aniwebdesigns-blog · 5 years
Steps To Successfully Start An E-Commerce Website
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E-Commerce is an electronic commerce or can say commercial transaction that consists transfer of information across the internet. Selling or Buying of goods and services.
Types of e-commerce business:
B2B-(Business-to-Business) Transaction between one company and another.
B2C-(Business-to-Consumer) Transaction between companies and consumers.
C2C-(Consumer-to-Consumer) Transaction between individual consumers.
There are some other types i.e C2B(Consumer-to-Business), B2A(Business-to-Adminstration), C2A(Consumer-to-Administration).
Follows Steps Below To Start E-Commerce Website:
Choose Product To Sell: Before choose product you have to research to make sure that your product is viable. Is there already a market out there for your product or not? If, yes then will you able to compete on pricing to your competitor? Also, get a certification for your product to build a trust of customers that which product they are buying that product is certified.
Domain Name Registration: Choose domain name according to your desire. It must be unique. After choosing domain name, Create or Select a logo for your business. We’ll show you a several options for creating great logo to your business.
Choose Your Web Hosting: If you are really serious to run your online store longer, choose a dedicated hosting plan which provides more programming flexibility to run your online store. Make sure hosting company that you choose, gives you right support at the right time.
Choose Software Platform: Magneto will make it easy for you to list your products, set your price, and add a shopping cart to the website. They take care of ensuring the process is intuitive for both you and your customers, so you can just focus on selling.
Setup Merchant Account: It is one type of bank account in which bank allow businesses to accept payments in multipleways such as debit or credit cards.
Research Shipping Costs and Provide Service: There are multiple shipping services. Choose from range of easy-to use packaging options to fit your business needs.
Add Product: Add a product on your site with optimize image, accurate info, pricing, description of product and its specifications.
Launch: After testing website will successfully launch. Actually, it is a combinations of several checklists for launching. After launching, AniWebDesigns will support you fully and to make sure orders, payment, shipping work perfect along with other functionalities.
Social Media Marketing For Your Business: Need to grow your business on all social medias. Spread new for launching your new business on all social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Linkedin. And don’t forget to give a backlink to your website on every social media account page.
To build any successful business you have a good business plan.
Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/steps-to-successfully-start-an-e-commerce-website/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Google Maps “Follow” Button – A New Approach For Business To Connect with Clients
Google is extremely rolling out for launching its new features for its map app. On Thursday, October 25, it offered one more feature.
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It is a new “Follow” button for users which will appear in the business listings. When you have clicked on this button, you will get the latest business updates automatically. These updates will directly go into the user’s app “For You” tab. This feature is initially for android users, not for iOS.
Now, you can easily follow your favourite places like restaurants and stores. When you click on to follow button, you will be among the first to know the special offers, events and any other updates from which you would like to hear about.
That’s not at all. One more ability by Google Maps is that it will soon start showing business profiles for upto three months before they open. Mean if your business is still not open, you can create your business profiles on Maps before 3 months.
Why marketers should take care:
Google maps is a basic medium for local search marketers to attract the customers, using Google My Business. Now “Follow” button will help to achieve more leads to business. So, search marketers should definitely take special care of this.
Source Link:  https://aniwebdesigns.com/google-maps-follow-button/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
A Best Step by Step Guide to Search Engines (SEO)
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As we all know that the google update their algorithm to give the more relevant result. Google algorithm is becoming more intelligent now. Seo is becoming difficult day by day for those people who are not update their knowledge about the latest things that happened in seo industry. Its is impossible to get ranking in google unless you follow the SEO process properly.
What is seo?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website and web-pages to increase the ranking in the algorithmic search engine results.
How do search engine work?
It is important to understand how a search engine works. Once you know this, you can move on to the next step. The Search engine works on the algorithm. It builds an index based on crawling.
Search engines have two major functions: crawling and Indexing.
When google came to your website to track all the link in your website and collect detail about each page like: Title, content, images and other page link. This process called crawling.
After crawling has been done, adding the webpages into Google search this process is called indexing.
In this SEO guide we will discuss latest SEO process which you can use to improve your ranking in Google.
Keyword Research:
Keyword research is most important process in the seo. For this you need to know that what the user search on the Google. When you know about the user need, you can better choose the keywords for your website. When you start mostly prefer the long tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are not as difficult to rank highly.
On Page Optimization
If you optimized your page properly than on-page ranking factors can have a big impact on your page’s ability to rank
Here are some On Page optimization tips and factors:
Write updated and unique content.
Your site must be responsive.
Your site must be load fast
Use natural language, not just add keywords to your content
Use internal linking and outbound link
Proper URL Structures
Off-page optimization
off page optimization is the activity that taken outside of your website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages.The most important are:
Link Building
Social Media Marketing
Social bookmarking
Competition Analysis
Competition Analysis is very important aspect. In the competition analysis the first step in this process is understanding who our competitors are and what strategy they are using and also seeing where they stand. By seeing where our competitors are strongest and weakest, we can create the strategy.
Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/a-best-step-by-step-guide-to-search-engines-seo/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
What You Should Ask From SEO Company While Choosing
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We know that now a days SEO is very important for the online business. There are so many SEO experts and agencies available. The best thing you ever do for your business is choose the right SEO agency. When you choose the right SEO agency, it will help you to rank your website.
With this post we provide some suggestions which help you to choose right agency.
You should know about the establishment of the company:
Firstly, you should know about the establishment of the company. With this information you should know about their background and experience of the company.
Also, you should know about the review of the clients which is present in the website. There are many sites which delete the negative review. If you want to check the testimonials are true or not, you may contact directly with the client.
How do they measure progress?
You should know about the rankings, traffic, and conversions of your website and What has been done each month. There are many SEO metrics that can be used to measure progress of the website. You should aware about the Seo Metrics.
Many SEO agency are not provide the transparency. They want to protect their methods. But transparency is important between the company and client. Because there are many contradicting information out there. You should check all the reports regarding the SEO work.
What services do you provide?
You should know about the service which provide by the agency. If they are offer you a full range of digital marketing services. Because, SEO alone cannot do much, you also need content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, ppc marketing and all the possible way which help to promote the business.
If SEO agency provide these all services than it is benefit for your business.
What results have they achieved?
If you want to know about the achievement of the Seo company, Check the testimonials and find the website of the person who left a review. Find their website and check the keywords which are in meta tags of the site. Then search in the google and see the ranking of the website.
Why should we hire you over other companies?
This is open ended question. According to the answer you should think about the agency to continue or not. Most of the company response like this way.
• We can show results in 1 week • We are cheaper than other SEO Companies
Always remember one thing that good company cannot provide the quickest ranking boost.
Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/what-you-should-ask-from-seo-company-while-choosing/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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Search queries of the Google my business and search console is different. Google my business is reporting on unique users and the search console is reporting on impressions.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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Top Digital Marketing Agency New Jersey
Aniwebdesigns is a top digital marketing agency in New Jersey. We provide full services to our clients. We helps other companies to get more business through website design and internet marketing. We are specialise in traffic generation and conversion optimization.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Reasons for Google My Business search queries don’t match with Search Console
https://aniwebdesigns.com/google-my-business-search-queries-dont-match-with-search-console/Google My Business:
Google My business is the tool for businesses and organizations to maintain their presence in Google Search and Maps. It is used to verify and tell the story of your business which helps the users to find your business.
Google Search Console:
Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you to monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results.
Here is the reason that why google my business search queries don’t match search console.
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Google My Business launched the Search Queries in July of 2018, but they didn’t become available for everyone until the end of August.
UTM code:
UTM code is the code which is placed at the end of the URL to check the campaign name, medium and source.
As we know that UTM code is great way to see the results of your offline marketing and it use to separate the traffic by just adding into your website field in Google My business. Search console show the traffic from the google my business along with the organic traffic.
The result of this data helps you to know that where to spend more efforts since the two algorithms are getting increasingly different. These algorithms were related to on-site content quality more than backlinks.
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There is a relationship between the sites that rank organically and listing that rank in the local results. But in this update it is not seen any relationship at all. If the sites had, organically increased that did not simultaneously have increased in local rankings and vice versa.
But if both organic and local are ranked, than two impressions will be counted by search console of your site. But you can break this by using UTM codes.
As we know that the Google my business is reporting on unique users and the search console is reporting on impressions. Both are extremely different.
According to Google’s Help Center, When your URL appears in a search result for the user it will record as impression.
When your business is appeared in the search result with or without the link of your website. When your listing show in the result without your website URL Google my business will add to the report. But Search Console won’t.
Let consider that, In the Google My business insights show the 10 unique users. But in the Google Search console it only Showed one impressed.
The reason behind this mobile searches mostly return 3-packs which don’t have the website field displayed.
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Even some of the desktop searches also return 3 packs that show the images instead of website link.
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In both the cases, Google search console will not reported as the impression but the Google My business will reported on search result.
Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/google-my-business-search-queries-dont-match-with-search-console/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Let’s Celebrate The Halloween Together
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Aniwebdesigns decide to celebrate this halloween with our customers. We are very enthusiastic for this halloween. Because in this halloween we are come with an exciting offer and deals only for our customer.
As we all know that Halloween is very popular event in the USA. We dress up the costume and going house to house to celebrate this event. Everywhere many offers are available in the markets. This time we are also trying to make this event memorable for our customer to providing some fabulous offers.
Halloween special offer :
Aniwebdesigns are came with two exciting offers in which you can choose one of them, as per your requirement.
If you make your website with us, you can choose the one benefit out of two:
First one is making the complete website with us and you can get 15% discount.
It includes:
Domain registration
Web pages
Domain Renewal
Website Design
Website Development
Second one is making the complete website with us and get Free digital marketing for 1 month.
You can check the detail information about this offers from our website. If you give us an opportunity to work with you, we make the best website.
Our company provide the best website designs, website development and digital marketing services. We always provide the best quality to our customers. Professional website designers are ready to work with you to provide the best website which helps you to stand out in the crowd.
We have well experienced team who understand the customer requirement and work with the professional strategies to provide the best results and fulfill the customer needs.
Hurry up! Last date for this offers is October 31, 2018. Go and grab this offer. Time is running out.
Source link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/lets-celebrate-the-halloween-together/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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Exclusive Halloween Offers In New York
Aniwebdesigns celebrate this year's Halloween with our customers and give exclusive offer on making complete website with 15% discount or get free digital marketing for 1 month. Hurry!! Limited Period Offer.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
We made several mistakes during our website redesign that effect on the website traffic and ranking. Follow these points that helps you.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Don’t Ignore These 6 Mistake While Redesign Website
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Most companies redesign their website every year. Because the technology, trends and the expectation of the user change over time. Redesigning of the website is important because everyone wants to update their site on the same regular basis.
But when we redesign the website many things can go wrong during this task and also done some mistake that majorly effect on the website ranking and traffic.
Here are some points that help you to avoid SEO disaster when redesigning your website.
Content Architecture:
Sometime the content is the responsible for achieving the ranking in the search engine. But when you rewriting the content you may loss few viewer which will result in a dramatic drop in traffic from search engines. In website redesigns, when the amount of text is reduce, its also reduce the keywords that can be used for driving the website traffic.
Changing Image names on pages:
Change the name of the image may also cause a loss of ranking. Many time the client hires the webdesigner who doesn’t understand SEO. They replace the old images with the new images and use the unrelevant images name that provide zero SEO value.
Loading Speeds:
When you redesign the website you shouldn’t increase the loading times of the pages by adding objects and images. You should check the loading speeds in many platform. Actually redesigning is the perfect opportunity to re-code the page and improve the loading time.
Changing Page URLs or Deleting Pages:
During the redesigning, many web designers change the name of the webpages or delete the webpages. Sometime those pages may already rank well in the search engine. Some of the page may be bookmarked by users.
Most important factor of the ranking is the user experience and it create the negative user experience when anyone clicking on those links will be resulted by a 404 error page. With this mistake you will lose all your SEO value coming from those links and you will face the huge loss of ranking in Search engine.
For delete or remove any webpage a 301 redirect should commonly used. A 301 redirects send site visitors to a different URL of the website.
Check everything and perform a complete function:
After the redesigning of the website, you should review all the pages to make sure that all the pages are work properly.
You should take care about the following things:
E-commerce functionality
Contact forms
Tracking pixels
Dynamics ads
Google Webmaster Tool
Interactive tools
Multimedia players
Search capabilities
Reconfigure WordPress and plugins after migration to the live server:
When we migrate the client’s website to the live server. Mostly we forget to uncheck the box in Yoast SEO that told search engines not to crawl or index it. This will dropped the website from Google index.
How the search engine treat you website you can check the configuration of wordpress and any plugin after migrate the website to the live server.
This includes plugins for:
Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/dont-ignore-these-6-mistake-while-redesign-website/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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Want to redesign your website? We are with you. AniWebDesigns is the best webdesign company in New York. You can contact us +1 (929) 317 3921.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
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Show your business on top in search engine. Aniwebdesigns provides Seo services and Web Development services, Digital Marketing services.
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Google is Rolling Out for its New Announcement on its 20th Anniversary
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Google is more rolling out for its new announcement on its 20th anniversary. The company declares number of new search features in which some are new, some are expansions and some are “inspired by” the competitors. Now, images will display with caption in Google search results page.
Metadata Support:
Google include Creator and Credit metadata support with images. Title of the web page where image is published will be shown as the caption of the image. Adding more context to images will definitely give more information like it helps the audience to understand the web-page behind the image. This is also done with the purpose to keep in mind that may be the user find more relevant information from that site.
If you want to see the metadata fields just simply click on the “Image Credits” option with the image. Here you will see the creditor and creator details.
When someone asked that what if Google shows caption for image from publisher’s page instead of title tag then a Google spokesperson said, “Currently we use the web page’s title and nothing more.”
Spokesperson also said, “No changes to ranking for this launch. We already use a variety of signals from the landing page to help deliver the most relevant results possible for users.”
An Overview Of Changes To Image Search:
Include new creator and creditor support to image search. Below the image thumbnail, URL of the image source is also added because a website plays important role for the user too.
Image thumbnails now show caption to the images in the search results.
Title of the web-page will be taken as caption of the image. So that user can find relevant information. New image based filters are included to the top of image search results page.
Source link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/image-search-design-announced-by-google/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Methods of The SEO Audit for Small Businesses
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For the small business Seo audit is to drive the organic traffic to our sites and improve your search rankings. Firstly you should know about how the Seo audit works..
SEO Audit
To improved the performance of the website in the search engine the seo auditor check that what need to change in the website and what need to be fixed. There are various tools you can use to SEO audit a website.
Crawl your site
The first step here is to crawl your site, let use the screaming frog software and crawl your website and also we will check steps by steps through the audit.
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1. Google Analytic:
Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO). Its helps us how our website is performing. In this we can measure our ad performance, sites traffic and understand how customer use our website.
2. Google Search Console
Google search console is used to maintain your site presence in Google Search results. In the Google Search Console we are seeing the correct data. Also , In the coverage tab shows the number of indexed pages and In the sitemaps tab has your current sitemap listed.
3. Keyword analysis:
Begin your audit with the analysis of the keywords. so the Keyword must be long tail keywords, relevant, less competitive it will help you rank better.
4. Response codes:
Next tap is “Response code” tab and this tab list all the files and response codes, there is one more tab on the right hand side of the screen which is very important that is “Overview” tab.
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Also, the most important is the URI of your website. Url of each pages must be unique an properly formatted.
6. Structure:
In the URI tab we can check that all the Url are in the proper format. We are looking to achieve here is a filing cabinet structure where relevant pages are grouped together.
The proper format of the URL is URL: “http://www.example.com/good-formatted-url”.
7. Content :
The content of your website has to be unique. A good content that helps your website rank better is engaging and SEO optimized. Make sure that you are using the target keywords on all the right places throughout a page on your website.
8. Page Titles:
Next tab in the screaming frog software is the “Page Title” tab. In this tab we can see all the page title of the sites to check that all the page title is well-optimized.
In this we can see the main keywords and the location of the small business.
9. Meta descriptions:
When we are listing the website then search engine use the text for the meta description. The meta description will then appear under your page’s URL in the search results. In the meta description tab you can see all the descriptions and also you can improve this to increase click-through rates.
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10. Headers:
In Screaming Frog you can the see the H1 and H2 tags and check that all well- optimized and these tag are aligned with the page title, meta description and the page name will help you to focus on each pages.
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Source Link: https://aniwebdesigns.com/seo-audit-for-small-businesses/
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aniwebdesigns-blog · 6 years
Google Mobile First indexing: What is the purpose behind this?
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As we know that the people using their mobile devices for searching the content rather than their desktops.
There are two main tasks that search engines perform: indexing and ranking. Firstly, you should understand that how indexing and ranking works. Indexing and ranking are two processes with their purpose and characteristics.
Indexing is the process of adding website or web page to a search engine’s results page and store in its huge database. When the user enter their queries on the search engine then this database is response.
Ranking means the position of the website in the search engine result page and this depends upon various factors like keywords and devices etc. If the website is not indexed the site cannot ranked. Once the keyword is entered into the search box, search engine will check for pages within their index which are closest match.
Google Mobile-first indexing:
Mobile-first indexing means that the mobile version of your website become the starting point for what Google includes in their index, and how they determine rankings.
When your website is the mobile-friendly version then is automatically receive a ranking boost for searchers. When your site is not mobile-friendly version, the desktop site can still be included in the index. but the lack of the mobile friendly experience it could impact negatively on the rankings of the sites.
As we know that today most of the sites using responsive webdesign and provide the mobile friendly version, so the content is same on the both mobile and desktop version and you may not have to do anything differently.
The problem occur when the Mobile site content is less then the desktop site content. So you have have to ensue that the mobile version of your site has enough content to rank your website in the first place. Try to make your website is same like the desktop website. If website is not responsive then you should take care about the following things.
Make sure that the mobile version has all the content, image and video that exists on your desktop site and also the format must be same. You should include the same structured on both the mobile and desktop version and also the meta title and description are same on both version of all pages.
Google is changing the indexes process. but the ranking of the website is still same. As the Google admitted that the Mobile first index is an experiment and depending on what they see after it is fully implemented, they may decide to go back their Desktop first indexing. So you should work to provide the best user experience.
Link Source: https://aniwebdesigns.com/google-mobile-first-indexing/
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