anniebean · 4 years
Yo I’m going to start I is going tjis blog as a diary. I’m really suicidal lately and I don’t expect that anyone will read this so I’m not worried about putting it out here. But I just had my 20th birthday and my mom told me I’ve accomplished nothing and my dad threatened my bestie friend. Mom was letting me have my sister when I got my own place but now she doesn’t want me to have her and my best friend can’t come over anymore because my dad is a dick and my mom “synced” our PlayStations and deleted all of my data and I can’t spend time with my best friend anymore beucase his dad doesn’t want me coming over becuase of covid and I want to kill my self where is my support cause I can’t find it I yjoght I could talk about this with people and aprrengly I can’t beucase they all juts want drama. I wish I could get hurt really badly, like a car wreck, becuase then I didn’t hurt my self
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anniebean · 6 years
Me: I wanna be a scientist, like maybe an Astrophysiatrist or a botinist or a biologist I don’t know what kind but I want to be some sort of -ist
Pops: communist
Me: welll they’re kind of scientist
Pops: Joseph Stallen did a big experiment on wether or not 5milion people need food.. they died
Me: yeah and now we that that people need food to live
Pops: yeah
Me: and now that’s the number one thing that we try to give people
Pops: yeah
“Do you have food and water”
“Wait a minute there was an experiment done in this”
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anniebean · 6 years
The more I talk to people the more I think to myself “Dipper, you need to publish a cheesy largely panderic book series and get rich and buy a private lake house that nobody else live near with lots of forestry and become a hermit with like googles and an open kimono with nothing underneath and is maybe dreads who like only talks to their publisher and pretends that they haven’t written their book even though the deadline in is two weeks because living alone turns them into a sadist you know the type, yeah and make sure that you collect some really weird thing so that when you die your like idk your 2/3 cousin comes to your house and is like ‘why the heck are their so many left shoes wtf was wrong with Auntie Dipper, Mom always said she had a screw loosely but like what?’ Yeah you should do that” because people just make me feel sad or mad or bad.
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anniebean · 8 years
⛪️💉Bloody Curious🔍🌄
I bought a really cute vintage bed today from a guy cleaning out a house. Now that doesn’t sound that weird except, it wasn’t his house, he works for a company that fixes up houses after the owner has died. There were two beds in the house and the one I bought was the largest. He said that the bed was a little old and might be a little dirty, the bed itself was fine with no stains. However it smelled like garlic. Now I don’t think it’s just a silly coincidence that One: the owner of the house died Two: the larger bed smelled like garlic Three: I had fall out boy sings stuck in my head while we drove to pick it up. My bed belonged to a vampire and that vampires was murdered in my new bed!!! I have to buy some febreeze or something… It��s pretty raunchy.
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anniebean · 8 years
🐡🐟fishy buisness🐠🔪
So I went fishing with my dad yesterday, and we only caught a little yellow perch. Now I am not a fan of fish but I do like spending time with my dad. When he caught one I started freaking out! “ Ew it’s too close, what if it touches me, why is it still flopping.” And so on. He had me hold the net so he could get the fish off of his pole. He proceeded to string it up and hang it for dead…. What? You guys is that really how you kill a fish!? Am I wrong or does that seem a little inhumane? We continued fishing for around an hour and a half and caught nothing, we looked behind us and i told my dad the time. He declared the fish dead and we fishrd for another hour or so after putting the perch in the bucket of water.(so it wouldn’t dry out) We were getting ready to leave when we heard something weird. All of our stuff was packed in the wagon except the bucket of wated… We sort of did a scooby-Doo double take and looked at each other. The one fish we caught hadn’t died, it was swimming around in the bucket of water! The sun was coming down really hard a and so my dad gave me his car keys so I could start the car. He ended up cutting its head off. We were pretty sure the fish that wouldn’t die was not bouncing back from that one
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anniebean · 8 years
💔📝Give me a little credit here 💧😢
Hey human beans! Today I got on my school website to see how many credits I had left until I graduate. We recently implemented a new program that allows students to take courses pertaining directly what career they want. (I am not partaking in this so it doesn’t really apply to me) When I searched things such as “graduation requirements, credits, graduation standards” and so on, it simply continued telling me about our new program! Now I see how that could be helpful if that were what I was looking for, but why did it keep showing up every time I searched anything. I mean, if I am going to use the search tool, shouldn’t the search results have something to do with the key words used? It’s the middle of summer vacation and I can’t exactly talk to my school counselor. I am so aggravated! All I want is to find out how any credits I need.
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