annacattafe-blog · 4 years
The most interesting aspect of photography for me was photographing small, ordinary, or even ugly things and seeing how beautiful of a picture it makes. Sometimes when you are living in the moment you don’t realize how interesting something looks until you take a photo of it. I’ve never been one to take a lot of pictures. I always had the lowest gigabyte storage for my phones because I just didn’t need the photo space. But after taking this class, every time I walk into a room or on the street or through a park I notice so many more things around me and always think “oh that be a great picture”. I really take the time to stop and look now. So I guess my favorite part of learning photography was that I am able to see things in a brighter more creative light now and that makes my environment so much more enjoyable, and me much more appreciative. 
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annacattafe-blog · 4 years
I feel like I keep changing the style of photos for my final essay and I am anxious about making sure the photos go together nicely. I am assuming I should try as hard as possible to make sure every photo has the same I guess color scheme or design theme going so the photos look like they fit together in the essay?
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annacattafe-blog · 4 years
Assignment 4 is a bit disorganized for me right now. I am taking a bunch of pictures that I think apply to my theme of capturing the small beautiful moments, but I haven’t tried to see how these would go together in the essay yet, that will be my goal for the following week. I thought shooting out the window was such a cool and creative assignment. I learned to use framing more with the window and get creative with the blinds and rain drops. I also learned from shooting in the dark that I can make an amazing photo without it being crystal sharp because the lighting and colors I add still make it appealing. I do like the idea of breakout rooms, but I feel like students can be a bit awkward at times, and may feel more comfortable getting compliments or critiques out in words through the discussion board. 
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annacattafe-blog · 4 years
So far shooting for my project has been pretty good. My roommate and I have been going on walks to different places so I have been able to get good outdoor pictures. But now I want to focus on smaller things, that you can find in your own home to bring you joy. There isn’t much in my house in Philly. But when I go home to my parents house in NJ I know I will find a lot of small meaningful things to photograph. 
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annacattafe-blog · 4 years
Photography is a great way to get through isolation. When were stuck inside, or even around the same neighborhood for a long period of time we start to become fed up with our surroundings and might forget how much beauty there still is to be seen. Sometimes when you look at things with your own eyes its not enough. Sometimes when you look through the camera lens at the right angle you can find beauty in the most unexpected places. Photography not only gives us something to do during this time, but also helps us appreciate what is already around us. It also helps you feel in charge, in a time where we all have no power to know whats going on in the world. But we can take the camera and create a story ourselves. And that feels powerful.
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
I am so so sad that we have to continue our photography class online. Nonetheless, going out to take pictures of beautiful things is a great way to get out of the house alone and keep busy during this scary time. I am happy that I booked the studio before spring break, because I got some amazing pictures for Assignment 3 while I was there. I will of course continue to shoot, but I really think I got my assignment on my first studio trip. Because the library is still open, I was thinking of going there today and editing my photos in lightroom. I can’t wait to see how they turn out!
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
On Sunday afternoon I decided to go into south street and rittenhouse on the beautiful day to take pictures of strangers. There were so many interesting looking people walking around but I didn’t want to stop anyone in their tracks. I ended up getting pictures of a woman and her grandchild, a couple of girl scouts selling cookies, and a street performer in the park. It was definitely hard because I was already invading their personal space I didn’t want to also take a while getting the perfect lighting. But it was a very fun experience! I am glad that the stranger was a requirement. 
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
I spent the whole day on saturday taking pictures of my closest friends. My one friend started his own clothing brand so I got to take pictures of his sweatshirts for his Instagram and that was really exciting. Definitely got pictures that mean something to me, now my next challenge is just getting the strangers. 
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
So far I think I like photographing composition more. I see all these objects and patterns around me and want to capture it, but it’s harder for me to find inspiration with people. More so, its hard for me to find a backdrop that is unique to someone. My close friends don’t have any special hobbies, so my challenge will be photographing someone in a way that still looks artistic and visually appealing and not just me taking a picture of a friend. 
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
Anna Cattafe
My first shooting went great. First I started out on Saint Joe’s campus, and I really enjoy photographing line. I’ve always really appreciated patterns so that it was I looked for outside. I also went to Atlantic City this weekend and as my roommates relaxed in the hotel I went off on my own on the boardwalk with my camera. I’m so happy I did so too because I got to see a lot of things I normally wouldn’t have, and I got more comfortable with my photo taking. Also, I know the assignment was for outside pictures only, however since the inside of the casinos and hotels in AC are so beautiful, I got some indoor pictures in there as well that I really enjoy. 
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
Anna Cattafe
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annacattafe-blog · 5 years
Anna Cattafe
First blog post yay
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