annacarpenter · 4 years
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     “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He laughed, though if he were honest, he wasn’t entirely show what he was saying. The joking banter shared between the two wasn’t something he was use to. He did know that he enjoyed it, and that he always looked forward to it. Even if he said something way beyond the ordinary Anna was always quick to match his energy. “I appreciate that. Especially, because if there’s anyone who has memorized your taste by now it should be me.” A little bout of knowledge he took pride in. Charlie was beginning to understand why it was that he felt warm inside every time he made a meal for her, but he knew Anna had a lot on her metaphorical plate. Probably a lot more than he put on her literal plate. He was a bit scared of adding to that. Though her keeping in mind the possibility of the two of them sharing a bed did make him want to question why she had been open to it. All he needed was one small confirmation he thought. “What? Are you serious?” He questioned as he paused. The shock of her not knowing what studio Ghibli was hitting him. “Spirited Away? Howl’s Moving Castle? My neighbor Tortoro?” He listed off as he lowered himself beside her. “TĂș me traes un poco loco. Un poquititito loco.” He sang softly both in response to her not knowing Ghibli, but also as a confirmation that he was perfectly fine with watching Coco for the night.
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Despite him listing off different names of movies nothing was ringing a bell, a soft laugh falling from her lips at his apparent shock and disappointment. “I’m sorry, you, could be making up these names for all I know. Nothing sounds familiar.” Her smile grew as he began to softly sing, Anna wouldn’t have any problem if the night was spent listening to him instead of the movie, but was still just as content when the movie began playing. As the movie continued on Anna couldn’t help but take note of how close they were on the couch, even more so how much she wanted to close the small space between them still. Looking over at him Anna gave a soft smile, she could get used to this, being together, just the two of them, not in a work setting, not even going out to different events, just sitting together on the couch, eating snacks and watching a movie. Honestly they could be doing absolutely nothing but as long as she was with Charlie, she had a feeling she would be more than happy. Once her horchata was finished and the cookies were gone almost half the movie was played through, with her legs curled up on the couch Anna shifted toward Charlie. Both from tiredness, but mostly from just wanting to be close to him, her head falling slowly on his shoulder. She hoped she wasn’t crossing a line, but then again he did said he’d share a bed with her, that had to mean something right?
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annacarpenter · 4 years
When Carson looked over at the girl who was placing her order beside her, she was holding out a banana to her. She tried to smile but wasn’t sure if her face produced one. “Thanks,” she nodded. “I didn’t know about the banana thing. Carson. I mean, my name is Carson.”
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“Yeah, something about the potassium I think. Next time I’d be sure to pack Pedilyte, I’m telling you it works wonders. Bananas do the trick when you’re in a pinch though.” Anna smiled at the other, “nice to meet you Carson, I’m Anna.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Perfect, I’ve made two different ones, maple bacon and s’mores,” she said, getting them out and sliding them over to Anna.”
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Biting into the treats with a smile which only grew with each bite. “So personally I’ve always been a fan of s’mores, something about marshmallows, I can’t explain it. That being said, this maple bacon, it’s got it going on.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
Carson woke up on the floor of her foyer still in her devil costume from last night. Her friends threw her a huge costume party in honor of her twenty-fifth birthday. She only remembers bits and pieces of the night before but from what she can remember, she had a blast. Not sure how she got home, nor really caring, she threw on some shoes and made her way to the coffee shop. “Extra large coffee. Dark roast,“ she said when she got to the front of the line. “Black. It’s been a long night.” @vestalanding​
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When she saw the person in front of her in line Anna couldn’t help but chuckle to herself a bit, remembering how many times it was her in that position. Stepping up to the cashier Anna placed her order along with one banana. “You know, I always found that a banana helps with hangovers.” Anna held the banana out to the other.
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annacarpenter · 4 years
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     At the sound of her laughter it was easy for him to follow along. The images they had been painting were easy to find funny, but he found he was enjoying the sound of her laughter a lot more. “Whatever brings you home sooner right? When it works it works — and, on the bright side, you got to try some amazing alien cuisine, and they probably won’t abduct anyone from this planet ever again should your critiques hurt their feelings.” He offered, his voice coming from the kitchen as he placed a few of the cuban styled cookies to a plate, and poured the two of them a helping of horchata before making his way back into the living room. The words that follow instantly bringing heat to his cheeks, and he found he was grateful for the plate in his hand as it gave him something to focus on as he spoke. “I wouldn’t be a good host if I made you sleep on the couch, would I?” he offered in return. Throat being cleared as he was suddenly too afraid to look her direction. “I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it? I usually stick to the Ghibli movies, but how about we watch your favorite movie?”
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“So basically, what you’re saying is that me being adducted would basically save the entire world from being taken over by aliens. I’d basically be a worldwide hero.” She thought about it a bit while Charlie collected the food from the kitchen, would being abducted be worth the fame? “I’m sure whatever they served me wouldn’t be nearly as good as your food,” she said as she grabbed a cookie from the tray he brought over. A smile grew at his next words, “good to know, I’ll keep that in mind” a big part of her wished Gavin had already moved in. She raised an eyebrow as she bit into a cookie and taking her mug of horchata. “I have no idea what Ghibil is, we’ll have to watch that next sleepover. Personally I’ve been in the mood for CoCo” Curling her legs up on to the couch, as she sank into the cushions Anna felt a wave of comfort wash over her. For the first time in a long time Anna had a feeling of being at home.
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Oh, I will look forward to seeing your horse kick round. In other news, I just finished a new type of donut, anychance you want to be my taste tester?”
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“Um- of course?” Anna said as if there was another option, “I would never, ever turn down tasting donuts.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“You have to wear whatever is the most comfiest of your pjs, it’s like the rule of sleepovers. I have my unicorn onesie because it’s super fluffy on the inside. And the WALL-E kind of wholesome where the babie just wants to take care of a little plant, I don’t know what 7th Heaven is but if you’d rather be kidnapped than watch it, I don’t think I want to know.”
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“Elf onesie it is then! It’s comfy and had a hat to keep my head nice and warm too. Oh thank god, that’s the best kind of wholesome, also I haven’t seen WALL-E in forever soooo I think that should be first on our list of movies. If you haven’t seen 7th Heaven consider yourself lucky, it’s so cringy.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“And I have zero survival skills, so I have no issue only having a 25% chance of being The Final Girl. Honestly, the second I realized I was in a scary movie or book, I’d sacrifice myself. Just let it be quick!” She joked with a small chuckle. “How did you sleep through him stealing a mini fridge?!”
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“But what if we take your 25% chance, combine it with my 75% chance then the two of us have a 100% chance of surviving together, turning the tides, changing the ending and for the first time there being two final girls.” Anna shrugged, “I’m just a heavy sleeper I guess”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
Maggie laughed, rolling her eyes softly. “True, but horses don’t kick round
 they definitely just kick straight out, donkey style.”
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“I bet you could train a horse to kick round, you can’t train a house to kick anything.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“I wish they had the whole skip intro thing when ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’ was on. That clown was terrifying.” she shivered, the mere thought making her uneasy.
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“Glad to see you’ve got a plan. I feel safer already. Just, uh, remember that you aren’t alone in general. Don’t want to get whacked on the way to the bathroom.”
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“Right? That was absolutely terrifying, I don’t know how they were able to market that to kids.” Anna smirked, “fair point, we’ll have to come up with a signal, like a bird call or something.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“12 hours of unsolved mysteries? When was this and why was I not invited?” Sophia asked although really she probably wouldn’t have faired much better then Anna. “Now that’s more believable and I believe I’ve told you this before
 mi casa is su casa. In other words of course you can stay over.” 
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“Honestly it happened so fast I didn’t have time to pick up my phone, it started with one around ten o’clock and before I knew it the sunlight was poking through my blinds.” Anna shook her head, reliving the seemingly quick hours with no recollection of how they passed so fast. “True, but I always feel like I should ask. I brought snacks...and wine, I figured the alcohol would help me sleep. Or cause me to panic more, it’ll be fine to find out.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Oh, good plan. You’ve got a 50% chance of being The Final Girl then. I am not at a place in my life where I can have a sleepover with a stranger. A cute stranger, but that’s just an unsolved mystery waiting to happen!”
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“Honestly not to brag, my survival skills do prove that I have a decent chance of being the final girl, I’d be as bold to say 75% chance. Still, I’d rather not go through it alone. Fair point, the one time I had a sleepover with a cute stranger I ended up missing a mini fridge in the morning.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Yes! Victory!” she beamed with a smile. “Round house,” she replied with a laugh, putting an emphasis on the word house. 
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“Round house?” Anna raised an eye brow in confusion, “that doesn’t make any sense, a house doesn’t kick, a horse on the other hand, they can kick real well.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
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     “You had me up until the UFO because that actually sounds like a lot of fun, and I’m certain you’d have more than enough questions for them. Plus — they’d want to keep you alive so they would have to feed you which means you’d have the scoop on some of the best, or worst, alien recipes.” He teased with a soft laugh, unable to take himself seriously as he spoke. “Of course you are. I could never regret it though, being around you is always a good time. I’m sure Gavin would agree with me if he moves in. “I actually made some torticas de moron earlier today so I’ll go grab those if you want to pick out the movie?”
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Anna couldn’t help but laugh at Charlie’s depiction of her in a UFO. “You have a point, I think they’d want to return me pretty fast though. Cause you’re right, I’d have a million questions and I’d be a very harsh critique of their food. I’m imagining green and purple slime.” She nodded in agreement, her and Gavin had always gotten along well she was sure he wouldn’t mind. “True, but if Gavin moves into the spare room where am I gonna sleep? You gonna make room for me in your bed?” She let out a light laugh, mostly kidding, not that she would mind sharing a bed with Charlie. “I have no idea what those are but I’m sure they’re delicious, I’ll start looking for the movie, I just have to know, are you more of Disney or Dreamworks kind of guy?”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Hoodwinked.” Aria added, playing into her indignation. “It’s the music on that show that gets me. It’s the creepiest music I’ve ever heard.”
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“Would it comfort you to know that my apartment is so small that I would most certainly be offed first and you could make it to the fire escape?”
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“The music does get me every time, I usually try to skip the intro cause the music paired with the creepy shadow pictures- no thank you.” Shaking her head Anna corrected the other, “my plan is to sleep right behind the door, I’d wake up to them trying to kick it in, jump up and- WHAM! Baseball bat to the face.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
Minjoon giggled with a small nod of his head. “Absolutely. We can have late night snacks and watch only wholesome movies! With lots of bright colours. Onesies are optional but jammies are mandatory for any sleepover.”
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“Okay, I have an elf onesie so as long as you’re okay with Christmas coming a bit early I’m all in. You know what? Even if you do care, I don’t I’m already getting into it. When you say wholesome do you mean Disney and Pixar? Cause if you’re talking 7th Heaven kind of wholesome I’ll take my chances with the kidnappers.”
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annacarpenter · 4 years
“Hey, go ahead, but you’d be the dickhead who kicked a deaf girl with one leg,” Maggie joked with a laugh, only ever playing the card in jest. “Also, I’d believe you more if you hadn’t called it a round horse.”
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‘Touche, I don’t think that’s the label I want in life. Your shins live to see another day.” Anna laughed along with the other, “wait it’s not called a round horse? What the heck is it then?”
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