anni-els · 3 years
Because I love myself, I take the time to cook a hearty, delicious meal for myself. Even if cooking is not a preoccupation of mine, even if it is a chore, even if I’d rather be doing anything else. I take the time to nourish my body, because I know I will feel so much better, and stronger, and relish the gratitude that blooms in my chest for being kind to myself.
Because I love myself, I take the time to tidy up every day, to make my bed in the morning, because I know it gives a lovely start to my day and gives me a boost of satisfaction. I take the time to put my clothes away, and fold the dry laundry, and neatly prepare my outfit for the next day, because I know future me will breathe in relief and feel even a little more at ease for having a task already handled and sorted out, one less worry on my list.
Because I love myself, in each moment I mindfully and intentionally choose what is healthy, joyful and uplifting for me. In each moment, I choose whatever path is brighter and brings more ease and gentleness into my heart.
Because I love myself, I write out my to-do list as often as I can, because I know it will give me more peace of mind and focus so I can achieve my goals.
Because I love myself, I am mindful of my shortcomings, triggers, traumas and anxieties, and take mind not to trigger them; avoid actions that I know will trigger them, while at the same time lovingly working through then within myself, taking the time to address, evaluate and release what I can.
Because I love myself, I am mindful not to be hard on myself, or be overly critical, or demanding. I know that in each moment I am trying my best, and that is good enough, always and forever - even if my best happens to be 5%. It is ok. It is my best, and it is enough. Each day is different, and I welcome the beauty and diversity of that. I know that mistakes are inevitable, because that is life, and that ultimately there is no wrong or right, in the end your life choices simply are, and you take ownership for your decisions, because it is the path you have intentionally chosen for yourself.
Because I love myself, I understand that I am complex, that like nature itself, my spirit moves through seasons where I am reborn, bloom wildly, recharge or hibernate; like the moon, my spirit moves through cycles where I burn brightest and then withdraw, even drown, in my own darkness. Because balance is necessary for the spirit, mind and body to integrate all its intricate, miraculous facets, both dark and light.
Because I love myself, I know that life is not a race, or a competition, and so I do not strive to be better than anyone else, other than myself; I strive not to outdo anyone else, but myself; I strive for the highest regard of no one else, other than myself; I strive for self development, and not artificial (and consequently subjective and relative) perfection.
Because I love myself, I forgive all those that have wronged me, not firstly for the sake of others, but for my own peace of mind and soul, so I may release myself from the captivity of painful bonds, relationships, memories. I forgive all those that have wronged me, including myself, because I know myself, and know my value, and my worth, and most of all know that I deserve to be happy and at peace - with myself, with others, with my past.
Because I love myself, I know that I am not a fixed definition in the vocabulary of all that know me. Instead I am a concept, an ever changing enigma even to myself. I am always evolving, improving, transforming; and that is something that nobody and nothing can withhold from me, or hold against me.
Because I love myself, I know that life is not about doing the right thing according to this or that. Instead, life is about choosing for me what makes me happiest and most at peace (but never at the negative expense of others). I understand that I am the protagonist of my story, and that the only editor of my narrative is me - not my friends, or lovers, or family. I can erase, rewrite and draft my storyline as many times as I need, as many times as I want.
I love myself, because that is my base nature, it is my natural self. When I relax into my being, when I let myself to simply be, I relax into my most natural state, and that is love.
A Manifesto Of Self Love by SK Lumen
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anni-els · 3 years
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stigmata ofrandă
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anni-els · 3 years
why do i want to quit every job i start lmao
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anni-els · 3 years
eat a fruit that you like. take a little walk and pay attention to the trees. dance to music alone in ur room. it’s the small things that will heal you
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anni-els · 3 years
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What We Do in the Shadows | 3.04 – “The Casino“
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anni-els · 3 years
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anni-els · 3 years
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What We Do In The Shadows | s03e01
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anni-els · 3 years
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Some of my favourite requiem chasubles. We never see priests wearing anything like this anymore. Memento mori!
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anni-els · 3 years
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anni-els · 3 years
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xxfairyxkillerxx on ig
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anni-els · 3 years
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Phoebe Wahl
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anni-els · 3 years
when abortion got banned in poland there were like three posts with 4k notes from poles and other eastern euros but whwn abortion ban in texas USA suddenly uncountable amount of awareness help donation organisation posts all over 20k reblogs easily what the shit. NOBODY from usa shared a donation post from poland, where even one dollar is large amount, while people from the nonwestern world are shamed for not rebloging yours. like, geniuenly, my heart out to the women of texas who are in need, but, american hypocricy is killing me,like every single time, "i cant believe this happened here" "its finally serious" shut up shut up shut up i hope america explodes
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anni-els · 3 years
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I ate her
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anni-els · 3 years
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anni-els · 3 years
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anni-els · 3 years
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rosemary and thyme 🌿
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anni-els · 3 years
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