annyrhaelizabth · 2 days
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When people bring up October 7th sexual assault they conveniently forget that they've been completely silent for the 75 years worth of sexual violence Palestinians face at the hands of Israelis and that's why I can never take them seriously and know that the only reason they care is because the people they view as people were assaulted rather than those terrorist Palestinians. Did you know that my friends and family who go to palestine to visit talk about getting regularly strip searched? Being forced to be naked in front of your occupier is a form of sexual assault not one of these people cared about and continue not to care about.
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annyrhaelizabth · 2 months
I know in the books it’s already like, a Thing that Percy’s relationship with his godly family seems to be abnormally good- like, Poseidon’s not dad of the year but he’s also made it clear he deeply cares about Percy and has tried to warn/protect him in the past, there’s been brief references here and there that after tlo Percy started spending time in the underwater palace occasionally, he calls Amphitrite his step-mom and says she bakes him cookies and doesn’t mind that he’s messy when he stays over, he brought back that pendant Annabeth wears, little stuff like that- but tbh I wish it would be expanded on more because apart from the fact it’s sweet, it’s also like, kinda funny? when you think about how all the other gods are just. messes. about family. like let me just SEE him interact with his family more, it has such potential. He casually mentions he’s meeting his sister Kym at starbucks later and Jason’s like ‘she sold you out to a giant that wanted to murder you’ and Percy’s just like ‘yeah but that was months ago and dad made her apologize we’re cool now’. Annabeth still hasn’t forgiven her mom for the whole Mark-of-Athena-Suicide-Quest thing and they had a huge fight on Olympus the other day, the first time they had seen each other since the war ended, and Annabeth’s complaining about this to Percy, who’s Iris Messaging her from the bottom of the ocean because it’s Poseidon’s custody weekend. There’s a mandatory parent bake sale at school to raise money for a field trip but Sally’s on a book tour and Paul was prepared to just quit after he set the kitchen on fire, only for Amphitrite to stroll into the school the next day and ruin every PTA Mom’s life. Percy telling his friends to stay out of the water for a few days because he called Triton a bitch in the family group chat and he just wanted them to be careful. Percy trying to figure out if a bunch of Greek gods are expecting Christmas presents or not and wtf to get them if they are. Triton wanting to get Percy back for the bitch comment but knowing their dad won’t let him drown someone so he instead shows up at Percy’s mortal high school and does The Most to embarrass him. Tyson begging Percy to let him help babysit Estelle. Poseidon showing up at Career Day with absolutely no warning and trying not to laugh at Percy’s reaction. Percy getting his dad a fathers day card like he wanted to do in SoM!! Like it’s a dynamic I don’t want pushed to the side as much as it is!!! There’s so much to work with there!!! I want more! 
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annyrhaelizabth · 2 months
Just read about the BDS update in applying pressure to marvel and Disney.
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annyrhaelizabth · 2 months
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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annyrhaelizabth · 3 months
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average merlin episode
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annyrhaelizabth · 3 months
It seems like people really don't know why Palestine gets 'special' treatment (i.e. more observation and abuse) by the U.N. Just a reminder that the U.N. was created to destroy Palestine and ensure the zionist occupation's existence. I'm sick of hearing 'why does the U.N. only talk about Palestine', 'why does the U.N. not care about anything else', 'the U.N. is antisemitic for focusing on Palestine', 'Palestinians are the U.N.'s welfare queens' (the last one in disparaging comments about UNRWA). The U.N. was literally created to legitimize the destruction of Palestine in pursuit of a new form of united Western imperialism.
The first act of the U.N. general assembly was to destroy Palestine in 1947 with its illegal 'Partition Plan' that no Palestinians ever accepted. The U.N. is responsible for the destruction of Palestine against our wishes. The U.N. is responsible for the statelessness of 7 million Palestinians, many of whom can't even fill out official forms because it's illegal to put 'Palestine' as your country of origin.
The U.N. relegated us to this status as their first act of international law. Don't forget it.
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annyrhaelizabth · 4 months
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annyrhaelizabth · 4 months
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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annyrhaelizabth · 8 months
you know how steve always sleeps on the side of the bed facing the door "bECAUSE YOU ARE PRECIOUS TONY HUSH" okay but one if one night while they were asleep baddies did break in to try and snatch tony but were met with 240 pounds of kickass
If there was one good thing that would come out of this, it was that Steve now held the right to be able to gloat about being correct.
Although, when you woke up to the sound of foreign footsteps creeping through your bedroom as you held your very un-enhanced, very asleep and very vulnerable lover in your arms- that sort of thing tended to be pushed to the back of your mind.
(Read more, mobile users!)
Keep reading
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annyrhaelizabth · 9 months
Arthur wants to marry Merlin.
The problem is, he hasn't even confessed and Arthur can't marry a commoner. So, Arthur creates a plan to make Merlin a royal.
Merlin absolutely HATES it.
And Arthur soon realizes that his plan is backfiring, because the more power and land he can get Merlin, the less time they can spend together.
It is after a discussion with a druid that Arthur comes up with THE idea: Druids are nomads and can live wherever they wish. They can also contact each other from anywhere.
Arthur will make Merlin the DRUID king!
Arthur is determined. Even if that means teaching Merlin magic. Even if THAT means repealing the ban on magic. Even if it means to find and defeat this strange Emrys guy that the Druids keep babbling about.
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annyrhaelizabth · 9 months
here’s to a liberated palestine and an end to the occupation in 2024، إن شاء الله
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annyrhaelizabth · 9 months
"they're anti Pale//stine and also defend pro ship-" can you. Develop a rational thought and not fucking put your stupid ass culture war bullshit next to a literal genocide
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annyrhaelizabth · 9 months
You gotta treat Zionists here like terfs because their modus operandi is the same; they spread lies and misinformation and do a lot of harms. That's why those blocklists were made.
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annyrhaelizabth · 10 months
despite everything, actually it means a lot to see people who don't need to care posting for palestine. i often see zionists aghast that "some too-online white leftist in the united states thinks they understand the middle east" but i think this anger and panic and ensuing discourse has (deliberately) overshadowed how much of this solidarity has been clear, straight-forward and compassionate.
i think about how arab countries stood up for palestine first (not their governments, but their people) and how between 1948 and today the united states and israel have categorically and systematically destroyed our abilities to do so, destroyed our abilities to speak at all, destroyed our attempts at self-determination, destroyed our countries, and now antizionist jews, black people, queer people, indigenous people, immigrants and other minorities have taken up this mantle worldwide. and yeah, the too-online white leftists too.
i actually find it very touching to see how diverse pro-palestine protests are. i find it very touching to see someone articulate clearly that they understand what happened to palestinians despite 75 years of historical revisionism and propaganda. i find it very touching when people aren't intimidated by the middle east like it's some unknowable no-man's land full of terrorists and challenge that narrative.
i saw the video of that man who worked for the white house under obama, you probably know the one i'm talking about, taunting an egyptian man at a halal food cart in new york. he specifically taunts him about the mukhabrat, the egyptian secret service, and he says "i hope they take your father's fingernails out." he's openly gleeful to know the term, the access provided by the violence of the state department. i think about how suspicious i've always been of americans who speak arabic because they're usually here to spy on us, modern-day orientalists and arabists who see us as assets or threats.
i think about how these are the people who parrot "the middle east is so complicated" rhetoric—people who say it's complicated because they hate us, because they see us as savages, because they don't actually know anything about us and don't want anyone else to. this is what they're desperate to hold onto, this monopoly on 'expertise on the middle east' so that nobody can say, hey, they're just people. its not more or less complicated than anything else. it's only complicated because you're racist.
its easy to use platitudes like "i see all people equally" but it's more difficult to demonstrate it when it counts and even moreso when someone claims your bravery and compassion is actually hatred. thanks for doing it.
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annyrhaelizabth · 10 months
gwaine: *takes a deep breath*
gwaine: i lo-
anyone who has spent five seconds around him ever: yes, you love Merlin, we know, you love Merlin so much, he’s the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Merlin, we KNOW , you love Merlin you fucking love Merlin ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE MERLIN. WE GET IT.
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annyrhaelizabth · 10 months
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time traveling au inspired by this post by @mountmortar
feat. confused af arthur and tired at life merlin
more of this au
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annyrhaelizabth · 10 months
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sure, I can make some memes about gwaine
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