angy-lizzer · 6 years
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A book published by Clytemnestra.
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
Make a Vampire character who’s lived through several waves of the common language’s development and can’t let go if certain gramatical habbits from different time eras.
So like, thou ist a horrid creature, an absolute cur, but go off i guess
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
my cat joined my dad and my dog on their morning walk
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
this is easily the most disturbing one
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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If you won’t talk to your kids about Dungeons & Dragons… who will?
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
eats like Gaston 
Mini wheats like Gaston
No one says “this bitch empty” and y e e t s like Gaston 
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
a white girl is lost in the woods and is about to be attacked by a bear. “why cant we all just be friends, bullying is so stupid, stop bullying <3” she says to it. the bear stops. he is confused. how the hell did she just say <3 out loud
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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the holy grail
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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Kids and their Moms
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
i propose that, in the style of classic fanfiction.net,  barry’s eyes are always referred to as “denim”. His denim blue eyes, his denim orbs, etc
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
Very detailed medical questions for character development--
1.  Does your character trust doctors/healers? Are they more inclined to believe alternative medicine or deal with it on their own? Do they visit medical facilities?
2.  Do they have clean and healthy skin? Acne problems? Scars? Old sun-burns leaving marks? Do they take care of their skin or couldn’t they care less?
3.  How is the state of their teeth? Worn down and yellow? Tooth aches? Or are their teeth white and spotless?
4. Do they have good eye-sight? Do they need glasses? Any eye sickness?
5. How is their mental state? Have they at some point struggled with depression, anxiety or phobias? Have they experienced trauma and still dealing with it?
6.  Do they use protection when engaging in sexual activities, in case of pregnancy and stds? Have they experienced sexual assault, and if so, did they get any help for it?
7. Any wounds from fighting or other experiences, still affecting their day-to day routine? Have they been forced to amputate? Do they still have all their fingers intact? 
8. Have they at some point been incapacitated by physical ailments in such a degree that they have needed help? Did they recieve that help? Did they get better?
9. Do they take care of their body, in terms of physical exercise and healthy food? 
10: How do they view sick and injured people? Do they avoid them or try to help them? How do they view the prospect of themselves possibly becoming sick or injured in the future?
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
song by http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29231886
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
DND Class: Iri Akiudo (Irisvielle Dalamiq)
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You are a ranger! Your skillset is a blend of naturalistic knowledge and personal survival skill. Rangers are at home in even the wildest and least hospitable of places, such as vast jungles or suffocating caverns. They are skilled hunters and nimble warriors, a base which they supplement with impressive tracking skills and a vast knowledge of their prey obtained through observation and experience. Some rangers bond with an animal and battle alongside it as a partner, while others practice complex combat maneuvers or place a focus on stealthy ambushes. Some even focus on harnessing the magical power of nature, much like druids. A ranger is a skilled and self-sufficient skirmisher who uses their mobility and skillset to fight effectively at any distance - especially against their favored prey
Tagged by: @oneangryhyur
Tagging: Anyone and everyone to come along and do this!
Here's the link!: https://uquiz.com/oHsJQX?p=96973
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angy-lizzer · 6 years
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