animepotatos · 2 years
Poppy Seeds
In witchcraft, poppy seeds can represent many things, in many different ways. But for this post, I'm going to keep it relatively simple and focus on one of my favorite ways to utilize this seed: pleasure. I'm sure that many people assume that this is a sexual thing because they can also represent love and lust, but that's not always the case!
Pleasure in life: If you're looking for more pleasure in life, there are a hundred and ten ways to help with that. Poppy seeds in a success spell jar can be extremely beneficial to increasing the joy you take out of life.
Pleasure with yourself: Self-love is a tough thing for a lot of us to achieve. There's always going to be something about us that makes it feel difficult or even impossible to have. Through time, self-forgiveness, therapy, and other means of helping yourself, it can be achieved. If you feel like a little help is necessary, a self-love ritual can include poppy seeds to help you enjoy yourself, your own company, or even just who you are as a person.
Pleasure in the home: Sometimes it's hard to like your home, I get it. Family and roommates can make it hard to feel yourself while you're there. Adding poppy seeds to a housewarming spell or ritual can help take the edge off and help you learn how to enjoy your surroundings.
Pleasure with friendship: We've all had moments with friends where we're worried that it could tear us apart. Luckily, through communication and boundary-setting, this can be avoided. Poppy seeds can also help! By adding them from something as simple as a spell jar invoking better personal boundary-setting or even patience with that friend, it can make it easier to find the good parts of that friendship again.
Of course, there are about a thousand other ways to incorporate poppy seeds into your craft, but I'll leave that up to you to research and discover on your own!
As always, do your research, be kind to yourself, and blessed be.
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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animepotatos · 2 years
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FOOD & DRINK in The Secret World of Arrietty
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animepotatos · 2 years
The Do’s And Don’ts Of Demonolatry: A Brief History Of Demons And An Even Briefer Guide To Worshipping Them
I mean, I think we were all traumatised.
Watching someone’s mother gently hover above the ground whilst she saws through her own neck with piano wire definitely qualifies as traumatic.
But what the film Hereditary (2018) tapped into was not just super-leaded nightmare fuel, but a little known religious movement. So little known that mere mention of it is only found in scrapes n’ scratches across the cob.
It’s called demonolatry.
In Ari Aster’s cinematic hit, we follow a family as they contend with a demon conjured by a family member’s demonic cult.
This is the first time I ever heard of the worship of demons.
I don’t mean Stan. And I don’t mean Lucifer. A demon known as King Paimon. Satan gets his fair share of attention in this blogpost. 
But today we look a little further afield. And that field is hell.
There are lots of entities to choose from, and to some not all fulfil the definition of ‘evil’ necessary. Demonolatry and demonology, though confused, expose a hidden side to the alleged world of demonic spirits.
This article will take you through what demonolatry is, what demons are and an emo kid’s guide to your favourite demonolatrist rituals.
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animepotatos · 2 years
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I...tried to make a meme and got carried away and made A Thing that is like partially unfinished because i spent like 3 hours on it and then got tired.
I think this is mostly scientifically accurate but truth be told, there seems to be relatively little research on succession in regards to lawns specifically (as opposed to like, pastures). I am not exaggerating how bad they are for biodiversity though—recent research has referred to them as "ecological deserts."
Feel free to repost, no need for credit
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animepotatos · 3 years
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ARCANE: Council Archives Character Art
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animepotatos · 3 years
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Baby Clifford & baby Snoopy
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animepotatos · 3 years
Hopefully you find this as handy as I do. Lol
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Credit: Katie Adkins
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
New Moon Ritual
New moon rituals are about starting fresh. As the new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, it is primed for self-reflection, goal setting, and healing. This is the time to create habits, start projects, or initiate life changes. Utilize the new moon’s fresh energy, priming you to start something new. Liberate your most authentic self, address and reset boundaries, set intentions for what you want to see manifest in the coming cycle. We can now call our shadow forward on the darkest of nights and shine our light into those darkest parts of ourselves. During the new moon, the sun and the moon share the same zodiac house which provides a concentrated dose of that signs archetype. Remember, the new moon is a time to: Stop, assess, maneuver. Breathe life into your goals, your ideas, your intentions. The new moon can bring additional energy and clarity to these activities, though it is not recommended to give up something you care about or give time to energy-vacuums. While ridding your life of negative energies, stopping bad habits, and setting aside unhelpful patterns, the new moon is about beginning, about inviting new experiences. This can be looked at as approaching the new cycle from a strengths-based angle. Looking to exit a toxic relationship? The new moon is the time to focus on healing and manifesting personal strength. The full moon could be more apt for banishing negativity, releasing the unwanted. Utilize the power of shining your light into your darkness and focus on what you can grow and achieve. Now is the time to accept the unexpected invitations. Below are some of my focuses during the new moon, followed by a process for a ritual with a healing spell. - Intention setting: Intentions should be clear and specific. Try creating a mantra for this moon cycle. The goal of setting intentions is to inform the universe of your aspirations and utilize that to keep yourself focused. Intentions can center on what you want to see manifest during this moon cycle. - Candles and the magic of light: While the moon is all but invisible to our eyes, this is a time to begin looking again for the brightness, i.e. bring light into your life. Candles are a wonderful way to ask the universe for clarification, shine a light into the darkness. - Meditate/yoga Prepare for the upcoming cycle by healing and focusing yourself. For Healing and Moving Forward Gather yourself (or with your coven). Sit in stillness and stop. Stretch, meditate, and do some centering yoga. You’re starting into a new, fresh lunar cycle. Feel free to set a protection circle around yourselves to ascertain that no negative energies permeate into your healing. As your mind clears, I like to do tarot readings or oracle cards to highlight what I/we need in order to heal and focus during this cycle. Discuss and develop your mantras and intentions as you each are comfortable (or on your own, be your light witch!). Your mantra is growing clearer in your mind and it is time to charge your new moon candle with it. Invite the light of healing and growth into your life. Having rested, stopped, stretched, and assessed where you need to be, it is now time to maneuver. Find herbs or oils that reflect your need/intention, coat your hands and hold your candle before your heart. Repeat your mantra three times, taking a deep breath before each repetition. Light your candle. If you need additional healing, this can be accompanied by a c
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
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lmao haven't been here in a long while Today I offer: Howl's Moving Castle redraws
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
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animepotatos · 3 years
Mikasa supremacy
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animepotatos · 3 years
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