Wait for the wrong person never ends until, the right one steps in.
The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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Wait for wrong person never ends until the right one steps in.
The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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They let me fly But expect me to be a peacock, Little they are aware that I am an fucking Eagle.
- The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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Its so hard right to think and act for things ahead, while breaking right now.
The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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We always have choice, Being what happened to you is a choice of self victimization & To be what you want to be is a choice of Confidence.
- The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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Its said that to be peaceful you should cut out the negative people, But the bitter truth is that the people are sometimes permenant ones & only thing we can do is Ignor them, because if we dont it hurts the heart apart.
The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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The closest to you can hurt you the most sometimes when they didn't intensed to, Think before you feel hurt.
- The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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Yes I am an addict, Words are my drug, Books are the material & Writers are the dealer.
- The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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"As a teenager all I needed was a person to text at any hour of time, a person to call mine."
- The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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"They say me why are you being friend with him you dont even known him you haven’t even saw him. I replied, I know that but the crack in his voice when he’s about to cry, tells me that I shloud."
The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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"They tell that dreams come true, But forgot to tell, That nightmare are dreams too."
R m drake
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"How can I walk with someone throughout my life when I don't known how to stand by my own."
-The fucking empty spaces in my mind.
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