anonymous-astrology · 3 years
the same lesson to learn, the same lesson to teach each other
Aries & Libra: Self love/Self worth Both Aries and Libra are about the self, though both are coming from opposite ends. Aries might find themselves alone at times, wondering if their personality is the reason they stand alone constantly, if they self refelct too little, if the self righteous way is the healthy way and most importantly: if the attitude they put on is really how they feel inside? Libra might feel the same a lot as well, but they rather have troubles seeking approval somewhere else or not noticing their boundaries getting too blurry, their self getting lost in others or conceptions and ideas/ideals. At the end of the day both look in the mirror and ask themselves: am I really happy with who I am, is this smile honest and sincere? 
Taurus & Scorpio: Security/ Stability  Nothing seems more appealing than a sense of security and stability for this pair. Scorpio needs the inner stability, the trust, the loyality, the depth. Taurus needs the home, the money, the job, the comfort of not having to worry about tomorrow. Both can be led by the opposite though: greed and control. Scorpio wants to possess the inner being, the people, the emotions; Taurus wants to have all the goods, all the luxury and special something’s, etc. Greed and control can led both of them in wrong area, where they will never be satisfied and search for more and more because they always feel like there is something missing: something that won’t let them sleep comfortably at night.
Gemini & Sagittarius: Satisfaction One thing that is the motivation of many of Sagittarius and Geminis actions is their inner drive for being satisfied. Nothing is enough, they are constantly bored, finda new hobby, new job, new friends, new lover, etc. There is nothing more difficult for them then being satisfied. Now, curiosity and their thirst for knowledge and life are not entirely bad, it’s a beautiful characteristic to have, but a red line that guides them through life needs to be created by them in order to not get lost. Feeling lost is another big part in their life that gives them the feeling to never truly be satisfied, that there is always something or someone better, that this life will never be enough to be happy. 
Cancer & Capricorn: Warmth This might seem confusing at first, since Cancer is the sign known for desiring to create a warm and comfortable home life and Capricorn being known to be cold and work oriented. But actually both these types struggle with pursuig warmth, their perception of a healthy lifestyle and home and creating warmth in their life. With Capricorn it either plays no role, being an unnecessary part in their life or they are scared to create it: failure is their biggest enemy. Failure plays a big role in Cancers life as well. There inner fear of being alone, failing in their home life and disappointing their loved ones can create a sufficating environment around them: in moments of weakness they can sting, cling or turn completely cold and shut everyone out. 
Leo & Aquarius: Purpose Both their life ultimately goes back to them: their being, their heart, their ego. They constantly ask themselves what they are here for, what they are good for? Now, the answer can easily be found in the mere description of the signs, but even when knowing that, they can struggle with finding and seeing the clear path in front of them, they will feel not good enough or not appreciated. So Leo covers their fear and inner struggle with being conceited and loud or the opposite: completely shy and unsure. Aquarius won’t share their inner wisdom and ideas, they will give credit to anyone else, avoid people at all costs and will act as normal as possible because they are afraid to break out of their shell.
Virgo & Pisces: Regeneration and self-esteem One thing these signs have in common is giving. Giving and sharing, for Virgo it’s usually acts of service, for Pisces emotional support and comfort. But what if you have the feeling no one offers a helping hand in return or: your acts are done for good, no one appreciates your good nature? Bitterness and exhaustion can get a tight grip of these two and both struggle with finding healthy ways to regenerate and restore their power, to be strong and content, to stand up against unfairness and search for a mentality and lifestyle that won’t give them mental (and physical) exhaustion. Taking care is important. 
Take care of you and stay safe xx
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
pay attention; the moon signs
aries moon: pay attention not pushing everyone away by harsh words and quick decisions 
taurus moon: pay attention not being closed off to change and staying at the same place while others could leave you behind
gemini moon: pay attention not confusing opinions or feelings and when not having you feelings sorted out 
cancer moon: pay attention not to get swept away in frear, moodswings and melancholy or else you will have a hard time making solid steps in real life again
leo moon: pay attention not overdramatize situations, because you’ll be too much in a feeling or fantasie without considering the actual situation 
virgo moon: pay attention to softness and don’t hide away behind a mask that is a product of overthinking and fear for things that didin’t happen yet 
libra moon: pay attention not to make your emotions, opinions and ideals dependent on only those who you spend most time with/are closest to you
scorpio moon: pay attention not isolating your inner being too much and distrusting others or you will turn lonely and act out of hate, spite and bitterness 
sagittarius moon: pay attention not being too fixed on finding your perfect ‘ideology’ or sticking to it all the time 
capricorn moon: pay attention to letting yourself feel something and talk about it or else your supressed emotions will shine through in your actions and life decisions
aquarius moon: pay attention to see yourself as one of the rest from time to time  or you will have a hard time understanding others and talking things out healthy 
pisces moon: pay attention to set boundaries for yourself and your feelings and allow yourself to look at a situation factual or else the line between you and the world will get invisible 
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
People are viewed through the prism of the 7th house ruling planet. 7th house represents things we aren’t able to see in ourselves. That’s why it’s the house of relationships. The ruling planet of the 7th house is invisible for us and we need relationships with other people to actually see it. The better relationship with the ruler of the 7th house, the better relationships with other people (and vice versa) because we stop projecting our problems and issues, that the planet represents, onto others.
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
Solar Return Ascendants
If your solar return ascendant lands in a fire sign, it will be a busy year. In a water sign, an emotional year. An air sign, a year of much mental work and communication, and in an earth sign, a year of tangible productivity. A cardinal sign will signal the start of something new, a mutable sign signals a focus on social and family relationships, and a fixed sign foretells a stable year with little change.
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
i like astrology but i don’t like the archaic & reductive ideas that astrologers seem to have about gender  
masculine and feminine in the signs are used as proxy for active/passive when really there is no reason to use gender here. you can just say that fire and air signs are active and export energy from the inside out, you can just say water and earth signs are more passive and receptive to energies that surround them. because we’re not really talking about gender, we’re just talking about qualities of the signs and it’s pointless to keep that convention alive of saying “masculine” in place of “active” and “feminine” in place of “passive”. like all this does is reify a harmful paradigm about the way that women and men interact and relate to each other  
like u don’t have to keep doing something just because it’s old and it’s been that way like there are other ways to talk about dualities than using gender as an allegory wtf 
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
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A sweet star from the land of the innovative 🌟
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anonymous-astrology · 3 years
black Astrologers
Wayman Stewart (owner of astrologyarena.)
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Astrologer CancVirgo
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Monique Ascending
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Astrologer Gemini Brown
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DoeLow Da Pilot Astrologer/philosopher
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Aya of the dawn astrologer/YouTuber
my personal fave on here @leoasf
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
1st / 7th - me / others
2nd / 8th - touch / soul
3rd / 9th - learning / teaching
4th / 10th - home / society
5th / 11th - individuals / humanity
6th / 12th - physical / metaphysical
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
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Jupiter’s south pole, taken by Cassini
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
the weak point, where we will heal
Chiron in Aries: I feel: defeated, I have no voice, I can not speak. I feel like having to battle everyone around me to prove me. I am not enough, authority challenges me. Am I aggressive for no reason? Am I a mindless hot head and weak in the wrong moments? Where is my idendity, who am I really? I need to prove it to everyone, especially myself. I will heal: Innerly. I am strong and I can speak without backing down, I will be brave for myself and fight for what’s right. I finally know my character. 
Chiron in Taurus: I feel: worthless, I have no worth and I don’t feel secure. I crave stability, will I find it in goods? Will I find it maybe if I don’t move and stay the same forever? I need ressurance, I am scared and can’t make any steps further. I will heal: by looking past the face, I will dare to look constructevly at my life, I will work for stability, I can feel secure in myself because I can provide for myself, so there is nothing to fear anymore. I am beautiful and good.
Chiron in Gemini: I feel: stupid and overbeared by all the impressions and informations I get. I am scaref to talk. My believes and views are challenged. I can’t make any sense of it, I am scared to speak my mind and unsure about everything. I have difficulties interacting with my fellow human beings, my mind can’t stand still, I am unable to focus. I will heal: and finally sort out my feelings and ideas. I will find confidence and ways to clean up my thoughts and will see the benefits in talking with my fellows and appreciate their opnion. Changing my mind is part of the progress in life, I feel joyous and happy when intellectually challenged or stimulated.
Chiron in Cancer: I feel: abandoned and unloved. Where is my family, where is my mother? I want a family that functions as a saving harbour but I feel left out and mistreatend. Home is hell and I am part of it. The family generational curse is out to get me. I am afraid I can not form a healthy family myself later on. What is a ‘normal’ family anyway? I will heal: with my heart. Normal is subjective and I am not part of the grudge that seems to hold my family in a tight grip. I can choose my family myself, I am loved even when I doubt it and I need to remind myself. I will transform my pain into a healing hand that touches damaged souls. 
Chiron in Leo: I feel: like a disgrace to myself and everyone else. I feel embaressed and I need to hide myself. I am too much, my love, my joy, my presence. I am shy and don’t want anyone to look at me: what if they hate me? Someone spoke too harshly with me and now I am scarred. I will heal: With my inner child by side. I am aloud to enjoy life and life out my passions. I am born to be looked at; everyone is unique in their own ways and I am too. The right people will appreciate me and I need to appreciate myself as well. I see my worth, I am glad I was born because I see the pupose of my life benefitting different situations and people.
Chiron in Virgo: I feel: exhausted. I am born to work and serve, but my body is aching. I see the negative in everything first, I am nitpicking myself and everyone else. I am not allowed to rest and enjoy. There is a mess around me, there is a mess inside me: my life is a mess, I need to clean up my whole existence. I will heal: by opening up to love and warmth. I need to feel the love vibrating in  the world I am on. I need to get in touch with my soul, my aims and pupose. I need to know the pin points of my life, everything else will solve itself later on.
Chiron in Libra: I feel: that I need to be always with someone, or do I feel alone? I give myself in into shallowness and have diffeculties forming meaningful relationships with my surroundings. I want to experience love I need to interact with someone because they need to fill the void inside of me. I see mirrors reflecting everything I give away from myself. I am not myself, I will change myself completely. I will heal: by realising that there is a connection between me and other people. I click with them and by helping them they help me. I am not shallow, the peoples are mirrors reflectig what I need, if they are wrong for me, what vibe and sensation do I give off? I can find solitude in myself as well, no one else is needed to give me the feeling of meaningfullness, relationships are an symbiosis. 
Chiron in Scorpio: I feel: cursed by the world, powerless. Since I was born someone or something is out to get me. Leave me alone. My inner being is wrong and feels like it can’t fit in, there is a deep, deep trauma that happened once that is haunting me now. I doom myself for being born, I fear losing eberyone, no one is allowed to come near me - I feel evil and wish evil. I will heal: with my whole heart and soul. Nothing is out to get me, I am not cursed, I did nothing wrong, nor in my past, this is a way of shaping who I am there is a reason behind all of this but I am not being punished. I am alright with who I am and I am not scary, nor evil, or a monster that was formed by being hurt and alone. 
Chiron in Sagittarius: I feel: lost in life and I fear having it lived meaningless. I feel pressured into finding a meaning and I want to achieve my dreams but it seems everything is getting out of hand. There are no roots holding me, I was tricked into false believes; my believes were belittled and killed. My soul feels restless and I need air to breath. I will heal: by accepting the cycle of life and realising I have the choice to create my life as I want. There is freedom and I can compromise between the rules. I will realise that there is a pupose in finding the purpose: the way is part of the destination. I have time and I don’t need to fear the future. 
Chiron in Capricorn: I feel: powerless and stoic. Nobody sees my value and my meaning, I can’t really find my place in society. I feel underappreciated and I always have to work extra hard to hear a true ‘well done’. Do I need to keep up an image? A mask I put on as soon as I leave the house? The future isn’t bright; the future is dark and meaningless. I will heal: by being my own authority and giving me the respect and recognition I deserve. I know my true self and I will align my destiny with it. I know I’ve done well and when times comes they’ll see. The future is bright because it is directed by me.
Chiron in Aquarius: I feel: Alienated and too odd. Evryone wants to be unique but I feel too eccentric to be part of society. I am left alone with my thoughts and visions, I will act as normal as possible to have friends and a loving community. I want to get close to people but i fear them nontheless. I will heal: by admiring my inner core and coming i touch with others. We will earn from each other and appreciate and love our differences; the inspire and fullfill us eventually. I will find community, I will create a place of belonging for everyone, my unique way of seeing things will benefit my community. It will please the void inside me.
Chiron in Pisces: I feel: thrown out in the dark, helpless and overwhelmed. The world is cruel and love is a waste, I feel unbothered, untouched by it. There is nouniverse to guide me, I feel made fun of by it, so I will be equally as cynical and cruel to the world. I am the victim and need to be saved, someone please show me purpose and light. I will heal: by loving unconditionally through and through. Only by opening up and giving yourself the chance to be one again with the world you will feel love and light. The endless, devilish cycle of darkness will end, you will shine brighter than ever before. 
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
moon sign theories
aries moon/moon in the 1st: you’re not as bulletproof as you pretend to be
taurus moon/moon in the 2nd: you spend more time with your material comforts than your own emotions
gemini moon/moon in the 3rd: your stress eats you alive that’s why you can’t sleep at night
cancer moon/moon in the 4th: you bottle up so much hurt inside and then you explode and lash out
leo moon/moon in the 5th: you groom your ego even better than you groom yourself
virgo moon/moon in the 6th: you kill yourself to keep your thoughts organized but anxiety messes it all up
libra moon/moon in the 7th: if you keep denying that you feel anything one day you just won’t anymore
scorpio moon/moon in the 8th: you’re going to wish you had opened up and been vulnerable
sagittarius moon/moon in the 9th: you never stop thinking about everything you’re missing out on
capricorn moon/moon in the 10th: sometimes you really just need to let it go and let it be
aquarius moon/moon in the 11th: you keep your heart frozen and so you fear the heat of connection
pisces moon/moon in the 12th: you do everything to escape reality except face it
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
Gemini.  One person two minds.
Libra.  Two people one mind.
Aquarius:  All Minds one person.
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
Birth Charts of Social Media Sites and Apps
Note: I used 12:00 PM for all of the charts created. Snapchat, Pinterest, Vine, and Soundcloud are not included since there isn’t information on the location of establishment or exact date of establishment.
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Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising
10th House stellium
4th/10th Interception in Virgo and Pisces
Intercepted Sun, Moon, Mercury (also in retrograde,) Venus, and Uranus
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Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising
Mars (intercepted) and Lilith in the 12th House
Interception in Taurus and Scorpio in the 6th and 12th House
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Libra Sun, Virgo Moon, Sagittarius Ascendant
10th House stellium
Venus-Mars conjunction in the 11th House
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Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Cancer Ascendant
Mercury in Pisces in retrograde
Aries and Libra interception in the 4th and 10th House
Intercepted Sun
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Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising
Mars in Pisces in retrograde
10th House stellium + Leo stellium
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Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Ascendant
10th House stellium
Moon in the 12th
Aries/Libra interception in the 5th and 11th House
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Cancer Sun, Capricorn Moon, Virgo Rising
10th House stellium + Cancer stellium
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Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Saturn in the 8th House
Notable Mars-Uranus conjunction in the 3rd House
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Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Libra Rising
3rd House stellium in Pisces
10th House stellium in Libra
Leo and Aquarius interception in the 2nd and 8th House
Venus in Scorpio in retrograde
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Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Mars in the 12th House (lol)
Saturn in the 11th House (lol)
Cancer and Capricorn interception in the 2nd and 8th House
Intercepted Pluto in Capricorn
Yik Yak
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Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising
12th House stellium
Mercury in Scorpio in retrograde
Virgo and Pisces interception in the 2nd and 8th House
Intercepted Mars
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
1st / 7th - me / others
2nd / 8th - touch / soul
3rd / 9th - learning / teaching
4th / 10th - home / society
5th / 11th - individuals / humanity
6th / 12th - physical / metaphysical
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
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“Life is fleeting. The human being struggles to take control of it, soon learning that one important life skill is learning how to gracefully let go.”
Where Saturn is located in the natal chart shows where one struggles to let go. Saturn aims to structure and build to make structures worth lasting despite the inevitable unpredictability and chaos of life. However, these structures are often swept away due to such circumstances, with nothing remaining. Saturn shows where we struggle to let go.
Saturn in the Houses
Saturn in the 1st House: You struggle to let go of your constructed identity. You worked hard to create a consistent identity, only to find that you are a human being with changing, fluid identities.
Saturn in the 2nd House: You struggle to let go of your constructed sense of stability. You worked hard to create consistent stability within yourself, only to find that instability is inevitable.
Saturn in the 3rd House: You struggle to let go of your words and thoughts. You worked hard to know everything and to be intelligent, but you will always learn something new and be ignorant in some areas.
Saturn in the 4th House: You struggle to let go of your origin. You worked hard to keep your past and family, only to realize that you will have to uproot yourself many times until you finally feel comfortable in your own skin.
Saturn in the 5th House: You struggle to let go of your happiness. You worked hard to be happy and inspired, only to realize that sadness and holdbacks are inevitable in life.
Saturn in the 6th House: You struggle to let go of your habits. You worked hard to get through the daily motions of life, only to realize that even through routine, the daily motions of life are unpredictable.
Saturn in the 7th House: You struggle to let go of your relationships. You worked hard to relate and connect to others, only to realize that some relationships are not meant to last.
Saturn in the 8th House: You struggle to let go of your secrets. You worked hard to control yourself and your intimate relationships, only to realize that some secrets about yourself cannot be kept forever.
Saturn in the 9th House: You struggle to let go of your worldview. You worked hard to maintain your image of the world, only to realize that the world is constantly changing and challenging your beliefs.
Saturn in the 10th House: You struggle to let go of your role in the world. You worked hard to find where and how you can contribute to the world, only to realize that such contributions are not always straightforward and clear.
Saturn in the 11th House: You struggle to let go of your friends and sense of community. You worked hard to belong somewhere, only to realize that the feeling of alienation is inevitable due to your uniqueness.
Saturn in the 12th House: You struggle to let go of your conscious attempts to understand the subconscious. You worked hard to control yourself from the inside out, only to realize that there are parts of you that you will still struggle to consciously understand.
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anonymous-astrology · 4 years
Zodiac Signs in the 5th House
Aries in the 5th House: I assert myself and independence in how I have fun.
Taurus in the 5th House: I ground myself and create my stability in how I have fun.
Gemini in the 5th House: I like to communicate and laugh in how I have fun. 
Cancer in the 5th House: I create comfort and safety in how I have fun. 
Leo in the 5th House: I preform and shine in how I have fun. 
Virgo in the 5th House: I organize and analyze in how I have fun.
Libra in the 5th House: I create harmony and balance in how I have fun. 
Scorpio in the 5th House: I explore my darkness and depth in how I have fun. 
Sagittarius in the 5th House: I find joy and expand my soul in how I have fun. 
Capricorn in the 5th House: I learn lessons and work hard in how I have fun. 
Aquarius in the 5th House: I explore new ideas and am unique in how I have fun. 
Pisces in the 5th House: I have creativity and delusion in how I have fun.
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anonymous-astrology · 5 years
The Sun in Astrology: What it is and what it isn’t
The internet has given rise to the self-taught astrologer. Millions of posts on the subject are floating around, which means that teaching yourself astrology should be pretty easy, right? While there is an abundance of great info about astrology online, there is also an abundance of less than great info about astrology as well and it can be hard to filter out what is good info. This post includes some myths about what the Sun is and what it actually represents as well as a chart towards the bottom on how each sign is most likely to experience the Sun’s energy. 
The most frequently misconstrued body in astrology is the Sun and I’ve noticed that people frequently attribute actions to the Sun that are actually the functions of other parts of the astrological chart. Astrology can be confusing and mistakes like this are easy to make, but fortunately they’re also relatively easy to correct with the right information. Here are some Myths about the Sun that contribute to people not identifying with their Sun sign. 
Myth: The Sun is how I express myself sexually.
Reality: What we are turned on by has much more to do with Mars. Generally speaking, Mars is the driving force that gets us up in the morning and the sign Mars is in provides details into what that is. Venus, on the other hand, is what we are attracted to, what we desire to have and how we desire to have it. Both can be active in men and women despite popularization of men’s sexuality being mars and women’s sexuality being Venus. 
Myth: The Sun is what I should do for a career.
Reality: While the Sun can contribute to a certain career path, it can also have nothing to do with it. It all depends on how the Sun interacts with the 10th house, where our “career” potential is located. The Sun can be in any of the 12 houses.
Myth: The Sun is how I act in relationships.
Reality: Again, the Sun can influence this, but only if it interacts with the 7th house. The 7th house has to do with how we approach relationships and what we want in a partner (vs the 1st house which is how we want to be). This is also associated with the planetoid Juno, but that’s a post in itself.
Myth: The Sun is what I’m interested in.
Reality: Kinda sorta maybe? Venus is much more tied to what we desire to have than the Sun is and Mars is what makes us move towards something.  
Myth: The Sun is who I am.
Reality: This one is a little closer, but our identity is linked more closely to the 1st house than the Sun is. This is why somebody who is a certain Sun sign may not identify themselves very differently. 
Ok, so I’m sure you’re wondering, “Well, Peter, what IS the Sun, then? All you’ve told us is what it’s not.” The Sun alone is a pretty simple concept: It’s what we live for. It represents our personal ideology, and the house it’s in tells us where we shine the most. The Sun is associated with the happiness of existing and being alive, not things we desire. Unlike other astrological bodies, the Sun (and the moon) are what I call passive actions. We do them, but they’re not something we typically do consciously, vs the other inner planets which are things that we “do”. We actively chase with Mars, communicate with Mercury, and desire with Venus, but the Sun is just what we ARE. In case you’re still not quite with me, here’s a list of how you likely feel your Sun’s warm, glowing energy, but please note that astrology, and people for that matter, are very complex and other factors in your chart may change how this energy is felt and I’ve tried to keep these descriptions very basic because the specifics get changed depending on what house the Sun is in.
Aries: The Sun in Aries feels its solar energy when it is focused. For Aries, moving forward without any regard for anything except moving forward is the key to the Sun.
Taurus: The Sun in Taurus feels its solar energy when it is physically comfortable. For Taurus, having a body that feels good is the key to the Sun.
Gemini: The Sun in Gemini feels its solar energy when it is surrounded by information. For Gemini, knowledge and sharing that knowledge is the key to the Sun.
Cancer: The Sun in Cancer feels its solar energy when it feels like things are familiar and it belongs. For Cancer, bonds and a tribe are the key to the Sun.
Leo: The Sun in Leo feels its solar energy when it is able to express itself. For Leo, being true to itself is the key to the Sun.
Virgo: The Sun in Virgo feels its solar energy when things are exactly where they should be. For Virgo, having a place for everything and it being in that place is the key to the Sun.
Libra: The Sun in Libra feels its solar energy when things are balanced. For Libra, the scales not tipping too far in either direction is the key to the Sun.
Scorpio: The Sun in Scorpio feels its solar energy when things that have gotten too big and stale have been destroyed. For Scorpio, renewal is the key to the Sun.
Sagittarius: The Sun in Sagittarius feels its solar energy when things make sense. For Sagittarius, the dots being connected (which often results in laughter) is the key to the Sun.
Capricorn: The Sun in Capricorn feels its solar energy when it is done waiting. For Capricorn, patience and the results of patience are the key to the Sun.
Aquarius: The Sun in Aquarius feels its solar energy when everything (and or everyone) has an equal place. For Aquarius, connectedness is the key to the Sun.
Pisces: The Sun in Pisces feels its solar energy when it feels infinity and empathy. For Pisces, miracles, tragedies and all the experiences in between are the key to the Sun.
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