulations Fox news, this is what you inspire.
Another reason why I like Buddhists better.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
"Everyone knows, deep in our conservative hearts, we want the government shut down.”
Anne Coulter, admitting that the conservative agenda is to destroy the country.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
Michele Bachmann, demonstrating her complete lack of basic scientific knowledge.
And this is the woman some people would like to have the launch codes to America's nuclear arsenal.  Of course, she'd probably claim that there is no scientific evidence that radioactive fallout is harmful to the enviroment or human life.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
“Today in the Senate, I met with Senators Jon Kyl and Mark Kirk. The meeting is very useful because it shows that the alternative to Barack Obama is a collapse of all the programs of cooperation with Russia. Today, I had the impression that I was transported in a time machine back several decades, and in front of me sat two monsters of the Cold War, who looked at me not through pupils, but targeting sights.”
Russia’s ambassador to NATO is none too pleased with US conservatives. Wait till you see what one of those conservatives said in response. (via adamweinstein)
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
Bill Nye’s face is seriously priceless…
LOVE Bill Nye!
HATE idiot news anchors! Seriously can we start a minimum IQ requirement for these guys???
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
Workers: Use 'em up & throw 'em away
Corporate America has found another way of padding their bottom line at the expense of workers.
You work hard. You do good work. You loyally stick with your employer through good times and bad. Do you have a right to a paycheck that rises over time?
Analysts from one of America’s top management consulting firms, Booz & Co., have an answer that the Harvard Business School last week sent reverberating through Corporate America’s upper echelons. That blunt answer: No.
The Booz analysts offer an example of the “significantly overpaid” worker they have in mind. They call him Joe the machinist, “a stellar employee who knows the ins and outs of the organization, the result of his many years on the job.”
A “multifaceted and tailored” retooling, the Booz analysts go on to gush, could net U.S. corporations “labor savings of 15 to 20 percent.” Of course, the analysts acknowledge, Joe the machinist “might have to take pay cuts” along the way.
“We infantilize workers like Joe,” former Bank of America executive Marc Effron cheerily charges, “by insulating them from the harsh economic realities by paying above market wages.”
These are the people that the Republicans and the Tea Party want to protect.  These are the people who would use up human beings until they can't work any more and then some and then throw them away.  Remember that when you go to vote.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
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Bless this (VERY) white house.
From pastorfuture via Flickr.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
FOX News’ Dr. Ablow Argues for Slavery instead of Abortion
In a completely irrational opinion piece on Foxnews.com, Fox's paid shill, Dr. Keith Ablow, argues that men should be able to override force women to give birth if they disagree with her.
I believe that in those cases in which a man can make a credible claim that he is the father of a developing child in utero, in which he could be a proper custodian of that child, and in which he is willing to take full custody of that child upon its delivery, that the pregnant woman involved should not have the option to abort and should be civilly liable, and possibly criminally liable, for psychological suffering and wrongful death should she proceed to do so.
So basically the man decides that if the woman is the incubator of his spawn, her psychological suffering is completely irrelevant.  She becomes, in essence, a slave.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
The #1 Reason a Balanced Budget Amendment is a Bad Idea
Limiting the amount of money the government can borrow is a Bad Idea in the history of bad ideas.
Say, tomorrow the Big One levels SoCal. Even if we weren't scraping the debt ceiling now, the government would probably need to borrow the funds it would need to rebuild. But the balanced budget amendment would limit the funds needed.
And you can't rely on private contractors to pick up the slack since they'd have to rely on money that isn't forthcoming from the government. Private corporations with no source of government funding might step in then, but with a caveat: they'll expect people to pay for help. If you were an earthquake victim that's lost everything, how will you pay? What incentive does a private corporation have to help those who can't pay?
Sure, the government isn't great (see Hurricane Katrina) but it's better than nothing at all. But the number one reason anyone with a pulse and a functioning brain cell should oppose the balanced budget amendment: it means the Republicans will get their way.
Once that amendment is written into the Constitution, it won't matter who is in the White House. It won't matter what party is in control. It won't matter who's sitting on the bench at the Supreme Court.  Permanent conservative control will have been established through the Constitution of the United States.
Forever is a long time.   Think about it.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
How Big is a Trillion Dollars?
At some point, numbers become abstract for most ordinary human beings.  A billion, a trillion, it just has a lot of zeros.  The talking heads gab about $14 trillion dollars in federal debt, but just how big a number is that?
Let's see if this works:
One thousand thousand = 1 million
One thousand million = 1 billion
One thousand billion = 1 trillion
1 trillion has 12 zeros in it = 1,000,000,000,000.
The US owes fourteen trillion dollars, or $14,000,000,000,000.
That's a lot of fucking money.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
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Photos from East Africa.  No further comment warranted.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
As the law stands, medical doctors can be required to convey certain factual information to pregnant women to help them make informed choices. Under Judge Pauley’s ruling, crisis pregnancy centers pretending to be real medical facilities cannot be made to disclose essential facts about their real services. That makes no sense at all.
Medical facilities are strictly regulated, why the hell shouldn’t facilities pretending to be medical facilities be regulated also? The anger is epic.
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.
Robert A. Heinlein
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angry-sparrow-blog · 13 years
‘Supporting abortion’, as she vaguely puts it, doesn’t mean and has never meant marching down to the clinic and aborting all or any of your pregnancies, nor does it mean that you would even consider personally doing so. The reason that many feminists–myself included–firmly believe that you can’t be anti-choice and pro-women is simple: supporting the belief that women don’t have the right to make decisions for their own bodies is patronizing, dehumanizing, and tears at the very foundations of gender equality. The abortion issue is, the way I see it, the most fundamental feminist issue when it comes to politics; women must have as much right to control their reproduction as men, especially since so many women feel that motherhood has the potential to negatively affect their career (62% according to Forbes). To state that no woman should be allowed to exercise this option for herself is a misogynist perspective and yes, women are more than capable of internalizing and perpetuating misogynist viewpoints.
Lawsonry » The Mean Girl Myth: Why We Can’t All Just Get Along (via jerseyjezebel)
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