animeguysarehot · 3 years
Stout hearted
(Adj): having a brave heart
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Chapter 3
Hanma x older sister reader x Black dragon founders
Warning :Abuse,injuries, Drunk Dad
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"It's Friday so dad won't be home,wanna go hang out at the park?" She asked looking at him, he relaxed hearing that their father won't be home for the night and nodded "Shu what do you want for your birthday??" 
"It's your birthday next week,  do you want anything?" 
He stared at the ground holding onto the straps of his bag, she had been working and been helping around the neighbourhood to earn money for them. "Come on bud it's your birthday " 
"You like batman right? Wanna have a movie night and watch that?" 
He gave her a nod still not looking at her, she stopped walking and made him look at her "You're overthinking again, you know I love you" she moved his hair from his eyes
"I'll give you the best birthday "
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her as he teared up. She rubbed his back letting cry, his birthday was always hard but she tried her best to always make them smile. The two had learned to avoid their father during this week, he was more tense during the week.
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 "So this is your brother " 
She really didn't mean to punch him, he just surprised her and she swung her fist at him. Shinichiro held the tissue to his bleeding nose while the (Y/n) kept apologising for punching him. Kezio and Wakasa didn't seem surprised that she had punched him. 
Shuuji was by his sister's side looking at the boy she had punched, were they her friends? Could he trust them? Were they as nice as Lee? The Shinichiro guy looked at him and grinned " You're Shuuji right? " 
"I'm Shinichiro… I'm friend's with your sister "
This shocked both the Hanma siblings as they stared at the pompadour haired boy. Shuuji was happy that his sister was making friends,  even if he didn't really trust these guys just yet. This guy seemed to care about his sister.
"Take care of my sister!" 
Shinichiro grinned at the boy nodding at the kid "I promise I'll be a good friend " he vowed before looking at (Y/n) who looked like she was lost " How's your nose?" 
"Huh?... its fine" 
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".. Thanks for walking us home " 
"Can't let you get jumped again"
Shinichiro insisted on helping the girl buy groceries and walk her home, Shuuji was a good kid. He was protective of his sister and at first Shinichiro had to keep his distance but he had managed to gain the boy's trust. She unlocked the door, immediately placing the bags on the floor. "Sorry my Father he's strict…." 
She didn't want to get Shinichiro involved if her father came home, she took Shuuji from Shinichiro. He poked her head when he noticed her over thinking again "told you it's no big deal, I'll see you Monday?"
"Bye Shin"
She locked the door behind Shinichiro before tucking Shuuji into his bed. She had to put away the groceries before she could start doing her homework. She was busy putting away when she heard the door unlock, she studied her surroundings checking for any exit. She moved quietly and quickly to her room. 
"It's his fault you know"
Shit when he follow her, she stood in front of the door protectively. He was drunk with cheeks flushed, she could smell it on him. He stumbled towards her barely being able to walk. "It's his fault!"
"Go to bed, you're drunk" 
She grunted when her body slammed into the door. "Admit it! You hate him!" He yelled hovering over the girl, she glared up at him "No mom wanted Shu!" 
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Miss Amelia had always tended to wounds of criminals, she said everyone had the right to be treated to medical attention. Sure some delinquents she treated were pretty young and she always lectured them for causing trouble,  she made sure her clinic was a safe place for anyone. It was a neutral turf and no delinquents would cause trouble out of respect. 
This wasn't the first time the girl showed up with injuries , always claiming she had gotten into a fight or she fell.  The brunette didn't believe the girl, no she couldn't have such bad luck that she would be here once a week at least. (Y/n) always brought her brother along too, maybe something was going on at home. Did the two live alone maybe??
"How did you dislocate it again?" 
"I fell down the stairs…"
Amelia frowned not believing a word the girl came in a while ago, how (Y/n) had managed to bring her brother along was a mystery. "You have to spend the night...I'll set up beds for you two" 
The white haired boy popped his head into his office "Miss Am-....(Y/n)?" Didn't Shinichiro walk her home? What was she doing here? His eyes landed on her shoulder, she had a sling on and her shoulder looked bruised. He was sure that his friend made sure the girl was safe, did someone break into her house?
After helping Amelia guide the girl and her brother to their beds, he stayed behind staring at (Y/n). She shifted in front of him "What?" 
"What happened"
"I fell down the stairs " 
Bull shit, she did look like some who fell off the stairs,did  someone hurt her? Why was she protecting them? He couldn't be the only one who had suspicions, she showed up to school with a bruised nose and now this.
"You're friends with (Y/n)?"
Wakasa turned around facing the doctor "Something like that" he didn't know much about her, other from rumours and from what he learned today. "Do you know if someone is hurting her?"
"She was fine when Shinichiro dropped her off"
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Proof reader: @lostinthe-jojos
Tags: @erishaitto
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
So I did it.
I'll screenshot the match ups etc
Moved here from from my old blog @animeguysarehot
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Thinking about moving my blog.
I dont think I'll move all my stuff but I'll definitely keep this blog up. For whoever wants to read pr whatever.
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
❥Anon asked: How do you think the older siblings(Kawata, Shiba and Sano) would react to their younger sibling getting in a fight at school???
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Neither of them are pleased. They don't like that their sibling had gotten in a fight and scold them in front of their teacher.
Souta checks them out for any injuries they may have and Nahoya makes them apologize to the other kid.
Once at home, they give them the chance to tell them the full story and no matter what happened, they both are on their sibling's side.
Nahoya would absolutely ask them if they won.
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It depends on who gets the memo first.
If it was Yuzuha, she goes full mama bear. It wasn't her sibling's fault, the other kid must have provoked them (which turns out to be true). By the end of the day the other kid apologizes and Yuzuha makes her sibling promise to not go around picking on fights.
Hakkai apologizes himself to the teachers and asks his sibling what happened. He is patient when explaining them why they should not act like that again. Once everything is cleared up, he helps them get cleaned up and gets them their favorite snack.
If it was Taiju, he apologizes to the principal or teacher, to the other kid's parents and makes his sibling apologize too. He doesn't care how bruised his sibling looks, he doesn't stop to let the clean themselves and just drags them home and severely reprimands them, for causing trouble, for not being able to look out for themselves and for making him waste his precious time. By the time he's done, his sibling is crying, waiting for Yuzuha or Hakkai to tell them what had happened.
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Shinichiro would most likely be the one to respond for his sibling. He apologizes and promises it won't happen again. He then talks to his sibling, or rather tries to, since they're pouting and unwilling to say a word. After some time— and bribing them with some snacks— his sibling tells him what happened and Shinichiro feels relieved. His sibling had been provoking them for quite some time until they couldn't stand the situation anymore and things escalated.
When Mikey finds out, he tells them they should train sometime with him, and demands to know who had been bullying them, to maybe pay them a visit.
Emma's reaction would be like Shinichiro's, with her sibling her what had happened while she cleaned up their face and knuckles. She gently reprimands them and asks them to not do that again.
Izana would immediately be on his sibling's side, from the moment he goes to pick them up. He doesn't care about what the other child had to say, he only knows they hurt his family and that his sibling is a good kid, therefore it wasn't their fault.
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Do not repost, translate or distribute my work outside of Tumblr.
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
The person I reblogged this from is someone I enjoy seeing on my dashboard.
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
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Pairing: Toman Members (Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Smiley, and Angry) Warning: maybe some violence? And blood? Mentions of sex but will be explained more later Note: Toman members as older brothers! Cause we need the fluff for the manga readers 🥲 Pronouns: they/them Like my writing? Consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/alleycatbookstore
He's a bit lazy and laidback honestly
Emma constantly reminds Mikey to be a little strict towards you but how can he?
You're too cute
Plus, with your puppy eyes?
If Mikey is ever strict or serious is when he's with other Toman members
Draken is number 1 listed as the babysitter
As best? No, no, no. The first person Mikey leaves you with if he wants to do something dangerous
The chances of Draken dumping you in Emma or even Mitsuya's lap is very high
(Listen, he's worried about your big bro. It doesn't mean he doesn't hate you)
Mitsuya doesn't mind looking after you
It just means his sisters and you can play together!
To be honest, you still look up to Mikey a lot
Wanna learn his skills? You're watching from the sidelines and following him around
He keeps you out of Toman's business at whatever cost though
If someone even thinks about taking you, they're gone
He appears to be intimidating but he's the biggest teddy bear in the world
He normally carries you around instead of letting you walk
Why? One, crowds. Two, his poor back
Imagine a 6'1 15-year-old boy leaning down and walking alongside a 3/4-year-old child
Sometimes Draken's thought about a baby carrier but he shook that thought away
If he had to fight someone, he's not doing it in front of you
Draken tries to give you a normal childhood
(Since he lives in a brothel and everything)
When there's, uh, ahem going on next door,
Either puts headphones on you or distracts you with something else
You know the sidecar that some motorcycles have? Draken installed one so he can take you around Tokyo and Shibuya
It's one of his favorite ways of bonding with you
Your laughs and giggles brighten his day
He tries his best
He really does
He can keep you alive unless it comes to food
The convenience store is his best friend when it comes to you
To the point Chifuyu or Mitsuya had to step in
Baji is short-tempered but overprotective
If he sees that you're crying, his first instinct is to find out who made you cry
If it's a kid, he's willing to beat up said kid
"Baji-san, please." "Listen up, Chifuyu. My sibling is crying and that is unacceptable."
Speaking of Chifuyu
You adore him as much as you adore your older brother
"Fuyu!" "Hello, Baji-chan."
Like Draken, Baji's going to be carrying you around rather than let you walk
But unlike Draken, he's willing to show off his fighting skills in front of you
"Yeah! Your nii-san is cool, right?" "Hai!" "Baji-san..."
As much as Chifuyu respects Baji, he won't let Baji near you
"He's a bad influence, Y/n."
The other members are fine
It's just Baji he wants to avoid when it comes to you
He absolutely loves taking you to feed the strays with him
"Carefully now, Y/n. Don't scare them off."
He doesn't mind letting you walk by yourself
He always has his fingers wrapped around your tiny hand
Chifuyu doesn't really talk about his life as a gang member
For your ability to sleep without nightmares, of course
Nightmares aren't common in the Chifuyu household but if there is one, Chifuyu is always there to help you calm down from it
Either by reading manga or just making you laugh
After Baji passed away, Chifuyu introduced Takemitchi to you
Despite Baji hardly interacting with you, you still cried for him sometimes
"Hai, hai. You miss him and so do I, Y/n." "Baji..."
RIP, Baji
10/10 boyfriend and husband material
He's an older brother to two girls (and you)
His mom never has to worry about her three younger children with Mitsuya around
Since you're the youngest, you're coddled quite often by your older siblings
Mitsuya 100% makes clothes for you and does a mini photoshoot
He does and will wear a baby carrier
Hands down
Hakkai was introduced to you early on and you absolutely adore the giant
Said giant was nervous
Just cling to his leg and he'll fall for it
A friendly giant
Another person who looks intimidating
Also carrying you around
No way will he lost you in a crowd
Tries his best to keep you away from Taiju
Yuzuah coddles you a lot too
(Not that Hakkai doesn't either)
They want to make sure your childhood is much better than theirs
Mitsuya is often around you while growing up too
Besties with Luna and Mana and a lot of playdates
He's also the best pillow to sleep on
Smiley and Angry:
Between them honestly
Because they look alike and all
Either way, they're going to coddle you to death
"Hey! What are you looking at her like for?!"
Photoshoots, photoshoots, photoshoots!
Matching clothes!
The best duo of taking care of you
Loves making you laugh
Carries you around on their shoulders when you're bored
Accidentally teaches you how to say a few bad words though
10/10 the protective tag-team
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Pan 💗💛💙
reblog if you’re part of the holy trinity of ignored sexualities
pansexual, bisexual, asexual
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Got off work had a *drink* and got the courage to post this.
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Still a wip but its Yn and Mikey
From @fic-dumpster
Dear in headlights??
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
❥anon asked: Hi, this is the 5-7 year old sibling ask anon. I loved what you wrote for the characters!! Do you think you can do some for the Shiba siblings? I’m curious about how that whole dynamic would change
❥A/N: this is a repost from my old blog
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When their mother died, their youngest sibling was still around 9-11 months old and with their father being absent, the three would have been supposed to take care of the baby.
Taiju has a tendency for violence but tries to not lash out at the crying baby. But he still has a bad temper.
“What else do you want?! Stop crying already!”
“Don’t yell! You’ll upset them more!” Yuzuha would shush him, holding her little sibling and carrying them to her room, where Hakkai was hiding as well.
Reluctantly, he realizes that Yuzuha is right and really tries to not yell at his baby sibling. That’s a fragile creature he’s dealing with and he can’t have them scared of him.
Hakkai learns as much as he can from Yuzuha, to help her in taking care of their baby sibling.
Although Taiju won’t hurt his youngest sibling, he’ll still hit his other two siblings, not as often nor as violently but would still do it.
He won’t harm them whenever their baby sibling is present, and tries to control his temper.
Being religious as he is, he continuously goes to the church to calm himself down and think about his actions.
He loves his family, even if it is in his very twisted way, and wants to try to change before everything escalates.
Both Yuzuha and Hakkai notice the change in his behavior and how, although he raises his hand to hit them, will stop himself and leave the room for a while.
They still wouldn’t really trust him with the baby.
Time skip to when their little sibling is 5.
They follow Yuzuha like a shadow and likes to play with Hakkai. Their relationship with Taiju is a sight to behold.
He learned how to be strict with their siblings without using violence, going for other forms of punishment when necessary rather than beating them up.
He eventually got Yuzuha and Hakkai to let him spend more time with their little sibling and both taught him how to better deal with the child.
He has a soft spot for the kid, being so small and naive and so eager to learn.
The child loves him, really, but is also a little scared of him and with a reason. Although he doesn’t use physical violence, he can be rather cruel with his words.
Mitsuya entered Hakkai’s life right on time to teach him that love shouldn’t hurt physically nor emotionally or be mentally taxing.
He gladly lets the youngest Shiba go over to his place to hang out with his sisters, especially after meeting Taiju.
I think Taiju would be more doting on his youngest sibling, aware of how much younger they are and trying to teach them “how to be strong”. However, since he wouldn’t be physically violent, he’d be quite manipulative.
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
OMG HI i follow your other blog and i absolutely adore all your stuff <3
i’m just here to request but please don’t feel pressured cause ik you’re really busy with life, college and all your blogs etc.
how about mikey, draken and whoever else you want in a scenario where they hear rumors that the only reason the reader is still with them is cause they’re scared to leave cause yk they be dangerous
angst to fluff pls!
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PART TWO — baji and hanma
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: sano manjiro and ryuguji ken
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: stop bc this is kinda sad like poor boys but also i rly like this prompt omg. i got lazy and only did two but also thank you !! so glad you like my other blog bby <3
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draken hasn’t spoken to you in days, and you’re at your limit. it’s the text on his phone he wakes up to that forces him to trudge to your home.
‘it’s over if you don’t explain what’s going on.’
he stares at the text for far too long, can’t find it in him to face you—he doesn’t think he can handle it. but he figures that if he’s bound to lose you, it shouldn’t be like this.
you open the door unimpressed, cold and distant as he walks in with slumped shoulders, sitting on the edge of your couch hunched with his elbows leaning on his knees. for such a large build, your boyfriend looks oddly small as he waits for you to supposedly crush his heart.
“what is going on, ken? why haven’t you spoken to me in days? are you tryna end things?” you ask question after question. “at least do it like a decent person, you coward,” you spit.
he looks up at you, eyes uncharacteristically lost, pooled with so many emotions, you can’t quite read them all. but the one that stands out is defeat.
“i’m not the one who wants to end things,” he croaks, laughing bitterly. “how…how could you think i’d hurt you,” he whispers, voice shaky. frowning, you forrow your eyebrows, shaking your head in confusion.
“what? what do you mean?”
“i heard what people have been saying,” he mutters, glaring at his lap. his fists clutch the fabric tightly, knuckles almost white with the force with clenches them with.
draken’s never known a home, not really, but he likes to think he’s found one in you. and it stings, it feels like a layer of him has been ripped off, leaving him raw and sore at the thought that maybe this hasn’t been home all along.
but he still can’t help but feel like it is, and he can’t bear to lose it. he wants to be enough, needs to be enough for you to stay—wants you to see that he’d hand you his heart while it still beat if he could, if it was for you. but perhaps you believe otherwise, and it leaves him in despair.
“what have they been saying, ken?” you pry gently.
“that you wanna leave,” he raises his voice, staring at you desperately—his eyes beg you tell him otherwise. you flinch slightly at the sudden noise, but it makes him falter, eyes draining of any hope left. “i wouldn’t…i—i could never,” he whispers. “i’d never hurt you.”
there are tears pooling at his eyes, and they shock you, making you quickly come forward, cradling his face in your palms. despite his mind screaming no, he leans into your touch.
“of course you wouldn’t, kenny,” you agree, leaning down and kissing his forehead. “why would i think you would?” he buries his face into your stomach, taking in your words as he hugs you close.
“i thought…i just heard—” you cut him off.
“it’s okay,” you soothe, tracing the tattoo on his temple with your finger. the familiar action makes the tension in his shoulders ease—and you always manage to do that, you’re what keeps him upright. “it was just a misunderstanding. i don’t wanna leave. and i could never think you’d hurt me,” you promise.
it’s warm in your arms, and they cage him so securely—they give him a purpose and a home and a sense of belonging all at once. and he’s not sure how he’ll function without them, but he’s glad he doesn’t have to. the gentle drag of your finger across his temple reminds him you’re here, and he knows he’ll go whatever lengths to keep it that way.
“love you,” he whispers hopefully. leaning down, you peck his lips sweetly.
“love you too,” you smile.
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mikey wanders through school with draken beside him, on their way to pull takemichi out of class when he hears whispers in the halls, turning his head with a raised brow. everyone keeps a distance from him, and he’s used to that, but the words he catches through the quiet murmurs make his heart plummet and mind wander.
“that’s y/n’s boyfriend.”
“he’s that delinquent.”
“poor thing can’t even leave him, he’s too dangerous. i’d be scared to if i were dating him.”
frowning, mikey stares down at the floor, fists and jaw clenched. he feels a hand on his shoulder, and before his best friend can offer any words, he’s off, turning and making a bee line for your class, barging in and marching right up to you.
“mikey? babe, what are you—hey! let go, i can’t leave right now, i have a test tomorrow—mikey, are you listening? hello?”
but he pays no mind to your words, bottom lip trembling slightly and shoulders tense as his grip only tightens, making your eyebrows furrow in concern. you let him lead you out of the school and behind the building, his eyes meeting yours.
and they shock you. they look hurt, betrayed even, there’s hints of doubt and fear behind his irises, and it makes your heart shatter. reaching your hand up to cup his face, you pause when he pulls away, turning his head to the side. you can make out the small tremble in his lips this time, taking a step forward to carefully get closer.
“so, is it true?” he mutters. tilting your head, you stare at him bewildered.
“babe, what are you talking about? is what true?” staring at you with tear glossed eyes, he crosses his arms.
mikey’s always been a bit doubtful of what really compelled you to say yes to him. maybe it really was fear, maybe the only reason you’d indulged him was for the sake of your own safety. or worse—perhaps you’d realized he wasn’t what you’d wanted, too scared to leave him now for fear of his name.
but he could never hurt you, he’d known that from the start. but it dawns on him that maybe you don’t know—you might not know just how much he really loves you. and the pain that you might not love him back as fiercely, or love him at all, is scalding.
“you wanna leave me?” he breathes, voice shaky. “what’s stopping you, huh? think i’ll hurt you or something?” this time, a tear escapes him, and your face softens, hand reaching to cup his face again. he lets you this time—because truth be told, even if you tear his heart to shreds and toss it aside, mikey is still yours to have. it’s always been you, and he doesn’t think it ever won’t be.
“who put that idea in your head, silly,” you smile gently, brushing the tear away with your thumb. pressing a small kiss to his cheek, you bring him into your arms, rubbing his back with one hand and carding through his locks with the other. “‘m not scared of you,” you whisper. “you’re just a big baby deep down,” you tease. but the message is clear, and he’s grateful, clutching onto your shirt tightly as he sinks further into your embrace.
“but the…the people—”
“what do they know, baby? they just run their mouths,” you soothe, turning to press another kiss to his temple this time. “i love you, you know. wouldn’t ever wanna leave.”
“promise?” he whispers—and he should be surprised how quickly you can mend the withering of his heart, but he knows that as long as you’re there, he’ll be okay.
he’ll always be okay if he has you.
“promise,” you murmur.
“kay,” he mumbles. “love you too.” and he does, you know he does, your heart in synch with his, always.
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𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Hc that if you fall asleep on the bus/train next to Pah after a date,internally he freaks out.
Are they comfy
Should I wake them
Are they cold
Are the thoughts running through his head, he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable or wake up with a sore neck. So he shifts you to a more comfortable position and wraps his arm around you.
There's this bubble of pride in his chest, you feel save enough to be this vulnerable around him???
He wonders how he got so lucky to end up with someone with you. Kissing your forehead he promises to protect you from everything bad.
(A little hc while I'm working on some boyfriend hcs for pah)
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
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Pairing: Toman Members (Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Smiley, and Angry) Warning: maybe some violence? And blood? Mentions of sex but will be explained more later Note: Toman members as older brothers! Cause we need the fluff for the manga readers 🥲 Pronouns: they/them Like my writing? Consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/alleycatbookstore
He's a bit lazy and laidback honestly
Emma constantly reminds Mikey to be a little strict towards you but how can he?
You're too cute
Plus, with your puppy eyes?
If Mikey is ever strict or serious is when he's with other Toman members
Draken is number 1 listed as the babysitter
As best? No, no, no. The first person Mikey leaves you with if he wants to do something dangerous
The chances of Draken dumping you in Emma or even Mitsuya's lap is very high
(Listen, he's worried about your big bro. It doesn't mean he doesn't hate you)
Mitsuya doesn't mind looking after you
It just means his sisters and you can play together!
To be honest, you still look up to Mikey a lot
Wanna learn his skills? You're watching from the sidelines and following him around
He keeps you out of Toman's business at whatever cost though
If someone even thinks about taking you, they're gone
He appears to be intimidating but he's the biggest teddy bear in the world
He normally carries you around instead of letting you walk
Why? One, crowds. Two, his poor back
Imagine a 6'1 15-year-old boy leaning down and walking alongside a 3/4-year-old child
Sometimes Draken's thought about a baby carrier but he shook that thought away
If he had to fight someone, he's not doing it in front of you
Draken tries to give you a normal childhood
(Since he lives in a brothel and everything)
When there's, uh, ahem going on next door,
Either puts headphones on you or distracts you with something else
You know the sidecar that some motorcycles have? Draken installed one so he can take you around Tokyo and Shibuya
It's one of his favorite ways of bonding with you
Your laughs and giggles brighten his day
He tries his best
He really does
He can keep you alive unless it comes to food
The convenience store is his best friend when it comes to you
To the point Chifuyu or Mitsuya had to step in
Baji is short-tempered but overprotective
If he sees that you're crying, his first instinct is to find out who made you cry
If it's a kid, he's willing to beat up said kid
"Baji-san, please." "Listen up, Chifuyu. My sibling is crying and that is unacceptable."
Speaking of Chifuyu
You adore him as much as you adore your older brother
"Fuyu!" "Hello, Baji-chan."
Like Draken, Baji's going to be carrying you around rather than let you walk
But unlike Draken, he's willing to show off his fighting skills in front of you
"Yeah! Your nii-san is cool, right?" "Hai!" "Baji-san..."
As much as Chifuyu respects Baji, he won't let Baji near you
"He's a bad influence, Y/n."
The other members are fine
It's just Baji he wants to avoid when it comes to you
He absolutely loves taking you to feed the strays with him
"Carefully now, Y/n. Don't scare them off."
He doesn't mind letting you walk by yourself
He always has his fingers wrapped around your tiny hand
Chifuyu doesn't really talk about his life as a gang member
For your ability to sleep without nightmares, of course
Nightmares aren't common in the Chifuyu household but if there is one, Chifuyu is always there to help you calm down from it
Either by reading manga or just making you laugh
After Baji passed away, Chifuyu introduced Takemitchi to you
Despite Baji hardly interacting with you, you still cried for him sometimes
"Hai, hai. You miss him and so do I, Y/n." "Baji..."
RIP, Baji
10/10 boyfriend and husband material
He's an older brother to two girls (and you)
His mom never has to worry about her three younger children with Mitsuya around
Since you're the youngest, you're coddled quite often by your older siblings
Mitsuya 100% makes clothes for you and does a mini photoshoot
He does and will wear a baby carrier
Hands down
Hakkai was introduced to you early on and you absolutely adore the giant
Said giant was nervous
Just cling to his leg and he'll fall for it
A friendly giant
Another person who looks intimidating
Also carrying you around
No way will he lost you in a crowd
Tries his best to keep you away from Taiju
Yuzuah coddles you a lot too
(Not that Hakkai doesn't either)
They want to make sure your childhood is much better than theirs
Mitsuya is often around you while growing up too
Besties with Luna and Mana and a lot of playdates
He's also the best pillow to sleep on
Smiley and Angry:
Between them honestly
Because they look alike and all
Either way, they're going to coddle you to death
"Hey! What are you looking at her like for?!"
Photoshoots, photoshoots, photoshoots!
Matching clothes!
The best duo of taking care of you
Loves making you laugh
Carries you around on their shoulders when you're bored
Accidentally teaches you how to say a few bad words though
10/10 the protective tag-team
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Restarting because the other post was getting long
Build your own Ghibli movie based on your height, birthday, favorite color, and zodiac (from @/softkillua on Twitter)
Ty @nervouswritingfictionrascal for the tag 💕
Mine is:
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Get the images here ✨
I tag @threeleggedcrow @obey-me-tho @baalism @glorified-monster @topaz-carbuncle @hisvillainess anyone who wants to do it!
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
bringing in here this picrew (I saw @halspur and @ohmytheon did) for my picrew wife @blondehusband bc why not ehehe
kid ➡️ teen ➡️ adult (picrew link)
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you can actually see life draining out of me ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
Also tagging: @amethystsoda @erwinslut @noritoshiikamo @cursedmoonchild @sebbyzoldyck @laudthingcat @tonitart @honeyspalette @peachessayshi @the-only-ace @lonis-fantasy-cafe (only if u feel like it ehehe) + anyone else who wanna
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
Child reader? Who’s is like klee? With toman,tenjiku and vahalla who bomb everything 👁👁
klee y/n bombing everyone as she should this post includes: swearing, grammar mistakes, typos, crack headcanons (none of them are genuine), they're all platonic hcs!!
TOMAN - oh god. menaces. - you and toman's energy mixed together is powerful enough to dominate the world istg I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING - most of the time i think you'd get along well with smiley, because you'd destroy things and still have a big smile on your face - souya would be okay with you, if he has to take care of you then he'll make sure that he did a good job at it - "are you here to play with y/n? alright then let's go!" jesus mikey is also your best friend, he'd take you anywhere you wanna go. - cafe? sure. pet shop? of course. just tell him the location and he'll take you there while giving you a piggyback ride (unless it's overseas since who in toman is not broke) - baji keisuke would be your partner in crime while chifuyu tries to stop you two from committing crimes, "HEY HEY IF YOU WANNA BURN SOMETHING DOWN THEN IMAGINE IT YOU CAN'T JUST BURN A CAR DOWN" "CMON CHIFUYU WE'RE HAVING SO MUCH FUN RN" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE POLICE IS HERE" "OH SHIT LET'S GO" - mitsuya would lecture you if you do something terribly wrong, you also see him as a motherly figure and would cling onto him when you get hurt (he's a great listener btw) - draken doesn't mind having you around, since if you're looking for some fun then he'll show you how fun being a gang member can be - you may be childish at times but guess what .. use your childishness on peh yan if you two happen to get into an argument - he'll scream back at you and just end up frustrated cuz he can't win the fight - pahchin hyping pehyan up and eventually getting on your side so true - hakkai doesn't interact much with you, but if he's left to babysit you then please don't cause trouble or poor boy would be stressed out - mucho?? PLSS YOU'D ASK HIM A WEIRD QUESTION AND HE'D GO "mhmn." EVERY DAMN TIME DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S A YES NO QUESTION HE'D GO "mhmn" - no but if you need help then he'll gladly help you tho - you fucking menace you scare me - lemme tell you smth when you heard about baji leaving toman you were overly upset for the next few days, but dw he'd still visit you sometimes and comfort you - takemichi probably gets along with you too but would act like a parent sometimes if he thinks you're up to no good - hina and emma would totally get along with you ngl THEY'D NEVER LEAVE YOU OUT
VALHALLA - OH GOD ANOTHER CHAOTIC GANG WITH YOU - hanma is literally best friends with you, they probably found out that a gang member of theirs had a little sister - you accidentally walked into the hideout and your brother was like, "Y/N?! GO BACK HOME PLEASE I'M IN A MEETING RN" then hanma deadass went "HOLD ON LET HER STAY SHE LOOKS FUN" - turns out he was right you're really fun to be around - hanma would 100% go prank people with you - if you try to bomb things then expect kazutora to pop out of nowhere and take all of your things - you and hanma are both the embodiment of "you're so mean i don't bully people *bullies someone*" - at first you were a little awkward because it's a conversation between a teenager and a literal child so who'd get along with them easily right? unless they love children - kazuora is the one sane person that tries to keep you and hanma from killing people, "guys please it's 1am already go home" "NAURRR THERE'S A CONVENIENCE STORE OPEN AND WE WANNA RAID IT" "god why am i even here" - hanma is usually the one that comes up with plans and you'd agree with every one of them, going "yeah!! let's go!!" - he once tried to make you skip school but kazutora promised your brother to never do that again - you were really sad that you didn't have time to spend with your bff hanma cuz he's literally the funniest bitch alive but also the ugliest /hj - you can't tell me otherwise, hanma would take you to a shop and let you try on new clothes that are his style - he'd buy some of them and wear matching outfits with you the next time - imagine him posting the pic and say "just stole someone's sister, i'm her new brother now" - when you saw baji join valhalla, you looked to hanma and asked, "is that my new brother?" - god expect hanma to cry himself to sleep he thought he was irreplaceable (he kinda is /j)
TENJIKU - idk man they probably hate you and love you - izana doesn't mind you running around, since he can assign others to look after you - if there's someone who suffers the most, it's kakucho, yep izana made kakucho take care of you - please stop running around kakucho is already DIZZY YOU'VE BEEN RUNNING FOR 3 HOURS STRAIGHT HOW ARE YOU NOT TIRED - shion being scared of you canon - "hey mada-san why aren't you playing with me :(( you're so mean" "YOU THREW A BOMB AT ME WDYM I DON'T WANNA PLAY WITH YOU" and yes you gave him the nickname "mada-san" he absolutely loves it but never tells you - god save haitani brothers they're gonna get destroyed by you alone - rindou would be the one that has trouble dealing with you, mf argues with you on a daily basis while his older brother records your quarrels - "IF YOU ANNOY ME ONE MORE TIME THEN I'LL BREAK YOUR JOINT" "ARE YOU SURE?! *takes out bomb*" "no wait i'm sorry- I SAID I'M SORRY STOP CHASING ME" - ran would let you do skincare routines with him and let you braid his hair ngl as long as you don't make him look like a maniac he'd definitely let you do it - mochi doesn't talk much with you since he doesn't like being around children - one day you heard that hanma and kisaki became tenjiku's new members, you rushed to where they are and introduced yourself as the "sister of tenjiku" - hanma laughed his ass off when he heard that title, while kisaki?? meh - hanma being your bff pt.2
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animeguysarehot · 3 years
hello bllk/tr readers, i decided to hold an event as a way to say thank you for all of the support hehe
so here are the rules:
you pick a character, a song that suits them and finally, a lyric that you think would stand out to them the most
i.e: hanma with 'cigarette duet' "honey can you trust me when i want to stop i can?"
i either write headcanons or make a short fic. you can tell me that you want it be to be a fic or a hc in your request btw
once again, i won't do nsfw topics (angst and fluff are allowed)
you can pick any character as long as it's from blue lock or tokyo revengers
please be patient since i'm a little busy with school and extra classes </3
i'll be using the tag "rosy's 500 follower event" under them
idk when i'll be ending this event but probably when i feel like it or at the end of september so have fun! <3
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