last night
omg wtf i had a dream yea and it was about richie, i honest fkn miss him to bits but idk man fk sake, well anyway so here's how my dream went. We were at a park watching something and then i got beside him and i leaned on his arm/side and then wrapped my arm around him onto his waist, it was the best feeling ever and i honestly don't want to forget it. It makes me so happy remembering what happened in the dream and i honest don't know if richie and i were just made for each other?! idkk but i just feel like i miss the feeling of being loved and being comforted. honest miss you richie ://
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20th January, 2017
FUCK MY LIFE MAN, IM SO FUCKING IRRITATED RIGHT NOW. Honest crying so hard rn, hate my life, hate evryone around me. Just went to rant to marcella and now im here, im fucknig hurt as fuck right now. I feel liek i have noone else but my ffucking self. Currently listening to just believe by G-Ezay and its fucking sad as fuck. I know im cursing so bad right now and i shouldnt be but i just have to. i cant deal with this shit anymore man. Im done. Honest, laterss. Im out. I wonder what wuold happen if i fucking killd myself lolololol. well anyway whole point of this was, went out to toown for the whole entire day today yeaa, told mum i was gonna be in town with anita and so we go yeaa, Later on i met up with candy cause she msgs me, i tell anita and anita im pre sure feels a bit dogged but u know she still is happy and everyhting, still chill. But honestly i felt so fucking terrible but yeaa. Went with candy and also met up with brandon ngo and supposed to meet up with richie but he was vaping with james lololol but yee, candy offerd to take me home at 7 and i accepeted, told mum and evrything and like i didnt get home till 9 cause candys mum had dinner and everyhting with benny and so candy and i went to the rnb night and shit well yea.Anyway got home and mum was fucking being blunt as fuck, didnt talk to me, i asked if we could go officeworks tomorrow, she bluntly said no and started being rough with everything (slammming things down to the table etc.) so anyway i carry on with my life obviously, i go out to the living room. Fucking bitch ass, she goes and says she cant trust me anymore and how im disrespectful and rude like UGH I JUST FELT LIKE SHIT WANTED TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF, it fucking hurts and well now i just dont know anymore man, noone, i feel lost and stranded on a fucking island. I feel like ive got nobody, fuck me up. ive said this so many times but it fucking hurts. fucking kill me now ayway laters its like 10:50 ahaahahahhahahhahahahhaha fkn sbUKBfwehfjhLUwflbaweiuFBelifwnhjf ))): fk me up dude. not feeling very great, ehh goodnight. 
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19th January, 2017
ugh fkn richie and i are friends again, i honestly feel irritated fkn UGH kill mee. Hm but hey everythings going okay?! idkk man but like im having a pretty good life i guess the only thing thats holding me back is richie, its just all of the bad memories yanoo but u know who caresss, just go with the flow.. but com on dude, methot, HES such a goood guy dude but nahh not going for him, i mean i was close to catching feelings and all but likee cant dog annie out FNWILAUFNJWREFL OMG AND JUST REALISED fknnnn annie removed me from her spamm, honest fkn sad as mann )): but ye once again lifes going pre goodd. Richie wants to hang out next week and uh apprently im going hiking next week aswell, how gooddd.. hiking at mount lofty with candy, jordon and elijah, hella keenn
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I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference.
(via neuroticdream)
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