animezing-life · 6 years
Do you realize why Shiro being confirmed LGBT is so huge???
Netflix just took a stance on having gay characters, gay HEROES, be a role model for children ages 7 and up!!! Voltron is a show that is targeted to 7+ kids and teens and Netflix gave the thumbs up to have one of the heroes, if not the MAIN hero, be a gay man. Gay people in children’s entertainment is still wildly frowned upon, let alone a BADASS ACTION HERO!!! 
This is like how we all wanted Poe Dameron to be confirmed gay, but is actually canonically happening and not unintentional queerbaiting.
This is a huge day for legitimate LGBT representation, and not just shipping headcanon assumptions. The crew decided to make a stand, make a decision, and MADE IT HAPPEN.
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animezing-life · 6 years
i know there is a lot of sha//ies drama going on because of shadam/adashi but i see the same thing going on with some klancers, as much as i ship klance with all my heart, some people are just exaggerating a lot and spreading no needed hate, just because “now that shiro and adam is a thing klance is not going to be our lgbt rep anymore!!!1!1!1!”, i mean, okay we all want our klance, but can we just think about the fact that one of the main characters, one of the strongest, a disabled asian gay man, being officially gay in a kids show is such a big deal? this representation is so important and valid and i’m just so happy about this huge advance they had. and they never said we would only get one lgbt rep, i mean, can we just talk about lauren’s freaking drawing of everybody holding signs with issues they all went through? everything we heard so far? everything suggests that lance will have his bi arc. “okay but what if we only get bi lance but no klance?!1!1?1!”, well, on my sincere opinion, lance‘s relationship with keith is different from any other boy he has met so far, and the whole natural progression and slow burn thing, everything suggests that klance will be canon. so let’s just not worry about klance for now because there’s no need to hate on shiro and adam because they didn’t even do anything but blessing us all, just because they aren’t the lgbt rep you weren’t expecting for, there is still a lot to happen, don’t make shiro being canonically gay something to start a shipping drama, his relationship of years with adam was pure, sincere, healthy and they truly loved each other. don’t ruin all of this.
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animezing-life · 6 years
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animezing-life · 6 years
Reblog if you’re over 20 and watch Voltron.
I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of adults in this fandom, actually I even think that we’re more adults than teenagers (I could be wrong tho). I’m 26 btw :)
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animezing-life · 6 years
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animezing-life · 6 years
Sometimes i think about keith and just.....he's such a nice person??? Like a genuinely kind person?
YES,, THIS,, Listen there’s so much I could talk about with this, I could go on and on. So I’ll try to keep this brief, but–our very first intro to Keith is him saving Shiro. He’s not just rescuing someone either, he clearly cares so much for Takashi, looks down at him like he means the world and softens up completely, tenderly reaches out to turn his head a little closer. Right off the bat, our first impression isn’t cocky or cold or aloof. Its seeing Keith fiercely protect someone he loves and then just melt. You know within the boy’s first scene that he’s got a big heart:
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And even though he’s not thrilled to have the other paladins along for the ride at first, he still drives them to safety and lets them crash at his place. Contrary to popular believe, he didn’t impulsively hate or antagonize Lance either. Quite the contrary, he didn’t have any problem with Lance until Lance made it a problem and continually instigated everything. Even still, rather than continue pushing his buttons, Keith ends up being the first to let the “rivalry” fizzle out. 
And he does this as early as season 2. Lance thinks Keith wants to steal his Lion, and Keith does his best to politely apologize and try to explain rather than fighting back. Lance doesn’t like that he has to share the pool with someone, but Keith tries to mediate the situation and work out a reasonable solution. Lance angrily yells that Keith is the hothead, yet he says nothing in his own defense. Keith could have easily let himself continue to be baited by Lance, but it’s obvious he doesn’t like having a temper and does his best to keep those kinds of emotions in check. You can tell he really wants to bridge that gap, and makes a conscious effort to do so. He didn’t have to do that. 
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We also have the way Keith is very understanding when Allura distances herself from him. Is he hurt by this? Yes, that much is clear. Like the rivalry with Lance, is any of this his fault? No. Unlike Lance however, Allura’s feelings aren’t completely unfounded–they stem from deeply rooted trauma, and he understands that. “Allura, it’s okay.” He never asks for an apology, nor does he ever expect one. He could have felt entirely betrayed by Allura’s behavior, but he doesn’t. Again, his compassion and concern for others wins out over his own emotional needs. 
Going back to first impressions for a minute, because this is incredibly important–when Keith only knew everyone for about a day, when they were all veritable strangers with the exception of Shiro–when he thought he was dying, his last words were literally, “It’s been an honor flying with you boys.” Keith is incredibly selfless and always puts other’s needs above his own. Instead of lamenting that he might die, he instead tries to comfort his fellow paladins. That was his first instinct and it’s very indicative of the kind of person he is. 
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When left alone on a mission with Hunk, Keith could have easily been dismissive about his friend’s fears and stress. Instead, he tries to alleviate some of that anxiety by joking around with Hunk to cheer him up, as well as offering physical affirmations of reassurance (cue the signature shoulder touch). Ironically, even though Keith is often depicted as an excessively violent, aggressive harbinger of war, he’s actually very nurturing. And I’d argue that’s more in tune with his nature, and any hostility is more so a side effect of his fiercely protective instincts. See: Keith attacking Lubos for enslaving his own people, Keith immediately rushing to defend the Arusians when they’re “invaded,” Keith taking on Zarkon solo to defend Shiro, ect. 
He also takes his duty as a paladin very seriously–when everyone but Shiro wanted to leave, Keith was the most intent on staying. He was harsh on Pidge, but that was because he was looking at the bigger picture. “Everyone in the universe has families.” Everyone but him, but he’s still willing to lay his life on the line and see this through to the end so that everyone else can return safely to their families. That’s commitment. He truly cares about others, and it always gets me. 
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And don’t even get me started on Keith’s galra arc, because he shows so much remorse for simply existing. He thinks he’s the reason Zarkon’s tracking them, so he packs his things and leaves. Despite how much he loves his newfound family, he cares about their safety too much to selfishly stay. And when Allura tries to convince him that all galra are innately evil? Keith’s trying so hard to rationalize this with his own feelings and his intentions. Because he doesn’t want to be a monster, because he desperately wants to believe he’s still him. Because he cares enough to ask, “But at the same time, couldn’t at least a few of them be fighting for good?” He wants so badly to be a good person, to do what’s “right.” It’s both incredibly endearing and upsetting.
Don’t even get me started about how, aside from Shiro, Keith is the only one actually upset by Ulaz’s sacrifice. Everyone else cheers when a man literally blows up saving all their lives, and Keith is the only other person who’s distraught. For everyone else, Ulaz’s sacrifice was a rather fortunate convenience. The fact that everyone else viewed the value of his life as lesser simply by virtue of being galra, that’s incredibly alienating in ways I can’t even begin to explain. Even more telling, rather than ruminating on his own demons, Keith’s first impulse is to comfort Shiro instead. Again, Keith’s compassion for others–and Shiro especially–eclipses his own pain. He sets aside his personal dilemma to stand by Shiro’s side and speak up on his behalf against Allura’s claims. 
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Then you have all of season 3, where Keith is the only one unable to move on. Where he’s the one person still burdened by their grief, still frantically searching for Shiro day after day because he’d never just leave him. And he can’t understand how the others can just go on with their lives, erupts into grief laden outbursts that boil down to None of you care about him like I do. “We don’t have Shiro either. Everyone seems to have forgotten that.” “Shiro’s the Black Lion.” “No! I’m gonna find him.” We as the audience feel Shiro’s loss entirely through Keith, and that’s very purposeful. His heart is the one that’s breaking the most, his life was the one thrown into chaos. Shiro was the literal manifestation of his greatest hopes and dreams. 
If there’s one that that indicates Keith’s gentle heart, it’s his unparalleled bond with Shiro. And the fact that Keith can care so much for others at all after having been burnt at every turn–“Shiro is the one person who never gave up on me, I won’t give up on him.” Abandonment is a big part of his life, and it stemmed from the fact that even his own mother left him behind. The fact that he could still keep an open heart to others after so much loss and rejection, the simple fact that he will lay his life on the line for a bunch of strangers when he has no real reason to do so, the fact that he’d defend even a “home planet” where there’s no home there waiting for him–it’s incredibly humbling. 
Even so obviously depressed and scarred by grief, Keith willingly puts his own feelings aside and takes up the mantle of the Black Paladin. For the sake of the rest of his team, as well as in honor of Shiro’s last wish. “This one’s for you, Shiro.” Keith puts everything else on hold and takes on a role he neither wants nor feels he can properly fulfill. And when “Shiro” returns, Keith does everything in his power to return Black to her “original” paladin–in his mind, that’s setting things right. Even if it means leaving the team again. Keith obviously cares about the other paladins very much, but he’s willingly to make sacrifices for the greater good. That’s just the kind of person he is. 
All his life, the universe seems to just take and take when it comes to Keith. So the fact that he’d still be willing to sacrifice himself after all that, the sheer notion that he’d still care so much about others when all his life he’s been ostracized and abandoned–it’s heartbreaking. The universe really doesn’t deserve someone as kind and gentle hearted as him. 
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animezing-life · 6 years
Keith is afraid of rejection, of course he is. Just the scene when he comes back to the castle and finds everyone mad at him... Breaks my heart everytime
Yeah!!!! Keith being afraid of rejection plays such a huge part in the show that I’m really surprised to still see people ignore it. Maybe people don’t realize exactly how scared he is? Here, have some screenshots:
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It was framed in a comical way, but he was crushed that Lance forgot about the bonding moment.
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He was too scared to tell even Shiro about his suspicions of his heritage.
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Literally the entirety of this scene - “stop being so selfish!” - “then you’ve chosen to be alone” - these are his greatest fears and he believed them. He genuinely thought that Shiro would leave him for wanting to know about his origins.
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He was so scared of this. So, so scared. He already tried to gauge Allura’s reaction to his suspicions back in s2e6. And once her rejection happened, he didn’t push her into anything-
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-it tore him apart but he waited for her to accept him, Hunk was the one who defended him. He is scared of rejection and he’s used to it and he won’t try to convince people to give him a second chance.
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Look at his expressions when she came to apologize?? He didn’t expect her to??? He had already accepted that he wasn’t part of the team anymore when it comes to her!
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When someone says something that excludes him from the group - “Keith’s the loner” - he immediately internalizes it. He’s super sensitive to statements like that. And it’s not about critique in general, for example he easily accepted that Lance’s plan was much better than his own back on the Balmera in s1, it’s about being isolated.
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He doesn’t expect support if it wasn’t previously offered to him. Support means a lot to him and once it’s offered willingly he latches on to it and tries to repay it. We’ve seen this pattern happen with Shiro (since s1), Allura (since they reconciled) and Lance (since he offered the here mentioned support) already. And yet, once season 4 rolls around-
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-he’s??? terrified??????? No matter how often someone offered him support before, he’s still afraid of getting rejected by them. We’ve seen that with Shiro in the BoM episode and now with the team in s4e1.
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“I push people away before they reject me” - how much more obvious does it have to be??????? 
Despite this, his character isn’t only pushing people away, more often than that he just… can’t reach out first. Whenever someone offers him kind words or friendly gestures he lights up. Look at his hugs, they are a good metaphor for that too. He can open up to other people, he admitted to feeling awful about his terrible leading to Lance in s3e3, he just needed him to support him first. 
Keith is trying very hard to overcome his issues and connect with everyone, but as a matter of fact, even the slightest rejection still hits him hard. 
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animezing-life · 6 years
According to vld director Steve Ahn, Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
Keith’s middle name is Steve.
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animezing-life · 6 years
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The real paladins of Voltron
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animezing-life · 6 years
Rules: Tag nine people you wanna get to know better! I got tagged by @ambulancemcclain 
Relationship status: Single? Taken? ... Honestly, I don’t know. I’m kinda in that state where I’m seeing someone but we haven’t made anything official yet. 
Chapstick or lipstick: This time of year - chapstick. My lips are chapped af
Favourite colour: Green. All shades of green. Light green. Dark green. Don’t care just green. 
Last song I listened to: Technically, the VLD theme song because that’s my ringtone. But I don’t think that counts so “One Foot” by Walk the Moon. 
Last movie I watched: Ah my sisters were watching Moana the other day and I was there soooooo...
Top 3 TV shows: Fuck there’s so many good shows. VLD, Daiya no Ace, and The Good Doctor. Yup, a cartoon, an anime, and a TV Drama - because why not.
Top 3 bands/artists: Dude, I don’t have a top 3. It’s more like a top 50! Damn, making me choose and shit. Okay so Make Out Monday, A.W., and Twenty One Pilots are all up there. 
I don’t even really know nine other tumblr users. Oops! But I love getting to know people! So you can say I tagged you and do it if you’re interested. 
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animezing-life · 6 years
just a heads up if i ever act dumb i’m joking. i’m 100% smart and know literally everything
252K notes · View notes
animezing-life · 6 years
reblog if… you enjoy this show no matter which direction the creators decide to go because you actually care about them and their well being
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animezing-life · 6 years
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I haven’t drawn in so long! But what better reason is there to get back into it than the birthday of this beautiful boy!
A very happy birthday to this special yellow paladin. The sweetest man in the universe! The sunshine child himself! Keep on smiling Hunk.
I would have loved to give this the color it deserves, but I’ve been so pressed for time and since my laptop crapped out I can’t color digital right now. Maybe someday I’ll get around to coloring it.
Also, please excuse my out of proportion eyes. That’s on my to do list.
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animezing-life · 6 years
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ah yes, my favorite genre: boys with swords
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animezing-life · 6 years
If you make
Content or something very similar for any fandom  could you please reblog this!! 
I want to see how many of us there are !
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animezing-life · 6 years
Reblog and see if you get a color.
PURPLE: We near never speak, but I do enjoy your presence on my dashboard.
FUCHSIA: I wish I could become your best friend through the internet.
GREY: You leave me with jumbled words.
RED: I'm in love with you.
PINK: I have a crush on you.
TURQUOISE: You're hot.
CHARTREUSE: I sincerely wish you would notice me.
TEAL: We have quite a lot in common.
BLUE: You are my Tumblr crush.
ORANGE: I dislike your page.
GREEN: I find you cute.
BLACK: I would date you.
BROWN: I dislike you.
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animezing-life · 6 years
VLD (Broganes) Whumpmas Day 12 - Free Day - Chicken Pox
Keith usually enjoyed his alone time. He liked sitting in his room reading his books in peace. He liked laying on the floor with his coloring books and building with his legos. He could spend hours by himself, lost in his own thoughts and content with his own company.
But after four days of quarantine, he was willing to do anything for some genuine human contact. His mom was in an out of his room multiple times throughout the day. But she usually just came to check his fever or give him food. She didn’t really keep him company. But he couldn’t blame her; he knew there was so much she had to do. She didn’t have time to keep up a conversation.
Still, he couldn’t take much more of the solitary confinement. He knew it was to protect Shiro. And he didn’t want Shiro to catch it. He wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemy. He’d never felt more itchy his entire life. And this was coming from the kid who’d had poison ivy all over both his legs. And maybe he wouldn’t mind it if he could play with his toys, but he was too tired and achy to even get out of bed. All he could do was sit in his bed and think about how lonely he was and how his mom kept telling him not to scratch.
He grimaced while he looked at the clock, watching the second hand tick by. If he’d known this would be his fate, he might not have complained to his mom the other day about the “bug bites” that were making him super itchy. When she saw the little red bumps spread all over Keith’s back, she immediately rushed him to the pediatrician. There, her worst fears were confirmed. Thankfully, they had caught it early and Keith hadn’t been spreading it for too long.
But Shiro had been exposed to Keith almost constantly. They lived together. And even though the bumps had only just shown up, the doctor told them that he has been contagious for a few days. And it was especially dangerous for Shiro since he was so much older than Keith. It was just a nuisance for him. As the doctor explained, the disease would have more complications if Shiro were to get it.
But Keith would be fine in about a week. The doctor assured them that all the bumps would blister and scab over, then he would be back to normal. Until then, however, it was best for him to keep his distance from everyone who hadn’t already the chicken pox before. Thankfully, his mother had them as a child. He worried that if she hadn’t, he wouldn’t even be graced with her short visits.
He was four days in. Many of the bumps had already started to blister, and some had even started to scab. Only a few more days and he would be good to go. And he promised himself that he wouldn’t spend anymore time than necessary alone in his room. He doubted he would be playing by himself any time in the near future. He would go outside and ride his bike and help his mom in the kitchen and do whatever he could to be around people. He may even befriend some of the neighborhood kids just for some extra playmates.
He was shocked from his thought by a knock on the door. He looked over at the door, expecting his mom to walk in. When it didn’t open, his expression changed to confusion as he called out, “Hello?”
“Hey Keith, how you feeling?” Shiro’s voice carried under the small slit under the door. Keith’s eyes burst open with excitement. He hadn’t talked to his brother since his confinement.
“I’ve been better. Still really itchy.” Keith complained, and just mentioning the itchiness increased his urge to scratch.
“Mom said not to scratch!” Shiro warned. “That’ll make it worse.”
“I know. But Shiro, it’s so itchy!!” He whined, rubbing his back against the headboard of his bed. Because that technically wasn’t scratching.
“Let’s do something that’ll take your mind off of it.” Shiro suggested.
Keith gasped, “You can’t hang out with me Shiro. I don’t want you to get sick too. I’m still contagious. Mom said so.” He argued despite how badly he wanted to hang out with his brother. Refusing the company was probably the hardest thing he had to do. No, it was the second hardest. The single hardest thing he ever had to do was supress the urge to scratch.  
“Relax, Keith. I’m not gonna come in. I’m gonna sit out here in the hallway.” he heard Shiro plop himself down in front of he door. “But mom mentioned that you’ve been lonely, so I figured I could entertain you for a while.”
So mom was listening to him complain when she came to check on him. That was good to know. “But how can you play with me if you can’t come in?” Keith asked. I’m seemed a little ridiculous that they would hang out but also be separated by a wall.
Shiro seemed to have thought it all out before he came. He didn’t even hesitate when he answered. “We can play one of the games we play on long car rides. We don’t need to be next to each other to play those games.”   
Keith actually liked that idea. Their family hadn’t taken a long trip in a while, and he really enjoyed those car games. “Can we play last letter first letter?” He asked pleadingly.
Shiro let out a short laugh, “Sure thing, bud. What category do you want to do?”
“Animals!” Keith answered quickly and enthusiastically.
“You always pick that one,” Shiro laughed. He didn’t mind though, “I’ll go first. Lion.”
“Eagle.” “Elk.”
They played all through the afternoon. They’d both been well versed in the category to keep this round going for hours. They occasionally got tripped up on a few letters, but they always managed to come up with something. And though Keith hadn’t noticed it, he hadn’t felt the need to itch the whole time he was playing with Shiro.
“Macaw.” Shiro answered after a long pause.
“Wallaby,” Keith replied through a long yawn.
“Are you getting tired?” Shiro forwent an answer (and good thing because they had pretty much exhausted the list of animals that start with “Y”). They had been playing for a while. And he knew Keith still wasn’t at 100 percent energy-wise.
“Maybe a little,” Keith replied, tiredly rubbing his eyes.
“Alright, dude.” Keith could hear Shiro standing up, his joints cracking from sitting so long, “Get some rest. We can play again later.” He knocked against the door.
“Hey Shiro,” Keith called out before Shiro could walk away. He heard Shiro hum to continue, “I said the last animal. That means I win.” Keith replied snarkily.
Usually, Shiro could be a bit of a sore loser. But he figured he’d let Keith win this one. “Yup, I guess it does. We’ll have a rematch later though.” He laughed.
“I look forward to it.” Keith smiled before falling asleep. Even though it wasn’t exactly the human contact he’d been craving, it helped. Keith didn’t feel as lonely anymore. He slept soundly knowing Shiro would be back later.
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