anisuli · 7 years
do you feel burdened by something? if so, what?
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burdened ?? no ?? i mean i definitely wish i could put myself together and control my powers but that’s not really a burden
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anisuli · 7 years
What's the most difficult thing you've ever done?
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i’ve done plenty of things that weren’t… righteous, i guess, but i can’t say i’ve ever done something that’s ever cost me much.
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anisuli · 7 years
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anisuli · 7 years
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  daeki looked up curiously as he noticed a figure approach him, smiling brightly as his eyes met suli. he greeted her with a hello, moving along his tray so that she had more room. “ no. ” he shook his head with a giggle. “ someone is sat across from us, though. ” he told her, gesturing to the seemingly empty seat. daeki took another bite of his ramen, eyeing suli’s tray. “ is that all you’re gonna eat ? ” he asked, an element of concern in his tone. the two weren’t exactly close, but nobody really needed to be for daeki to care about them. he grew instantly attached to everyone he met ( possibly something that came from being so deprived of friends as he grew up ), and suli was no exception. 
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suli’s smile grew a little as her head turned in the direction daeki had gestured to, giving the seemingly empty space a small bow and hello. while she couldn’t possibly now what daeki went through, suli related to him, in a way. at least she knew what it was like to see things that weren’t actually there, and she would never want to make him feel bad for it. “ yeah, i don’t even think i’m actually going to eat this at all. “ she told him honestly, supporting her head on her hands and elbows on the table, “ my head hurts like mad, all i want is a greasy hamburger, not cafeteria food. “
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anisuli · 7 years
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  sunny sighed, running a hand through his hair and leaning back in his seat, simply staring at the device in defeat. “ not enough, apparently. ” he mumbled, sighing again. “ do you ? ” he asked curiously, although his tone seemed challenging. sunny had studied plenty about everything he could get his hands on, and his power was no exception to his knowledge. he tried to learn everything there was to learn, though it never seemed to help. it frustrated him to no end. his knowledge had to end somewhere, and there was only so much information he could absorb.
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suli let out a dry puff of air, a ghost of a chuckle, really, the corner of her lip curving up at the question. she had many ways to reply to it, most of them taking more effort to explain than what she was willing to put into it. “ oh i know… “ she trailed of for a second, nonchalantly reaching out and taking the device in her hand for a second as if simply playing with it to occupy herself, “ i’d say i know enough. “ her voice was low and her eyes on the device as she put it back down on the table, but instead of it being a whole device like it had been when she picked it up, it was the device, but all it’s parts had been set loose from each other.
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anisuli · 7 years
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once she’d spotted sunny and realised what he was trying to do suli let herself hang back, watching him for only a couple seconds before the light bulb burst, making her jump slightly. she understood what had happened all too well, and while she’d had many years to teach herself control of her powers, the girl still had very little actual control over any of them. she narrowed her eyes at sunny, deep in thought for a second, then striding over and sitting down next to him. no hello or any form of greeting before she asked “ what do you know of the physics of all of this? like actual electromagnetism ? “
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  sunny sat himself at a desk in the common room, a small device in front of him and his chin resting in front of it, seeing it eye-to-eye. he hovered his hand above it, his tongue hanging out in concentration as he tried to manipulate the device with his power. sunny had extremely poor control over his powers, but he had been practicing. now, he wanted to test it. he focused on putting all the power into his fingers and depositing it into the device. for a few moments, he tried and tried, but he was interrupted by a lamp popping on the other side of the room, caused by sunny’s lack of control. looking over, he seemed to have spooked the person say beside it. “ shit. sorry, that was my fault. ”
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anisuli · 7 years
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“ now, now, “ suli smirked, her hands on the other’s arms to steady both of them after the collision, eyes following the stranger she’d just seen give their wallet to mj, “ such a pretty watch and you didn’t even think to get that too ?? “ the female clicked her tongue, stepping away from the other with a mocking shake of her head, “ such a waste, “ lips pressed together for a second before curling into somewhat of a sly smile, eyes having travelled down to the male’s pocket “ you are either extremely good at picking your targets or got extremely lucky because i’m pretty sure that wallet is absolutely loaded. “ she blinked her xray vision away before her gaze fell on the other’s face at last.
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  it wasn’t that mj had forgotten his wallet, it was more a matter of he hadn’t bothered to bring it. it wasn’t difficult for mj to obtain money by other means, although he couldn’t be bothered with the effort of stealing right now. using his power was an easier bet. as he walked down the street, he managed to subtly pull a stranger to the side. before they could react, he spoke to them calmly, the power flowing from his tongue and into their ears. “ you want to give me your wallet, right ? ” he watched as the other’s eyes went into a clear daze, as they nodded and handed over their wallet without hesitation. mj pocketed it quickly, whispering a quick “ forget my face. ” before hastily leaving. mj suddenly collided with another person. as mj straightened up and stared at them, he wondered whether they had seen what had just occurred.
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anisuli · 7 years
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it wasn’t very often that suli was found in the cafeteria, she’d done good in teaching herself how to cook, and even though she wasn’t anything near a picky eater, she’d still rather eat her favourite dishes cooked by herself than the ones offered by the cafeteria - cooking was relaxing, allowing her mind to think of nothing other than keeping her fingers; but in that particular day her hangover was too bad and too persistent for her to be bothered with quality food, her feet taking her to the cafeteria before she could think about it. when there, though, all the female could get herself to place on her tray was a red apple. sighing she looked around for a table to sit down at, settling on one once she spotted daeki chatting away. suli placed her tray on the table before sliding onto the seat next to daeki’s, “ please tell me i’m not sitting in someone. “ she’d only thought of the possibility after sitting down, but the possibility was enough to make her shiver.
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  daeki was sat in the cafeteria, his table seemingly empty to onlookers. to others, it seemed that the boy was sat alone, talking to himself. to him, he was talking to someone sitting in front of him. a dead someone, whom only he could see, but a someone nonetheless. “ it’s not my fault you can’t eat anymore. ” he shrugged, listening to the other’s complaints. “ i don’t blame you, though. i would miss ramen, too. ” he continued the conversation, giggling as the spirit pouted. daeki had never cared about seeming strange to others. the company of ghosts was all he ever had, so he didn’t mind it much, even if others distanced themselves from him because of it.
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anisuli · 7 years
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ayyyy your trash nes is back with another intro post that’s just as awful as the last one!!! this time i’m coming to you with suli my computer whiz with an inferiority complex as big as her brain pls love her and come @ me with plots (liking this post is good to but not aS good). without further ado, suli is under the cut!!
- suli was ‘raised’ by two loving parents, and the ‘’ are there because it is true, they were loving, but more so towards each other than their kid
- they lived a very,,,,, different life style, and because of that paid very little attention to suli and her doings, too busy going around being actual bonnie and clyde, suli’s parents were criminal masterminds of petty theft and identity stealing
- she was always quite a mature kid, and started babysitting very early seeing as her parents refused to give her money to get by and money starts being essential very early in life nowadays
- she absolutely loves - adores kids
- suli always tried to do well in school to try and impress her parents but very little actually caught their attention
- her house was like a museum of all kinds of things, her parents not bothering to try to sell anything that looked slightly broken after they had gone out on a ‘job’, and one of suli’s favourite things to do was sort through all the junk and try to fix whatever she could- which was how she found her thechnokinesis, electrokinesis and xray vision
-she never ever feels like she’s doing good enough, and even after her enhanced memory came into play and she shot up to the top of the class, her parents couldn’t care less, so she had to come up with a way to get their attention
- the only thing she could think of was developing some kind of way to help them with their ‘jobs’, and so she got into programming and hacking - and found her cyber mind
- she started helping her parents out on some jobs, but that still did very little for her in terms of getting any sort of attention
- so as you can imagine she’s developed quite a big inferiority complex and attention seeking problem but she doesn’t let them show often, she hides a lot in her good girl skin and tries to get attention ‘at night’
- she was forcefully taken to jaenung after being caught hacking - she would never have agreed to go to university unless she was being forced, what’s the point when she can get access to anything she ever needs from a computer?
as for plots, i wouldn’t mind friends - shes quite friendly - maybe a booty call or something of the sort? i’m honestly dry of ideas and in a rush because i have to go out but if you want to plot hit me UP and i’m sure we can figure something out!!
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anisuli · 7 years
   “ hi. ” he smirked from underneath her. mj had taken control of the fall so that neither of them would get hurt, although he hadn’t expected ruki to pin him down. his hands travelled to her hips, moving down until they settled on her thighs firmly. “ are you going to let me up ? ” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. mj felt an overwhelming urge to kiss ruki again, looking up at her eyes and gazing at her lips obviously. he leaned up to her face, although he didn’t kiss her, only brushing their noses together with a smirk as he gently squeezed her leg. 
“ nope, “ she giggled, head shaking and making a hair hurricane for a second, “ i like you there. “ ruki half whispered, gazing at him under her, her eyes following his movement up closer to her. she could feel his breath on her face, his nose against hers, but her mind went blank for a couple seconds and all she could do was look at him and feel him, his nose on hers, his breath, his hands on her legs, his body under hers. the squeeze on her leg brought her back and the urge to kiss him grew much stronger, especially him having made it so easy for her. so she did, she closed the small gap mj had left between their lips, kissing him a lot less sloppy than she had the first time, her mind now a lot more focused on the action.
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anisuli · 7 years
    “ yeah, maybe. ” he repeated with a chuckle. the thought of sleeping with ruki wasn’t one that he was opposed to. to be honest, sleeping with anyone didn’t sound like a bad idea to mj. but, he would be lying if he said he had never thought about it before. she was pretty, and smart, and she wanted sex with no strings, which sounded like the perfect deal to him. plus, she could work wonders on a keyboard, so it made him wonder what else her fingers could do. it wasn’t as if mj’s mind was on anything else, to be honest. “ i can’t argue with that. ” he said cockily. mj held out his hands for her to take so that he could pull her to her feet.
ruki stared at mj’s hand for a couple seconds, her mind confused but blank at the same time, eyebrows furrowed and cheeks blown out. slowly she took her hand up to his, her mind wrapping around his idea. it was a good one seeing as she’d probably fall right back down trying to get herself up, but it never went through. instead, she found herself pulling mj down instead of herself up. of course, all that would have worked better in a swimming pool, but she’d been to enough training classes at the gym to know how to break a fall. her movements were too slow and too sloppy for it to go as smoothly as she had planned out in her head, but it was enough for the time being. she used her legs around mj to roll him and herself over, turning a free fall into a gentler rolling over, unable to stop herself from giggling in victory as she sat on mj’s hips, hands on either side of his head. “ hi, “ she squealed at him in between giggles.
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anisuli · 7 years
ruki watched as mj made all the mind puzzling knots go away, freeing her fingers and feet from her shoes. once the male was done, she pulled the shoes from her feet, placing them neatly on the floor next to each other before stretching her legs out, toes wiggling for a couple seconds before her attention returned to mj, head cocked to the side as she watched his features. “ i’m not drunk and vulnerable ” she spoke, but the image of her fingers trapped in her shoelaces came to her head, making her answer change. “ okay maybe i am drunk. ” she admitted with a nod down, “ but im not vulnerable. i know what i want, the only difference is that now i have the balls to do it. ” she let out a giggle at her own words “ you’re really hot, how could i not want to sleep with you ?? ”
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anisuli · 7 years
     mj couldn’t help his cocky grin at her words. “ you have ? ” he asked, licking his bottom lip. “ well, i can’t blame you for that. ” he smirked. mj laughed, removing his hands from her waist and using them to pull her own away from her face. “ i know it was, baby. you’re not so bad yourself. ” mj let go of her, moving to close the door behind her and making for the living room, stopping to look at ruki before he continued. “ you know, you really shouldn’t seek out guys to kiss when you’re drunk. especially when you know what they’re like. ”
ruki fought against mj’s hands, freeing her hands from his so she could cover her face once more, redness ( even more ) creeping up her neck and face at the word ‘ baby ‘, a muffled giggle leaving her lips. she watched mj move between her fingers spread across her face, her gaze following him as he walked away, “ i seek guys out because i know what they’re like. “ she moved to sit on the floor to take off her converse, but quickly found herself tangled in a mess of shoelaces, a frown-y pout adorning her face as she blinked at the knots. “ mj, “ she whined , head spinning as she looked up, “ my shoes refuse to come off, “ she slurred slightly.
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anisuli · 7 years
     the kiss was sloppy. with ruki being drunk and mj always being thirsty for action, it was understandable. as they were kissing, he backed up, guiding ruki inside the door as he held onto her waist. he cocked an eyebrow, a smirk on his face in surprise at her giggling. “ why ? ” he asked. “ don’t you have some guy in a club you can do this with ? ” he chuckled. though, he wasn’t complaining. “ you really came all the way to my place for a kiss ? ”
“ no, “ she spoke, head shaking slightly, “ yes, “ ruki corrected herself, giggles bubbling out of her once again, “ i don’t really remember if this is what i came here for, “ she eventually admitted, “ but i’ve wanted to do it for a while, “ in normal situations ruki wouldn’t have said that - well, she wouldn’t have kissed mj, either, but even if it happened, the female wouldn’t have admitted to the other. she found herself biting her lip, suddenly shy for some reason, hands travelling up to hide her face, fingers spread so she could still see mj, “ it was really good “ she whispered, only half aware that she had.
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anisuli · 7 years
ruki was surprised at mj's touch. it's not that she'd never touched him before, but their relationship had never been particularly touchy. he was soft. for all his snarkinesss and badass personality, mj felt surprisingly soft to ruki, but then again, the alcohol in her blood probably made even a cactus feel soft. she placed her hands on the sides of mj's face, back towards his neck, a gesture that in normal circumstances would have been to keep the other close, but that she used to keep herself steady. the corners of her lips turned down in a pout, her bottom one sticking out like a child throwing a tantrum once mj pulled back, but it was quickly replaced by a smile as she started giggling. " no, not a fuck, just a kiss. and i would like another one please " she slurred out, standing on the tips of her toes so her face was more in level with his.
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anisuli · 7 years
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     it was late at night. mj had passed out from the long day. he had always been a light sleeper, so the doorbell was enough to wake him from his slumber. being woken up always put him in a shitty mood, although at first he was too out of it to care all that much. he was mostly just curious as to who would be at his door at this time. mj opened the door, his hair dishevelled and his eyes droopy with sleep. he soon snapped out of it, however, when he saw ruki standing at his door. “ what are you doing here ? ” he asked with a frown.
“ mj, “ ruki slurred, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she saw the male open the door for her, somewhat surprised that he had - what was she doing there again ?? when had she even decided to go ?? had she ever or had she simply found herself there. the female shook her head slowly trying to gather her thoughts even if for only a second, “ i - “ she was about to say she didn’t know, she was going to tell him the truth, but the earth seemed to have other plans, and pulled the ground from under her feet - the effects of the alcohol running through her veins making her stumble even though she hadn’t been moving. her hand reached out in front of her to keep herself from falling, finding only the male to hold onto. once again, she could never be sure of when or how the thought crossed her mind, but it had to have - maybe because her gaze fell right on mj’s lips - but suddenly, all she could think about was kissing him, and there was not a drop of reason in her capable of stopping her from doing so.
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anisuli · 7 years
ruki was, to put it simply, drunk. not a behaviour she had pride in, but most definitely one she had whenever there was a free night, which meant conciliating no kids, no work, no servers and no university projects or homework. she was alone at the time, but she hadn’t been only a couple minutes before, her group of friends from university having gone out with her. any sense of what an outrageous time was to be knocking at someone’s door - or the time itself - ruki caught her own hand ringing a doorbell. she wasn’t sure when or how she had decided to go over to mj’s, but that was where she was. her mind was foggy, her thought train easily lost, so easily, in fact, she wasn’t even sure what she was doing there as the doorbell rang from her actions.
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