annedelapole · 2 years
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Alicia von Rittberg as Elizabeth Tudor in Becoming Elizabeth (2022)
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annedelapole · 2 years
The friendship between disgraced princess and lady-in-waiting to the queen responsible for Elizabeth’s misfortunes was an unlikely one, but enduring. Though she had never truly been short of friends, with Anne it was different. In her, Elizabeth had found someone she would gladly tell all her secrets too, even if their closeness could only blossom in snatched moments in the midst of their busy schedules. It wasn’t nearly enough, but Elizabeth is grateful for it nonetheless. She had been glad to hear Anne was to accompany the queen on their journey to Moscow.The more people she had around her that she can count on, the better, as far as she was concerned. Between Anne, Richard, and Lord Somerset, all of her favourite people are in one place, and that gladdens her heart. But though Anne’s attendance was a source of joy, she doesn’t dare to hope that she would see much of her. 
But tonight, hope comes true, and Anne’s lovely face graces Elizabeth with her presence. “It is all the more enjoyable for seeing you here,” she says, by way of greeting, patting the seat beside her for Anne to join her, but her lips purse at the declaration. Perhaps once, when Edward was king and her place far more secure, she could image such an event. With her future in Mary’s hands, she doubts the possibility very much. She may not be politically astute, but she is not a fool either. She knows that the continuation of the Lancaster bloodline is not in the queen’s best interest, and so, any dreams of marital bliss had been long put to bed. Still, she does not want to put a dampener on Anne’s spirits, and so her face is rearranged into a girlish smile. “My gown will be woven of flowers too. Roses, to match the decorations, and lilies and violets. And my crown, the most delicate spun glass that catches the light of the sun.”
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        the circumstances which meant that their meetings could be few and far between inspired anne’s heard to enjoy the time that she was able to spend with elizabeth all the more. though a popular figure at court in her own right and rarely short of offers of company, it was the princess who she believed to be her dearest friend and the one she could depend on most in spite of all which had stood against them forming such fondness for one another. it was that unlikeliness which made her adore their friendship al the more in truth, for it was that which made it all the more rare.
“  you will be the most beautiful bride - though i fail to imagine a man so deserving of you.  ”  the lady-in-waiting beamed with joy as she settled beside her friend, letting the shadows fall upon them and comfort to sink in as the sounds of courtiers melted away. it was in moments such as these where very little seemed to separate them, titles and kin rarely seemed to matter, and they could simply be. “  how has the russian court impressed you thus far? i must confess, i find myself bursting with excitement to see you here; here where neither the queen nor her walls can quieten or confine you. i think there is a great deal of joy to be had here, elizabeth, for we may never be so fortunate again. ”
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annedelapole · 2 years
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annedelapole · 2 years
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Elizabeth Tudor’s black dress in Becoming Elizabeth 1x03
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annedelapole · 2 years
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    With a sour air of disdain, at flaunting silks and swinging velvets, did François’ company regard the Moscow affair. They rallied against the men, fastidious in their attempts to assert power; they threatened stormy weather, against ladies whose manners perverted their own. François would be charmed by such antics, if she had not dared to sail into the room. At once, a trace of weariness touched the Consort’s brow, as desire pervaded his person. His company suffered a swift abandonment - his limbs were bound to stalk across the room, and linger within arms length, in wait. 
    It was not blithe impulse which saw François snub all those who sought to curry favour; it was but a visage, which neither soothed nor overwhelmed, that saw him advance. Anne tormented him best with unsparing selfishness - for she possessed a face entirely unattached to the fire which it kindled. For all her sensibility and grace, he oft felt she was a Juno in adorned in fiery plaits; perfected with an air of repose. His presence was so quickly known, that conversation was not to be avoided - Anne turned airily round, conscious perhaps, of her charms in that moment. Her parting companion thew a glance of scrutiny over the attendees, as if to ascertain the quality of company in which her charge would be left. With a most dissatisfied eye did she turn from François; her thin, unbecoming lips, curled in his direction. He knew it to be his impractical habits which elicited such strong marks of contempt - further still, did his wretched desperation for the young lady, earn him forthwith condemnation. 
    Nature had made him good enough to be a prince; arrogance had rewarded him absence of all claims to the airs of dignity.  He trembled in fear of her disapproval as he prepared to unleash his customary litany of praises - desires left his facilities in feeble condition. “Can you face the crowd, my lady, or are you over-excited at the wealth of handsome dignitaries you shall face to night?” Eyes full of mirth, settled onto the face which he had proclaimed so greatly, as marked by beauty. “Rumours about our hosts run rampant - would you believe a bear to be central to the forthcoming wedding night, or the bride herself to be a witch, of unknown origin? I confess I find myself little occupied with tonight’s affair, outside the respite an encounter with you shall offer me.” 
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        the approach of another had initially gone unnoticed to anne, her mind awhirl from the journey to russian soil and the events of the evening, but the hesitant yet sudden departure of her companion would only signify one thing. the lady-in-waiting had found herself somewhat overwhelmed by all that had transpired in a single evening and yet, as she turned her attention to seek out the crown prince, all seemingly fell calm. so calm that the only thing to be felt was how quickly her heart pounded beneath the porcelain skin of her chest. earlier she had held deep sympathy for the princess sophia, feeling suffocated for her by how the eyes of the world appeared upon her in that moment, and yet anne found she felt quite the same in the francois’ presence. 
for a time it had been enjoyable and she found the way that he made her feel to be charming - the butterflies being worthy of a much younger version of herself - and yet since the discovery of how close lay her father’s hand she felt only caution. even if they were to be alone the walls bore the eyes and ears of everyone at court, they were not to be seen or discovered but she feared that she could feel them watching and the axe hanging lower upon their necks with every passing moment. it was all so exposing. yet no fear was enough to rid her of her charms, she greeted the prince with the grace of a curtsy and a reined smile upon gentle lips. “ i regret that i am still feeling much tiredness from the journey, your highness, though handsome dignitaries must be entertained, should they not? ” 
whilst wrecked with caution and dread, old habits were not so easily laid to rest nor was the familiar tone which captured her tongue in conversation with the man she had previously dared to deem a friend. familiar she would call it, but playful and almost flirtatious might also be a snug fit in the eyes of some. “ a bear? i do not wish to think of what use that would be but the princess is truly beautiful and, as one might dare say, she held her audience bewitched. ” the presence of previous company was long forgotten, the lady de la pole adjusting her posture and attention entirely towards francois whilst keeping a respectable distance between them to please any eyes that might glance their way. “ of what respite from this eve do you speak, sir? when there are as many as this in attendance i fear there is little to be found, certainly not with as many eyes upon us... we are actors upon this great stage, not mere audience members with the pleasure of hiding in the shadows. ”
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annedelapole · 2 years
closed starter for @solisoccasvm location: princess elizabeth’s chambers
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        the aching of skilled feet was a sensation which signified the drawing of a most joyous evening to a close, though they may not yet rest until those of more importance had turned in for the night. only once royal jewels were secured, sumptuous fabrics exchanged for the comfort of a mere shift and regal locks of hair cared for and braided could anne seek to retire her own person for the night. on many occasions her role has required her to sleep upon the floor of the queen’s chambers, allowing her service to be called for at any given moment and also in a bid to secure her majesty, but not on this one. no. anne, much to her own surprise, had a room of her own. usually such luxury would be cause for celebration and yet she could not shake the feeling that it was to be a test of sorts; wondering if the queen was suspicious of her lady and sought to tempt her into misusing the chamber. even so, it was not her own room that anne sought as she left the queen’s presence that night, nor was it that of any gentleman who might thing themselves so fortunate.
passing the servants as they made their exit, a warm smile graced the de la pole lips as she looked to the princess elizabeth through the candle lit darkness upon entering her chambers.  though anne adored life at court - aided greatly by the fact that she was very good at making her way to the centre of it - there were moments when even she sought respite from it all and there was no greater presence in which it might be found than that of her dearest friend; elizabeth. “ did your highness enjoy this evening? perhaps we shall present you in such a manner one day, though i expect many more roses to adorn the room. also diamonds to fall from the ceiling! ”
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annedelapole · 2 years
no particular theme to them, just what i could think of~ feel free to reblog and use for your own oc blogs! sorry if any questions repeat ;;
1. What’s a unique skill they have? Is their any reason why they can do it?
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
4. Are they a good gift-giver? What do they tend to give as gifts?
5. What’s their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they’re really like?
6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
8. What does their dream house look like?
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?
11. What is their dream pet?
12. What’s their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc)
13. How forgiving are they? What do they consider unforgivable?
14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person?
15. How good are they at conversation? Are they a small talk master, bad at initiating, etc?
16. What food do they absolutely hate?
17. Do they show a lot of affection, or are they pretty reserved?
18. If you had to represent them with a flower, colour, and animal, what would you choose?
19. What’s their unusual quirk?
20. Are they easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?
21. What’s their ideal date like?
22. What’s their silliest or most unusual fear/phobia?
23. Is their pain tolerance high or low?
24. Are they a fussy eater?
25. What are their dreams like?
26. Are they technologically savvy?
27. Are they forgetful? What do they tend to forget? (plans, phone, keys, etc)
28. Describe their morning routine.
29. Are they a good cook? If they are, what do they like to make?
30. Do they consider themselves a “hero” or “villain”?
31. What holiday do they like the most? (Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc)
32. What are they like at parties? Party animal, or awkwardly sitting in the corner drinking punch and reading?
33. Are they adventurous, or do they prefer to stay in their safe zone?
34. What’s their favourite drink? (Coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc)
35. Are they good with children?
36. Do they trust easily? What would you have to do to earn their trust?
37. Are they a hopeless romantic, or is that stuff just not for them?
38. Do they get lost easily, or are they good with directions?
39. Are they superstitious?
40. Do they like physical activity, or staying inside?
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
42. Do they like fast food, or fancy restaurants?
43. Are they a chaotic bastard, pure angel baby, or tired mom friend?
44. Do they have a good attention span?
45. Are they always late, on time, or early?
46. Do they cry, gasp, laugh, etc, while reading a book, or do they remain relatively stone-faced?
47. Do they keep a diary?
48. How dramatic are they?
49. Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance, or do they just make themselves presentable and go?
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
53. Are they clumsy?
54. Are they a law breaker, or stickler for rules?
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
56. Do they like to share?
57. What’s the most chaotic thing they’ve done?
58. Which friend do they immediately become a zero-braincelled idiot around?
59. Do they love or hate surprises?
60. What sappy thing will they cry at? (romance movies, cute cat videos, etc) Would they deny crying about it later on?
61. What’s their favourite and least favourite subject in school?
62. Do they take a lot of photos? If so, what of?
63. Do they wear makeup?
64. Describe what their social media would be like.
65. Do they give people a lot of nicknames?
66. What nicknames do others call them by?
67. What’s an outrageous story about them nobody believes?
68. Are they easy to fluster? What would you have to do to truly fluster them?
69. What’s their dream vacation like?
70. Are they a good liar?
71. What do they want to do in the future?
72. How do they feel about love?
73. Are they more book smarts, or street smarts?
74. What’s their guilty pleasure?
75. Is there anyone they consider their rival?
76. Do they have any notable physical features?
77. What’s their music taste like?
78. What’s something they’re really bad at?
79. Do they have a good sleep schedule?
80. What’s their aesthetic sense like?
81. What’s something they’re really proud of?
82. How would they spend a free day?
83. What are they like as an s/o?
84. What’s one thing they like that they don’t want anyone to know about?
85. Do they have a sweet tooth?
86. How would you describe their fashion sense?
87. Do they like spicy food?
88. Are they lucky? Do they believe in luck?
89. What would they get into a petty argument over?
90. Are they a good artist?
91. Do they prefer hot or cold weather?
92. Can they play an instrument?
93. What type of movies do they like to watch?
94. What does their room look like?
95. How do they feel about bugs? Scared? Fascinated?
96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand up comedy, etc)
97. What do they keep in their bag?
98. How competitive are they?
99. What would they wear to a formal event? Describe their outfit!
100. If you, the creator, met them, would you two get along?
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annedelapole · 2 years
— random character description questions on various topics 👀: a small list
as someone who constantly struggles about how to describe their characters, what to mention, and where to start, I've compiled a small list of things and scenarios to consider about your characters, focusing on random habits and traits that aren't just physical/visual to add some spice to your descriptions and help you figure them out a little bit better. feel free to use it to better flesh out your characters while writing, or have your followers send you one of these and answer to let everyone know your ocs/muses better!
how's the sound of their laugh? (if they laugh, that is!)
how do they respond when someone's feeling down?
how do they act around children?
do they make eye contact with others look at their feet/somewhere else?
how do they act when they cry? (if they ever do it)
are they a hug person or a handshake person?
what makes their eyes light up?
how do they react when they're caught in a lie?
do they smile with their teeth?
do they stand up with their back straight or slouched?
what do they do when they start getting impatient?
do they like to talk about themselves?
what's an item they always carry with them?
can they tell a joke without laughing before finishing it?
do they like to take pictures?
do they have any pets? do they like animals in general?
what's their comfort meal?
is there any subject they don't like to talk about?
how's their relationship with their immediate family?
are they chatty or reserved?
what do they do with their hands during a conversation? cross their arms? fidget with something?
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annedelapole · 2 years
ANNE DE LA POLE, the 24 year-old COURTIER has arrived from ENGLAND. The ENIGMA resembles ALICIA VON RITTBERG and is both +DUTIFUL and –STUBBORN. They are a member of the HOUSE OF DE LA POLE and remind the poets of THE MORNING SUNRISE SETTING RED HAIR ABLAZE, THE WHISPERS OF SUBTLE COURTIERS, THE DELICATE HAND WRITTEN UPON A PRIVATE LETTER. In the annals of history, they will be remembered in the year of 1319 as a PAWN. One day they may rise to greatness, though greater men and women have surely failed.  (jess — she/her — 27  — gmt) 
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birth  name:  anne,  meaning  grace. house:  de  la  pole. date  of  birth:  29th  of  june, 1295   zodiac  sign:  cancer. place  of  birth:  rutland,  the  kingdom  of  england. faith:  christianity. father:  george  de  la  pole,  earl  of  rutland. mother:  margaret  beaufort,  countess  of  rutland. marital  status:  unmarried. position  at  court:  lady-in-waiting  to  queen  mary. title:  lady  de  la  pole.
born from the union of two great and noble houses, anne exists as the perfect example of all that a lady should be; aristocratic, graceful, proud, plucky, well educated and ambitious. from the moment she graced the english court with her debut at the age of sixteen she burst from the shadows and safety of her father’s home into the very heart of court life as one of the new queen’s ladies-in-waiting.
cautious of being seen to follow in her mother’s footsteps - who was exiled from court for having caught the king’s attention - anne has remained subtle in her dealings with the prince consort for fear of what may come of her if she gave in to his advances. there was a time when she found herself to be curious of him, wondering of his intentions and desires into the late hours of the night, but the veil lifted and reality crashed heavily upon her head when it became clear that her father’s intentions were not to simply have the prince as a companion. to sit as a prince’s mistress would be a scandal enough but if the queen or the court were to discover that her father intends to place anne upon the throne at the side of their dearly beloved prince? well, that would be all of their heads and she is simply not willing to risk hers.
once the realisation of her father’s plight washed over her, anne’s focus at court turned to serving her queen, to enjoy all that the festivities allow her and finding an alternative opportunity for her hand that may please her father, all whilst keeping the prince consort at an arm’s length. (though it may pain her to do so in truth)
during the gathering of the greats...
as a young woman of the court anne seeks to enjoy her time in moscow and to indulge in all that is presented, in doing so she hopes that she might gain new COMPANIONS or FRIENDS to enjoy it with.
since discovering her father’s plan to place her upon the throne against her will, anne believes that finding an ALTERNATIVE MATCH might soothe her ambitious father and save all of their necks. whilst in moscow she hopes that such a match may present itself, be it a familiar face or a complete stranger, and in doing so she might yet save her neck.
what would the gathering of the greats be without CONFLICT? due to her loyalty to her family and her home, many opportunities for conflict might arise and she hopes that she may be ready for it.
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