annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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Interest rates can be both benevolent and malicious creatures. When interest rates are on your side, you have extra money to reach your financial goals faster. On the other hand, if interest rates work against you, this means you will lose money over time.
When it comes to interest rates, what you don’t know will hurt you. In this post, we provide an in-depth overview of what interest rates are and how they work so you can leverage them in ways that benefit you.
What Are Interest Rates?
In a lending relationship, there are always two parties – a lender and a borrower. An interest rate is the percentage of a loan that the lender charges to the borrower. The interest rate is essentially a fee that the borrower pays in order to enjoy the privilege of borrowing money.
An interest rate will tell you how much extra money you can expect to earn or pay.
Interest rates are often expressed in annual terms. For example, if you deposit money into a savings account, you will earn an annual percentage yield (APY). If you take out an auto loan, you will pay an annual percentage rate (APR). Interest rates can also vary over time, such as the Federal Reserve’s interest rate, which changes with the pace of the economy.
An interest rate will tell you how much extra money you can expect to earn (as a lender) or pay (as a borrower).
Below, we will take a closer look at how this relationship affects your money:
A Closer Look at APY
Annual percentage yield (APY) is the yearly amount of interest you receive from a deposit account, including checking accounts, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit (CDs).
As mentioned earlier, there are always two parties in a lending relationship – a borrower and a lender. When you open a savings account, your bank is actually borrowing your money. Your bank will then use your money to create loans for other customers. These loans allow your bank to earn enormous profits from earned interest.
When you open a savings account, your bank is borrowing your money.
Keep this in mind as you review your deposit accounts, as many banks charge “service fees” – even though your money keeps them in business! For more information on this topic, we discuss bank fees further in 4 Ways Bank Fees Steal Your Wealth & How to Avoid Them.
In addition to fees, be sure to watch out for deposit accounts with low APYs.
If you have a savings account at a traditional bank, you will likely earn 0.10% APY (which, at the time of this article’s publish date, is the average APY of savings accounts). However, if you took out a personal loan at this same bank, you would likely pay up to 28% APR! Considering that your traditional bank is only paying you 0.10% APY to borrow money, it is clear that you are getting the raw end of this banking relationship.
Thanks to their low overhead costs, digital banks offer customers better APYs than traditional banks. For example, let’s consider the difference between a traditional savings account and Axos Bank’s High Yield Savings account, which offers 1.30% APY:
After 1 MonthAfter 6 MonthsAfter 12 Months
0.10% APY$10,000.83$10,005.00$10,010.00
1.30% APY$10,010.84$10,065.21$10,130.85
In our example above, Jennifer has $10,000 in savings at a traditional bank, which pays her 0.10% APY. After one year, Jennifer earns a total of $10 in interest.
Michael also has $10,000 in savings but deposits his funds at Axos Bank, which rewards him with 1.30% APY. With his higher APY, it takes him only 1 month to earn $10.84, and he earns a total of $130.85 in interest after one year. Because Michael chose a different bank, he earned an extra $120.85 for the same amount of savings.
To compare interest earnings for your deposit accounts, we have a handy APY calculator here.
A Closer Look at APR
Annual percentage rate (APR) is the amount of interest you pay per year for debt products, such as mortgages, loans, and credit cards. There are two types of APR – a nominal APR and an effective APR.
A nominal APR is the simple, annualized interest rate of a loan. This is the APR that is prominently stated when you receive a new credit card or personal loan. If your aunt Jo loans you $1,000 with a simple annualized rate of 19.99%, you would pay $199.90 in interest each year.
However, don’t be fooled! Nominal APRs are not realistic because they do not include compounding interest. Credit cards, for example, compound interest on a daily basis. If you leave an unpaid balance on a credit card, you will end up paying much more interest than the nominal rate.
Let’s take a look at what happens if you leave a $1,000 unpaid balance on a 19.99% APR credit card for one year:
After 1 MonthAfter 6 MonthsAfter 12 Months
Starting Balance$1,000.00$1,086.83$1,201.04
Interest Charged$16.79$105.09$221.21
Ending Balance$1,016.79$1,105.09$1,221.21
As you can see, an unpaid balance of $1,000 would cost you $221.21 in interest after one year. That’s an 11% increase, or $21.31 more than you would pay with a simple 19.99% interest! Therefore, the truerate of your credit card would be 22.12%, not 19.99%.
Whenever you sign up for a new loan or credit card, it’s important not to be fooled by the nominal APR. In reality, the true APR that you pay will be much higher because of compounding interest and additional incurred fees.
Don’t be fooled! Nominal APRs are unrealistic because they do not include compounding interest.
An effective APR is a more realistic interest rate because – unlike nominal APRs – it includes compounding interest plus additional fees. Thanks to the Truth in Lending Act, the effective APR is always disclosed whenever you take out a home loan. This APR includes the nominal interest rate, discount points, origination fees, and other closing costs.
To estimate how APR will affect your lending costs, check out our handy Mortgage Calculator and Auto Loan Calculator.
Factors That Affect Interest Rates
When shopping for a loan or deposit account, several factors will affect the types of interest rates you receive from banks and creditors. Some factors are outside of your control, such as the stability of the economy, and others are factors you can work on. A clear understanding of these forces will help you optimize your interest rates so you retain more money over time.
Forces Outside of Your Control
Supply and Demand. One factor that affects interest rates is supply and demand. In economics, supply and demand is a basic model that describes how the prices of products are determined.
Essentially, if the amount of people who want a product (demand) is greater than the amount of product that is available (supply), then the price of the product will increase. However, if the demand for a product is less than its supply, the price will decrease.
For a simple analogy of this behavior, consider how retail items typically go on sale when customers are not buying the products. Shop owners will decrease the price of a product to make it more appealing to customers. However, if an item is in high-demand, the shop owner will raise prices.
This phenomenon also applies to interest rates.
Interest rates are the price that you pay to borrow money (or, in the case of APY, the price your bank pays to borrow your money). The money is the product. When the amount of customers who want to borrow money increases, banks and creditors will increase interest rates. On the other hand, if the demand for credit is low, such as during a recession, banks and creditors will lower APR to attract more customers.
If the demand for credit is low, such as during a recession, banks and creditors will lower APR to attract more customers.
Inflation. In addition to supply and demand, interest rates are also affected by inflation. Inflation is the term used to describe when the price of all goods and services increases. For example, annual inflation in the United States is about 2% per year. This means the cost of living – across the entire country – increases every year by 2%.
When inflation occurs, interest rates increase. This is because the value of a dollar (or purchasing power) has also decreased. In other words, today’s dollar cannot purchase as many goods and services as yesterday’s dollar. Because the value of money has decreased, banks and creditors will increase rates to make up for the loss in monetary value.
Government. The Federal Reserve uses interest rates as a tool to stabilize the economy. When the economy is doing poorly, the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates to encourage borrowing and spending. When the economy is doing well, however, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to prevent inflation.
(For a more thorough explanation of how the Federal Reserve affects interest rates, Investopedia has an in-depth explanation here.)
Factors You Can Control
Credit Score. Your credit score is a major factor that will affect interest rates when applying for a loan or credit card. Credit scores are an indicator of your creditworthiness – a score above 700 informs banks and creditors that you are likely to make payments on time. However, a credit score below 700 indicates that you are less likely to be a reliable borrower.
When you apply for a loan with a low credit score, creditors will increase interest rates to make up for the added risk. However, if you apply with a high credit score, creditors will decrease interest rates to entice you to borrow money.
When you apply for a loan with a low credit score, creditors will increase your interest rates to make up for the added risk.
Collateral. Like credit scores, collateral also plays a large role in determining interest rates. Collateral is property that a lender can seize in the event that a borrower stops making payments. After seizing the collateral, the lender will sell the borrower’s property so they can recoup its losses.
When you apply for a secured loan, such as a mortgage or auto loan, you agree to give the lender some collateral – your lender can seize your house or car if you fail to make payments. Because of this decrease in risk, secured loans have lower interest rates overall.
However, when you apply for an unsecured loan, such as a personal loan or credit card, this means that the lender does not have collateral. There is nothing to seize if you fail to make payments – the lender’s only options are to sell your debt to a debt collector or file a lawsuit against you. Because of this added risk, unsecured loans have much higher interest rates than secured loans.
Loan Amount and Duration. When you get a loan, the size and duration of your loan also affect interest rates. This is because larger loan amounts mean longer loan terms, and longer loan terms create more risk. When you get a short-term loan (3 – 18 months), your ability to pay back the loan is unlikely to change during that period. Because of this decrease in risk, shorter loan terms have lower interest rates.
For longer loan terms (3 – 30 years), there is added risk to the creditor. During this period, the economy could tank or you may lose your job – many unknown factors could affect your ability to repay the loan. With this added risk, creditors will increase interest rates for longer loan terms.
Why It’s Important to Pay Attention to Rates
If your goal is to have more money, then you must pay attention to interest rates.
As you saw in our previous examples, failure to optimize interest rates will cause you to lose money over time. By settling for low-APY accounts, you will lose money by not earning the extra interest you would receive from high-APY accounts. Likewise, settling for high-APR loans and credit cards will cause you to pay extra, unnecessary interest to your lenders.
Keeping your credit score high and staying aware of economic forces (such as inflation and the Federal Reserve) will help you optimize interest rates. Be careful of complacency – your failure to optimize rates will mean less money for you to enjoy in the long term.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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Your credit arrangement will always take center stage in your relationship with your warehouse lender, but another benefit is standing in the wings, waiting to be pulled into the spotlight — industry expertise. Tapping into your warehouse lender’s knowledge and experience can have a significant impact on your mortgage bank. With the ability to observe your operation and numerous others, your warehouse lender has tried-and-tested advice on execution strategies, products, and processes. And, because it’s vital to their own success, they keep a finger on the pulse of the mortgage industry and developing trends.
You’ll find professionals such as Operations Managers, Business Development Managers, Analysts, and Relationship Managers willing to share their hard-earned expertise with you — free of charge.
Best execution strategies
It’s frequently a struggle to determine the best execution strategy. And once you’ve settled into a strategy, you may be hesitant to change. However, if you want to use every option to maximize profits, your execution strategy should be regularly reviewed and revised, if necessary. A discussion with your warehouse lender can help in this process. Together you can analyze your existing strategy and review adjustments.
Best Efforts
The best efforts model is often considered a safe bet. You have the ability to lock in interest rates without the risk of pair-off fees. It works well with a single-investor pricing model. This is generally the pick for new operations. However, is this still the best strategy for your operation? Are you losing income? A lot can depend on how you manage your pipeline. An honest assessment from your warehouse lender can help you fine-tune your strategy or adopt a new one.
Another area where your lender’s expertise could be invaluable is in setting your strategy for bulk mortgage sales. Are you meeting the requirements? Have you experienced rejections? How can you avoid these situations?
As your volume increases, you may be considering a change from a best efforts strategy to selling mandatory to increase revenue. However, the best-efforts–mandatory spread doesn’t come without a cost. There are many considerations to be evaluated before this decision is made. Are you ready to manage the fall-out assumptions and the interest-rate risk from lock to commitment of loans at funding? How will you implement a hedging strategy? You can rely on your warehouse lender’s experience here to detail pros and cons when considering a change to your strategy.
If you decide to transition from a best efforts to mandatory approach, you’ll need to explore your options for hedging your pipeline. Again, use your warehouse lender as a resource to troubleshoot your strategy and help you implement an approach that will increase your income. They can also help you determine if you have the ability to manage the interest-rate risk on your own or if you will need help.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Planning a destination wedding is no easy task! It often requires months if not years of elaborate thought and detailed consideration. Unlike traditional and domestic weddings there are variables that go into destination weddings that would not normally demand a bride’s To help brides, grooms and their families, the folks here at Bali Dream Day have put together a list of frequently asked questions and answers on how to better plan your destination wedding! 1.) How Far in Advance Should I plan My Destination Wedding? Be courteous to your wedding party! Although planning a beautiful destination wedding in 1 to 2 months is entirely possible, it’s recommended to give your guest at least 8 to 16 months’ notice. This will allow your guest to book flights and make other travel arrangements at their lowest costs. Furthermore; by giving yourself and your guests’ adequate time to plan you’ll know precisely who will be attending and how many patrons you’ll need to account for. 2.) Who Should I invite & how do I Include those who can’t come?Even through there are a variety of affordable and reasonably priced wedding vendors, there is often an elaborate cost associated with travel fare. Because of this it’s not out of the ordinary for only immediate family and close friends to be in attendance. If you’re looking to get distant relatives and friends of friends involved you might consider holding a reception or a fun and creative wedding bash when you return home. 3.) Do I need a wedding planner?Although, planning a destination wedding on your own is feasible, it isn’t recommended. Getting married is stressful enough, leave it to the experts to plan your perfect day. They’ll know the lay of the land, the venues, the customs, the languages and the legality issues that come with the territory. Furthermore; these individuals will help you avoid any unexpected 4.) How do I Choose Whom to Work With? Not being able to meet your wedding planner in person proposes a major problem for most brides. Fortunately for brides everywhere the internet allows us to read reviews and recommendations to help us identify warning signs! Another great thing to look for is accreditations. In many distant and foreign countries there are legal restrictions that need to be taken into account before getting married. Look for accredited businesses or members of local associations like this one here. 5.) What should guest pay for? Unless you have some very wealthy friends and family, the bride and groom should shoulder the costs of wedding and reception venues as well as any planned activities. The guest shouldn't pay for much more than travel fare and accommodations. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact the wedding professionals at Bali Dream Day! We’ll help you plan your perfect destination wedding!  
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Our special couple Luke & Jacqueline, visiting us from Australia, held their destination wedding in Bali at the magnificent Villa Kailasha. Villa Kailasha is set in Tabanan, with extensive romantic gardens makes it a great venue for your wedding in Bali and can hold up to 150 Guests for a seated Reception.
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Luke & Jacqui had 70 of their closest friends and family in attendance, with the dream to make it a fun and enjoyable wedding. The celebration took place in late October, and we were blessed with a perfect day of beautiful sunny weather that the guests really enjoyed. Villa Kailasha has lush gardens and beautiful, naturally blooming flowers throughout the landscape, and because of the already dazzling setting, not a huge amount of decoration is needed in order to create a memorable Wedding Day.
The ceremony was held at the bottom of a large garden near the swimming pool, starting at 16:45 as the sun was starting to lower. And with the ocean in the backdrop, it provided quite a beautiful setting.
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The decorations were in a classic White Wedding Theme, using a natural bamboo pergola with white chiffon drapes, Tiffany chairs with aisle markers and a lightly scattered flower aisle. The flowers used to decorate the Ceremony throughout consisted of white roses, white spider mums, white carnations, green hydrangeas and gardenia leaves.
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The decoration theme continued throughout. Guest tables were decorated with green table runners, flower arrangements with a mixture of off-white avalanche roses, white carnations, ammi majus and green hydrangeas arranged inside a variety of glasses and vases of different types and sizes. Each table also consisted of 10 pieces of tea light votive candles, and 1 white washed frame as table number. Above the dinner area we featured white lampion lighting, with the nearby trees decorated with fairy lights and hanging mason candles. 
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To incorporate the fun loving characters that Luke & Jacqui are, we used traditional fire dancers to walk with the Bridesmaid and Groomsmen couples as a Grand Entrance to modern music, followed then by Luke & Jacqui’s grand entrance as the Bride & Groom.
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It was then time for the Bride, Groom and all their guests to enjoy their evening with food, drink and laughter…and some dancing till the early hours!!
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“I have only the best things to tell you about Alex and the team at Bali Dream Day! They made our special day a dream come true and I can highly recommend them. I am an event planner and originally thought I could do everything myself - being in Bali, I was completely wrong. I then turned to a few different planning companies in Bali for quotes and most of them were extremely expensive and they took forever to come back to us (communication lacked with most) and then we found Alex and were so absolutely overwhelmed with his professionalism and energy for our day (I don't think he stops because he would come back to me on some days within 10 minutes  The best part is it's not stock standard, Alex and the team build your special day around your expectations and budget - and can I just say that it was the best and most magical day of our lives - no stone was unturned and our guests’ jaws were on the floor for most part of the day/night (one even said 'this isn't a wedding, this is an extravaganza). Having a destination wedding is a brilliant idea because if you're the kind of girl like me you can not only have a special day, but instead a special week with your friends and family. We had over 70 people over in Bali & everything was structured, organized and planned precisely by the team from transport to music even to gifts.” Bali Dream Day offers great packages for Villa Kailasha, as well as other greatBali Wedding Venues and Villas. For more information on how we can plan your dream Bali Wedding, pleaseContact Us for more information today!
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Oakwood Resort announces their 6th Annual Derby Day Party at The Pier & Back Porch Restaurant & Bar.  Saturday, May 4, 2019.  Beginning at 2:00pm until 6:00pm, enjoy counting down to the greatest 2 minutes in sports!  The talented and professional culinary team at The Pier and Back Porch Restaurant & Bar has created a special menu for the event that features Kentucky Hot Browns, Bourbon BBQ Hot Chicken Sliders, Oakwood Spicy White Chili and unique drink specials that include such race day favorites as Mint Juleps and Oaks Lilys.
The Pier staff will also be awarding prizes for the Best Derby Hat and Best Dressed Guest.  Those attending this special event can also enjoy complimentary live entertainment provided by Shane and Eric that afternoon.
“Our Derby Day Party is always a fun and festive event,” said Executive Chef and Restaurant Manager, Simroy Campbell.  “We always enjoy creating special memories with and for our guests.”
Oakwood Resort is beautifully positioned in Syracuse on the edge of Lake Wawasee, Indiana’s largest natural lake.  Offering 77 spacious guest rooms, 35,000 square feet of meeting space, and a waterfront restaurant, the 27-acre resort has become a premier northern Indiana destination for corporate clients, families and leisure travelers.
For additional information regarding Oakwood Resort or the Derby Day Party, please contact Oakwood Resort at 574-457-7100 or visit the website at OakwoodResort.com.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Oakwood Resort announces their annual Mother’s Day Brunch at The Pier Restaurant.  This Mother’s Day, celebrate the family matriarch with an unforgettable buffet served Sunday, May 12, 2019, from 10:00am until 2:30pm.  The talented and professional culinary team at The Pier Restaurant will be delighted to provide you and your family members’ a bountiful brunch buffet.
An extensive selection that includes a wide variety of delicious menu items will be featured for the Mother’s Day Brunch.  Favorites include a build your own omelet station, a smoked salmon platter, assorted sushi with accompaniments, two carving stations featuring pork roast and beef round, garlic mashed potatoes, assorted breads, vegetables and special favorites created just for the children.  Priced at $32 for adults, $16 for children aged 5 to 12 and free for children under 5, guests are strongly encouraged to secure their reservations early by calling (574) 457-8700.
“Our Mother’s Day Brunch is a fun and interactive occasion for us to unite families and our community with fresh locally sourced foods.” said Marketing & Sales Manager, Jill Garris.
Oakwood Resort is beautifully positioned in Syracuse on the edge of Lake Wawasee, Indiana’s largest natural lake.  Offering 77 spacious guest rooms, 35,000 square feet of meeting space, a waterfront restaurant and abundant outdoor recreational options, the 27-acre resort has become a premier northern Indiana destination for corporate clients, families and leisure travelers.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
When you’re in high school, few things in life are as important as going to prom with that special someone. In order to have the perfect prom, you want to make sure that you have everything in order. It starts with the date. Who are you going to ask and how? Popping the question is always the hardest part. Is your special someone cute, funny, zany, cheesy or just a good old-fashioned romantic? Once you have a date, it’s time to start planning. There are dozens of hairstyles, nail styles and dress styles for you to choose form. Before you make up your mind, take a look at our timeline of proms past & present.
Style Trends – Makeup
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Classic – The classic is the clear-cut choice if you want to stay true to your natural beauty. Add all of the makeup essentials including some rosy lip gloss, a dash of blush for an even complexion, and some colorful eye shadows for a little bit of pop. This is the perfect look for any special occasion.
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Retro – Be inspired by some fashion icons throughout the 20thCentury such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and others. This look features arched dark eyebrows and winged eyelashes. Finish it off with a layer of bright red lipstick. The retro is timeless.
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Smoke Eye – Go bold or go home. The smoky eye was born on the runway. It takes a bit of shimmery graphite for more facial definition, a bit of bronze on the cheekbones, bright gold eyebrows and naked lips. Instant bombshell.
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Finished Face – Sometimes you just want to be yourself or a glamorous version of yourself. The fresh-faced look is considered the all-natural choice. All you have to do is highlight the features you already have. Add a bit of bronzer to your cheeks, a touch of definition to your eyebrows, some curl to your eyelashes and a soft pastel color to your lips. Remember, less is more.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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There’s nothing in the world like Prom Night.
When you’re in high school, few things in life are as important as going to prom with that special someone. In order to have the perfect prom, you want to make sure that you have everything in order. It starts with the date. Who are you going to ask and how? Popping the question is always the hardest part. Is your special someone cute, funny, zany, cheesy or just a good old-fashioned romantic? Once you have a date, it’s time to start planning. There are dozens of hairstyles, nail styles and dress styles for you to choose form. Before you make up your mind, take a look at our timeline of proms past & present.
Style Trends – Nails
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Classis French – If you’re going with the classic look, it’s the best way to match your nails to the rest of your style. Classic French nails are always a great choice for prom night. They’re elegant without making too much of a fuss. French nails can be fragile. Make sure that you get your nails done the day before so they’re not damaged on prom night.
Classis French – If you’re going with the classic look, it’s the best way to match your nails to the rest of your style. Classic French nails are always a great choice for prom night. They’re elegant without making too much of a fuss. French nails can be fragile. Make sure that you get your nails done the day before so they’re not damaged on prom night.
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Color French – You can always spice things up a bit by adding some color to your French nails. Match them to your dress and your makeup for a striking ensemble. You can go bold with solid eye-catching colors or choose something a little more reserved like a soft pink or light blue.
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Metallic – It’s party time! Metallic nails are perfect for making a bold entrance. They go great with a sleek, tight dress or sequins. Radiant and posh, metallic nails always make for a good time. Party like there’s not tomorrow.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
There’s nothing in the world like Prom Night.
When you’re in high school, few things in life are as important as going to prom with that special someone. In order to have the perfect prom, you want to make sure that you have everything in order. It starts with the date. Who are you going to ask and how? Popping the question is always the hardest part. Is your special someone cute, funny, zany, cheesy or just a good old-fashioned romantic? Once you have a date, it’s time to start planning. There are dozens of hairstyles, nail styles and dress styles for you to choose form. Before you make up your mind, take a look at our timeline of proms past & present.
Style Trends – Hair
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Classic Updo – The updo continues to be a prom tradition. If you have shoulder-length hair or longer, you can bundle your hair up for a stylish look that gives you that glitzy feeling. It goes great with a cocktail dress, a strapless number or a halter-top. Show off a glamorous pair of earrings or styles your hair in a super cute bun. When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with the updo.
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Hair Down – Go ahead and let your hair down. If you’re going for the all-natural look, then you might as well let your hair be. You can style it with a few beach waves, a sleek straight-down look or keep it a little bit messy. Wear it with a cocktail dress, a little black dress or a dazzling sequin dress. The hair down look is for less maintenances and more fun.
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Braid – The braid is always a good choice if you’re going for a more conservative look. Wear it with a fancy ball gown or a mermaid dress for a stylish combo. You’ll need shoulder-length hair or longer to pull of the braid. The look usually features one long braid that’s either worn on the left or right shoulder.
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Half Up, Half Down – Always adorable, the half up half down look is a must if you’re going for the princess look. Part of your hair hangs around your shoulders, while the rest is kept in a neat bun, or braided or not. You can wear it with a sweetheart dress or an elegant one-shoulder dress. You’ll be the belle of the ball.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Anyone who has been camping with the family knows that packing all the required essentials can be a frustrating, long process - but it doesn’t have to be! There are no complicated techniques required here. The key is to only bring items that are absolutely necessary for staying safe and having fun. Keep in mind that the general purpose of camping is to enjoy nature without all the technologies and conveniences of modern day living! Remembering this and spending some time traveling with a camper or maybe living humbly in a tent for a bit will make it simpler to drop what's not important to bring.
To make packing less stressful and less time-consuming, the main objective needs to be to pack as little as possible. Pare your items down to those you absolutely need; while a hairbrush or comb is a good thing to bring, big bottles of hairsprays and gels are not. It’s all about lessening your burden so you can enjoy your trip to its fullest potential. If you’ll just be camping with the family for a weekend, one duffel bag per person should suffice. Be sure to use lightweight bags so that the weight you’ll be carrying won’t increase unnecessarily.
Seriously. Try to Stick to the One Bag Rule
It is ideal to bring one bag for each individual; however, if you have small children with you, they can often share bags since their clothing is smaller in size. Each bag should hold garments, washing needs, and a couple of things for (preferably outdoor) entertainment. Keen campers use bag organizers to make things simple to find: Toiletries go in one pack, clothing goes in another, and little accessories can be kept organized in another. You can do a little test to see if the bag you’ve packed will be too heavy to carry and transport comfortably; try to hold the bag for five minutes and if you can’t, you’ll want to lighten your load further. You also don’t want to strain your back or suffer an injury by trying to carry around too heavy of a bag!
Stick to the Basics
Before placing things into your bag, make a checklist and list them in order of importance. While you’ll surely appreciate bringing along soap (as will the other campers), you don’t need to pack it for every person - share! You also don’t need to bring a different towel for every day - bring one towel and dry it in the sunshine in between uses. If evenings will be cooler than the hot days, don’t bring a sweater or sweatshirt for each day - bring one for the evening, that’s it. while it’s logical to rank good hiking shoes up high on the list of important items, what isn’t so important is six other pairs of shoes. You don’t need your curling iron, but you should bring your hair brush. You won’t need gallons of water to continuously wash your hands, but you should bring some damp wipes and/or hand sanitizer. Remember, this is camping, and a little sweat, dirt, and mud is all part of that experience.
Reevaluate how you fold your garments.
Marie Kondo may be the best friend you didn't realize you have. She is known for helping people organize and declutter - and her system works. Apply her lessons to your packing for family camping trips and you’ll wonder how you survived trips without them! Kondo suggests basing your decisions on what to pack on emotion, rather than necessity. If a piece of clothing will bring you joy, security, or safety during your trip, bring it. If you look at an item and really feel like you can do without it, don’t pack it. When you do pack, try rolling your clothing items instead of folding them. You’ll be surprised at how many more items you’ll be able to fit in a bag, they won’t get wrinkled, and you’ll be able to find them easier without making a huge mess in the process. your undergarments, swim suit, and toiletries can all be kept organized and separate in small bags or pouches for quick retrieval, too.
Another technique is to plan your clothes for each day and roll them all up together so that you won't have to go through all your clothes every time you need to find a particular item. Once you master rolling clothing, you’ll never go back to folding again. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, with all the pieces fitting nice and snugly together in your bag, all nice and organized.
Keep It Low-Key...
Presumably, humans are high-maintenance creatures. A camping trip, however, is your chance to let go and relax. Invest less energy in creating fancy hairdos - the wind might ruin it anyway, so as mentioned, forget the straightening iron, curlers and hair sprays and leave them at home. Think of items you can use for multiple purposes: a scarf, for example. Use a solitary scarf as a belt, headband, wrist trinket, or a crop top. This would save room in your bag for sure, not needing all those separate items - just the scarf.
...But Not Too Low-Key
Going for a minimalist set-up doesn't imply that you ought to hold back on essential self-care. You should be prepared for minor injuries, and bring along health items. Make sure to pack a first aid kit, along with other basic meds. Go eco-friendly with biodegradable bathroom tissue and cleanser, insect repellent, and sunscreen. For emergency purposes, bring along a rope and a small sewing kit. These things would practically fit inside one non-space consuming toiletry bag. Keep in mind that self-discovery is also a part of the purposes for you going outdoors, which is vital to self-care too.
Cook as the Cavemen Do
Setting this straight, that you don't have to be much of a primitive, but the whole point is, your cooking gear and style must be simple; let's say a small stove for camping, a couple of pots and a skillet, and don't forget the tongs and aluminum foil. As an option in contrast to the camp stove, you can always choose the most basic way to cook your meals: over an open flame. If you are a coffee drinker, don’t forget your percolator!
Packing for Home When the Camping Trip Ends
Let's admit that it's harder to make everything fit toward the finish of the excursion in the wake of everything has been taken out, looked through or tossed in a clothing pack and hurled back in. I evaded the not-fitting issue by refolding garments toward the finish of every day and returning them in the bag in the same way I pressed them initially, and of course, after drying them out. Underwear and anything excessively grimy was tossed in the mesh bag or zip locks to fit over the perfectly collapsed garments when we were prepared to leave.
There is no single best standard, or most proficient method on how to pack light for family camping, but observing the tips above will diminish stresses in such. Additionally, to make the best out of your outdoor experience, remember to capture every moment with your action camera.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
While it’s true that cooking can fill your entire home with fantastic, tempting smells and flavorful visions of glorious meals, using that cooktop without proper ventilation can also stress surfaces, create heat, fumes, smoke, and bad odors, and can damage surfaces in the kitchen. The answer is effective kitchen ventilation to increase comfort, keep things clean, and keep indoor air quality at a healthy level.
Many people are already familiar with traditional vent hoods – but there is a newer type of ventilation available now that uses down drafts instead of updrafts to help remove particles from the cooking area. Which one is right for you?
Vent Hood Ventilation: The Pros and Cons
The most common option for kitchen ventilation is the hood fan, which uses updraft ventilation. The hood fan is mounted directly above the cooktop or stovetop area and is designed to pull grease, steam, smoke, and vapors from the stove top up through a filtration system, then either through a duct system to the outdoors or back into the kitchen.
The pros of using updraft hood vans are that they are more effective than downdraft ventilation, and there are many innovative designs available today that offer many great low-profile options. Some of them are even designed to turn on automatically when cooking begins and temperature increases.
There are a couple of cons to opting for this type of ventilation: The first is that they are more difficult to install than downdraft systems, and the second is that they are visible at all times.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Downdraft Kitchen Ventilation
Downdraft systems are integrated right into the cooktops and are positioned behind burner areas. The vents stay hidden and can usually rise to a height of at least 10 inches when in use. When cooking is finished, the system can be lowered back down into its base. Oftentimes, this type of ventilation is used with islands and other areas where a hood fan just isn’t very practical or possible.
The good points of this type of ventilation system are that they offer a clean design and can be tucked away to not disrupt the flow of the smooth look of a modern kitchen. There is no ductwork needed either, and they are really pretty easy to install.
Drawbacks to using a downdraft kitchen ventilation system include a lower efficiency at drawing steam from taller pots and pans that may be used, and they are overall less effective than a hood fan. In addition, some of them may interfere with gas cooktop flames.
Each type of ventilation system for kitchens has its share of pros and cons, so you’ll want to consider a few things carefully before you choose which one you’ll be going with. What type of range or cooktop do you have? What is the size of your range? Consider the distance that air will need to be moved and if you decide on a hood fan, be sure that it is as wide as your range and as deep as the design of your kitchen space will allow. No matter which type of ventilation you choose, count on appliance repair in San Francisco for all your appliance maintenance and repair needs!
No matter which type you end up choosing, we can help you with repair and maintenance services you need for kitchen ventilation. Contact our experts today for all your kitchen appliance repair and maintenance needs!
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
2019 brings with it an entire new group of homeowners who will be remodeling their homes this year. Remodeling the kitchen is one of the most effective ways to increase the value of your home and is also one of the most popular renovation projects in which people partake. Each year seems to elicit a slew of new trends and ideas in appliances, along with a resurrection of an old classic snuck in here and there. Following are five of the top appliance trends for 2019 you might want to consider if you’re planning on launching a kitchen renovation project for your own home:
Integrated Appliances: Perhaps the appliance trend with the most power behind it is using integrated appliances. The new face of a luxurious kitchen includes appliances that are smaller and seamless – the idea is to no longer have people walk into a kitchen and see appliances sticking out everywhere. Induction cooktops are some of the most popular integrated appliances today, for example.
Auto-On Appliances: Appliances that turn on automatically were once an idea for “the future” – but the future has now arrived! For example, there are now kitchen hoods that are slim and beautiful that turn on by themselves when they sense an increase in temperature from cooking; they’re also stronger than many of the large, bulky, industrial ones from the past.
Digital Appliance Technology: While stove clocks and microwaves have used digital technology in limited capacity for a while now, the trend for 2019 appliances is to drive innovation and convenience in the kitchen like never before. We’re talking about things like restaurant-quality single-pour wine reservation systems and more!
Wi-Fi Appliance Connections: It seems almost everything else can be controlled via a Wi-Fi connection these days, so why not appliances? If you’ve always dreamed of pushing a button on a Wi-Fi-enabled coffee maker before you even get out of bed, or you’ve ever been away from home and needed to turn down the oven temp from your phone, there are appliances today that will be happy to oblige.
Under-the-Counter Appliances: This trend is one of the “not really new but more revived” type of trend, but this year it’s taking on a whole new following. The attractiveness of using this type of appliance is to minimize upper cabinets and maximize available counter space.
While there will always be new and exciting trends and innovations each year when it comes to appliances, 2019 is already proving to be one of the best years for it. From new finishes like black stainless steel and matte black steel to the popularity of column refrigeration and ovens with French doors, the market is filling up with unique appliance trends that are nothing short of fabulous! No matter which appliance trend you choose, count on the top appliance repair San Rafael for all your appliance maintenance and repair needs!
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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Things to Consider Before Upgrading Your Living Situation If you're an apartment renter, you're probably always thinking about your next move. Never settling down, renters have the freedom to live where they please. There's just one problem: packing up all your possessions and moving them into your new apartment can quite expensive. You'll also have to put a down payment on your new pad, usually first and last month's rent and a security deposit. So, if you're fed up with your current living situation, you might want to consider a few things before you jump the gun and move to a new apartment.
Hunting for the Right Place If you're thinking about getting rid of your current apartment, you'll need to find a few alternatives before you can seriously consider uprooting your life. Spend some time exploring what other kinds of apartments are in your area. Once you've found a few good options, you can start thinking about how much it will cost to move. You should know how much more you'll be paying in rent, what kind of deposit is required, and how much it will cost to get there. Having your eye on a specific apartment will make the decision-making process much easier.
The Hassles of Moving Now that you have a destination in mind, you can start tallying up the costs of your big move. If you can afford to make the move and you feel that this new apartment will have a significant positive impact on your life, moving might make a lot of sense. On the other hand, if you just barely have enough money to facilitate the move, you might be better off staying where you are.
You can use this equation as a way of simplifying your thought process:
New apartment ≥ current apartment + hassle and expense of moving
You'll have to decide whether the new apartment will be equal to, less than or greater than your old place plus the added hassle and expense of moving.
Important Upgrades There might be a lot of benefits to moving to a new apartment such as some included amenities, living closer to your job, or having more room for projects and guests. If by moving to a new apartment on the other side of town, you can cut an hour out of your morning commute, packing your bags might be a good idea. But if you just really like the idea of living in an apartment with a walk-in closet, moving might not be as much of a priority as you might think.
If you're looking for a new apartment in Anaheim's Platinum Triangle neighborhood, come to Vivere for a stunning selection of spacious one and two-bedroom flats and townhomes. Contact us today to find the apartment you've always wanted at a great price.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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Make the Most of Your Space with These Organizational Tips Living in an apartment usually means being creative with the space around you. If you leave items strewn about the kitchen, living room, or your bedroom, you can drive your roommates nuts or contribute to your own anxiety. Clutter, especially in tight spaces, can leave you feeling stressed out as you frantically search for your favorite pair of jeans or your house keys. If you want to be happier at home, try using these decluttering tips to keep your apartment neat and organized.
Keep All Those Everyday Items in the Same Spot Everyone has items that they need or use every day. It's the last thing you do before you walk out the door and the first thing you do when you come home after a long day. You toss your keys down on the first available surface you see, kick off your shoes, and put down your bag. If you want to save time, try keeping all these everyday items in the same spot. You can use an entry table, a shelf or maybe the desk in your bedroom. When you come home, remember to put your stuff in the same spot and you'll never have to search for your keys, shoes, or sunglasses again.
Do a Clean Sweep Once a Week Trash piles up, especially if you have a busy schedule. We tend to keep empty plastic containers, old wrappers and scrap pieces of paper way longer than we should. Make cleaning up trash a part of your weekly routine. Depending on the size of your apartment, this should only take 15 minutes or so. Every Sunday afternoon, walk through the apartment and throw away everything you don't need or use. You'll be amazed at the results. While it's best to stay on top of your trash collection daily, coming up with a routine will give you some peace of mind.
Turn Nooks and Crannies into Storage Space If you need more space at home, try turning every piece of furniture into a storage unit. You can try storing large items under your bed, couch, or the desk in your bedroom. This is a great tip if you're just moving into a new apartment, but you can also modify your existing furniture to make more room for storage. You can buy some risers for your bed or the couch, giving you more room for all those old textbooks you've been clinging to.
Keeping your apartment organized can be a daily struggle, but if you spend a little time each day cleaning up here and there, you'll feel happier and less stressed.
Looking for loft apartments in Anaheim? Come to Vivere for the spacious apartment home you've always wanted. Book a tour today!
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
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Photograph from The Rambling Man distributed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Situated in the heart of Anaheim, the Platinum Triangle is a former ‘up-and-coming' neighborhood that has now fully blossomed into a hip, desirable place to visit, and an even better place to live. Loaded with restaurants, breweries, concert venues and top-tier entertainment destinations, this once industrial-only zone is now a full-fledged hot-spot for food, fun and laid-back Southern California living. Here are a few of the top destinations in the Platinum Triangle:
Honda Center Whether you're enjoying a hockey game, watching some WWE action, taking in a UFC fight, or catching one of the major touring acts that often make stops at the Honda Center (including the likes of Jay-Z, Katy Perry and Kendrick Lamar), there's always plenty of fun to be had at the home of the Anaheim Ducks.
Angel Stadium For some, summertime only means one thing: baseball season. And if you're anywhere near the platinum triangle, you've got premium access to one of the best ballparks in the game. Although the Los Angeles Angels might have dropped the “of Anaheim” from their name, their gorgeous field is still very much in the center of the platinum triangle. Head down and catch a game while the summer sun is still shining. (and make sure you get yourself some helmet nachos!)
The Grove Presenting acts like Bob Dylan, B.B. King, Julio Iglesias, Boz Scaggs, Merle Haggard, George Lopez, Jamie Foxx, Seal, and Ice Cube (just to name a few), the City National Grove of Anaheim is your go-to venue for live music in the Platinum Triangle. And with a capacity of 1,700 seats, the Grove manages to strike a unique balance between that big concert atmosphere and the intimacy of a smaller club.
Noble Ale Works The craft-beer boom is indeed booming in the Platinum Triangle. Located next to the Honda center and just a stone's throw from Angel Stadium, this local brewery offers a tasting room that features twenty draught beer faucets, a wall-projected screen, a 48″ lcd tv, and an up-close-and-personal look at the inner-workings of the brewing process. PRO TIP: They also offer free parking for games and events at Angel Stadium and the Honda Center, so stop in to sample some suds before the game and avoid those crazy parking fees.
Golden Road Brewery We told you it was booming… Whether you're pre-gaming, or stopping by for a bite after an Angels win, this sprawling restaurant and beer-garden right across from Angel Stadium has exactly what you're looking for. The pub features 40 taps of the local brewery's innovative creations, while the kitchen turns out a mouthwatering selection of tasty bites to complement their tasty brews. We recommend the ‘GRB Burger' which includes aged white cheddar, sun-dried tomato, caramelized onion, bacon, and a delicious remoulade sauce on a sesame seed brioche bun.
If you're on the hunt for a new place to live in the Anaheim/Orange County Area, the Platinum Triangle offers fun, entertainment, and easy access to the rest of the city. But this list is just the very tip of the iceberg. We invite you to do some exploring and see for yourself what makes the Platinum Triangle one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the area!
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