annarcana · 2 days
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There are many benefits to being a marine biologist
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annarcana · 3 days
This kinda explains why American fresh jalapenos you can eat basically raw like they're bell peppers, but dried or canned chipotles, which are mostly still made in Mexico, will tear you a new asshole.
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annarcana · 3 days
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annarcana · 4 days
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BILL WATTERSON ‘A cartoonist’s advice’
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annarcana · 6 days
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annarcana · 6 days
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MYSTERiUM Asmik Game Boy 1991
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annarcana · 6 days
I've had clinical depression since I was 13, and memory difficulties for about as long, and when I'm medicated it gets better.
My college roommate wasn't so much depressed, but had severe memory issues since very young, so he went to the doctor for it and they just gave him Prozac.
It was from him that I learned why, too, though my memory is unsurprisingly fuzzy on the exact details, but ... essentially the reward chemical system in your brain is also related to memory storage in particular.
Your brain registers that something happened to fire off the happy or sad chemical, and it files that information away for the future. Clinical depression though, means the part of your brain that fires off the happy chemicals is broken, so you just ... never trigger that chain of events.
But you *will* remember that time in 6th grade when you said "sheep" instead of "shrimp" in front of the whole class, and everyone laughed, and that girl you liked changed seats the next week.
That one didn't require the happy chemical.
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annarcana · 8 days
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happy pride month
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annarcana · 9 days
Hey you know that thing you're good at? That thing you think makes you valuable? The way you are, or the thing you do, etc?
You can be and deserve to be and will be loved and cherished even without it.
You're not worthwhile because you help, or you are good at making your art, or your skills at your job. You're worthwhile inherently, as a person, even without all that.
And I want you to internalize that because otherwise there might come a day where you can't do The Thing You Think Makes You Valuable. You'll get sick and can't draw, you'll burn out and can't do your job, you'll be emotionally unable to do your regular helpfulness for whatever reason, and you'll start to feel like you have no worth anymore.
But that's not true. You have worth, you deserve comfort and companionship and happiness, and that's not a conditional thing. You deserve that, even if you can't be Useful and Productive and all that shit.
It's an easy trap to fall into to justify yourself as "well, at least I help/make art/work hard" and have that be entirely too much of your self-esteem. Being proud of your work is fine. Being proud of yourself solely through your productivity is not, because you're making it conditional. And conditional on something that can change for reasons completely outside your control!
You gotta stop thinking about it like you gotta justify the space you take up on the planet. It's great if all those things make you happy: just make sure they're not the only things that make you feel like you are justifying your existence, or you'll crater if they get taken away.
You are lovable and likable and you have value as a person and a member of society, even if you never can be productive again. You are enough.
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annarcana · 10 days
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(she/her) 🐈🏳️‍⚧️
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annarcana · 10 days
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annarcana · 11 days
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annarcana · 11 days
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annarcana · 13 days
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annarcana · 16 days
found out today that its Rarepair week, and while i WOULD normally pose some things
every week is rarepair week when you ship your wol with Zhloe Aliapoh
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annarcana · 16 days
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Sundress Season be upon ye.
Before & After's Below
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No Gshade -> Only Gshade -> Gshade + Edits (FINAL)
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annarcana · 17 days
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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