animvs-archive · 2 years
Me realizing I COMPLETELY forgot to post this here, but Prowl lives again, he’s moved over to @animvs.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
WPM Test
Saw @oneshallstand​ do this and decided to give it a go myself-
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I’ve lost some speed recently lmao. (Do’t mind that second one there- the kitten decided it was time to walk on the computer lmao.)
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animvs-archive · 4 years
@officialgeologicalliasion​ replied to your post “I know exactly how Prowl's going to break through the mental block on...”
Is it me
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He’s not the reason but he probably will be one of the people to see it happen.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
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                                                  You’ve got people out there that need you.                                                                             And so do I.
                      indie charlie watson              from transformers: bumblebee                        rules | about | verses
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“So something I’ve been meaning to note since it crossed my feed earlier today: there have been a fascinating number of studies - human studies, in fact - regarding the interplay of emotions and logical reasoning. Those lacking emotion were given the opportunity to solve a number of logic-based puzzles, while those with normally functioning emotional skills were given the same.
By and large, across the board, those without emotional reasoning solved the puzzles incorrectly time and time again, proving in an odd sort of way that even when going about a problem in a manner you may consider logical, we are also using emotional rationalization to make determinations.
That being said, it’s a fine time to remind everyone that my inability to outwardly project how I’m feeling - while admittedly useful at times - is not a boon, and it also does not mean I’m emotionless. It was, in fact, the result of months of... well. An extended “stay” in Shockwave’s care. I’ve dealt with comments of my “drone-like” behavior since my rescue, and I despise being referred to as emotionless or a VI or anything else of the sort. This cut-off from being able to emote has been disastrous in dealing with my teammates.
The fact is, I still can feel emotions, quite strongly. I simply lack the ability to outwardly emote.
In short: oh certainly, if there's one thing I would intentionally do again it's attempt to block off my emotional core, thus crippling my own battle computer and tactical runtimes. Great time for everyone. Like a party. Woo.
...in case you can’t tell. I’m being very sarcastic.”
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animvs-archive · 4 years
                            do not ask the price I pay ,   I must live with my quiet  R A G E                        tame the   g h o s t s   in my head that run wild and wish me  𝚍 𝚎 𝚊 𝚍
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animvs-archive · 4 years
I know exactly how Prowl's going to break through the mental block on his emotional display and it is... not gonna be pretty. It's going to be awful and messy and probably very private. Only one or two characters will be witness to it.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“That isn’t the worst thing they could be discussing.“
“Mmh. I suppose that’s true. Better than the alternative.”
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animvs-archive · 4 years
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jazzprowl for @youareunbearable !!
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“Why are there pictures of me now.
Who is taking these pictures.
I’m going to go patrol the town.”
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“...I really don’t want to know why there’s discussion of how attractive I am, or how attractive my alternates are.
I really don’t.”
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animvs-archive · 4 years
Squints at the feed.
Takes a very long drink of his energon.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
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HEY WHAT’S UP it’s mothman back with the danger motorcycle Arcee. If anyone would be interested in interacting, hit the ♡  or  ↺ !! 
(sideblog, follows come from main blog)
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“Unless you’re flexible enough for the same route, no.” And it was doubtful without some of the mods Jazz himself had gone through to get that flexibility. “Lucky for you, there’s already a plan for escape.”
His wrist port snapped closed again and Jazz turned, pointing. “The feeds are looped as I said, and the drones have been reprogrammed for this block. I assume you know Shockwave’s pattern by now, given how long you’ve been here.”
It wasn’t a question so much as a statement of fact, taken on faith of Prowl’s ability and intellect.
“Give me a klik to go through the data and I’ll have something.” Jazz reached into subspace, producing a few weapons and passing them to Prowl. Not the ones he’d been possession of when he’d been captured, but same model so he’d at least know how to use them.
Prowl lets out a soft noise as he accepts the weapons, expression distant but still focused. Out of all of the outcomes he had worked through for his situation trapped here by Shockwave, this was not among the highest possibilities, but it was certainly high enough to not be ruled out. And, either way, he was grateful for his companion’s appearance.
“I have been observing him closely whenever I have the opportunity. He has attempted to stagger our... talks, here and there, to give the illusion of random encounters, but there is a clear and set pattern. He and I are too much alike... it’s easily observable, and easily exploitable. We have at least half a joor before his next rounds. If we move now, we should be able to make some decent headway before he notices I’ve gone missing.”
He’s hurt, and desperately undercharged. But that’s nothing new for a couple of soldiers. So he pushes himself to his feet, turning a faint nod on the saboteur.
“And I am certain you’ve already obtained the schematics. Lead the way.”
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animvs-archive · 4 years
                                                                  Go ahead. 
                                                   I’ll be the villain you can blame.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
"I apologize." How he'd come to stand before himself was of no consequence, not when his only concern was to catch the familiar face in his own hands. There is no hesitation when Prowl leaned in to give this other Prowl a kiss with all the demand and want usually reserved for the reunion of long lost lovers. When he had poured all his hot desire into the gesture Prowl pulled away and offered only a small, smug grin as he turned and walked away. He wasn't apologetic at all. (flustered yet?)
For the younger, less experienced alternate Prowl, showing emotion could be a difficult task. A situation like this, however… this was an exception. For the first time in a long time, the young mech’s doorwings actually shot up in alarm and he made a startled sound, weaving a bit when his dimensional double wandered off. He even looked completely stunned.
Flustered may have been too weak a word for that.
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animvs-archive · 4 years
“‘Cause you love me.”
“I question that assessment every single time you mention it.”
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