anonos-blog · 4 years
Can somebody please tell me where I can find the anime starting from the left and going across (the 4th one) I need to know the anime and the episodes/seasons I looked on otoyima's page but I still couldn't find it so can someone please help me.
For more detail it is the guy with the hoodie, with some guy with a mask spinning the guy with the hoodies hands above his head looking for money or something please.😥
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Anime tickling is the most adorable shit you’ll see. c: tehehe~
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anonos-blog · 4 years
Ok here me out.
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Dont u think they should add these 2 quirks in mha.
(Also don't be harassing the producer or whatever abt this happening bc most ppl is harassing him abt the canon ships kiribaku or Bakudeku)
Quirk 1
Pain eyes (I am really bad at coming up with names)
Y/N has the power to make anybody's eyes hurt by just looking at them straight in the eye.
You physically have to look at someone's in order to make them hurt
The only consequence is if u use it over 5 minutes ur eyes will start hurting painfully and ur eyes will start tearing up.
The only way to make ur opponent stop hurting is if u rub ur eyes or have full contact with ur eyes.
It is also good with offense and defense. (That is if ur teammate has any eyes, Shikargi)
Ik Toga already has the copycat quirk but this one is way different
You have the ability to turn ur voice into ur opponent's
Like u can be around the corner of a building and u see Stain just attacking a dude Deku, Lida, and Todorki, u can turn ur voice to Shikaraki and tell him to retreat (that is an actual episode btw)
But the consequence is u will eventually lose ur voice during the day and u will only lose it for a whole day
But in order to sound like somebody else u have to physically hear that person's voice ur trying to mimick
It is really good with offense, but not so good with defense😅
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anonos-blog · 4 years
Ok so this is my first ever tickle fic so I hope u like it. (P.s. I am not the kinda of person to write but I think this will be fun so dont judge me) and comment what u want to c next ig.
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U Gotta Relax Killua
Summary: Killua is at Gon's house while Killua is figuring out on how to defeat his brother. Gon notices and found out how to calm down, but what Gon dosent know is Killua rlly hates this kinda activity.
"Killua...Killua...KILLUA!!!" Gon shouted. Killua shot up. "Oh sry abt that Gon I'm just figuring out the best way to kill my brother, so what did u ask me." "I asked u if u wanted to play a game." Gon said. "Not right now Gon sry." Killua said. Gon looked frustrated. Until he came up with this brilliant game to play, but instead a game where everyone can play it is just a game targeted to Killua.
"Hey Killua I thought up this rlly cool game we should play." Gon said. "Gon can't u c I'-." Killua was interrupted by Gon's light poking on his side. "AHHH. GON!!!!" Killua shouted. "Ooooo~ what is this r u..." Gon teased. "No." Killua shot up acting nervous.
"R u... ticklish Killua?~" Gon teased again. As Gon gave another little poke to Killua's side, Killua shot up and fell on the ground off of Gon's bed. Gon got up and eased his way over to Killua. Killua backed up slowly, but he wasnt fast enough to beat Gon out of the room. Gon swooped him up (bc he is tottally defenseless when getting tickled) and placed him on the bed.
In the situation Killua is in rn, Gon has the upper advantage. Gon pinned Killua's hands above Killua's head and wiggled his fingers (not even touching Killua yet) teasingly towards Killua. Killua started laughing hysterically and started squirming. "Dude I haven't even touch u yet." Gon said. Gon started to tickle Killuas armpits rapidly. "AHHHHHH GON STAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Killua laughed loudly. "Wow u rlly r ticklish Killua." Gon said.
"OK N-NOW THAHAHAHAHAHT- AHHHHHHHH." Killua screamed as soon as Gon tickled his inner thighs. "NO GOOOOOOOON! NOT THERE PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THAT!" "Woow Killua u laughing like that and saying that makes it a good place to go. As Killua tried to suppress his legs together where Gon couldn't tickle him at, Gon randomly pulled out rope in his back pocket. "HOW THE HELL DID U FIT THAT WHOLE ROPE IN UR POCKET?!?!!?" Killua question. "Don't worry abt it. Anyways I am gonna tie ur hands up so u wont be getting in my way when I tickle ur feet." Gon said.
Killua's eyes shot up in shock. "G-Gon your n-not rlly c-considering this r-r u?" Killua said nervously and almost sounded like he was gonna cry. Before Killua could say anything else he felt his arms getting pulled up. Killua tried his hardest to keep his arms down, but Gon tickled his ribs to make Killua loose grip. And before u know it Gon had already tied his hands in a V-shape. He didnt need another rope bc Killua isnt rlly that strong while being tickled.
Gon crawled over to Killuas feet. And he slowly pulled off Killua's shoes and socks to tease Killua. "GON PLEASE!" Killua said almost crying, but he didnt wanna sound weak even tho he is screaming like a little girl. Gon lightly scratched his feet making Killua jump so high he nearly knocked Gon off of the bed. "Wow Killua I didnt know u were this sensitive." Gon said. "GON PLEAHAHAHAHHAHASE I BEAHAHAHAHAHAG U!!!!!!!" Killua said while crying. "COME OHAHAHAHAHAN WE CAHAHAHHAHAN PLAY WHAHAHAHHAAHTEVER U LIAHAHAHAKE JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!!!!!" Killua shouted. Gon was surprised that his Aunt didnt check up on them of how loudly Killua's scream is.
"No can do brother this is so amusing to me." Gon said. He heard Killua wheezing for air so he decided to stop for a little bit. "Ohhh~ I'm gonna hit u so hard that I will make u fly into the next centu- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Killua was stopped bc Gon continued to tickle his feet. "Ok Killua I am gonna give u a deal. Play whatever I like for as long as ur here that will be 6 months and I will never tickle u again." Gon said. "OKAHAHAHAHAHAY DEAL!!!!!" Killua yelled still laughing and crying. Gon stopped tickling Killua and untied him.
"That wasn't so bad now was it." Gon said. "No ur right... IT WAS HORRIBLE." Killua madly said. "So I just think it's ur turn now." Killua said. "I'm not ticklish Killua." As Gon proudly said. "Really..." Killua said, "lets test it out." He poked at Gon's side... no reaction. He tickled under Gon's arms... no reaction. He tickled everywhere Gon tickled him... no reaction. "C I'm not ticklish." Gon says. Killua's cheeks r red bc he is embarrassed that an assassin is ticklish than the cute one.
Well I got nothing else too say and I'm sry that it is short. Like I currently said I dont really write so I have no experience. Anyways like if u want more of these tickle fics. (I wont garuntee that it will be good). I looked back at it now and I realized there r alot of said.
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anonos-blog · 4 years
Can u place some clips (sry if it sounds wierd) it's just that most of us (me) cant find any of this
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Anime tickling is the most adorable shit you’ll see - part 6
Ohoho it’s weekend, and I felt like making another one of these. Just because I cannn~ ♡
[part 1, part 2, part 3], part 4, part 5]
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