animalpuff · 14 hours
Yeah lmao where has he been before yesterday?
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Mike Rome out of witness protection but Kelani knows people.
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animalpuff · 14 hours
Nah I think this is kind of the point of an optical illusion, so whatever. A picture of a dog isn't the same thing.
i'm sure it makes you feel very smart but if you go around showing people a picture and asking them what it is, and then get all smug when someone say it's a dog instead of a picture of a dog... have you considered that the referent of 'it' is ambiguous and interpreting it to mean 'what is the thing depicted in this image' is in fact a perfectly reasonable way to use language and does not indicate some sort of deeper failure to grapple with map/territory distinctions?
also have you considered that if you had something useful to say it'd be preferable to say that rather than something that makes me want to punch you in the face?
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animalpuff · 20 hours
At the same time, no one can really look at you funny if you decide to stop listening to their music because of something like this.
People still listened to Chris Brown after what he did to Rihanna, but it obviously wasn't considered weird if you said you weren't gonna listen to his stuff anymore. And if him beating up his girlfriend wasn't enough to get some of his fans to drop him, I don't think cheating/being the other woman knowingly and bragging about it is gonna get people to drop these two either. Like I said though, it's up to you if you decide you don't want to support it yourself
What do you think of celebrities like Ariana Grande and Dave Grohl being cheaters? Should people still support them and their works, or only the works, or neither?
All I think is "Damn, their poor spouses" (and "damn, poor wife AND BABY when it comes to guy Ariana cheated on her husband with).
But I'm not gonna be up for crucifying them. I don't know these people. They don't owe ME anything. They gotta sort that shit out with their own families.
They're still gonna be rich and famous if everyone stops buying their music, and said music will still sound good to the fans even if they are not as "perfect" as they imagined.
Cheating is a shitty thing to do, but lets face it, most celebrities are cheaters, or had a phase where they were cheaters. They're rich and famous. There's ALWAYS gonna be HUNDREDS of people willing to fuck them, and some of these people will be their type - and equally as rich and famous. It strokes their egos, and is just plain basic math of "If you're tempted all the time, sooner or later you're gonna give into said temptation." Add in the fact that most of them aren't used to consequences, and it's hard to be shocked by any of it - especially when half of hollywood is involved in genuinely MONSTRUOS stuff
Celebrities are people in a WEIRD position. You can admire a few of them, but they're not role models. Stan culture breeds nothing but disappointment. They WILL say/do stuff you don't agree with. They WILL fuck up. It's inevitable.
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animalpuff · 2 days
Ok but where in the US
I always knew that Instagram/Tiktok was exaggerated and fake but I didn’t know just HOW fake until I started actually going out and observing people in America. I thought that the disconnect between media and real life was much more noticeable in India, but it turns out that ALSO applies to the U.S.
Nobody actually dresses like a Gen Z except TikTok kids. No, college kids still look like college kids and not burnt up 45 year olds. No, Gen Alpha isn’t constantly wearing skincare and animal print onesies. Toys actually still exist and children play with them. iPad children aren’t the norm and in fact people glare at you if you have an iPad child. Nobody knows what “very demure very mindful” is. Nobody gives a fuck if you wear ankle socks or skinny jeans. Nobody actually thinks dark romance is problematic. You are more likely to see a person with a Walmart water bottle than you ever are to witness a Stanley cup. A shop forgot to take down their Pride Month decorations and used the OG flag, NOT the one with black and brown stripes (which in fact I have NEVER actually seen IRL even when I did go to the US in June).
TLDR social media in every part of the world is such a small fraction of the population that most of what happens on it is practically irrelevant.
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animalpuff · 3 days
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animalpuff · 4 days
"WHAT ARE YOU TWO FUCKING TALKING ABOUT?"* for the Eggman pic, it's from that Snapcube comedy dub on YouTube of Sonic Adventure 2
Gatekeeping is so good and important
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animalpuff · 8 days
Why do people never just say that they simply don't want to talk with another person anymore ?
Because that's something you're supossed to notice yourself by getting the social clues. If you're talking online and they start replying less frequently, give you one word replies despite of you sending them paragraphs of words, etc. it means they don't wanna keep the conversation going, at least for now. That's when you're supossed to "read the room" and quit insisting on getting more replies from them.
I know the idea of having people telling you directly sounds easier in theory, but people don't do it because it's considered rude, and it will make you -and them- feel worse.
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animalpuff · 9 days
Switzerland 🇨🇭
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Oh my God lmao
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animalpuff · 10 days
Deep fake
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if ian bgm is big man than explain this
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animalpuff · 12 days
Yeah, a bit of old Utada trivia. It's interesting to me that they had the name written first name/last name, but I guess the other way around only got popular because of Kingdom Hearts
We were watching Rush Hour 2 for movie night when something in the credits jumped out at me
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animalpuff · 19 days
Well I'm either corn 🌽 or sweet chestnut 🌰 depending on what day it was in France when I was born
Side note, they tried to decimalize all of time but couldn't truly figure it out for the actual length of the year, huh. Oh sure, 100 seconds in a minute, 100 minutes in an hour, ten hours in a day, ten days in a week, but a month is still 30 days (now 3 weeks) and there's still 12 months, and there's just 5 or 6 days thrown in at the end without a month to call home.
look at the republican calendar and see which animal/plant/item is associated with your birthday ok. if you're born january 14 you get the day of the cat
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animalpuff · 20 days
We truly are in Season 2 of Linkin Park and I'm loving what I'm hearing. It's really cool to see them continue after everything.
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animalpuff · 24 days
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animalpuff · 1 month
how is any of this considered blogging
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animalpuff · 1 month
Adam has to put up with them for one more hour than Nick, I guess it's wears on him
Nick: I don't care what carnage you cause, just do it in the appropriate timeframe.
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animalpuff · 1 month
Bring back the Unholy Union name NOW
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Locked the fuck in.
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animalpuff · 2 months
She's not what you would expect though. If she was the last thing you saw, it'd be all the more impactful
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This is frustrating.
I love the comparison, but I hate how they are comparing.
They are acting like she is using optics to give herself an advantage. But the device she is wearing is just for comfort and essentially does the same thing as closing one eye and squinting the other.
The little thing over the left eye is basically like an eye patch.
And the thing over her right eye is a mechanical iris, like in a camera lens, but it is NOT a lens.
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Different lighting environments are going to be brighter or darker and you may have to squint more or less to let in the same amount of light into your eye. Squinting allows the shooter to get the sharpest possible vision in order to shoot a bullseye the size of a 12-point Times New Roman period.
But if you have to squint for hours for practice and in competition, this can strain your face muscles and become uncomfortable. So this iris basically squints for you.
It's more like wearing comfortable shoes so your feet do not hurt than a lens magnifying the target and giving an advantage.
Both athletes have access to these items. One felt more comfortable without them. The other didn't feel like getting a muscle cramp from squinting all day.
Either would have shot the same if they had or had not used these devices.
Just a funny difference in gear preference.
I should also add, the Turkish dad is the only one using lenses.
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