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     In the last years, globalization has influenced the vocabulary of Nuevo León through technology and media such as the Internet. This has caused that no matter where they live, Centennials appropriate English terms and adapt them to their daily vocabulary, consciously or unconsciously. These words are called 'anglicisms' which are words in English that adapt to Spanish. Another significant point is that the closeness of Nuevo León with the United States has also been an important factor for the influence of English, that is why young people use these words without even having a complete knowledge of the language. English has been become imperative because it is essential in most of the jobs and colleges in Nuevo León, so be able to learn this language have some advantages in life as have a degree, have more employment opportunities, the opportunity to communicate in another country, be able to know new information, among other things.
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This topic was chosen because some people do not care about the closeness between México and the United States of America. There is also the globalization where the United States of America is a world power; therefore, English is a universal language, making necessary the influence of this language with the others. This situation has many consequences, but the focus will be on the case of the State of Nuevo León.
    Therefore, the intention of this research is to show how the United States influences the vocabulary in Nuevo León of centennials, the young people who were born between 1995 and 2010 and they are called Generation Z because they are the successors of the millennials or Generation Y, (Massot, 2018). And make people take the time to read this research and realize that this is an important situation and that it exists in the State of Nuevo León because many people do not think on the origin of the words they use. 
     In Nuevo León, centennials use words in English in their daily lives, with or without the complete knowledge of the language regardless of their social class. Through the years, due to globalization and the proximity of the country, the United States of America has influenced the vocabulary in Nuevo León.
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Literature Review
      Influence of English in the Vocabulary of Centennials 
                                   in Nuevo León    
 Globalization: Influence of English in the Vocabulary in Nuevo León
     Martin (2010) states that globalization is the cause of the changes in a society because it affects in political, technological, and economic facts, but also in the communication. This is the cause of the internalization of countries, an example is Mexico and the United States of America, who has extended its language and created linguistic changes in the Mexican vocabulary.  “Globalization is the process of transformation of the world through the combination of a series of technological, sociocultural and political forces” (Englander, 2000, p. 92). In the same way, Giddens (2009) declares that globalization is revolutionary and it is a complex technological, economic and cultural process. Furthermore, it is the reason for the transformation of local cultural identities in different parts of the world.
     Martin (2010) mentions that  nowadays the world has been globalized, which is dominated for new technologies, media, and international business. The problem is that the world is too big, and it has a lot of languages, however, it is used only one language to relate to different countries, and this is English. The United States of America is considered as a world power, so it is used its language to set up agreements, but also in media, as cinema, radio and television, and in the economic field, as the industry, business, and international trade. The whole complex, the media, marketing, and social networks constantly give new vocabulary to centennials in Nuevo León and cultural exchanges (Mateescu, 2015)
     Ibañez (2015) pronounces that the United States of America and México have been in close due the agreements and negotiations. This closeness has caused in foreigners and Mexicans to have an unavoidable communication, that is why centennials begin to use English words in their daily life vocabulary, therefore, the language of English is a really important part of life in México because apart from having it as a neighbor, this language is part of the academic life of Mexicans, because it is taught in public and private schools to little by little be adopted by the States of México; for example, in Nuevo León.
     In general, México is a country that is constantly exposed to the influence of English, as many other countries, however, Nuevo León is even more influenced, because it is in the borderline area of the United States of America. Every year México receives American tourists, besides some Mexicans, go work or study temporarily in the United States of America, consequently, in México and Nuevo León, English is the most studied language (Mateescu, 2015).
Anglicisms in Nuevo León
    Due to globalization, Centennials have been taken words in English trying to adapt them to their everyday vocabulary, these words are called anglicisms (D´amore, 2009). García (2015) states that anglicisms are words that imitate phrases or words in English and try to be part of the vocabulary of another language, however, he also said that there is no reason to use them, there is no need to do it because Spanish already has those words.
     Most of the anglicisms are used unconsciously because some of them have already been accepted by the own language, but there are other words that are only for popular use (D'amore, 2009).  These words in linguistic terms are known as Langue and Parole; “Langue is any particular language that is the common possession of all the members of a given language-community” (Lyons, 1916, p. 10). Otherwise, Parole focuses on individual expressions, hence it is the way that everyone uses their own language (Phillips, 2006).
     Perhaps, the possible causes of anglicisms beginning to be more in daily life are the omnipresence in the media, for example, in the invasion of films in the big and small screen; in songs, as in millions of records, radio and television programs; in current science and technology and in the computer world (De Andrés, 1998). Likewise, Gimeno (1995) states that the language does not change by linguistic levels or according to some percentage of anglicisms, within the total lexicon, but by continuous changes of the social grammar of the community of talk that depends on a constant reorganization.
     Anglicisms have also entered when there are no words to define them or there do not have an equivalent to Spanish, filling the void in the vocabulary, such as the word selfie (Luján, 2017).  Nevertheless, people sometimes can feel trendy in different areas, that is when they start to add, modify, and replace words from Spanish to English in their daily lives, even if the language does not need it (Ibáñez, 2015).
     Anglicisms in Daily Life.
     Garcia (2015) affirms that due to the influence of the English in Nuevo León, Centennials started using different words in English in their everyday vocabulary. English can be found in most areas of daily life, as in the media, radio, television, advertising, brochures, instruction manuals, medicine, computers, fashion, and teaching. English is connected to Spanish in all fields of daily life of the human being. Technology and marketing are not the only ones that influence and amend the Cenntenial's vocabulary of Nuevo León, it is also the fact that people feel more modern and part of a group when they use anglicisms in their daily life instead of using words of their own vocabulary. Franco (2014) bestows some examples, people use these words with their friends and in their environment, words as ok (esta bien), cool (genial) and bye (adiós). Also, in work or school, there are used words as break (descanso), kindergarten (jardín de niños), and bullying (acoso). Despite these words have a Spanish translate, people prefer to replace them with English terms.
     Anglicisms in Fashion and Cosmetics.
     Anglicisms have moreover affected the vocabulary of fashion in Centennials as are the following examples: outfit is an anglicism that in Spanish means clothing; shorts are an adjective in English, however, in Nuevo León are considered hot pants; look that in Spanish refers to the appearance (Luján, C. 2017). There are also cosmetic products such as shampoo, sun creams, makeup, and health products which have almost totally maintained their origin in English, as a marketing strategy, even if they have an equivalent in Spanish (Rodríguez, 2016).
     Anglicisms in Science and Technology.
     According to D´amore (2015), English has helped Spanish with vocabulary related to Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), for example, e-mail (correo electrónico) and mouse (ratón), which are literal translations. In science there is a prominent example founded in the vocabulary of Centennials in Nuevo León that most of them use at school, called the famous ‘Big Bang’, which in Spanish would be La Gran Explosión, nevertheless, nobody calls it of this way.
Sociolinguistics: the Use of English in Different Social Classes in Nuevo León
    Sociolinguistics studies the relationship between language and society, it also shows that social factors are the determinant differences in the use of the language. Videoconferencias (2012). López (2004) states that in these factors can exist multiples interferences, that vary from a community to another. Thus, sociolinguistics tries to understand these interferences, which components determine it, and which linguistic elements characterize the different social groups. 
     In accordance with Giles et al. one of the factors that most influence the maintenance of a language is the social status and therefore, the economic, being that the majority language is usually dominated by the high-status population. This cause that people of relatively low status replace the minority language with the majority language. Those of low socioeconomic status are easily influenced by those of higher status, such as Spanish and English because they usually relate this language as a high-level language, so they resort using their language (Appel & Muysken, 1996).  At the same time Berruto (1979) states that people, in this case, Centennials, belonging to the lower class tend to behave in the same way that upper-class people, as the poor see the rich as a model to imitate, they adapt frequently to their behaviors and habits, to not be marginalized from society.  Knowing that language is a social factor and an identity factor, that defines someone as part of a group, anglicisms are part of the upper class (García, 2015).
Advantages of the Influence of English in Nuevo León
     Martin (2010) established that the closeness of México and the United States has influenced the vocabulary of Nuevo León a lot. Do not have the knowledge of English, can lead people to have disadvantages, because now learn English has become a necessity for people, as it has become in an international language through the technological and economic advances. For some time ago, the knowledge of English has become a requirement to get a good job in almost any area, especially for work in governmental and international organizations. Furthermore, for universities is a requirement to know English. People have looked for a way to learn a second language, and in this way can be better prepared for work. A person who obtains the knowledge of English can have some advantages which are:
-To have a degree, because for been able to graduate from any degree it is necessary to have knowledge of English, being that it is a requirement to pass an English exam.
-Have the opportunity to communicate during a trip to a foreign country. Almost in any country, the easiest way to communicate is through English, likewise communication inside the airports is through this language.
-Have more employment opportunities, where the salary is higher and there is a better lifestyle.
-Be able to know new information, even if it is external to the own country. Much of the information and news found on the internet is written in English, as well as a large number of books, newspapers, and magazines that are published around the world, which have not been translated into Spanish yet. It is also known that in many countries, there is at least one channel on the television, with the news in English from the United States.
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The following questions were applied through an online survey to 100 people, to affirm or refute the established hypothesis of our investigation:
1.   ¿En qué año naciste?
2.   Lugar de residencia (municipio)
3.   Lugar de residencia (colonia)
4.   ¿Cuál es tu nivel de inglés?
5.   Habilidades que crees tener más desarrolladas en el inglés
6.   ¿Hablas o usas palabras/frases en inglés con otras personas en tu vida cotidiana?
7.   Palabras en inglés que utilizas frecuentemente
8.   ¿A qué crees que se debe la influencia del inglés en el vocabulario de los jóvenes en Nuevo León?
9.   Aportes o comentarios acerca de quienes usan palabras o frases en inglés en su lenguaje cotidiano.
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         It was observed that interviewees born between 2000-20001 (40 percent), 1998-1999 (33 percent), and 1996-1997 (16 percent). So, the most influenced by English in their vocabulary, are the young people between 17 and 22 years, known as Generation Z or Centennials. The Centennials are the young people who were born between 1995 and 2010, they are also called Generation Z because they are the successors of the millennials or generation Y (Massot, 2018).
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     With this data, it was established that interviewees live in Guadalupe (36 percent), Monterrey (20 percent), and San Nicolás de los Garza (12 percent); these are the main towns where the majority of the surveyed reside. In addition, when we looked the map of the State of Nuevo León, we could highlight that these 3 towns are located side by side in the center of the State.
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    Interviewees have a low level of English (27 percent), an intermediate (57 percent), and a high level (16 percent).
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     The third part of the surveyed has more developed the ability of 'reading', and the skill less developed is the 'speaking'. Out of 100 people, 8 selected that they do not have none of the skills, (ninguna de las anteriores).
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     79 percent of the people who live in Nuevo León, are influenced by words or phrases in English in their daily lives.
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   Anothers: thanks, Ok, hello, inbox, touch, anyway…
    In this chart it was observed that most used words are: laptop (90 percent), like (88 percent), shampoo (85 percent), apps (84 percent) and chat (80 percent).
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     For the surveyed, the influence of English in the vocabulary of Centennials in Nuevo León, is mainly due to globalization (60 percent), the closeness of the country (55 percent) and as a second language (L2) (52 percent).
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     The intention of this work was to demonstrate that English has influenced the vocabulary of centennials in Nuevo León. Starting from this, two hypotheses were raised: the first hypothesis was confirmed, through the content, it says that social classes do not matter, however, it is not a big problem because those of lower class imitate those of upper class because as Berruto (1979) states, the poor class see the rich class as a model to imitate to not be marginalized from society, so they also use these anglicisms; in the same way it was verified through the surveys. Definitely centennials in Nuevo León use words in English in their daily lives, despite the fact that everyone lives in different communities. The second hypothesis was also accepted, this hypothesis was confirmed by both sides, both in content and surveys, English influences Nuevo León due to several reasons, but both agree that it is due to globalization and the closeness between both countries. .
     In summary, English is a language that has come to influence the lives of the Centennials who live in Nuevo León regardless of their social class, it means that no matter where they live, owing to the closeness between the United States and México and globalization through social networks, etc.
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