animefan101 · 3 years
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Alto and Brera’s Assault
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animefan101 · 4 years
So worse Season in Big Brother History? I fucking think so! I hope these people get roasted by how shitty they have played.
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animefan101 · 4 years
They said AOS will have a happy ending.
I just realized something about AOS
and if it happens I will be pissed.
So, an idea just popped into my head and I would be not surprised if it happend. 
So imagine: They are getting further along in the time stream and Sousa knows that he won’t be getting his ass back to ‘55 anymore. Daisy notices he’s worrying about it and offers to take him on a get away in 2020; Get around, see the world as it is then. They start plotting for it when everything is over, even start looking at cabins to have a quiet time and everything, but then the writers kill off Sousa, leaving Daisy shredded once again. 
Would I be surprised if this happend? I definitely would not. 
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animefan101 · 5 years
Am I the only one that finds S1 better then the last like the last 4 or 5 season of the original PLL?
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animefan101 · 6 years
Where is this from? I don’t remember seeing this. XD
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animefan101 · 6 years
I really think if they went in that route FT would be worse off, since this is the guy that made the ending in a week. I see your point though.
Why I Think NatZa Has Always Been Hiro Mashima’s Goal
Here is why I think NatZa has always been Hiro’s goal.
So as revealed by Hiro Mashima in his commentary of Fairy Tail S (I think), and in recent interviews, he did not intend for NaLu to become a romantic couple and their interactions early on in the series were just for comedy. But as he said, the NaLu shippers began taking things way to seriously. 
With the fact that their interactions weren’t meant to be taken seriously, I think it’s safe to assume that NatZa has always been his goal. Natsu would be very protective of Erza, the mere sight of her crying made him want to kill Jellal, the and two of them touched foreheads in a romantic  anime/manga trope way. And in the Oracion Seis arc, Erza is the one who worriedly contacts Natsu when he is down, and is relieved when she finds out his alright and defeated Zero. So I do believe that Hiro was trying to build up NatZa, but the NaLu shippers started pressuring him. But even under the NaLu shipper pressure, we still got hints of NatZa. Such as Erza blushing at the sight of Natsu’s power in the Avatar Arc, and teases in the Omake/OVA 1, where Levy teases Erza about possibly having feelings for Natsu.
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animefan101 · 6 years
Don’t you love them rigging it this season? XD
it’s gonna be michael or courtney who wins tonight (and if i’m wrong i will be shocked)
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animefan101 · 6 years
So bad that you can see it was rigged this season for a singer.
I missed the results lmao how bad was it?
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animefan101 · 6 years
America doesn’t know shit, they love their singers with sad stories. New Flash judges, singers are more common then ever now, so it’s less of a talent.
Okay so I actually went through and watched all of Riana’s A(sia’s)GT performances and like…. the judges were so much more into it than the A(merica’s)GT judges were and it’s wild
Like her performances were genuinely fascinating and I can see why they loved her so much and it’s such a shame her act didn’t translate as well with American audiences
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animefan101 · 6 years
People yelled at me in the past for calling her a dumb bimbo, but look at what shes doing. All you fuckers talking down to me when it’s clear she has no respect for herself and others. She attacks Trump, when shes dating a guy 10000000x times worse. Along with trying to be a spokes person for the Asian’s and women. Chloe you now lost all respect from me and most of your fans, we now know the true you. Your full of yourself and self centered. I will continue to watch AOS because of the others on the show. I did have respect for you and was on your side for Women’s rights; but you are now nothing but a person that is two faced. Yes we don’t know you or Logan but action speaks louder then words and what he has done is unforgivable and you dating him, makes you just as shallow as he is.
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animefan101 · 6 years
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animefan101 · 7 years
Why do you think her BF left her? She only thinks one way and thats her way. Shes with Logan for his dick thats all. XD
peep this…the cast and crew is getting punished for logan paul being a dick…(while chloe bennet has no problem being on his dick😶)
mgm doesn’t want to be associated with logan paul yet chloe bennet wang doesn’t see the problem 🙄
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animefan101 · 7 years
Well I...myself don’t like people that has a fake face. LOL
I don’t like pretty boy
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animefan101 · 7 years
They rigged it to keep her in, the show is as rigged as ever. XD
Honestly I don’t like omarosa in real life but she’s the beautiful woman leading the all women’s alliance we’ve been waiting for on this show
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animefan101 · 7 years
Yet they rig to keep Omarosa in. XD
recasting the hoh literally defeats the whole purpose of there being an hoh competition???
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animefan101 · 7 years
Wow..I’m white and I’m not racist at all, thanks for pretty much putting me in that spot.
I love chloe bennet but I noticed that she has a subpar taste in white dudes. Like, all of her ex's are white and so ick-looking. There nothing wrong with interracial dating, but I feel like she's like one of those people who claim to be all "woke" but have an overwhelming attraction to generic looking white people.
I think though that might be just the environment she’s in you know?  She’s dating people I believe she meets on the sets that she works on.  She’s dating white men because she’s surrounded by white men.  Plus she’s young maybe she hasn’t yet figured out that most white men aren’t worth it just because so many of them might be racist you know?
mod m
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animefan101 · 7 years
Don’t you love how it was a tie and CODY was the one to break it and give it to Josh!? It went full circle! Cody tried to get Paul out and failed...BUT he snubbed Paul’s win? PERFECT way to end this season was how it all started...Paul VS Cody.
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