annihilationtale · 2 years
Hello! M.A.D.Verse Annoucement!
I noticed it’s been awhile but I have some good news. I’m know just working on the main characters story’s and making sure that they are not conflicting with the main story plot. So posting should be starting relatively soon. But the plot won’t be going though an identity crisis like the first version. I’m also now doing college things so expect slow updates when they are occurring. The previous posts will be edited with Old Version and are all not applicable to the new version.
M.A.D.Verse’s protagonist has also changed to Indigo in the Rewright. This page will have a major makeover with the Introduction Ark! At the moment I’m guessing the entire plot is going to be separated into five Arks minus the Introduction Ark, though at the moment it is up to chance as I plan on establishing the world (The M.A.D. Contained Multiverse) first mostly following Indigo, Page(Annihilation!Ink), Debug, and Nocturne’s group for the Interdiction Ark! Sorry for the wait I hope it’s enjoyable one it is posted.
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annihilationtale · 2 years
Have some incorrect quotes. I’ve been dealing with lots of stuff like collage.
Morning(Killer): So what do you do when you want to attack someone you shouldn’t?
Nocturne (Nightmare-ish): …
Nocturne: Yee-
Morning: NO.
Page(Ink): Would you rather fight a bunch of kindergartners-
Deus(Dream-ish): I wanna fight some kindergarteners.
Page: [concerned silence]
Page: That… wasn't the full question. You see-
Deus: [Smirking] Those kids are getting slapped-
Debug(ERROR): [Is standing on a table]
Debug: It is I! God of ENTROPY! You SHALLL Derp before me! REEEEEEEEEE!
Arbor(Horror): What… happened to Debug?
Dust: He was drinking coffee but I happened to be working on my chemistry and it so happened that the mug I was using was what I was working on. Turns out that’s what happens when you drink that wood polishing solution.
Arbor: May the almighty gremlin god have mercy on our souls.
Dust: You already know Nocturne has no mercy.
Debug: I’m going to defenestrate myself!
[Sound of breaking glass]
Arbor: I can dream.
Wever(Gradient): Hey, I don’t think this is a good idea…
Atine: Why not?
Wever: …
Wever: That literally says that is the pit of death of course it’s a bad idea!
Osiris(After!sans): Hmmm. yes paperwork.
[Courier vaulting over a table to try to tackle Page.]
Osiris:(Thinking)Maybe I should have listened to Origin and not gone in for work today.
Debug: (looking at Nightshade) You are my best friend!
Nightshade: Oh that’s nic-
Debug: If I’m dying I’m taking you with me!
Nightshade: ….
Nightshade: Bold of you to assume I’m not the one dying.
Deus: Okay, I’m now giving you both therapy and I don’t care that one of you is an entropy god.
In some random AU clothes store.
Nocturne: [moves clothe aside]
Nocturne: … Deus! Is this where you’ve been for the last 700 years?
Deus: [silently and seamlessly disappear into the shadows]
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Yhee BOI!
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I think that I've gotten the basics of the new software I'm using. of course the picture will look better if it is selected because I've haven't figured out the proper frame size for Tumblr. Once that I've finished rewriting the storyline I'll start small side stories again. Of course as I work on the main storyline.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Characters are open to Asks!
This was originally just going to be an ask blog as I organized the AU but their were no questions or statements summited. So I switched to a short series of pictures and shorts. Now I’m attempting again at Asks so please feel free to submit some. Just so you know the original storyline will also be done here once the storyline is fully drafted.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
I decided to original plot had some plot holes so I’m doing a rewrite of the storyline. Unfortunately I’m cancelling the Among Annihilation: Side Story, as it no longer works in the plot and I’ve become quite uninspired with it. I apologize for the wait. I should be returning after the draft is written.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
A preview of the Comic redo
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Page (Among Us version) be looking sweet. Unfortunately, when I change the picture from it’s editable form into a file that can be used on this platform it’s quality goes down but I’ll figure that out how not to lose quality later. Just wanted to show that I am working on my work. I’m also doing collage work of some kind and learning not just a new device but a new software.
Thank you for your time and patience.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
New banner.
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This character hasn't been introduced yet.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Nocturne Redesign
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I'm rather proud of this one.
Lore: BIOLUMINESSINCE. Nocturne's current design after the deep sea. He his tentacles have feathers coming out of them at all times and are transparent. They serve no use. He can also only summon five tentacles max.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Annihilation!Swap redesign
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I finally redesigned Annhilation!Swap. He goes by Indigo. (Most swap Sans in this universe still go by blue, blueberry, or Swap)
Lore: One of the few that have come into contact with Debug without incident. After knowing a “little” more than he should he worked as the third member of the Bright Order (this universes Star sans) under mysterious circumstances before they disbanded. No one know why they disbanded other than Deus stating, “I don��t want to get Indigo any more involved than he is and that can’t happen with Bright Order still going.” Before they disbanded they created Sand City and he still works for their council till current events.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Something I decided to publish from my old Tablet to show that I’m alive.
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Lore: Deus is a spirt in this Multiverse and doesn’t manifest a Soul like other entity’s (He is has a soul. It is not an Apple or any other shape) becuse he is made of energy. In place of a Soul manifesting a silver sun Icon (he’s deity symbol) will come up when checked. Dues’ wings are apart of his true body and can hide them at will but chooses to have them out. He would die within seconds of leaving his “shell”. How and why are being resuved for later.
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annihilationtale · 3 years
I think I’m Getting the idea.
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It’s not my best but here’s  Annihilation!Dust’s updated causal design. (I can not do freckles in this program yet) This is my first drawing with my new tablet! I will start updating again soon!
Dust will wear this at his home or Nocturne’s (Annihilation!Nightmare) base.
 I hope your day (or night) is going good!
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annihilationtale · 3 years
I’ve gotten a drawing tablet!
I’m going to post one last comic from my IPad before I overhaul the blog and character designs! This will include the master post. The Among Annihilation: side comic will be redone (dispite it being 5 pages long right now) due to the new device and software! Please feel free to ask about it!
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annihilationtale · 3 years
Night-shade Gif (incomplete/unrefined)
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I was working on this before my pen problem. I have a pen but it has no real ability to make refined works so I decided to post this dispite not being finished.
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annihilationtale · 4 years
I forgot I made this comic comparing Dream to Deus(Annihilation!Dream) and what would happen if they met. It’s a bit older and has Deus’ old design but it’s a little funny.
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Deus’ interaction with any person not affected by his position in M.A.D.Verse (Any God in M.A.D./Annilation gods or any Dream/Nightmare equivalent or any soulless being or someone from another multiverse.) is completely randomized. Unless he has to move that second he’ll just freeze for five to 30 seconds before having a completely random reaction to them. In the case of Deus meeting his original, Dream, is to be terrified of them for no reason and to attempt to run away at all costs.
Dream belongs to Joku at Jokublog.
Lore/Creators note: Since M.A.D.Verse/Annihilation!tale is a essentially my love letter to the AU community and Undertale, which inspired me to do character and creature design. All the Annihilation variants have a slightly different background or motive because, despite loving originals, I don't want to tell other creator’s stories. If their’s one thing you do I hope it’s that you support the original creators. Some backstorys are really similar to their original, like Page’s (Annihilation!Ink), but some are nearly entirely different than the original version or multiverse, like Red #1 or Fell!Sans. Where am I going with this? I don't really see Deus as a Dream, more like A Dream equivalent that has a similar backstory. They have different personalities and different motives. Heck ’Nocturne’(Annihlation!Nightmare) and Deus are literally the same entity in this multiverse (They still have their own personality and wishes though.) and he would’t really mind if Nocture decided to become a terrifying goop octopus. He literally is entirely functional and instinct-based creature behind his personality.
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annihilationtale · 4 years
Just a heads up if anyone’s reading this/following this blog for some reason. My tablet broke and it might be a bit before I can post an electronic drawing or a comic page. (A.K.A. replace current tablet.) So in the meantime M.A.D.Verse/Annihilation!tale will be on hiatus with maybe paper drawings if I can figure out how to not make them not look horrible on the device. I will awnser any non-spoilery question about the characters and the world despite this. This is suppose to be an ask blog after all. I just have no asks.
Thank you for your time. I hope your having a great day, night, or time wherever you are.
Sincerely, Coffee-soulless-fanart.
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annihilationtale · 4 years
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Nightshade is the most complex design I’ve ever made. And he based on two other sans. He has so many organic non-symmetrical shapes. Don’t even get me started on his crystallization error thing.
( lore: ??? + Anti-void + M.A.D.Verse physics = Living error Crystal Fossilization. When an area is damaged severely enough the area will instead replace area of injury with an inorganic crystalline structure instead of it’s organic cells and it’s color matching the Creature’s error colors. It’s an ‘error’ because even if the creature doesn’t have the chemical building blocks for crystalline structures it will manifest anyways. It also doesn’t tend to be made up of any known compound and is nearly impossible to break off. It causes great pain at where it meets unaltered cells. It does not spread from the altered area so as long as the creature who has it does not get significantly injured it will not spread. It can not transfer iself from creature to creature. Even if you place. A crystal from said creature cannot mix or bond with anything else. Might make some absurd blad or armor if one manages to get a crystal.)
(Creator note: I won’t say wich sans he’s made up of but It’s my interpretation of the source behavior of two different AU’s and why the overarching AU has such polarized character motives and personality fom incarceration to incarceration of them. Basically the sans AU equivalent of the common ancestor between dinosaurs and reptiles. Though I will say you can probably guess what one to two thirds of which AU he’s from. To guess the other one requires time where he’s honest. And he’s rarely completely honest, intentional or not.)
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annihilationtale · 4 years
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Annihilation!Paperjam’s officials statement is he’s A permeate Demigod and the ‘Sans’ multiverse citiy Inquisitor(AKA the reason Page(Annihilation!Ink) isn’t in jail). He has moderate hypnosis where he can make people to a large degree do what he wants but doesn’t work if they know he’s doing it or if they don’t want to do it (he doesn’t have ‘error’ strings so he can’t force people to do anything). Otherwise his abilities are close to the original’s Paperjam but pumped up a bit because everyone else is way overpowered and mostly immortal. He’s basically the only balanced character other than Page, Debug(Annihilation!Error), and Nightshade maybe.
Paperjam belongs to @7goodangel .
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