annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
It’s true what they say?
Basically, he made dumb promises that I actually believed. Anyway, it’s no big deal. You want to leave? LEAVE.
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
What a day!
My acne is getting better. However, there’s still acne on it. The scab is gone at least. Today is nothing much, just stay at home. I ate a lot of of fruits and drink water. My mom cook nasi minyak, and it was so gooood. I feel sorry for my gut lol cus I need to take care of my skin. Now I did bought expensive products.....and ...I rly hope it’ll be okay. I hate buying expensive stuff. ugh
ANyway my boyfriend blocked me on Whatsapp. Maybe my joke went too far. Idk. But I’m pissed too when he did that. So I blocked him as well Now I’m bored. zz
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
Hello, earthlings!
So today has been an exceptionally tiring day. My mom and I went to the city for her company license renewal. So we went to KL Sentral. 
I had to drive to Sungai Jernih and park the car there, go to MRT station and well, we arrived there. But my mom doesn’t know the exact location. So we got lost and walked around like crazy! Seriously, our feet were sore when we got home.
So we went to eat at KFC for lunch after a one hour delayed wait for the license renewal (annoying)  and it was oookay. But I don’t feel healthy eating it lol. I really want to cut out fast food in my life.
Whatever the case, today I’m inspired by MUJI. I love going there but it’s crazy expensive! :(
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
Am I a minimalist?
Remember that book I mentioned earlier on my previous post?
Goodbye, things - Sasaki Fumio
Well, that book is now opening my eyes to a larger perspective. It’s one of the main reasons why I start to have realise what I am searching for. Last year, I decluttered all of my stuff into boxes, leaving the ones I still value.
I did not realise then it was a trend in Japan. So when I found this book and read it, everything just...clicks. I do tend to believe that owning a lot of stuff does not make me happy.
Background story, I was raised as a hoarder. Yes, I lived a maximalist life where everything needs to exist in my entire life. I need this, that and my life felt like I basically had everything. But when I turned 20, I started to see life as experience rather than ownership. Which means, if those items makes you feel fulfilled for a short amount of time then imagine being fulfilled when you experience mothernature?
We were raised and born with conveniency when we’re actually a miracle of our own. When you start to clutter yourself, that’s when your miracle self loses it’s confidence. Which is true, because the more you desire for items, the more you lose yourself to materialism.
What I want to point out is that having so many items will only do you so far with happiness. It’s time to realize our worth as our own. 
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
So today, is...a...NIGHTMARE!
Well, like I told in the blog before, I have an online job that I need to do 24/7. And for this job, I edited like crazy. And sacrificed my sleep time, and everything. I did more than 10 edits. Andddddddd, they wanted the first design. Like what? Bruh
So because of that, I woke up at 1PM and I just did the basics. I showered, ate and did laundry. Then, we went to D.I.Y for some mother daughter time. Bought, weird stuff for university. Drink coolbog and eat waffles. Then, we wen’t to the bakery shop to buy some paperbags and containers. Just stuff y’know. I was the one driving so it was kinda insane cus I’ve been driving a lot lol
Anyways, when I went home it just got busier. I had to do soooo much LAUNDRY! Like it’s insane D: And I organized some stuff. Idk why but I have this OCD thing. It’s a minor stuff so no worries.
Today has been 3/10 <3 Bye!
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
I broek my ProMIse!
So I didn’t post yesterday. I CAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THAT, bascially, I needed to do my graphic design job. And it took a lot of my time. The client just rejected too many times. To the point where they decided they wanted to use the original instead (IKR? Crazy!)
It drove me insane, kinda, because I spent so much time editing.
Other than that, I also went shopping for university supplies. Tescoooo. And it was a whooping RM 239 ????????? Dead. I drove the way there and was sorta nervous idk why. My parking was on point though.
My mom and I we ate at kedai tepi jalan, and the kuey teow was yummy. I couldn’t finish them all sadly. Because I kept thinking about my job. 
Also, my boyfriend was kinda cheerful. I wonder why but he was being extra cute today I wanna kick him lol. At least he’s happy, makes me suffering today even less.
Or yesterday.
Again, I’m sorry!~
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
Another day, another blog...
I just realized how fast time goes by now that I’m posting a post everyday. Like that’s truly insane. And quite scary. I’m not sure how to feel about this.
So today, due to my period, I’m not feeling well. I woke up feeling cramped everywhere. So I woke up early, went downstairs to wait for my post to arrive. But that stuff arrived so late, I even slept!!!! argh, why is it so hard to just send my stuff. 
I also can’t remember much of what I’m doing today. Oh yeah, I cut up watermelons. But I’m pretty sure it’s a pretty bad day. I know, I should be grateful and all of that. Just listen. There are three incident.
Incident 1 - The lizard
So I wanted to take care of my clothes, fold them neatly. But the first thing I grabbed to fold, the veil, had a LIZARD on it. It’s so freaky because that lizard’s shadow was seen so clearly through the veil (thanks sunlight ugh) and I wasn’t amused.. ugh..yuck! 
Incident 2 - The fish bone
So this one sucked. I was sort of hungry, so I ate one whole fish by myself. So y’know what happens next. Yes, a fish bone. That hurts!
Incident 3 - Delivery
I just can’t fathom this. I waited till 3 PM to get it. Damn it! I even took a nap. And when the delivery man came, my hands were markprinted. and it was so embarrassing lol.
Which leads to what makes me a tad bit happy. I got my packaging! it has my lip tint and my skincare. Even came with a sample which I am wearing now. It’s quite okay.
Another one is where I bake a cake. Since my mom and I don’t watch football, we used that time to bake a japanese cotton cheesecake. And I did it! It worked. So delicious yummy. :)
Overall, today is a quick day. I hope tomorrow will be okay. Bye!
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
Hanging out @ KLCC
Just because I already went out yesterday doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything today! The adventure continues, although I’m not exactly on my best condition today. I struggled a lot due to my first day of the month (I KNOW THIS SUCKS) so my back was already hurting and by the time I got home, I literally shut down. It’s that bad, I’m having a fever right now. Nevertheless, I promised to post everyday so here goes. 
I really planned this to be a simple day out, so I just wear something simple. The opposite of what girls usually wear during our first day, white clothes and jeans. The worst decision ever, little did I know! I wore simple white sandals and went to the MRT. I really hate KTM so MRT it is which is a good decision since it only took like 1 minute to wait for the train and 25 minutes to arrive.
When I arrived my friends were already at Secret Recipe. They were talking about what happened before I arrived which was hilarious! And then we had to go to LRT. KLCC here we goooo. But before that, I managed to take a picture with Rimau! haha it was at the centre of KL Sentral, I couldn’t resist it. :P
When we arrived KLCC, we bought tickets using this machine thingy that was pretty convenient. And bought popcorn for each, and watched Bad Genius. I’d give the movie a 2/5. It was so-so the movie wasn’t exceptionally good but I heard it’s a 100% on RT.
After that, we had to eat~ So we look around for food. But there was none. I saw Chanel and was reminded of my friend who wanted it for a gift. So I took some time to find the right color and bought one. Even became a member of Chanel. cool! The people there weren’t as friendly. Probably because they give attention to one customer at a time. Thankfully this one staff is nice enough to guide me through this whole expensive stuff. And it wasn’t the most pleasant thing in the world lol. But I got my gift so yay!
We were trying to look for KFC cus it’s cheap and yummy but there’s none of that anymore noooooo! :c Had to go and eat at Sushi King yay! c: lol I really don’t mind to eat anywhere. I ate my fav food, Salmon Sushi. And Udon to relieve my sad sad sad condition. 
Funny incident, when I went to pay the bill my Chanel paperbag fells onto the floor. I almost yelled lol but it survived and the paperbag wasn’t stained thank god.
Kinokuniya was a fun experience lol we searched the whole placed for cheap books. I took upon myself to buy a book. ANd it was about being comfortable in your own space. It seemed like a decent book actually but I almost doubted in buying it because the author is a guy (okay I’m not gender-labelling anyone listen first) and I’m not sure if I can relate to his perspective of a solitude lifestyle. Obviously, I have more of a home-natured personality. Maybe I want a man in my life one day being with me but for now I want to be alone. Or maybe he’s comfortable with his room but I’m comfortable with my room. Get it? Okay maybe not. 
But I bought anyways so who cares. :))
Finally, we went to head back home. Bought some pens and rulers at Petrosains as a gift for my nephew and boyfriend. But both of them already went home so I’m like what lol THe ride back home was fairly easy. But I was already too weak at that time.. so I slept in the car, and felt even weaker at home. It’s a really good day today, just tired that’s all. Probably because we walked a lot and the escalators weren’t working so we had to climb the stairs of the escalators. Everything felt so crowded, so there’s so much exhaustion. We should really feel more relaxed next time we hang out. lol
Anyways, my mom is calling me. I need to go. Post the pictures later. :)
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
#SEAGAMES2017 Grand Opening Ceremony
So today I got back at 12AM from the SEA Games 2017 Grand Opening Ceremony. It’s a pretty cool event because many countries were present, and Malaysia was hella cool this time. I was so in love with everything, although at some point I did get a lil’ grumpy ;P
Basically, this is how the ceremony looks like. (SOURCE: @kimbobby9521 from Twitter <3)
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That’s from twitter lol. But yeah anyways, it’s beautiful, ammirite? I saw the monitor and during the performances it looked really beautiful and everything.
But being there makes it even more special. We’re a part of the team, we cheered for every performance and overall it was just mesmerising.. :)
It took a lot of effort though just to be on those seats, so I’ll start from the beginning! (Okay, this will be so tiring to tell lol)
PART 1 - At home
So we planned on going at 4PM, my dad, sister, nephew and I...I prepared a lot for this. We had our fans, cap, wet tissues, jacket, ponchos, and even some food for my nephew. I sort of knew he’ll get tired so everything must be prepared early. (And thank god for that) We couldn’t leave the house because my younger nephews wanted to follow us and one of them was already crying. And it was so tricky, I mean, we couldn’t just leave. No wayyyy my mom will go crazy lol. So we took ourselves to 7Eleven (except my dad he had to go and print the tickets) and bought snacks and mineral water for the event. The younger nephews bought themselves ice cream and immediately they calmed down. Seeing how they weren’t making a fuss, we took our leave there and went to where dad is. I left my snacks at 7E so my mom had to drive to meet me. The kids looked so relaxed with their ice creams lol. I guess my mom wasn’t in trouble after all. 
PART 2 - LRT station
We drove to the LRT station, at first we thought like why not at Sungai Besi. Since it was only one station away. But we were soooo unlucky. The parking spots were full and one car was ahead of us so it got the only one parking. So that sucks. Anyway, we drove to the second nearest stop; TBS. And there were heaps of parking there, for the whole day it was RM3 so it ain’t a bad deal. We thought the parking (which was at another building) was impossible to go to LRT TBS station. We almost called uber lol. But the guard told us it was pretty easy to head there. Just walk behind a few walls and were there. Yay! So many people were there like omg. Sadly, someone is selling KL2017 t-shirts. It’s not an official shirt. Idk, I kind of want people to support official items. So much effort was put into this y’know. So my dad just chit chats with them, and we didn’t buy them. We used out touch’n’go cards and waited in line. So when the LRT arrived, it was soooooooo crowded! Ah! Just the thought of it pains meeee. Like why does it has to be so crowded like being stuck in a tuna can. LOL. Idk how to explain this, but the moment it arrived, people were pushing and we managed to get inside but it was NOT the most comfortable thing. My nephew was like the tiny kid there and he seemed so confused lol. I was unconsciously holding onto this stranger girl shoulders and she seemed to be feeling disturbed by me lol I’m sorry I didn’t know what to grab onto! And my feet wasn’t even touching the ground. Like... there is NO room at all. Worst part is, the LRT kept braking so suddenly. Even made noise when it stopped like there was a freaking cat crossing the road lol jk. My nephew seemed to be companied since there’s this uncle who was making funny faces at him. My sis was holding onto my shoulders since she had nothing near to grab onto. And my dad, well, he was somewhere lol. Once we got out of the train, which was fairly quick (two stations away) so many people are queueing for the exit and thank god we used touch’n’go. My queue line was pretty quick so I had to wait for them outside. And outside is beautiful.
PART 3- Pre-ceremony
So we took some time at the ground near the stadium. It was pretty much crowded and busy. So many people were taking pictures, selfies and even wefies. There were also people selling headbands, shirts, finger arrows and of course...food! Of course, we had to take pictures as well. ;) So we took so many of them, as long as the background looks good. After that, we walked upstair to the queue section. We were gate D because we expected it was the nearest to the train station. But my dad was wrong, or maybe the map changed. Sooo we had to..walk....soooo..far. I guess it was worth it because this small woman called us for the quick lane (children and elderly) and we got inside quickly. Of course, my dad is the one who is happy lol. I told my dad how his new white hair is making everything more easy for us since before this his grey hair was dyed. The sensor was pretty cool, the security was cool. And I guess the scanning ticket was amazing. I’m just surprised how dedicated every one of their workers were because they were all so active and participated. None of them looked bored, they were always pointing at something or somewhere to help lead us the way. And the police were also being responsible as well. They even got a horse-just in case. :P Once we got inside, we tried to find the best seat at the highest place we could find. Which means, MORE STAIRS. It was already tiring enough. When we got the spot we wanted, I guess we got greedy and tried to find a better spot. Sadly, we ended up at a seat that had a gate blocking our view. Which sucks cus we arrived kinda early. When my sis told us all to move over to the left. I got a bit upset because the view was already bad enough. She said don’t be selfish. I’m not saying she was wrong, but the situation wasn’t the best solution. 
PART 4- The ceremony
After my grumpy mood died down due to the seat situation. The ceremony had started and I got back onto my feet again. Yay! It started with the school bands, and later angkatan tentera band. When the mascot came in, I really loved it! They were so cute! There were the athletes from each country walk, and singers (someone laser the singer ugh!), and the mc Aznil Nawawi was being his awesome self. I think the ceremony best part is the choreography. It was synchronized and proper. Everyone seemed to practice a lot and we appreciate that. And then, the lighting. Soooo goooood. Like there’s this LED tablet on the upper floors and it was in front of our seats as well. Basically, it’s mad nice. The system lighting was amazing. There were some performances where they used the lighting for the stage and the LED tablets and it felt like the movement was real. It’s so hard to explain haha! But anyways, everything was amazing lah. 
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PART 5- Home!
So my nephew was already tired. Lol. We decided to go home early. And since we were so kind (my sis lol) to give up our seats for those who didn’t have them. Everyone was kind enough to us and stood up, letting us walk our way out. Which was really honestly heart touching. When we were on our way to the LRT station (we walk so fast haha) the fireworks played and it felt almost like they were made for us. I recorded the whole thing, my face looks so tired lol. When we arrived to the station. So many people were already queueing. Luckily, we got a seat and I was sweating like crazy. I probably smelled. And I hated it so much much. Luckily, it was only two stations away. I felt so happy to be in the carrr. We went to the mamak and ate naan cheese. Now I’m at home and happy to be in my bed.
So that’s it! Overall, today is 3.8/5 I loved it all. It only spoiled a bit when we changed seats to the gate. I really got into a bad mood because of it. But at least people returned our favor with gratitude. :) Will I ever go again? Probably not! lol It’s really tiring. Everyone keeps pushing us around. And even though people helped us, I still feel like there should be more around in our bags. I guess that was the biggest drawback, not enough water. My verdict it, I’m proud to be a Malaysia and witness such a beautiful ceremony for the SEA games. MALAYSIA <3
x CherryJean
I will update pictures tomorrow. I’m really tired!
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
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annyeonghaseyo123 · 7 years
First post! :)
Hey, everyone. I thought I’d give a post just to celebrate the opening of this tumblr blog. Who knew I’d go back and try to be active again.
Well, many of you probably won’t know me (internet ha) but I was an avid Tumblr user back when it was the mainstream sort of thing. It was my everything. Mainly K-pop! And till this day I am still a huge fan of K-pop.
Well... :D
Not exactly. I’m 21 years old now, I have a job and studies at a university. So my life today, I’m a busy person. I also have a normal life, I don’t do Internet as much. Back then, it was all about Internet lol. When those days are over, I just want to sleep when I’ve got the time for myself.
Like who doesn’t?
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So that cat is basically me! Haha, I know I’m cute. :P
I just thought that I should post something on Tumblr again. I want to tell myself that the purpose of this blog is to prove that I do appreciate my life. When I realise that I took my time for granted, I guess I should ALWAYS check up on myself.
In that case, why not make a journal about my life? Nothing wrong right? I would love to insert emojis in this blog. But I guess for now, my plan is to post one entry a day. 
Do enjoy my blog and have a nice day! :) 
x CherryJean
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