ankarin · 3 months
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ankarin · 5 months
Stop letting your heart and your pussy choose your men.
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ankarin · 5 months
Getting into an argument on Twitter is infuriating because everyone pretends like they're respectable people and act like they are some level of intelligence above average, and then proceeds to spew either the most racist, idiotic, and/or generally uninformed opinions you've ever heard. Twitter users are the height of arrogance, myself included, that's why I deleted my Twitter account.
Arguments on Tumblr are less so because you know everyone on Tumblr is a clown, including yourself, so when people say something stupid it is expected, and when people say something meaningful and intelligent it is a pleasant surprise.
We're all in this clown-car together. No one cares who is on top of the clown pile.
Also, the Tumblr culture ensures whenever a racist scumbag appears we all dogpile them and rip their limbs off before adding their bones to our bone pile.
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ankarin · 5 months
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I love this. These are great things to remember.
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ankarin · 5 months
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ankarin · 5 months
I'm gonna say it.
It's unhinged to assume that someone's taste in fiction equates to what they believe is moral or good, or is something they want to see or experience in real life.
That is a bonkers assumption to make.
I'm tired of humoring people with long arguments about it when the simple fact is it is a totally fucking absurd reach to accuse someone who enjoys something in fiction of being in favor of it in real life.
I'm tired of pretending like this is a legitimate position to hold-- that they should be afraid of fiction's dire influence on a reader's moral decay or that it's a sign of what the author secretly wants for realsies in real life.
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ankarin · 5 months
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ankarin · 5 months
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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ankarin · 6 months
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ankarin · 6 months
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Finally bought some good china
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ankarin · 6 months
this this this THIS
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ankarin · 6 months
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ankarin · 6 months
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ankarin · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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ankarin · 7 months
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ankarin · 7 months
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any inuyasha enjoyers out there? 👀
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ankarin · 7 months
The hard truth about autism acceptance that a lot of people don't want to hear is that autism acceptance also inherently requires acceptance of people who are just weird.
And yes, I mean Those TM people. Middle schoolers who growl and bark and naruto run in the halls. Thirtysomethings who live with their parents. Furries. Fourteen-year-olds who identify as stargender and use neopronouns. Picky eaters. Adults in fandoms. People who talk weird. People who dress weird.
Because autistic people shouldn't have to disclose a medical diagnosis to you to avoid being mocked and ostracized for stuff that, at absolute worst, is annoying. Ruthlessly deriding people for this stuff then tacking on a "oh, but it's okay if they're autistic" does absolutely nothing to help autistic people! Especially when undiagnosed autistic people exist.
Like it or not, if you want to be an ally to autistic people, you're going to have to take the L and leave eccentric, weird people alone. Even if you don't know them to be autistic. You shouldn't be looking for Acceptable Reasons to be mean to people in the first place. Being respectful should be the default.
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