angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
Australia Doesn’t Exist
When MySpace was still a thing there was an old meme about Australia not existing. In 2006 the Flat Earth Society exposed the “imaginary land” that’s enforced by “real secret government agents”. This theory has raised its head again causing great surprise, amusement and outrage amount 25 million people that have been told that the place they live is totally make-believe.
The author of this theory is a Swedish Facebook user named Shelley Floyd. Her post that exposed Australia received only 20,000 social media shares. She said “one of the biggest hoaxes ever created” , which is a crazy statement in itself. The basic theory is that Britain invented the convict colony of Australia as an excuse to execute tens of thousands of prisoners, 162,000 to be exact.
What do you think about Australia being fake?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
The Mandela Effect
So in the last post about The Berenstain Bears I mentioned The Mandela Effect.
“The Mandela Effect, this states that shared false memories are glimpses into parallel world with different timelines. This was named by writer and “paranormal consultant” Fiona Brooms. This is all based on the fact that thousands of people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80s despite being released in 1990.” Nelson Mandela actually died in 2013, some people even claim to remember clips of his funeral on TV.
With all of that being said Nelson Mandela was the biggest example of The Mandela Effect. Other examples include that C-3PO from Star Wars was fully gold but one of his legs is actually silver. In Sow White it is said that the Queen says “ mirror, mirror on the wall” but the correct phrase is “ magic mirror on the wall”.
Broome explains the Mandela Effect via pseudoscientific theories (falsely or mistakenly claimed or regarded as being based on scientific method). She claims that differences arise from movement between parallel realities. That is based on the theory that within each universe, alternate versions of events and objects exist. Broome also makes comparisons between existence and the holodeck of the USS Enterprise from Star streak. The holodeck is a virtual reality system that created recreational experiences. Her explanation said that memory errors are like software glitches. This is said to be similar to the film The Matrix.
Other theories show that the Mandela effect evidence change because of time travelers. There are other claims that distortions result from spiritual attacks linked to satan, black magic or witchcraft. Obviously many of these theories can not be scientifically tested.
What do you think about The Mandela Effect?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
The Berenstain Bears
This series of children’s books about a family of bears launched in 1962 and became a TV series in the 80s. It’s also been a video game and has a movie adaptation. Now why does any of that matter? Well the name. What do you remember it as? Berenstein or Berenstain. For most people the bears were a part of their childhood. Most people remember the name as Berenstein bears but that’s not how it is. It’s actually Berenstain, with an A.
The official twitter page even spells it with an A. The books all have an A in the name, the teddy bears all have an A in them. The bears were actually named after the authors Stan and Jan Berenstain.
Some people just truly can’t come to terms with the fact that they have had the name wrong the whole time. There is a crazy theory about why the name was “changed”. At one point the name was actually Berenstein but we’ve shifted into a parallel universe, an alternate timeline. This is how the title of the book was changed to The Berenstain Bears. The whole time I’ve been typing this out I’ve noticed that my autocorrect wants to change Berenstein to Berenstain.
“I STILL can’t believe it’s Berenstain Bears and not Berenstein Bears, the Mandela Effect is WHACK” -Kelly Kordas (May 18, 2018)
The Mandela Effect, this states that shared false memories are glimpses into parallel world with different timelines. This was named by writer and “paranormal consultant” Fiona Brooms. This is all based on the fact that thousands of people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80s despite being released in 1990. Anyways back to the bears. Not everyone believes this is a huge conspiracy, just a huge misunderstanding. Stein is a more common suffix in names that stain, so people just remember it having the more common name.
What do you think? How do you remember the name?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
Moon Landing
Moon Landing
In 1969, an estimated 600 million people watched two astronauts walk on the surface of the moon. A crazy amount of people doubt that the moon landing ever happened. Some major conspiracists insist that NASA destroyed photos,telemetry tapes, radio, TV transmissions, and moon rock samples. Major conspiracists also say that the footage was faked and directed by Stanley Kubrick in the elaborate hoax that was produced by NASA. Stanley was a short film maker that had some huge Hollywood success. In 1976 a book called “We Never Went to the Moon” was self published by a man named Bill Kaysing. He was a former technical writer at Rocketdyne, (an American rocket engine design and production company that is headquartered in Canoga Park), who claimed to have seen secret government documents. The book got very little notice, but he continued to make media appearances and fuel doubters.
The moon landing has always had skeptics but social media gave conspiracists a platform to really advance in their wild views.
What do you think about the moon landing? Do you think it’s one big hoax?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
Extraterrestrials and UFOs.
Somewhere out in the humongous universe there could be another type of life. Alien life. Is the government covering something up? Have people really been witness to aliens and then been silenced forever? Well we’re going to talk about it.
Multiple reports dead cattle with absent body parts and drained blood have been worldwide since the 1960s, at least. This has created various theories about aliens and secret government or military experiments. A prominent theorists is Linda Moulton Howe, author of Alien Harvest in 1989. She is best known for her work as a ufologist and advocacy of a variety of conspiracy theories. That includes her investigation of cattle mutilations and conclusion that they are performed by extraterrestrials. She has also been noticed for her speculations that the U.S. government is working with aliens.
Many conspiracists take inspiration from the writings of ancient astronaut Zecharia Sitchin, who declared that the Anunnaki, which is a group of being, from Sumerian Mythology we’re actually extraterrestrial beings who came to earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold. What do you think about extraterrestrial beings and UFOs.
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
JFK Conspiracy
Deaths and disappearances of public figures seems to get a lot of attention from a lot of people with really strong opinions. There are many conspiracy theories about the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. There is an estimated amount of 1,000 books that have been written about the assassination. Vincent Bugliosi claims that “at least ninety percent of which are works supporting the view that there was a conspiracy.” He was an American attorney and New York Times bestselling author. The Kennedy assassination is said to be the “mother of all conspiracies”. A number of organizations and individuals have been accused of being involved in the assassination. This includes the CIA, the mafia, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, and the KGB. Or even a combination of them.
People used to believe the government when they said Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. That’s the man who is said to have fired three bullets from the sixth floor of the school depository building. So after that was released to the world the government got a pretty warm appreciation for the information. Before the report it was said that 29% believed that Oswald acted alone and 52% believed in some sort of a conspiracy, but that was before. So after that release 87% believed that Oswald shot the president alone.
The first bullet missed everyone entirely, the second hit Kennedy in the back and went out exited his throat. Then is said to have hit Texas Governor John Connally, breaking a rib, shattering his wrist, and ending up in his thigh. Now how it one bullet supposed to do all that? It is said that there would have had to have been another shooter. People are trying to say that the government planned it and all of that other stuff when people just really wanna know, was Oswald the only shooter? That’s the conspiracy. What do you think?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
Disney is covering it up?
The movie Frozen, with the little snow man and innocent message. Well what if I were to tell you that it was produced for such a nice, sincere message. First of all the movie Frozen was a huge success.
“Frozen” has earned $1.2 billion worldwide, becoming the fifth-highest-grossing film of all time and by far the highest-grossing animation. That’s not to mention two Academy Awards, a bafta, a Golden Globe, a soundtrack that’s garnered more than a million album sales and seven million Spotify streams, official YouTube video views in the hundreds of millions, and a DVD that became Amazon’s best-selling children’s film of all time based on advance orders alone.” (The New Yorker, June 25th, 2014).
So obviously that a huge amount of success for the movie and it made lots of people lots of money. There is a theory that Frozen wasn’t made just to have another Disney movie, it was made so that when people search up “Disney Frozen” on google it comes up with the movie and not the whole thing about Walt Disney being cryogenically frozen. Cryogenically is a way that relates to the freezing of dead human bodies, cells, or body parts at very low temperatures. Now why wouldn’t Disney want something that morbid covered up?
What do you think about Disney using Frozen as a cover up?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
Living in the Matrix
So, living in the matrix sounds fun right? Lots of people might actually believe that we could possibly be living in a simulation. Now this is such an far-fetched theory that not very many people really believe in it.
The name comes from the movie “The Matrix”. In the matrix there is a ‘glitch’ in reality that drew the main characters' attention to the fact that they were in a simulation. Glitches in the matrix are things like seeing the same person over and over again but they never seem to change outfits or age. Seeing identical people in the same outfit is also supposedly very common.
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Now with that being said there is a subreddit dedicated to “glitches in the matrix” where people share their weird experiences. Glitches in the matrix are stories that people consider first hand accounts of small and puzzling experiences that have no logical explanation. People claim to see the same person in different cities, states, and even different parts of the world.
What do you think about us “living in the matrix”?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
For the next theory I’m gonna talk about we’re gonna remain around the earth. The flat earth theory was all about the earth being in a disk shape. This next theory is about the earth being spherical, but it’s hollow inside. Crazy right? How do people come up with these things and get others to actually believe them. This theory is rooted all the way back into the 17th century when Edmond Halley proposed that the earth is hollow because of changing magnetism. Magnetism is a phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between objects. If you’re really into space you might of heard of this man because he has a comet named after him. Now in 1704 this was disproved by a man named Pierre Bougar and definitively by Charles Hutton in his Schiehallion experiment around 1774. Now throughout the mid 19th century it was defended by a group of people.
In 2014 scientists “ a reservoir of water three times the size of all the oceans” that is deep in the earth. The water isn’t just sloshing around in the earth, though it’s inside a rock named ringwoodite. It is 435 miles under the earth's surface. For some people, this has made the idea of the earth being hollow a possibility because the water was in rock form. It’s said that the “entrances” are at the North or South Pole. Now for some it’s a theory even though this has been disproved before. What do you think?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
theoryyyy timeeee
A theory is a guess or a thought out assumption. They can either be true things like Einstein’s theory of relativity or false things like the birds work for the government and the worlds flat. This all comes from the things in science and people’s own scientific beliefs that they don’t really know are true. Now theory’s can range from literally anything you think about. There are lots of theories about businesses, people, and various things about the world.
I want to talk about the flat earth theory. The flat earth is an archaic (old) conception that the earth is flat like a place or disk which is pretty explanatory from the name. There was a flat earth map drawn in 1893 by Orlando Ferguson with several references to the Bible and numerous jabs to the Globe Theory. The Globe Theory is the belief that the earth is a spherical shape which is a circle or how most people see the earth.
The name for people who believe the earth is flat is a flat-earther, which I’m sure you could have figured out. Anyways even with concrete facts that the earth is spherical some people have propositions that say otherwise. The flat-earther theory is said that the earth is a flat disk shape. It is said that the arctic circle is in the center and Antarctica is a 150-foot-tall wall of ice around the rim of the disk. Some flat earth extremists even take it as far as saying NASA employees guard the ice wall to prevent people from falling over the edge and off the disk. Apparently earth's gravity is an illusion, objects can not accelerate downwards, only upwards. They say it’s a mysterious force called dark energy.
This also goes along with the conspiracy theory that flat-earthers think the photos of the spherical earth are photoshopped and GPS devices are rigged to make airplane pilots believe they are flying in a series of straight lines around the world when they are really flying in circles above the disk. Flat-earthers are trying to say the governments concealment is all about a financial issue. That a fake space program, NASA, is a lot easier to make “real” than actually spending money on the real one. Now there’s much more information on the people who have talked about this and have tried to prove that the earth is flat. What do you think?
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
shower thought
Why do people feel the need to be so immature. High school kids are at the age where they need to start acting like they aren’t five ya know. I just want kids to act sixteen instead of six. It just makes me so angry. School makes me so angry. I thought about what I would say to people if it ever came down to it but I know that time will never come. Some people just need to step up to the plate and get it together. That’s all I really have to say about it. That’s what I thought about for my whole shower so here ya go.
Part Two
So I’m in school today and walking in the hallway and theses kids are so disrespectful. To teachers and other kids. It’s crazyyy.
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angstyblog-blog2 · 5 years
hola my people
hey everyone, welcome to my blog. I’m going to talk about my random thoughts and some theories that I find interesting. Hopefully everyone will enjoy what I have to share. so yeah, that’s gonna be fun :)
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