anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
Why you should buy custom business software solutions
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Weighing up the pros and cons of building your own custom business software solutions or purchasing them is a challenge for businesses of all sizes. Many owners, managers and software development company providers in the modern world adopt the approach that it is better to build it themselves.
It ostensibly means more control over the development, management and customization of the product which is an important factor for many start-ups and SMEs that need to micro-manage all operations and margins. And the control you have over the software and/or application can usually be achieved by bringing in the professionals anyway, which makes it a much more economical and efficient option when it comes to software development.
Here are the primary reasons why you should buy your custom business software solutions from dedicated developers:
Building custom business software solutions in-house is rarely cheaper
Managing costs is an essential part of any business and its ongoing success, so it makes sense that cost control would apply to custom software development as well. There is a misconception that building custom software in-house is a more affordable option, but unfortunately, that is not the case more often than not.
Hiring software developers for short-term projects is a major expense
If you do not have in-house software developers, you are going to need to hire them to build your software solution. These short-term contracts are very expensive and the costs keep getting higher depending on the level of talent you want for the project. If you do not have your own, dedicated software developers working for you then it is often more favorable to outsource your software development rather than try to bring a professional in specifically for a single project.
Custom business software solutions are not one-off projects
It is a common mistake to assume that developing in-house software is a one-off project, but that is never the case. Usually, the software is developed to address an IT issue, a business pain point or a customer/client need and the development of this software is isolated to these needs.
You are diverting valuable resources to the software build project
Depending on the size of your business, you could be assigning large chunks of your best talent to custom software development. In some cases, this short-term pain could well be worth the long-term gain of having a totally bespoke product that is tailored specifically to your needs.
But in many cases, this moves your best people away from the ongoing operations and maintenance of your business which can be very problematic. It can cause workflow issues, cash flow issues and lead to workers burning the midnight oil to juggle all of the tasks that are required of them. Before embarking on building in-house custom software solutions it is imperative to determine whether you have the talent available to cover all operations during this process.
Control can come at a cost
While the need to control and manage the development of software solutions is completely understandable, it can also be a pain point all on its own. Look for the software development companies that are willing to listen to your needs, goals and desires and work in collaboration with you. That way you can get the best of both worlds, control over the functionality of your software without the slowdown that can occur by managing it in-house.
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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anna-hazel · 4 years
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