anime-2lover2 · 3 years
His Little Big Friend by Soul
I have always found myself surrounded by people who I dislike
People who dislike me for me and what I am and what I resemble most
But sometimes I find a special person or human or tolerable being
Who I don't mind obsessing over or being addicted to or goofing around with
An alien unknown to the foreign terrible ideology of mankind
Humans and beings similar as so hard to find for me
But I worked and I pressed and though depressed I found
Five people who I trusted but I was rusted over from lack of love
I made some mistakes and little peitie mistakes cause earthquakes
Some left but some stayed and my heart and in full support of me they remained
I was so pained to see one go and it broke my heart so bad
I feel to my knees and I just couldn't believe all the strife that I've had
To endure over the years and I assure you there were many tears
But after all the fights and the sob-filled screaming sleeplness nights
I found the one who served as a total healer and teacher for my problems
He was a young boy who goes by he him and why I befriended him I don't know
But he stuck around and I did too so I smiled so big when he said "I love you"
Came really close to him and I could tell with all that's within me he really cared
We were really werid and danced around together and everybody stared
But were so high on the ketamine that is the two of us so we didn't give two fucks
He likes horror movies and Godzilla and singing dancing ducks
His parents are divorced and his cool step dad Chris drives a truck
I felt so lonely and he helped me through a lot and he doesn't even know
So to my good friend who is the only friend who stayed
Are you glad when I annoy you texting you and keeping you up late
You are so funny and so quirky and I can always seem to relate to you
Nothing you could ever say or do besides killing my MC dog would make me leave you
You made a little big friend
A little big friend who'll meet even fatter sadder madder end
It'll be even fucking worse than you could ever contend
But I'm still yo motherfucking little big friend
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
I can see right through your warm, hot, steamy exterior
I can see plainly through your steamy, hot, warm anger
I am not a stranger, why are you acting like I am one
I am not a liar, why the hell are you acting as if I'm alike one
I want to be done, I say I am, I claim I am, trying to do things
Trying to motivate, amuse and protect myself, defend myself
Maybe even attempt to repair my mental health, the one you destroyed
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
You are so cute. A man, a boy, an infant, my baby, a being that defies gravity and science, to him, my retarded and broken hearted ass, formed an alliance. And by alliance, of course, I mean, I fell in love with the alien, and allowed him to sweep me off my feet. Beauty and the beast, according to Polo G, a pretty girl and a gangster, but you ain't stopping, or starting, crime of any sort, you're just in the middle. You've got a good head on your shoulders, you're always in the right, seemingly never wrong, you have an extreme heart of gold, a factor that will forever last long. You smile forever, so bright, white, light teeth, even with the yellow glints, hints of rotten cheese, you still have that face, those dimples, those pimples, that minor pizza face, that thing, those pros and cons that make my heart race. I don't what it is, but when I look at you, I feel so blue, I feel so dead, because you're so pretty, so special, boy, you get in my head, it hurts how lovely you are, I stand in the street, but you save me from the incoming car. Life is subpar, everything is bad, I am so sad, the world is mad, everyone is wrong, you're so offended, I'm sure, but I don't care, I have a cure, look at this man, with the flat hair, and that cold, cool stare that makes your body shake, a true motherfucking earthquake. You get so mad at everything, I do, too, buddy, I ain't blaming you, the world is upside down, there's hatred, racism, and homophobia all around, but the sound of your feet hitting the ground, makes my ears pop, you're like a cop, you could make me do anything, you're my personal law, my personal God. I love you so much, you warm my heart, you warm my soul, a swarm of heat, a certain heat that warms you from neck to feet, that makes you grin, full and grim, I love you so, more than you could ever know. I have commitment issues, trust, too, so forgive me, bro, I am so attracted to you, in love with you, drooling over you, I know I'm crazy, I know I'm wild, I know my mind is backwards, I want to harm myself, hurt myself, kill myself, end it all, but you stand, appalled, disgusted by my suicide, and you tell me to step down, to turn around, and to walk on over to you. I care about you, I love you so much, I give a fuck, you make me flush, my cheeks are pink, red as Zero Two, obsessed with, addicted to, you, I want to do it, I want to jump off. I am no warrior, I am no survivor, I am just a person, a weak thing, I know you are similar, depressed, suicidal, and abused, just like me, we're fucking equal, me and you, I just found someone with similar interests and hobbies and things, and strings and YouTubers and waifus, husbandos and Daz Games and Twitch streamers, you like anime, hentai, and making me so fuckin livid, oh, shit, huh. Fuck you, that's what I always wanted to say, because I love you so, but you're fucking me up, and in my way, fuck you for making me feel loved, fuck you for making me feel invaild, fuck you for being a special kind of person, fuck you for every reason, you committed fucking treason fucking with the Soul Train, you heinous, bitch, sorry bastard, bitch, fuck you for making me feel weak, fuck you for making me feel run of the mill and bleak, fuck you for making me feel like a little girl, fuck you for making me feel strange inside, fuck you for my breaking my heart, fuck you for being the only boy I have ever crushed on, and the only man to who I'd part, my legs to, so fuck you, and fuck you for making Soul Train cry her flat, fat ass off, I am a stupid, ugly, clearly fuckin unworthy son of a bitch, uh, uh, oh.
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
I can see right through you
Just so you're aware that you
You are so toxic
You are so fucking fake
I lie awake some nights
Still fighting for equal rights
Pride month ended in a
Massacre because the white men
Came and crashed it
Called all the homosexals shit
Made fun of the blacks and
Set fire to the lesbians
Spat on the Muslims
Sat upon the poor pansexuals
Called the aroromantics invalid
And took a fat shit on the asexuals
Gave they own sexualities
They own gender identities
A pat on the back
Good job
You should be proud
You deserve pride
Smile so wide
Be sure to smile real bright
You did nothing
Didn't go through shit historically
You're white
You're straight
You're cis
You're an easy woman
Everybody loves you
Cause you let everyone know
What you're a-doing
If you catch my drift
Hope the riptide rises on you
And as WILLOW would say
Crash your little transparent soul
You deserve a lump of coal
I will break
And I will crush
Your little pathetic dumb weak stupid 'lil
White man dicks
And short man syndromes
So uneducated
To this day, y'all
I remain undefeated
All these bigots and bitches
Deserve to be seated
I can talk
I can talk major game
I am willing to have a discussion
All these lies and bullshits
That you're a-gushing
Slow down, silly
Why you a-rushing
Stupid obese lunatics
Giving themselves diabetes
And then the second they
Catch sight of a skinny brown woman
Ugh, it's
"She's so fake"
"She's so white"
"She's a hatred symbol"
Nah, you're just mad
You're just sad and you're just bad
And I am glad you are
'Cause I know
I know you got a chip on your shoulder
Move out the way
Dodge that bull
Let you get hit by the boulder
Take the hint
Take the hit
Black lives matter
Honey, I'll surely riot
May be white
May be a cracker
May not know my place
But I sure know my fucking pace
And hoe, I will shout louder
More'll spill that way
And I know you fucking hate it
When liberals and gays
Have something to motherfucking say
Move it, reds
You're in my way
Meet your ends
In my own special way, yay
Are you black
Are you brown
Are you dark
Are you an African American
Are you gay
Are you bi
Are you a homosexual
Are you a Jew
Are you Muslim
Are you a minority
Are you sheltered by the rainbow
Guess what, bitch
You're motherfucking valid
And if you're not, don't stop
Don't stop
You're still strong
You're still right, honey
You're not wrong
Be yourself
No matter who and what you are
You support Trump, fine
You support Biden, alright too
You white
You straight
You cis
You easy
That's fine, sister
Join the party
It's okay
Just don't judge
Just don't hate
Then, to you, I can relate
It's both men, women, and the trans
That I love to date
I'm pansexual, hoe
The yellow means all genders
Pink means chicks
Blue means bitches
Y'all so beautiful, my lovely ladies
Make those straight men have twitches
Snitches get stitches
My heart likes witches
I feel like one, too
I suit that shit, as well, as you
Been around so many women
So comfortable with them
No wonder I'm so attracted to them
Make a bitch wanna eat you, yuh
Now, don't get political
Granny can't take it
Y'know Papa will hate it
Aunt Erin will look away
Put her hands under the table
Text you in agreement
A fact that will put herself to shame
And her parents to dismay
She feeling a certain way
I don't care, though
Don't get political
Don't be so typical
According to
My Republican math teacher
Don't get political
Well, don't call me typical
This America
That country you over glorify
And I have free speech
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
" I'm Alone "
I'm manipulative and toxic and controlling and I know how to make friends
Friends who are just as bad and sad and internally mad as I am
Befriending those who are as suppressed and oppressed and depressed as I am
Lending a helping hand to those fake alternatives and goths
Who stare and gawk and squawk about how a shirt and some fishnets aren't enough
To be alternative or mall goth or emo or any of the things we preach
That's a reach because most of us don't even wear the skirts or chokers or the makeup
You're a fake and you're not true so I suggest you make an attempt to shape up
I am alone
We are all who we are and we are what we want to be
I am no child of God and I don't believe but I support and allow Christianity
Love for the trans and the blacks and the gays and the whole ass rainbow
I think that we are equal wether we be trans or cis or male or female
Black lives matter and stop asian hate and if you can't relate to the following
Then I kindly and politely and lovingly suggest you get the fuck off my page
How's it feel for the tables to be turned and have yourself locked in a cage
Imagine if your skin was a little darker you'd be all for the rage
Sickness is real as well as science and it's been proven so ditch it
Ditch it to another white supremacist hate group of white cis men
Who have it all and have always had it all in this country we call home
But for those who pass the vibe check allow my arms to serve as a dome
Allow my embrace to serve as a lovely place for all approved of to hang
My heart is broken with my ugly flat chest slashed open
His name started with a fucking T and the man fucking destroyed me
Ripped my little heart from my chest and he sure got the best of what little I had
I had nothing but nevertheless I made an attempt to share it
Share it with him and love on him cause I know life has been somewhat hard for him
He deserved the world so I fit myself into his life and gave him the world
Thought it was true love and I always wanted to give true love a whirl
He was sweet like vinalla and had tan skin so he was my chocolate swirl
Had the lovely smile that made you giggle and laugh for a long while
Contained that special trait about him that just made him so huggable
His mama didn't treat him right and would lock him outside barefoot at night
They threw him into foster care and his adopted mom treated him like shit
That wasn't it and I fell in love with him so much fucking more
He had such a tough time so I took the chance and decided that it wasn't just fake
It wasn't just pity it was just something shitty inside me that said
This is more than a crush you stupid fat lonely bitch
See the way he makes your chubby cheeks go cherry flush
Notice how he makes you redder than baby Zero Two
Remember when he defended you at recess and made you feel so loved
It's more than a crush and it's so clear that you both give a fuck
Get your nervous shaky ass up and go confess those feelings you've had
You've had them for so long and imagine if you have success with him
That would be such a flawless love song and it'd be so good for you
Could you imagine being so in love with someone and having it be mutal
So I did what my brain told me to and I got into a relationship with you
You and I truly loved each other and we didn't hesitate to make it known
But I must've made some kind of mistake or caused a bump in the road
'Cause you suggested the break up and you know I can't say no to you
We were together for month after month and even my teachers knew
I'm sorry if I did anything wrong or somehow offended you
Because I love you and your leave hurt more than Jiriaya and Obito's death combined
I'm a broken hearted and lonely girl you'll come to find
Packing a wounded and terrible and easily tricked and dirty mind
Seeing you around town doesn't exactly help me at all
I am alone
Fall to my knees and allow myself to be stung by all of the bees
Allow myself to be killed by you
My best friend is a Godzilla fan and he told me to give up on you
He told me to release myself from the psychological chains of control
You've placed me in and it to my best friend I love you and I care
I want to make you aware that when I die I'll die with you on my mind
A homicidal hello and a suicidal goodbye to the Kaiju_kai
You were always there for me when I needed you
I have both commitment and trust issues so I am always scared
But you'd comfort me in just speaking or saying that beautiful "Micheal"
I love you to Kailon my special pal and my gay amigo
If I go in the hospital you promised me that day that you'd pull the plug
You mangy lug--your my best friend
Promise me that you'll serve as my comfort system and comrade 'till the end
And to my parents; dear and good ol' Mom and Dad
Y'all are so good to me and the best friends I've ever had
Yes I am that sad little bitch who's besties with her family
I know I seem lame but I don't deserve all of this fame
My parents do and you'd believe it's true if you were to ever meet them
They pass the vibe check and they are good parents
My dad likes anime and my mom loves the Walking Dead
They ain't got nothing in they heads but good looks and mild smarts
I care about them and I don't want to ever be apart from them
This my offical and registered sorry to them
I hope I die tommrow but these few people in my life who I trust
Make me wish that I was perfectly healthy and safe
They make me wish that the whole didn't have immediate access to my name and my face
I wish I didn't feel this way and I shouldn't because I know I'm loved
Aware that people care for me and that they love me
But everyone seems superior and so above me
I have a superiority complex and an inferiority complex as well
It doesn't help that my ticket to hell is confirmed
I am alone
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
You're my baby and I want to defend you
I would if I could and I can't so it breaks my heart
My mind is sawed in half 'cause you were my other half
I wish I could pick my head off of the floor
Get my chubby ass up and out of the door
Pray that I could heal my old scars and wear short sleeves and revealing clothes
Without somebody telling me to go get help
I wanna be myself
Want to be with you
I am a water dog so I love to swim and drown myself
Love the Dove chocolate and I eat them all so the diabetes will kill me
Tryna give myself a heart attack
I rather go into cardiac arrest than make any sort of confrontation
Wish I got hit by that train
Instead of that man grabbing me by the arm and quote "saving me from the pain"
I hope that train comes back round
And I pray that this time no one will attempt to save my life
Just let me walk out into it
Let me die
I broke my nails and I broke my teeth
My teeth are so yellow and they look like rotten cheese
Only a true one knows what's underneath
A smile of bright and white teeth with a burning light
Life is an endless fight
But unlike most struggles and daily pains it has a mild end
That end is death and death serves as a friend
Most children say sometimes that they have encountered a
A man in a black hood who carries a rusty scythe with blood trickling down
Be in their dreams or out on the street
I wish I could meet those kids
Wish they weren't all dead and underground
Can you hear the sound of my sore throat giving out
Wish I knew what life was about
I pray that there is a greater meaning
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
yeah, girl
you're the background on my phone
hey, girl
i love you, and i don't want you to feel alone
oi, girl
you are the best of the best, you're perfected
oh, girl
you ain't got a single flaw, you are the greatest and
i wish i was as fucking awesome as you
i don't want a single nother soul to treat you as awful as i did
you are a one hundred, if there is a God, she did not make a single mistake with you
you are lovely, drool dripping down my chin when you walk the room
love you so much, i'd let you kill me, baby, allow me to meet my doom
know you may not like me no more, girl, and i'm sorry for the way i treated you
now i will defend you, make sure no one treats like you like me
want you to feel special, like a queen, baby, you may ask why, it's cause your royalty
oh, girl, i'm sorry for everything i have ever done
girl, i am sorry, sorry for being such a cunt
i am sorry, for all that was said, it was all untrue, just a reflection of the nothing inside my head
so sorry, baby, one day, maybe you'll forgive me
and i'm sorry for all the love and respect you give, and gave me
you make me feel loved, but i can't make no commitments, so forgive me
want to love you, but there's no room for love in my heart
tell me, babe, why'd a girl like me, dumbass and filled with foolery
make a girl, just like you, feel like the fattest animal in the zoo
cause you're not, girl, you're the best girl, you're my world
i am sorry, can't get my mind off of you
this is my apology song, i don't even seek forgiveness from you
just want you to hear this, and feel real, baby, that's the truth
i am sorry, God's dead, but she didn't do wrong when she invented you
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
Gosh darn, god damn
God bless you
A depressed, pansexual
Atheist, with scars
Got someone like you
Inside they car, oh
First, the car's not mine
You're so divine
It's my mother's, I don't lie
Wish I was yours, no subside
In your arms, I reside
In that heart, I always confide
You're so speical
So different, just my type
You're what I like
Say 'fuck you' as a 'hello'
You're my bro, that's a low blow
Wish you were more, though
More to me
But to me, you're Heather
Might not see it, might not believe it
Might think you're ugly
Might think your crazy, oh
Self worth, that's a no
Self harm, approval 'cross the board
Everyone but me, I am there
I am there for you
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
she's cold as ice
by Soul
she's colder than the heart that i used to know
told me he loved me and then left so fast
what a cruel and low blow
i want that pretty little woman to know
that i will never leave her and no matter what
i will always believe her
even if she says the most insane and odd of things
even if she says she owns a million gold rings
even if she says she's met the president in person
even if she says that she can read minds
she will always find love in me
because that love is like no man; for it will never leave
she just needs to believe
that my heart and soul truly yearns for her to be free
for her to not be sad and crying on those knees
those tears in those beautiful eyes
that red dripping down her lovely thighs
her period pain and those cramps in her chest
those emotions that make her doubt if she's the best
it's her -- the one and only and in true color
who i love; and i want her to be the mother of my future kids
don't you wish you were mine; imagine all the things we could've did
would've treated you like an angel
all that sadness and somewhat numbness you felt
i would wish it and kiss it all away
it's only a bad day or week or month or year
don't shed that tear; let me wipe it from your pretty face
live for that pretty race your heart does
i breathe for every move that body of yours does
love the way you make me feel
i want to make you and hear you say
that you and your wonderful self feel the same way
but you're so cold to me and mean to me
you shut me off; such treachery
absolute and undeniable tyranny
let me hold you; don't let another tear flow
cause i want you to know
i ain't petty and wanting you for your body
it's just your alluring personality and the way you treat me
you have so much value; you wouldn't understand
you don't what you mean
what you mean to me
you got muplite personalities and a case of bipolar disorder
you say 'fuck you' in place of "hello"
how low can you go
i don't care; i would go anywhere with you
i want to make you feel special
you're no Karen; it won't stop caring about you
you may not feel or seem or look or act like it
but you're Heather for me
you're Heather in my book
no matter the weather; it was my breath that you took
you're cold as ice
you're not exactly nice but i still love you
love everything you do
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
I'm tired of loving people, so don't mind me if I shut off. Shut off communications, how much clearer can I make that it that I want you to fuck off? It's nothing personal, no, nothing personal at all, because I treat everyone like this, my brains splatter aganist the wall. Hate people, I'm a human hater, in terms of social skills, I fit the category of cannibalistic, cause I don't give a shit. Believe me, at one point, I sure did, but not now, so shut the fuck up, 'fore I flip my lid. Been sad since I was a little kid, didn't even know why, I reflected depression at the age of five, didn't why I was alive, felt light on my feet. At night, I would try to hang myself, pig squeaks, and the bright red and blue shines on my feet. I wanted to run away with her, hold her hand, dance with her, hide from the police with her, I wanted to kill with her, now, I dream of killing her. I gave her my all, she's a player, so it's not my fault, but it feels like it is, it sure as hell resembles it, wish I didn't love her so much, wish I didn't get go fooled, bitch. She a witch, a vampire, she's not a good girl, she lights fires, but I still liked her, silly me, still befriended and dated her, golly gee. Feel so scared, shaking, in my pants, I got pee, what can I say, it's exhilarating.
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
It hurts so bad when you fall for someone just for them to dismiss themselves when your back is turned.
Aware of the truth and all that the truth holds and love isn't average so it can't fit any mold.
But then why is there standards for love and requirements for it to be justified and okay?
If our way of loving as humans has gone beyond normal why are certain forms of love abnormal?
Why do people say that love makes you strong because it's not - it's a motivator until it ends or pauses or worsens dramatically.
Love is similar to life in the fact it could really bad and have ups and downs and still manage to turn itself around.
It could get better or better for the worse and it may hurt but the only thing you can do is put your hands together and pray for improvement.
They say most boys love girls who can move it but what if you're flat as a billboard and have nothing to move?
Bodies are built certain ways and some boys and girls don't understand that things are the way they are because they're meant to be.
They can change a little and sure that girl's chubby - but what's wrong with a little cushion?
What's wrong with his yellow teeth or her flat ass or his fat ass or that person's gender identity?
How can mere looks impact love - a thing that goes beyond regular and standard-fitting humanity?
Love is something that goes past society's boxes but somehow in hell don't receive hate for it.
It makes me despise love because not only I am deprived of it and it never happens for me so I have to act like it.
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
I wish I could be what my grandmother and grandfather want me to be.
I could be a heterosexual girl with straight long hair and good grades.
I could be a girl dating a boy and not trying to date the girl in my elective.
I could be a cisgender woman who doesn't go by multiple pronouns.
I could listen to Christan rock and not Corpse Husband and J-Pop.
I could be normal and fit into the boxes that is society.
I could be causal and blend into the crowds that want nothing to do with me.
I could hold the hand of a man and then proceed to suck his dick.
I could watch Grey's Anatomy and not hentai and Shojo Tsubaki.
I could be a normal human and not fall in love with fictional men and women.
Or I could be who I truly am and you could be less of a dick.
Because I may not be proud of my true identity and who I turned out to be.
But who I am and what I strive to be is not the business of thee.
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
my coming out song 🧸
by soultrain._.403._.
thank you for listening ;
i can hear you talking about God and Jesus and the Lord.
i can already hear you saying no and denying and doubting it.
but if i don't deny nor doubt or even consider anything else than it.
but i find pride and comfort and all of these good things in my choice.
does it really even matter?
does it really even affect you?
sure you won't have a great husband in law or grandchildren to run around with.
but you'll be so old and crippled and dead you won't be able to run.
won't be capable of it and you'll make fun of this very day when.
i totally one hundred percent give up my quote on quote "gay phase".
you claim i'll let it go and just give up and shut up and marry a man.
well that's not exactly my plan but i hear you out.
if you think i'll give up on my quote "gay phase" then why don't you.
give up on that marriage that's clearly fucking failing?
why don't you give up on that pale skin white boy who you claim will be railing?
railing me by the time i hit thirty five years of age?
homophobia upon your end locks me in a psychological cage.
i just wanted appreciation from you.
maybe a quick "congratulations" or "thank you".
because my sexuality is the truth and i'm tired of lying to you.
tired of saying i am straight little cis girl.
if i am not a straight little cis girl would i still be your little girl?
a grandchild is supposedly grand but being queer is not grand to you.
i would never consider myself a child to your genes or to such a trash sperm.
you are my father's parent set so i figure the term "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" was misplaced in your son.
for your son is so much better than you.
so much more noble and respectable and so much more of a teacher.
the apple might as well have fallen from a berry tree.
because i know for a fact that he is much more loving and accepting.
ashamed i am to be connected by blood to such a foul source.
but nevertheless despite all of this mahogany i still care.
i still love you and my love remains there despite your will.
will to stop and root against the queer.
for i am queer and we as an umbrella term are here and here to stay.
get used to my dear and beloved grandparents.
this is my coming out song and my gayness with forever last long.
you may doubt me at the time and for that i do not blame you.
it's hard to comprehend someone believed to be straight for so many years is the exact opposite so I apologize.
apologize for dropping this on your head so quick and suddenly and out of the blue.
but I once heard a beautiful and luscious person phrase it like this:
a life of Ken and Barbie and a lovely blossoming romance.
what if the romance isn't between Barbie and Ken but another?
ken and Ken and Barbie and Barbie.
what if it's not Ken but Barbie?
do you expect me and accept me to say sorry?
i won't and I abstain of doing so cause I have a passion.
a passion for me and teaching those I am not what I used to be.
this is my coming out song and my gayness will last forever long.
might be hard to believe but i am prideful enough to not get on my hands and knees to say this.
i am pansexual and attracted to all genders despite what you say.
in every single way i have pride and am so proud of myself.
never took the time to perfect my mental health but i did perfect this.
and that is my love for my sexuality.
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
Well, you're so nice, and oh, you're so special, but to those who haven't heard that before, you're not stupid, invalid, or a whore, this is system is a bore, but nevertheless, a chore, and a task, to take upon, us, those who are above average mental health, or those of us, who are below said average, to take the stand, and hold the hand of those, who are weakened, are sad, and cry they hearts out, cause nobody told 'em they were special, like the believers do, like the non believers do, like everybody do, yeah, like everybody does, but not to you, because sure, the system is flawed, but people say that a lot, so what could that really even mean, but hey, listen, it does actually have some meaning, just depends on how you phrase it, you matter, your bodies are matter, but you, yourself, matters, that's what they say, but it's hard to believe, especially on a bad day, such as today, cause every day seems like a bad day, socially, physically, mentally, psychologically, sadly, it's seems true, haunts children, teens, and adults, too, this way, this debate, how we feel,
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
Forbidden asthethic ? By Soul
i can see and hear you from beyond my shallow grave
i can see and take note of each and every single mistake
i know you are one to take risks and it kind of scares me
you make me fearful but despite this i still believe you're wonderful
you excite me and exhilllrate me and every thought i have ever had
you make me feel so happy but then again no one could make me sadder
my best friend is like no other and no one could make me madder
my best friend has the ability to mess with and screw with me
my best friend can make me smile but can also make me cry for a while
my best friend makes me feel as if someone gives a shit
and even a single shit is enough to keep me alive for the night
and even though i have loving and somewhat tolerable parents
and despite all the love they continue to give and i continue to receive
and even though i have a good friend who swears he'll never leave
i still can't trust anyone and everyone still can't trust me
i want to be loved and trusted and worshipped by all
i want to be famous and stay it and remain that way
i want everyone to know my name and i want to be president
i want to have a bunch of snakes and lizards and reptiles
i want to be myself and show everyone else that i exist
i want to prove my existence upon these small Republicans
crying and dying in the middle of the night is done
crying and wishing i was dead doesn't exist no more
crying and praying for the death of us all is invalid
crying over Donald Trump is okay now cause the mofo's gone
forbidden asthethic and a mild headache that kills
forbidden aesthetic and a wild headache that sends chills
forbidden relationship and stay inside my girl's arms
forbidden relationship and i remain inside of her arms and heart
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
i can feel my heart breaking when i see a single tear in your eye
when a single drop of liquid exits from your lovely pupil
my tears start to fall as well and i join you in crying
we celebrate and enjoy feeling so dead inside because
there are people who are always joyful and can't feel at all
and even though most are appalled by sadness and incompleteness
you and i join one another in worshipping it and it completes us
we look so cute and aesthetic that people want to be us
aspire to be like and look like us and model after us
the aesthetic is a vibe she claims and it's unfortunate
imagine pretending to be and modeling to be somebody else
you're lovely and perfect and beautiful and just the way you are
the way you are shall be the way you remain
being another is oppressing and suppressing yourself
it only brings pain to your mental health and worsens you
if you seek an aesthetic friendship find your own
mind yourself and your own self and no one else
think of yourself is a first and takes top priority
make a friend and model your own damn aesthetic
don't pretend to be the two of us or you'll get banged
we are about to throw some hands and fist these palms
it's not that hard to smack a bitch by the side of the head
not that hard to abort an unborn baby because i'm heartless
it's easy to do a lot of things when you lack a heart
dance with me because i know you a true one
feel the soul of the train leave the body of soul train
take all of your love and put in a basket of no love
fill it to the brim and then pour all the love and affection away
it's not worth it and it's worthless to give a shit
just tell me again and repeat yourself so i can hear
i have the hearing of an abused man with no eardrums
but i will pound on those drums for you to hear me
make a fool of myself so that you can hear and witness thee
thee making a fool of a person that you didn't evenison to be
such a fucktard and a dumbass and a brainless peasant
peanut and no nut November failed attempts
gasping at the beefcake panty hose and telling your mom she's adopted
put on her Spanx and i might have to give her a spank
that's my friend and her name starts with a J
can you make a guess about her and her utter perfection
look in the mirror and check out the reflection
do you have the complete and full protection of me
me and my sister friend and my best friend 'bout to commit a robbery
a straight-up and deadass felony where people drop like flies
commit a murder and shoot a girl in the head with no lies
clock a woman in the brain and twist her hair 'till she dies
that's my friend right there with a pretty smile on her face
her name is Jayla and i would run a race for her
that's saying something because i am fat and i would lose
but despite that i would still try for a girl as special as her
she's special and the response to that is unknown
told her and confessed to her that i find her adorable
find her delicious and my feelings for her are ridiculous
i am a woman so therefore i must go pop my vagina to a guy
must go fist a grown man in the mickey d's parking lot
i live in Trump's america as a female so it's required by law
no black people or asians can breathe without being shot
or smothered or pounded or flattened or stepped upon
walked on for having an opinion and breathing and being ddifferent
what the fuck did i ever do to live like this and be treated like you
i breathed and lived and existed so that's my apology
existence of which i am sorry for and owe you a shout out to
to which i underappreciate and don't act upon
but what the fuck is even going on for you to say white lives matter
when in the hell have we ever been suppressed to the point of nonsense
how the hell did we ever get oppressed and it makes no sense
why did we kill off all of the Native Americans
why and where did we start hating on dark skins
this genuinely doesn't make any motherfucking sense to me
but then again all the dumbness Trump spills doesn't apply either
he isn't hiding from Biden and he's truly hiding from us
us is an umbrella term for the gays and the blacks and the trans
hiding from his precious foolish life decisions
Trump committed severe tax fraud for several years
the entirety of his presidency made us cry real life tears
we wasted our water prectange on you so now we must rid of you
a painful and sorrowful and everlasting goodbye i bid to you
my best friend is a gay boy and to him you say every day
that his life doesn't matter and that homosexuals are unequal
you claim homosexuals are on a different level and that i agree with
homosexuals are valid and you are on a level of stupid
this might be biased because i'm a gay and friends with one but
a large percent of the world is LGBT so shape up or ship out Trumpy
every day that Trump gets on that microphone he tells another lie
another lie about gays and about straights
about black men having heart attacks but really got a bullet in they back from a puffy piggy
he says it's a good day for George but the mofo's dead
the guy is all dried up and has the air and oxygen stomped from his head
you say blue lives matter and you respect this
and I just want to say a brief fuck you to Derek
i am a soul train and a soul train in so much fucking pain
my sister friend is a blessing and i am good to have her
my best friend is a legend and i am good to have him
let's go and yeah and cheese burger and ham burger
i want to be yours and crave for the days to never be over
suck on that plastic penis and shove it inside you
then proceed to expect me not to fucking lie to you
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anime-2lover2 · 3 years
when the stars sprinkle my room like chocolate sauce on a cake
i lie alone or alone as i assume in my bedroom wide awake
scars litter my body like trash on the ground and baby me in the surround sound
wounds coat my arms and legs and i could use being pushed down a peg
my best friend is almost tired of me and sometimes i can tell he's not listening to me
want to be with my best friend until the very end of time tonight but at the same time it hurts
it hurts to be with someone that long even as a friend because it brings back old emotions
old emotions from precious friendships that ended quicker than a fnaf jumpscare
i want to be with a good friend who truly fucking cares and i know that's him
he's my soulmate not in love way and i know that no matter what i'll stick with him
goes on forever me and him and no matter the rut we're in we always seem to prevail
when we're together and beside each other we never seem to fail
i will hold his hand through the toughest and roughest of times
will be there for the man until me and he and all of the world drops dead
'till we kick the bucket shall we be united my friend
but anyway i know for a fact of the matter that we are all matter but i do not matter
if i die i will cut my head off and put it on a platter and serve it to him
he's really gruesome and violent and likes horror movies so it'd amuse him
and the last thing i would do is abuse him and leave him permanently alone
i care about the stupid little boy and don't want him to be left on his own
just him and his lonesome is really a bad thought and suicide is an even worse one
it feels good imagining myself cremated in a necklace around my best friend's neck
i will stay in that little jar and him i swear to forever protect
oh my best friend who swears he'll never fucking leave
and this guy seems to genuinely mean that shit
my bestie who'll protect me and i will do the same for him
i still have your hat and i will wear it from beyond the grave
when i die i just hope you don't sorrowfully grieve
i want you to be happy and not cry on those pretty boy knees
give a shit yes i do and love or not you will always be my boo
hold my hand and i will hold yours even if the fucking house burns
i will run through hell with lil nas on my ass to save your mom or you or your dogs
will be there for you no matter the situation
no problem man you and i are the solution
if you leave me it'll all spiral and become problematic
all this fuck up bullshit is kind of anticlimactic
be my friend forever and i swear i won't be too dramatic
just belong to me as my bestie and a single fuck i promise not to give
don't leave me ever because your special to me bitch
when the stars sprinkle my room like chocolate sauce on a cake
i lie alone or alone as i presume in my bedroom wide awake
I can hear you calling from afar because I have that bond
That special and somewhat undeniable connection
Something unbreakable and undeniable no matter the ccircumstance
My old friends left me and hated me and tried to kill me
But despite all that B.S. you befriended me nevertheless and you stayed
You stayed despite knowing full well of my trauma and you belonged
Belonged to another friend who you stopped talking to and got sad over
Nevertheless I stayed beside you and I feel that's saying something
Kindness on both sides was the inspiration behind our efforts to stay together
I wasn't that good to you but you were plenty good to me darling
Sure there is a gender difference and sure we hit each other
But we care for one another and sure as hell love each other
We won't say it aloud though because in truth there's no need
I will remain beside you when you try to foolishly leave this place
Will hold your body in place while you bleed to preserve you
You're such a special and ironic and unique man I don't deserve you
But nevertheless I became friends with you and we still are to this day
To God I pray despite being atheist that it remains that way you and i
This is the end and the end of music I can never seem to stop
The words just come out and flow and to you my bestie I propose
Will you be my bro
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