Your depression doesn’t make you less worthy of being loved.
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Please reblog if you’re a gentle femdom blog! I need some more angels, darlings, and cuties to follow.
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fellas..... it's been a good one
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The archery part though 😂
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worth sharing here cuz i think y’all have been saying the same shit. good take
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“Maybe that’s it. We eventually go numb, because you can’t break a heart that’s already broken.”
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Message to all parents:
- Not taking your child’s injuries seriously when they’re younger, may make them feel like they can’t tell you anything when they’re older. - PLEASE let your kid take personal days once in awhile once they reach highschool. - Grades are NOT everything. You can get plenty of well paying jobs now without having to go to college. - Really strict parenting leads to sneaky kids. Trust me. - Let them be who they want. They can’t change who they are, whether it is sexual orientation, gender identity or anything else. They need someone to support them. - ^ Never say “you’re too young to know” - ¼ teenagers deal with a mental illness of some sort (in the U.S). Please make sure they’re okay. - You can’t MAKE them chose an educational field. - Even an A+ student who’s a star athlete can be suicidal. - MENTAL HEALTH COMES FIRST - Self harm is more common than you think amongst teenagers. It’s also not always cutting (or on wrists). Be aware. - Sex ed. doesn’t teach them anything. - Tattoos and piercing aren’t “unprofessional” anymore - If they have depression, please DO NOT call them lazy. It’s almost the worst insult you could say. - If their grades are dropping for no reason, ask about it. Don’t assume things. - Most teenagers don’t have high self esteem. Don’t make it worse. - School is much harder now than it ever has been before. - Not everyone on the internet is a predator - It’s normal to have internet friends now - Take them seriously
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Do you ever just become quiet? For no reason. Your brain thinks about everything at once and you feel as if you’re drowning in thought and you can’t do anything to stop it so you say nothing and do nothing and just sit.
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Most people think we’re nihilist and it’s right, but,
but, we also care. A lot. And you can see it all the time.
You see it when someone fails a test that it was important for them and they cry. And you see it when all their friends try to console them, remembering them that it will be ok, maybe not now, but someday.
You see it when people have that pet they love and will take the shit out of you if you hurt them or say that they are not cute.
You see it when people identify signs of abuse on some else, and they are right there, letting them know that they are not alone.
You see it in posts like: “If you suffer from anxiety, depression, etc, send me an MP, YOU ARE NOT ALONE OK?
And try to tell me that you haven’t seen any post supporting all the lgtb+ that are ‘still on the closet’ or stuff like that.
You see it when people know that you are going through something hard, and they look you carefully every day for any signs that you are hurting yourself. (Once I had to explain to one of my friends that all of my bruises and cuts were from me being clumsy as fuck and my three cats, not any type of abuse.)
You see it when someone in your class has a panic/ anxiety/ epilepsy attack and 70% of that class search how to help with one, only in the case that it happens again.
You see it in all the people that ask if you are ok if you are not acting like usual.
You see it in all that post around about what to do, or how to act during panic/ anxiety/ epilepsy attack, or with a person with depression/ diabetes, etc
You see it when people actually ask their chauffeurs their names, or to the people that clean their salon, etc, and ask them how was their day because we all have heard how that usually makes their day, and we want to make people happy.
You see it when people discuss about the world they live on, its situation, and actually propose HOW to changes it, how they are trying, and HOW THEY ARE DOING IT.
We care, maybe not in the same way that millennials or baby boomers do, maybe not in the same things that they care. But we do care. We are here, in some world that is, at the same time, changing for good and for bad, and we care. Not for us, our emotional or physical health, but for other’s.
So yeah, we are nihilists, but we also do care about stuff
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Oml this is so relatable!!!
gen z culture is forgetting what you wanted to type in this post
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Honestly, I came to this place because of the variety of people here and can I tell I have Not been disappointed! Honestly everything I like and love which I thought no one else would even be remotely interested in has a community here bad it makes me so happy! Thank you Tumblr!!!!❣️💙😭
#mytumblrstory #allthelove
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I love being alone in my room, I love not having to be a person
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Honestly he's the god of pettiness!!!
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if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live in the midwest, this is it. 
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What did we do to deserve Bill Nye
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I can't be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
I can’t be quenched
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when you’re a lesbian sitting with two gay men during sex ed and the 4 days of the whole “dont have sex or else you’ll get pregnant and contract aids and DIE” are spent on your phone and/or making fun of the shitty heteronormative programs
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