anonononmouse · 4 months
leave RFD alone lmao, we need our facts not your bs, if you’re that mad that you’re not as fact filled as them maybe just be idk not in this forum?
Not me being excited there is something new on here just to see it is just some stupid spam “facts”.
Mod edit; We love RFD on this blog. Get your negativity out of here.
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anonononmouse · 5 months
absolutely disgusting. No one should ever talk about their pets like that.
Thoughts on the post serial_designation made?
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anonononmouse · 5 months
Yes thank you ❤️
we are not mutilated what so ever, we’re in the wrong body. We may prefer modifications to our bodies but that doesn’t mean we’re mutilated.
Once again, and for the final time, I'm not allowing asks/submissions regarding calling transgender people "mutilated". You know who you are. Stop submitting that shit, it will never get posted.
Protect trans lives.
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anonononmouse · 7 months
Kogeta = Bretty part 2 the electric boogaloo???
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anonononmouse · 8 months
bro I wouldn’t be that jealous 💀 this kid is on top tier pettiness
"What is Man’s deal w Patrick Mahomes?? 😭💀" Maybe his crush likes him or something lol
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anonononmouse · 8 months
honestly, I think I’m gonna friend that person 💀
Okay 1st off: Girlkisser is a great username
2nd off: I just want to take a moment to appreciate how funny the switch was between saying "yes" and "nvm I don't like you". First time I've had a good giggle on this blog since Bretty started showing how awful he is.
Girlkisser is probably the best user I've seen on site by far, tbh.
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anonononmouse · 8 months
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Since I’ve been having slow days at work, time to post some shit because I’m bored, lol.
“Why do I keep getting told to leave this game?” Because no one likes you. We don’t want you here. Shit, I think you’re more hated than Goldie at this point.
“I play an average or 8 or more hours EACH DAY.” Okay? And? Good for you, just more proof that you have no life.
“Also may I also add that’s kinda mean to say that "my type of people” don’t belong on this site. This site is for everyone.“ Learn to read dumbass, don’t put words in people’s mouths to make yourself look good. I said "we know what kind of person you are” and that you weren’t welcome. And if you really can’t figure that out, let me spell it out for you: Homophobe, transphobe, creep, asshole, moron… Need I go on?
“Also people want me to be quiet?” YES, PLEASE.
“second stop posting harassment in those feeds.” I really want to know what you’re calling ‘harassment’ here, lmfao. If you’re talking about the drama blog, you should know people only get talked about here because they do dumb shit and deserve it.
“just block me. Save us time and effort if you just do that for me please. Honesty…” Blocking don’t do shit on PH, I still see your annoying ass everywhere on the site.
And now to await his inevitable response on PokeHeroes. Bet you guys that he’ll take my words and twist them around wrong again.
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anonononmouse · 9 months
Thank you for explaining, I genuinely appreciate you and I hope you’re having a good day or night :)
"I wasn’t trying to insult libbys art ; Libby40’s drawings of anime Freddy make me cringe so bad ; the irony" It's one thing to call art bad, it's another thing entirely to cringe at something. People cringe when someone gets hurt in a brutal way, or when they see something embarrassing, or something that just makes them uncomfortable in an indescribable way. Which is was Anon was saying, the art makes them uncomfortable.
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anonononmouse · 10 months
That is the most extremely ignorant thing to say about the artists on pokeheroes, There’s Akemie, CrayonShark, Tesoro, ~Cookie~, Furret, RC_CLOWN, and many others!!
"kinda wanna buy art on ph, who would you recommend?" you dont, everyone sucks at art on ph lmfao they all draw like a two year old with ms paint.
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