animus3pointo · 5 years
[So like... I just remembered the password for this blog LOL But I realized after all these years I never showed my new one XD
In any case, here’s the new blog if you wanna still RP with the ANIMUS muses]
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animus3pointo · 9 years
-- ((Like I mentioned before, I’m going to be archiving this muse and making a new one as a reboot. I know I was doing this before and stopped, but I feel that rebooting would help with my attempt to regain my muse for these guys
So please like this if you wish to continue RPing with this muse and I”ll like you on the new blog once I have it active))
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animus3pointo · 9 years
-- ((I’ll be on later tonight to do replies or lurk. I’m more than likely returning back to the idea to archive this into a new blog :3))
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animus3pointo · 9 years
For a split moment, the android had nearly shut down at the sight of the wolf before it slowly morphed into a human. An intriguing development, he thought to himself before the probable-werewolf seemed to be stating the obvious.
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“I would say the same to you if you identify yourself by name and species.”
The wolf tilts her head curiously before shifting into human.
“… I’m very adept in getting into interesting places.” Jo quips, smirking at the other.
“You’re not human… you’re very interesting…”
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Originally posted by josephg
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“...Care to explain on how you got in here?” the android asked, slowly approaching them while his hands rested in his jacket pockets.
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“Angelo... that’s about it.”
He stared at her, tilting his head before asking, “What tricks can you do?”
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     “Indeed I am.”
[ She grins as she turns to look over her shoulder. ]
          “—– And who might you be?”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“I don’t think you understand that introductions do not apply here,” he growled at her, slowly becoming agitated by this woman’s casualness towards him. “I said leave.”
A young woman wanders in, looking lost. She looked like Sage, but her eyes were scarlet and her hair had red streaks mixed with the black. "Hello? Where the fuck am I?"
“Apparently somewhere that you believe lacks proper language,” Anthony glared as he said. “And I thought I told you not to come in here. You were already given rooms were you are allowed to be in. This is not one of them.”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“Because you are being evasive about my question, for starters,” he relayed, looking at the man before he asked. “Do you think what you did was bad?”
'I want the K'
4: Forehead Kiss
Chairman smiled as he gazed toward the other male, was it wrong to stare at someone while they slept? Most likely but it wasn’t as if his friend was awake to scold him for it, he bit his bottom lip as he inched closer ignoring the movie they were once watching before leaning in to brush his lips gently against Andy’s forehead.
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animus3pointo · 9 years
-- ((I really need to be on here more... or at least start replying to memes and stuff xD))
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animus3pointo · 9 years
-- ((Been awhile that I’ve been on here. Sorry ; w; Getting caught up on other muses I’ve made but I still have muse for these guys))
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animus3pointo · 9 years
Sage holds up a broken tablet, showing Andy with an apologetic look on her face. She had accidentally knocked it off the desk, and she felt bad. "I am sorry.." She said softly.
Andy was in shock, standing up and taking the broken device in his hand. “...These are not as durable as their company claims,” he frowned. “Guess Angelo is going to feel... cheated on stealing this.”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
Andy groaned inwardly when he felt his mouth move but Ani’s voice came out instead as the female android replied, “Oh don’t worry! They are staying out of the way!”
“We’re not dumping shit here!” Ani shouted from afar.
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Andy inwardly groaned, wondering if she understood that setting up a tree should have been easy if she set her strength to level 4.
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He responded to her a little loudly even though she could hear him through her brother, “Yes, well, I’d rather not know what you’re dumping at all, love. Just try not to injure the recruits maybe?”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
“We’re not dumping shit here!” Ani shouted from afar.
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Andy inwardly groaned, wondering if she understood that setting up a tree should have been easy if she set her strength to level 4.
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Did he honestly think he was going to fall for that one? “Alright.. , I’ll go this way and you and Ani can go about coverin’ for one another by dumpin’ boxes about the place.”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
“Well you have it, again” he smiled before holding her hand. “Did you just wish to join my company?”
Sage sees Andy working at his desk, so she throws a crumpled up ball of paper at his head.
The android easily turned his body to avoid the paper ball to impact on him. Turning his head, he looked at Sage and asked, “What was that going to be for?”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“We were able to find it, but the Templars were there... a lot of things occurred. We were able to kill one while... one of ours got injured.”
Andy frowned a bit, holding the woman even tighter in his arms as a small hint of fear for something was evident in his form.
The male android looked at Animus as he reached out, pinching the side of her hip as he commented, "You haven't changed much, have you?"
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“You and I both know that is physically impossible!”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
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“The mission was a failure, given that we were unbale to acquire the piece of Eden,” he told her, pulling her close and held her in his arms.
The male android looked at Animus as he reached out, pinching the side of her hip as he commented, "You haven't changed much, have you?"
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“You and I both know that is physically impossible!”
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animus3pointo · 9 years
Sage sees Andy working at his desk, so she throws a crumpled up ball of paper at his head.
The android easily turned his body to avoid the paper ball to impact on him. Turning his head, he looked at Sage and asked, “What was that going to be for?”
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