anomaly-55 · 5 days
still not big enough
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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It’s possible I ate too much. Tummy hurty :((
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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My belly button kinda looks like a heart ❤️
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
That's belly looks big and heavy
Not AI, 100% Real - Episode 8
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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Squeeze me 💋
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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anomaly-55 · 5 days
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
Oh, how I love being enabled. Look at how plump it’s made me 🐷🥴
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
Some observations and reflection on the discrepancies of what I like about pregnancy/pregnant women vs some of the smut that’s out there .
On vulnerability
What’s out there: she sat helpless, unable to move, I did what I wanted and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. She’s mine. I’ve claimed her. Everyone can see it. I do what I want to her. She’s huge and can’t do much.
What I like: as she got bigger throughout the months, each month everything started to progressively get harder and she started to depend on me. I’m observing all the differences in her body, and how she’s changing. That dependence made me feel needed and emphasized my role in the pregnancy. She’s becoming more vulnerable but I got her. She’s mine. I’ve claimed her. Everyone can see it. It turns me on to take care of her. I did this to her, and I’m excited to be an observer and part of the process.
On Dominating
What’s out there: I claimed her. She’s mine. Her womb is full of my seed. I keep her pumped full of babies all the time. Her purpose is to have my babies and I hold her to it
What I like: it leaves me in awe to see the changes in her body. Pregnancy is like a physical claim. Everyone knows she’s somebodies and everyone we know knows she’s mine. We’ll do it again and savor each and every bit of it each time I get her pregnant. I love seeing her body swell knowing they are my babies inside. Seeing other pregnant women is hot but it’s different knowing it’s me that caused her belly to swell. I did that. I put babies inside her.
On Pregnant Sex
What’s out there: she laid helplessly on the bed. Soaking wet. Not wanting to have sex with me but her body betrayed her, she was wet so I fucked her anyways. She was mine to do with what I wanted and she couldn’t do anything other than lay back and take it
What I like: running your hands all over her body. Feeling how much bigger and heavier her tits are today. Feeling how much more her bump is protruding. Coming from behind and lifting her belly to provide relief. Kissing her neck. Kissing and caressing her tummy. Eating her out. Looking up and only seeing a bump that blocks your view of everything else. Whispering in her ear you can feel that she’s heavier. But you like feeling it on you. Her straddling you and the bump resting on your stomach. Massaging her breasts. Seeing them spill out of bras that she’s clearly outgrowing. Seeing her areolas get darker. Being more limited on how you have sex the bigger she gets. Getting turned on by the fact that she’s growing so much she can’t do everything she used to.
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
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I really want someone to rub my belly like this 😍😍
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
Growing out of clothes during pregnancy
The first time you can’t easily button them and have to suck it in to button.
Outgrowing the ability to comfortably button them and realizing you’ve hit the “my little bump is big enough that now I need a button extender” stage.
When your belly has popped out past the zipper and now just rests where you used to zip up and button your pants.
Hips and thighs widening and softening. Not being able to pull your pants up at all because you’ve gotten plumper and curvier.
Getting harder and harder to put on the more your belly makes it hard for you to bend over
Getting to the point where it’s impossible to even try to pull any pants up so your pants just go up to where your belly starts jutting forward
Tight shirts being the first thing to give you away, not standing a chance against your changing body.
As time passes your belly starting to show ever so slightly against looser shirts.
Getting to the point where your bump is so big you’re showing even with your baggiest shirt
Needing to buy shirts that have a lot of stretch to them so they last you more than a couple of weeks
The bottom of your bump constantly being exposed because your shirt keeps riding up
Not being able to pull a shirt down past your tits because they’ve gotten so huge
Putting on a shirt and it feeling like you can only wear it a few more times before you put grow it
Putting on a shirt and realizing this is probably the last time you’re going to wear it for a while
Getting to the stage where shirts are optional because is it worth the hassle?
Feeling a shirt start to get little tighter when you sit versus when you stand
Feeling like you’re gonna burst out of a shirt when your belly pops out way more when seated versus when standing
Your belly button popping being visible to everyone through your tight shirt
Being able to hide your bump with a hoodie
Watching a hoodie get tighter and rounder by the week
When the hoodie is so tight is looks like it’s actually helping carry and support the belly. Looks like it’s helping keep everything held in together
Outgrowing your hoodies and needing your partners sweaters
Outgrowing zip up sweaters and only being able to wear them open
Lose flow-y dresses being worn like a shirt because you’re too big for it be worn as a dress anymore
Not being able to zip up dresses in the back because the front keeps growing out
Wearing tight dresses that show off your shape
Wearing loose dresses that hide your shape until you pull it tighter
Trying to figure out a dress situation to the event you have in a few months from now when you don’t know how big you’ll be then
Feeling tight around your midsection when you sit versus when you stand
Feeling them get tighter
Needing bra extenders
Spilling out of them from the sides 🙂‍↔️
Spilling out in the front
Having clothes look more scandalous than it is because your chest is so much bigger
Having to take a deep breath in to hook it and then breathing out and realizing you need to size up if you want to keep breathing
Wondering if you should just go braless
Putting on a shirt that’s tighter than you thought it would be and realizing it shows you just how tight your bra is underneath your shirt
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
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anomaly-55 · 13 days
on the subject of little details that are major turn-ons…
clothes no longer fitting
bumping into things more because you aren’t used to your new hips and belly
kicking, little reminders of the fact that something’s growing inside of you
the pregnancy waddle
being embarrassed about how big you are
and then being so big you don’t care what other people think because you have greater issues at hand
having enough belly to hold
stretchmarks, not just on the stomach but on your ass and thighs and breasts - signs of how much you’ve grown
the underside of the belly. no clue why specifically
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