animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Mako-chan tho. :3
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Because I feel sorry for disappointing non-san. Here you go, nonsense-shit-san! And I’m sorry again. Forgive me? :D
Summary: Petra was never fond of chain messages, until she found out that her supposed-to-be psychopath murderer just looked darn handsome.
*Note: Modern...
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Four times Petra obeyed his commands and the one time she didn’t.
Levi was almost convinced she wasn’t fit to be a soldier the first time he saw her.
He was told that at the age of nineteen, Petra Ral had already lost her mother and comrades to those...
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Here you go, vic-fuentabulous-san!
Summary:Levi never believed in casting spells—until his four-year-old daughter performed one on him.
*Note: The name is pronounced as /lee-ruh/. I thought of combining Levi and Petra’s name together since Isabel is used a lot of times; sequel to Captain and Soldier, set three years later.
All his life, Levi Ackerman had been a witness to many strange and supernatural occurrences within the underground capital city of Wall Sina; from how people (the military and the monarchy bastards especially) were adamant at the hellish life below their heavenly one, up to how he and his comrades who held the reputation as mere thugs were specially eyed by the Survey Corps—and of course, above the grounds where the most inconceivable creatures are present to devour humans.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Here you go, vic-fuentabulous-san!
Summary:Levi never believed in casting spells—until his four-year-old daughter performed one on him.
*Note: The name is pronounced as /lee-ruh/. I thought of combining Levi and Petra’s name together since Isabel is used a lot of...
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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STORM LOVER 快!! seiyuu’s animal drawings pt.1 o(≧∇≦o)
pt.2 & pt.3
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
okay so imagine a couple on the phone saying "you hang up first" "no you hang up first". imagine levi tried to do that to petra: "petra, you hang up first--" "no." "tch. that was close. but still, can you give me a--" click. "well she hangs up first, after all."
This is short and it’s my first time so here you go, raceshadowsinthemoonlight-san! :)
"So, tomorrow. My place." Levi says in a deadpan voice and he hopes by then that she’d immediately end the call after telling her their plan. He’s not supposed to do it or it would not seem as if he’s not familiar with chivalry anymore.
A few moments later though, he hears her sigh and wonders why the hell she hasn’t hanged up on him yet. He has something very important to do now and he knew she’s just teasing him, but then again, he’s not really the type to end the call when she’s still on the other line.
"Petra, you do know that I still have to clean up the mess my dear niece did.”
"Yeah, but you can do it later. Entertain me for a while."
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, getting impatient every second she delays him. He loves her to the core, really, but she tends to be impossible sometimes.
"Hang up."
"That won’t do."
"You go first."
"Come on. I’ll entertain you and you’ll hang up afterwards."
There’s a pregnant silence.
"You’ll entertain me and you’ll hang up first." He hears her mumble.
Impossible girl, really.
"Well, if you insists. Why don’t we try this telephone sex I’ve been hear—"
Levi puts his phone away from his ear when he hears continuous beeping sound.
Serves her right.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
The Two Faces of Surprise
Summary: In which Petra and Levi are in for unexpected turns of events. In a good way.
*Note: Sequel to Teaching Ms. Ral; set a year later.
Petra had no idea for the past year that her boyfriend is that fond of kids.
She knew how much he was disturbed by their tantrums and whatnot—and yeah, the massive amount of dirt they cause in just a short amount of time, but she never would have expected that he’d choose his niece over their date—which was supposed to be two… or three hours ago.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Summary: Levi never takes orders from his subordinates. At least that’s what everyone in the Survey Corps thinks.
*Note: Rivetra with the appearance of Levi’s hand-picked soldiers; an idea from a magazine I’ve read years ago; prequel to Captain and Soldier. Sorta.
Levi Ackerman is certainly a god.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Summary: It’s the 205th time that he sees her with shining eyes and radiating smile—the same time when he suggested that marrying him would be the best possible solution to prevent bastards from stalking her. And it doesn’t apply to a certain short, grumpy 30-year-old man with an undercut hair, sadly.
*Note: Modern-day AU. Kinda pointless if you’d ask me.
Levi decides he’s annoyed at her the first time he sees her.
It’s that day when he decided to fetch his niece on her kindergarten school—her parents were busy working on their own and he had just finished his work in the law firm; he had nothing to do.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Captain and Soldier
Summary: His words and orders are absolute, even if he’s the shortest captain alive… or humanity’s strongest nagging daddy.
*Note: Set in the original timeline (early 450s); members of Levi’s squad are alive.
Within seven years of his leadership under the Survey Corps, Levi Ackerman had never encountered any hardships in dealing with his squad.
Alright, maybe he had, but those times were only when he was away—he’d receive occasional reports about food being stolen or the headquarters ending up in a mess (a huge one) caused by two idiots picking up a fight against each other. And that was it.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Mistaken Identity
Summary: In which Petra gets kidnapped in a surprisingly-clean apartment, and tries to convince herself that her kidnapper who has an undercut hair looks hot.
*Note: This is an entirely different setting from Teaching Ms. Ral.
This is so wrong.
Petra creases her forehead in wonder how the hell she got in this situation. She remembers that she was walking through the streets of Trost where café Rose is located; she was supposed to meet her friends after her classes to arrange some plans regarding their project that they have to pass tomorrow, but as she was about to enter the store, she suddenly found herself being carried and stuffed into a black van and everything went blank afterwards.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Well, surprise Hanji! :3 Happy birthday!
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Teaching Ms. Ral
Forewarning: I never have anything against lesbians, so, if you guys find anything offensive in this fiction, please tell me and I’ll explain my side and do some rewriting as long as it would not alter or affect the main plot. Thank you very much.
Summary: Levi was used to children being a kindergarten teacher, but his life turns 360 degrees when he was being hired to be the tutor of Petra Ral, a lesbian, and someone whom he thinks is not the least creative when it comes to cursing.
*Note: This takes place on a semester break, a year before Petra graduates from her college.
            This isn’t how he pictured their very first lesson, but he knows exactly how he would deal with situations like this; he does not live by the name of the best disciplinary teacher for nothing anyway.
            Levi’s forehead merely creases at the words casted towards him, but when he feels her knees pushing a little too forceful against his stomach, his grip on her hands tightens, and he sees her flinch in pain.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Dearest Petra :3
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I’m just not good at this, but hey look, my dearest Petra! :D
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
Yoshida H: That Sebastian, in episode 20, had a scene where he was whipped by Angela. Now then, how many times was he whipped?
Fukuyama J: Until he said enough?
Ono D: It's uncountable.
Suzuki T: He actually wasn't hit at all.
Ono D: It actually wasn't a whip.
Fukuyama J: From around the 17th time, he started to feel good.
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animekyaradiary · 10 years
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Taberenai desu yo.... Oyasuminasai.
Hoh. So Aikawa Natsuki-san (Petra's seiyuu) has... Levi-heichou. :3
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