animets · 3 years
Happy Birthday Koharu!
And on why I love White Album as much as I do.
It was early 2014, I had just finished watching the White Album 2 anime and it really encompassed who I was at the time. I was halfway through my second year of university, where I embarrassingly was dealing with tons of insecurities, heartbreak, and trying to hide from myself. I had related to Haruki in high school because everything he did made sense to me. You could say that the person I tried to be in high school was Haruki himself. It would be very accurate.
And then when you start closing chapter, you learn that Haruki has become a shell of himself and blames himself for everything that happened and cannot forgive himself. The suffering, the fakeness of everything, it really resonated with who I was at the time. Afraid of the world, pretending to be ok - I would skip class, smile for my parents and pretend I wasn’t losing my sanity every day. So when I watched Haruki live a fake life, suffering and blaming himself every step of the way, I really felt it in my heart.
And then we meet Koharu, a girl who earns the nickname “Little Haruki” because of her earnestness and tendency to stick her nose in other people’s problems to solve them. She’s just like him at first, headstrong and hating to be belittled but when she learns more about him, we start to see her heart shine through and we watch painfully as she gets dragged into Haruki’s mess and despite all the efforts to protect her, she starts to fall into the quicksand that is Haruki’s life.
And this ends up being the trigger that gets Haruki to get his life together, because he can’t bring himself to let her lose herself for him. He just can’t let that happen and he faces everything he was trying to run away from because of it. I think I cried for hours after reading that ending because I realized that I had to face myself and that I couldn’t let my solution to be like Haruki’s where someone would have to walk into the quicksand to save me. It’s weird to say White Album 2 changed me, because I think I’m still the person who wants to be like Haruki and aims to be as warm, reliable and nosy as Haruki is. I think that’s who I aim to be, but there’s also a tendency to be a little unrealistic, to try to chase dreams that are out of reach. 
And it’s why I love Koharu as much as I do. Koharu embodies a lot of what I consider to be the perfect girlfriend if I was to be in high school or university and I still feel that if I had met a person like that, perhaps I would too would have fallen head over heels the way I do for Koharu. 
Given that I am not at my computer this week, I won’t be able to create the wallpaper I had planned for her birthday but you will see the wallpapers this week, I promise!
Happy Birthday Koharu and thank you for saving me the way you saved Haruki. Your heart truly ascends dimensions and fiction.
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animets · 3 years
White Album 2 Symbolism
There’s a very detailed blogpost titled “Being Setsuna is Suffering” from a little over 2 years ago, that to this day hits home about a lot of the painful realities that exist in White Album 2. There are pages and pages of analysis I can write about the literary symbols, metaphors encased and layered on top of one another in the visual novel. Many of these are shared with the anime so if you do plan on playing the visual novel or watching the anime - I ask that you refrain from reading this as there are spoilers below.
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animets · 3 years
Happy Birthday Kazusa!
To this day I think I’m still enamored by you.
Once upon a time I was definitely on team Kazusa, and I think that although in the end my heart strings were pulled more to Setsuna and Koharu, there is no doubt that I probably would have struggled just as terribly as Haruki.
White Album 2 is a work I love because I relate so well to Haruki and his decision making. His nature to meddle and force his way into things; a pragmatic and realistic nature; yet somewhere, a childish gap of judgement and weakness to kindness.
I searched for White Album 2 fans on Twitter simply because I loved the work too much, I loved the story too much and I had no one to talk to. I had to free myself from that solitude.
Kazusa taught me many things - a love for the sound of piano, a sense of patience and the importance of chasing dreams. Kazusa always focused on the importance of practice and to approach everything simply.
She was willing to throw everything she had away to be with Haruki. She forced Setsuna to take responsibility over him, she played her role perfectly. She realized that she too could be a good daughter and that she was capable of being a reliable adult. 
Yet, she had her cute moments - an inability to cook, a reliance on Haruki and a sense of cheekiness when showing off. I think there’s no doubt that she’s so beloved by the fans is because of how powerful her words and decisions are. How driven she is by her heart and how all of us are just like Haruki, pulled by our hearts and neckties, unable to make the right decision that everyone tells us to do.
It’s truly this heart-wrenching difficult decision that makes White Album as wonderful and tragic as it is. No one is at fault, but someone must suffer and that is why we are on the opposite side of happiness. Because someone is always left on the other side. 
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If I have just one regret, it’s not getting Hitomi Nabatame-san’s signature when she came to Toronto’s Anime North a few years ago. But alas, from our mistakes we learn and grow.
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animets · 3 years
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Happy birthday to my OG Waifu and the reason I still fall for the honor student with dark hair every time.
This will always be my favourite scene of Rin forever. Whenever I think of Fate, this scene comes to mind. 
I can’t wait for HF movie to come out so I can get the screen cap of that version too. I still think the UBW Movie version is my favourite though.
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animets · 4 years
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animets · 4 years
Happy Birthday Hagumi!
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animets · 4 years
Annual reblog~
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Happy Birthday Chie! [7/30]
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animets · 4 years
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Seishirou Tsugumi (Nisekoi)  » July 30
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animets · 4 years
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Annual Birthday Reblog start!
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animets · 5 years
Happy Birthday Asuna~
To the character who reminded me what it truly means to be selfless and unconditional - the embodiment of the type of support I strive to become.
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animets · 5 years
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Annual Birthday Reblog start!
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animets · 5 years
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Seishirou Tsugumi (Nisekoi)  » July 30
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animets · 5 years
Annual reblog!
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Happy Birthday Chie! [7/30]
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animets · 5 years
Happy Birthday Hagumi!
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animets · 5 years
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恋詠(こよみ)さんのツイート: “ポケットモンスター ゾンビ&サガ(※トレス) #ゾンビランドサガ… ”
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animets · 6 years
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Itsuwa is <3
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animets · 6 years
White Album 2 - AnimeTS Rewatch: Episode 4 Writeup
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Episode 4 starts in medias res, with Haruki practicing the guitar part with Kazusa on piano. We see the time is already quite late - 11:32pm. This is a spoiler for what will happen later in the episode when Haruki gets dragged to practice with Kazusa on a Monday after school. 
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And so starts episode 4, “Sound of Destiny”, more foreshadowing for this episode. 
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We also see Takeya’s surprise in this fact.
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Of course, as things start to move forward we see Takeya reform and try to advantage of the situation.
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Of course, we can also tell Haruki sees through Takeya with ease and prevents him from doing anything of the sort. We also see Kazusa has no sympathy for him either.
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From this moment onward, the conversation changes direction to move toward the requirements to have everything ready for the festival. Here we learn Kazusa forces both Takeya and Haruki to realize they no longer have the time to recruit anyone and have to rely on the digital sound of programming. 
Understanding the limitations and realizing Setsuna is here to play with Haruki, Kazusa shuts down Haruki’s attempts to try to take Takeya’s place in doing the programming. We see “President” Takeya running away after being kicked out of the room and forced to do background work.
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We also get a sense of Haruki’s guilt at Takeya’s state. However, Kazusa shuts down his guilt by making him realize doing that would be lying and disappointing Setsuna more. Setsuna on the other hand is still trying to get Kazusa to open up to her, to no avail.
Kazusa without dropping a beat, focuses on getting Setsuna and herself ready for the festival by practicing together because they are both close to ready. She also alarms Haruki by telling that he has no time to be worried about others because he has the most practicing to do.
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We then see Haruki in a similar situation, alone in a music room practicing by himself.
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We get to see a glimpse of Setsuna singing before we jump to the subway with Haruki and Kazusa.
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Kazusa praises Setsuna’s singing and Haruki perks up speaking about how Setsuna is the queen of solo karaoke. Kazusa makes a point that it would then be a kingdom with just a queen. This is an important point and foreshadowing about Setsuna’s struggle with loneliness and monopolization of karaoke time.
Of course, Haruki also comes to realize that the bottleneck for them being ready for the festival is himself. Seeing Haruki down, Kazusa tries to cheer him up and tells him to work as if it’s an important exam. Haruki casually replies back that those don’t matter because he’s already received his pre-admission. Kazusa reacts annoyingly to his reality based answer, which also points a pain in her risk of even being able to graduate.
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As Haruki tries to compare to Kazusa’s piano, she replies back at him annoyed that she needs to practice 10 hours a day to not get rusty. She also murmurs about lacking talent and we see Haruki at a loss for words yet again.
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We see as Kazusa gets off the train, another glimpse of Haruki’s greatness - his willingness to sacrifice for other people and confidence in his ability to prevent others from worrying. Something Kazusa instantly sees through, but her care for him won’t let him fail.
She then makes an immediate decision to support him the only way she knows how, hard work and stubbornness.
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This is by far the most important and dramatic moment of opening chapter and the pre-festival arc. This is the literal definition about being pulled by a love that cannot be. That’s what Haruki thinks, despite it literally being obvious to everyone.
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We also see Kazusa has scene through his tough facade and into who he really is. From here, we’re back to the scene we started this episode from, only now we get an idea of where we are.
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We learn that this is Kazusa’s basement and a recording studio on top of that. Haruki mentions how this is probably the only one in Houjou and Kazusa replies back that it has nothing to do with her, it’s just that her mother is amazing. Kazusa then explains that she does not consider her anything special, just that her mother is.
We see Kazusa get concerned about how late the time is and she considers telling Haruki about it.
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However, hearing Haruki’s resolve to improve and at least get through it once, she decides to play on.
When we get to the next scene, we see Haruki sleeping and learn that he’s stayed the night.
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Of course, this is the best time for some comedic relief and to learn the more girlish sides of Touma.
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Kazusa complains that ever since joining the losing ticket for the lottery and Haruki replies back that it seems he’s been pulling the winning ticket. In reality, we actually know that this is really the highlight of their time together.
From here we jump to the school scene, where we see Haruki and Kazusa’s exhausting very clearly. We see Haruki’s model student attitude and Kazusa’s rebel-like view.
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It’s also in this moment that Chikushi realizes what has happened between Setsuna and Haruki as well as how Setsuna has suddenly become attached to him.
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We start to see Setsuna’s reputation and image as the school idol fall apart with her infatuation with Haruki that is obvious to everyone but him. We see her become more open with everyone around her, and Io and Takeya are both at a loss for words for what’s happening beside them.
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Here we see the signs of Kazusa and Haruki both being tired and Setsuna notices but seems to miss the obvious clue. Especially because Kazusa complains that Haruki hasn’t done a lot.
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Setsuna also comments that Haruki left early to practice by himself and Kazusa comments because he’s practicing by himself it doesn’t matter where he is. Kazusa also tells Setsuna that they will be able to practice together and that it will shock Setsuna, which catches Setsuna by surprise, because Kazusa shouldn’t know how much improved Haruki is, but she takes this innocently and accepts it as is.
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We learn shortly that’s not Haruki is not practicing alone at all, he’s actually at Kazusa’s place.
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We see Kazusa wake up Haruki with a coffee that is clearly too sweet. This time, we learn that it’s already been a week and it’s the weekend. We see that they’re supposed to meet up later and Haruki is told to make sure he takes everything out when he does by Kazusa. Kazusa makes a comment about whether he really understands as he takes his toothbrush to the washroom. This is again more foreshadowing as to what’s about to happen.
We also see Haruki pretend to arrive at Kazusa’s for the first time with Setsuna and Takeya.
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This is the first time we see the house from the outside and Haruki makes a mistake by trying to walk in casually.
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We also see the shock in their arrival, but the lack of response from Haruki.
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Haruki also seems to have a good idea of where things are because he’s been here before. We also see that Setsuna and Takeya were regular students who tried to break the rules and Haruki was the one kicking them out. 
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We also see that Haruki has since managed to play through White Album properly and Setsuna’s joy is easy to see and Haruki is flustered by Setsuna’s sudden skinship.
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Kazusa also compliments the work Takeya did and Takeya is at a loss for words.
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His “copycat” of Setsuna also clearly disturbs Haruki.
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We see Haruki’s admiration for Kazusa here as he talks about how she takes good care of people, understand and cool person. We see Takeya’s intuition here and recognition of Haruki’s interest in Kazusa as well.
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From here we move on to the suggestions of the second song - and the conversation shifts to an Ogata Rina song, a throwback to White Album 1 and the foreshadowing from the karaoke room that occurred earlier.
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We learn that Kazusa was also a Rina fan over a Yuki fan and the song they want to do is Sound of Destiny.
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We see Kazusa laughing hysterically at the fact Haruki has forgotten the killer guitar solo in Sound of Destiny. Both Haruki and Takeya sit in shock as they watch as Setsuna watches admiringly.
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As Setsuna and Haruki review the video again, we see Kazusa showing Takeya out and Takeya takes the opportunity to hand Kazusa a small workbook. This workbook is the lyrics to Todokanai Koi that Haruki entrusted to Takeya that Takeya is now leaving to Kazusa. The lyrics are also the feelings Haruki had for Kazusa written down and is the start of Kazusa receiving Haruki’s feelings.
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Later on, we have a replica of Kazusa’s shower scene, but with Setsuna instead. As Setsuna is showering, we see Kazusa playing the guitar solo that Haruki and Takeya thought to be immensely difficult with ease. We also see Kazusa aggressive and assertive side as she swears she’ll make Haruki cool and successful. We see Haruki smitten by this side of her.
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In the meantime we see that Haruki forgot his toothbrush from earlier, despite Kazusa having warned him about it too. With this foreshadowing and lovely perspective of Setsuna’s, the 4th episode, Sound of Destiny comes to a close.
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