another-fallout-blog · 4 months
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Companions + any others
Falls for a deez nuts joke
Thats it.
I literally felt like I was transported back in time to the sixth grade while writing this one lmao. Enjoy ✌️🥴
FO4 Companions React: Deez Nuts
Sole: Hey Preston?
Preston: Yeah?
Sole: Do you like pudding?
Preston: I do! Why?
Sole: Cuz you’re gonna love pudding deez nuts in your mouth!
Preston: General! We have more important things to do right now!
Sole: You’ll never guess who I saw hanging out together!
Piper: Ooo! You know I love this kinda tea! Who??
Sole: Deez nuts!
Piper: [annoyed] Blue!
Sole: What kinda music do you like?
Danse: Uh…? Country?
Sole: Do you like Imagine Dragons?
Danse: Yeah they’re alright. Why?
Sole: Imagine Dragon deez nuts over your face.
Danse: [flustered] Wh—goddammit why are you so immature!?
Sole: Hey man? You leaving?
MacCready: No, wh-?
Sole: Leavin deez nuts in your mouth!?
MacCready: Nah, that’s Phillip.
Sole: Phillip who?
MacCready: Phillip you with deez nuts!
Sole: Hey Codsworth? Do you like CDs or tapes?
Codsworth: So help me if you say—
Codsworth: I am leaving.
Sole: Are you hungry?
Strong: Strong always hungry.
Sole: You can have some of deez nuts!
Strong: Little nuts no big enough for Strong.
Sole: Bad news! I have SDN!
Curie: Are you alright? I’ve never ‘eard of zuch a zing! What ees eet?
Sole: Suck Deez Nuts!
Curie: What an interesting name vor an illness.
Sole: Do you wanna get a pizza?
X6-88: I do not know what this pizza—
Sole: Pizza deez nuts!!
X6-88: Are you done?
Sole: You need to shut up before you end up like Ken.
Hancock: Who’s Ken?
Sole: Ken deez nuts fit in your mouth!?
Hancock: [laughing] I dunno, wanna try?
Sole: You hear about what happened in Norway?
Longfellow: Kid, I don’t even know what’s going on in—
Longfellow: Damn, walked right into that one.
Sole: I think your next disguise should be a goblin.
Deacon: A goblin!? Why?
Sole: Goblin deez nuts!
Deacon: I was thinkin Sokka.
Sole: From Airbender?
Deacon: From Sokka on deez nuts!
Sole: [sniffing] Do…do you smell that?
Nick: Smell what?
Sole: Smell deez nuts!
Nick: [irritated] Wow. Cute.
Sole: Hey, do you like Wendys?
Cait: Yeh. What kinda stupid question is that?
Sole: Because you’re gonna love it when deez nuts hit you in the face!
Cait: [nodding in agreement] Yer damn right I will.
Sole: Have you ever been to Chewon?
Gage: No. The fuck’s Chewon?
Gage: [pointing at Sole] OOOOOH!
Sole: [pointing at Gage] OHHHHH!
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Holy hello, Sketchy Fans. It's time for Sketchy Saturday. More than that, it's the last Saturday of the month, which means it's time for...
! ~ ~ SHIPPY SATURDAY ~ ~ ! [ FAQ :: Sketchy Record ]
:: Art Team ::
Loor [ @solesurvivorpaigeargot ] They / Them :: Ko-Fi
Ani [ @comrade-shrimp ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Twitter :: Insta
Kal [ @fanthings ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Ko-fi
Blitz [ @kaybrandchaos ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Patreon :: Ko-fi
Bex [ @bexatomarama ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Ko-Fi :: Bex Doodles :: Linktree
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Nyx [ @trashkingnyx ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Ko-fi :: Shop
Halk [ @tarberrymentats ] They / Them :: Commissions :: Ko-Fi :: Shop :: Twitter
Noct [ @hope-of-the-wasteland ] She / Her
HOO BOI talk about a full house! And for this team of fantastic people, we have a prompt full of leaf-crunching nostalgia :D Grab a snuggly sweater, and join me past the read-more cut <3
This week's prompt is a list inspired by Loor's Autumn memories, with some help from the rest of the team, too!
To send a VALID Sketchy Saturday Request, please send the following information as an ASK to our ASKBOX [ @artistsoftheapocalypse ]
The TWO [ 2 ] CHARACTERS you'd like sketched together ---- ALL FALLOUT CHARACTERS WELCOME! ---- OC's, too! ---- ONE COUPLE PER ASK! Do not stuff multiple 'ideas' in the same ask-- Loor suffers from choice paralysis, and may lose several hours of work time trying to decide what they want to do.
The RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC between your chosen characters ---- Romantic? Platonic? Like Family? Actually Family? ---- ALL ROMANTIC COUPLES WELCOME, SO LONG AS EVERYONE INVOLVED IS A CONSENTING ADULT ---- Is anyone in this couple aro, ace, or touch adverse? Let us know so our artists don't sketch them giving or receiving OOC physical affection <3 ---- Do you HC a Canon character as not liking physical affection? Please tell us! Shippy Saturday is about all relationships, not just the mega cuddly ones.
A MEMORY from the list below ---- Spoiled for choice? List your top three, and the artist serving your request will choose between them. ---- Still uncertain? Send us ' Dealer's Choice! ' and the artist will pick for you!
IF YOU SEND IN AN OC!!! ---- Send in your request ask FIRST ---- THEN send your character's reference information to @solesurvivorpaigeargot ---- Ask or Tumblr IM are both good, but Tumblr IM is preferred. [ Loor uses the chat heads as a check list ] ---- We'll get it added to the group dropbox so everyone can see it!
Hokay? HOKAY! With that, on to... ZE LIST!!
1 -- Long walks with warm drinks 2 -- Kicking up dry leaves 3 -- Serene silence at sunrise 4 -- Crisp morning air 5 -- Harvesting pumpkins 6 -- DEAR GOD THE CANNING 7 -- Bonfires 8 -- Corn catapult 9 -- Cranberry tea 10 -- Morning mist 11 -- Wooly scarves 12 -- Shared blankets 13 -- Passing on well-loved clothes 14 -- The smell of fresh bread 15 -- The abandoned swing set 16 -- The glitter of the first frost 17 -- Gently glowing candles 18 -- Old wood drug out of the undergrowth 19 -- Card games and yellow lantern light 20 -- Baskets of apples 21 -- Birdhouse gourds 22 -- DIY decorations 23 -- Campfire cooking 24 -- Climbing the barn 25 -- Warm hands holding icy fingers 26 -- Hat theft 27 -- Walking sticks 28 -- Gray, rainy skies 29 -- Oversized ceramic mugs 30 -- Big, snuggly sweaters 31 -- Fixing what’s broken 32 -- Split logs 33 -- Cloudy breath 34 -- THE VINE PILE 35 -- Burning what’s dead 36 -- Flashlights through the trees 37 -- Costumes and face paint 38 -- Traditional recipes  39 -- Hot cocoa after coming in from the cold 40 -- Protective coverings 41 -- Crunching Leaves as you Walk 42 -- Collaborative Cooking 43 -- Kitchen Mishaps 44 -- Pumpkin Carving
TO RECAP! Your request ask should contain the following:
A pair of Fallout Characters
Their relationship dynamic in a nutshell
A memory from the list above [ May list up to 3 favorites or Request Dealer's Choice ]
That's it!
As always, please be kind and respectful with asks sent to the blog, as they will be seen by our entire team. Remember to say please and thank you to our volunteer artists and mods, reblog the finished works, and leave a few kind words on them if you have any to share.
Requests CLOSE on November 26th, 2021, at 6:00 PM US PACIFIC TIME.
This is our LAST SKETCHY SATURDAY OF THE YEAR! Please help us make it a big bash by reblogging this post and helping us reach more of the Fallout Community!
Thank you so much, and see you tomorrow morning when the arting begins! :D
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[ Autosaving… ] [ You feel your Lover’s Embrace ]
I wanted to make a series of this but I lost steam. Should I do the other companions?
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hey man,, would you pls consider writing something fluffy with an m!courier and arcade gannon? he owns my heart.
Arcade sat on a bench outside of the king’s building, waiting for the courier to come out. The place reeked of pre-war cologne and hairspray. And rat. Lots of rat smell in the air. He pulled out an old prewar magazine and read it, holding the magazine in one hand and propping his upper weight on the bench with his other arm. He got absorbed into the old war texts, allowing himself to keep indulging as the courier came out and sat next to him.
It wasn’t until the tips of the courier’s fingers touched Arcade’s hands that he suddenly snapped out of the magazine and into reality. He felt his heart pumping for a moment, he glanced over. The courier’s strong and worn body, now having the leftover smell of cologne. And the courier’s natural scent of dust, sweat, and broken memories. He let his eyes linger for a moment too long and the courier spotted him, and Arcade quickly pretended to be absorbed into the magazine again holding the magazine up with both hands now. 
“Whatcha reading Arcade?” The courier said, suddenly wrapping his arm around Aracde, resting his chin on Arcade’s shoulder. Arcade suddenly felt strange, both wanting to jump out of his seat from nervousness and not wanting to move in case the moment should leave him. He did his best to stay calm.
“A prewar magazine, it has some interesting documentation of prewar medicine,” Arcade answered.
“Oh alright, I’ll read with you.” The courier kept his head resting on Arcades shoulder, and Arcade didn’t mind. And he pretended to suddenly be a particularly slow reader. 
[Request/React/Etc Box for FNV (All dlcs) and FO4 (No Dlcs) is OPEN! ]
[Ask Box for Doctor Six (FNV Courier) is OPEN! ] 
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hey man,, would you pls consider writing something fluffy with an m!courier and arcade gannon? he owns my heart.
Arcade sat on a bench outside of the king's building, waiting for the courier to come out. The place reeked of pre-war cologne and hairspray. And rat. Lots of rat smell in the air. He pulled out an old prewar magazine and read it, holding the magazine in one hand and propping his upper weight on the bench with his other arm. He got absorbed into the old war texts, allowing himself to keep indulging as the courier came out and sat next to him.
It wasn’t until the tips of the courier's fingers touched Arcade's hands that he suddenly snapped out of the magazine and into reality. He felt his heart pumping for a moment, he glanced over. The courier's strong and worn body, now having the leftover smell of cologne. And the courier's natural scent of dust, sweat, and broken memories. He let his eyes linger for a moment too long and the courier spotted him, and Arcade quickly pretended to be absorbed into the magazine again holding the magazine up with both hands now. 
“Whatcha reading Arcade?” The courier said, suddenly wrapping his arm around Aracde, resting his chin on Arcade's shoulder. Arcade suddenly felt strange, both wanting to jump out of his seat from nervousness and not wanting to move in case the moment should leave him. He did his best to stay calm.
“A prewar magazine, it has some interesting documentation of prewar medicine,” Arcade answered.
“Oh alright, I’ll read with you.” The courier kept his head resting on Arcades shoulder, and Arcade didn’t mind. And he pretended to suddenly be a particularly slow reader. 
[Request/React/Etc Box for FNV (All dlcs) and FO4 (No Dlcs) is OPEN! ]
[Ask Box for Doctor Six (FNV Courier) is OPEN! ] 
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Playing with my own feels.
Fallout New Vegas MC - Kalisto
Song: Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow- Nat King Cole
665 notes · View notes
Could I maybe get Yes Man reacting to the Courier falling unconscious/being brought close to death right in front of him? A sort of Yes Man to the rescue type thing! I love Yes Man and so starved for content T-T. I LOVE your writing btw!!! You’re really good at sentence structure and writing character dialogue and thoughts!
[Due to quarantine, I'm back baby. Accepting Fallout NV / Fallout 4 Requests, including DLCs for NV ]
The Courier walks through the dusty rocks of the canyon, Yes Man falling behind as the path got rough. Six didn’t mind, they knew the bumpy path would make it harder for Yes Man to move but they were patient. Six kept moving, looking at the distant lights as the winds picked up. Six could still see the stars, which was all they needed really. But then they heard something, footsteps and a lot of them. They couldn’t track it though, the wind and sand was making it hard. They looked around carefully and then saw it. Legion assassins, coming to finish off Six. Six raised their weapon but threw a quick frag grenade to scatter them and began shooting. The submachine guns tore into Six, forcing them to fall behind cover. Six cringed in pain and cried out. “Yes Man! Help!” Courier yelled, but their screams only made their position more known and an assassin jumped on top of them, and Six began their struggle. As they wrestled with the legion another popped up on the rock they had taken cover on. But before they could be attacked by the new legion, he was sprayed by machine-gun fire as Yes Man approached. His bright screen becoming a beacon in the waves of sandy winds.
Yes Man didn't wait to kill the others, he simply threw the one on top of Six to the side and scooped Six up in his arms quickly rolling away to better cover. Six began to bleed on Yes Man as their wounds became too much. Yes Man turned, sending rockets to the approaching legion to finish them off before holding Six close. They didn't know what to say, there weren't many positive things he COULD say. He began rolling towards the nearest followers outpost, worried out of his chips. He did his best to keep positive like his programs demanded. “Wow! You almost had them. Hang in there!”
Six rested their head against Yes Man. “Bury me back at the hill... I’d like to be near goodsprings again. At least Benny picked a good spot to kill me.”
“Don't think like that! It’ll be okay!” Yes Man reassured Six, but Sixs eyes began to close. Yes Man went as fast as he could, refusing to believe the inevitable. 
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one sassy buckaroo
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my handsome boys…
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Close ups of Danse, Deacon, and Hancock
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How about the fnv companions reaction to courier being crucified (but still alive? Near death sorta thing ):
Arcade: Arcade had seen it, again and again, people put up on those damned legion crosses. It made him desperate to help but they all knew there was almost nothing could be done unless you found them before the legion was done with them. Removing them from the cross could very easily kill them he knew that, but as he looked up and saw the Courier bleeding and beaten on the cross all he wanted to do was rip them from it and wrap them in bandages. He could tell just by looking at them that if he left to get some help by the time he’d be able to get back they’d surely be dead. He moved some boxes and managed to stand on one to get up to the couriers height, removing the couriers mask so they could breathe easier. The courier gasped for breathe and Arcade could see tears had built up under the mask. Arcade didn’t know what to do, he was speechless. Finally, he regained himself and took out his medicine and injected every painkiller he could into the Courier to make their last moments atleast less agonizing. He put his head against the couriers. The couriers flesh was hot from baking in the mojave sun, but Arcade didn’t care in this moment. 
“Goodbye Courier, I’m…. God I’m so sorry…. I’m so sorry….” Arcade didn’t know what else to say. He wanted to tell them everything he had held back from them, thank them for all they had done for him. But he couldn’t do any of that, he didn’t have the time. So he just staid with the courier as their life slipped from them. And even though Arcade could walk away after the experience, he felt as if life had left him too.
Boone: Boone was just out scouting, he had lost the courier awhile back after they got seperated during an attack. He wasnt worried though, the Courier was strong. And he’d find them. He smelled the stench of burning flesh and looked around and saw smoke starting to dissipate from a nearby destroyed settlement. He knew the legions work and he made his way towards the settlement, hoping to take out any legion who may have stayed behind. But, he saw no one. So he began to scout the rest of the area and that’s when he saw them. The courier, strung up on the cross. He had seen so many like this before, so why did this hurt him so much? He couldnt stop himself, he cut the courier down from the cross and helped them to lay on the ground as he moved them to the shade. He carefully took their mask off and began doing medical work. But he didn’t know much, he was barely doing enough. Finally, he realized how hopeless it was. He looked back at the almost dead courier who returned their gaze with similar hopeless glazing over eyes. Boone had done it again, he had failed to protect someone he cared about. Boone simply held the couriers hand as they began to fade away. He would bury the courier, someplace they loved. And he would make sure to kill the legion bastards responsible for this. He was tired of doing nothing now. The fire in his heart wouldn’t let him rest after this.
Lily: Lily didn’t understand what had happened to the poor courier, but she didn’t like it. Neither did Leo. She ripped the Courier off from the cross and cradled them like a child. They looked up at Lily with sad hopeless eyes as their blood began to stain Lilys arms. Lily could tell that the Courier was dieing. She held the courier close, telling them sweet things. Telling them that she loved them and was going to take care of them. Things she had said to her grandchildren many, many years before. But now instead of having happy and soothed children looking back at her it was a dieing friend.  Lily looked up and saw the symbol of the legion plastered everywhere where she had found the courier and heard Leo raging in her mind. She would teach these Legion boys a lesson, and chop them up too. But not without first cradling the courier into the next life and finding them a nice place to rest eternally.
Raul: Raul didn’t know what to do, he saw the courier tied to that damned cross. He knew the legion did these kinds of things, but in his mind, he always tried to play it off as they only did it to bad people. It was the only thing to help him cope with it, but now he had it in front of him. The courier’s body bleeding and bruises, head kind of tilted to the side on their own shoulder as they baked in the sun. If Raul could cry, he would have started. He stood there frozen for a while, not knowing what to do, how to respond. He knew that the Courier would either have a slow agonizing death on this cross or… 
Raul sat under the shade, with the worst feelings he had lived coming to him all over again. 
Cass: Cass didn’t know what to say. What to do. She covered her mouth, it was a horrific sight. She had seen this all before. Why did it hurt so much now? Because it was someone she knew. Someone she cared about. The smell of blood started to get to her. She knew she couldn’t help the Courier. But they couldn’t dare to finish them off. They didn’t have the strength. Not after everything they had been through. Cass turned and left the town, walking towards the sun. She took out a bottle of whiskey and chugged it down, then tossed it into the sands. The rancid smell of blood still fresh in her mind. She kicked the bottle away. She was going to need a lot more whiskey than that.
A hell of a lot more.
Veronica: This isn’t the first time she’s seen people put up like this on Legion crosses. And she doubted it would be the last. She looked in horror as the blood dripped from the couriers bleeding and gauged torso onto the sand below. She almost didn’t know what to say. It was… jarring to say the least.  But her time in the brotherhood taught her many lessons. And she knew it would be… better to let the Courier die quickly then to bleed on the cross. This isn’t honorable. Veronica made it quick, and buried them near goodsprings. Where the courier had died once, they would die again. 
ED-E / Rex : The two wouldn’t know what to do. Neither would truly fully understand. Rex curled up at the bottom of the cross, whining and hoping the Courier will respond. Hoping the Courier will be okay. ED-E sees the couriers pain and calculates the likelihood of survival. None. ED-E put his laser to use regretfully and deactivated next to the cross. Rex stayed there until the Kings brought him back home. Where he would lay at the Kings feet once more, but never again with the same joy. 
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How about the fnv companions reaction to courier being crucified (but still alive? Near death sorta thing ):
Arcade: Arcade had seen it, again and again, people put up on those damned legion crosses. It made him desperate to help but they all knew there was almost nothing could be done unless you found them before the legion was done with them. Removing them from the cross could very easily kill them he knew that, but as he looked up and saw the Courier bleeding and beaten on the cross all he wanted to do was rip them from it and wrap them in bandages. He could tell just by looking at them that if he left to get some help by the time he’d be able to get back they’d surely be dead. He moved some boxes and managed to stand on one to get up to the couriers height, removing the couriers mask so they could breathe easier. The courier gasped for breathe and Arcade could see tears had built up under the mask. Arcade didn't know what to do, he was speechless. Finally, he regained himself and took out his medicine and injected every painkiller he could into the Courier to make their last moments atleast less agonizing. He put his head against the couriers. The couriers flesh was hot from baking in the mojave sun, but Arcade didn't care in this moment. 
“Goodbye Courier, I’m…. God I’m so sorry…. I’m so sorry….” Arcade didn’t know what else to say. He wanted to tell them everything he had held back from them, thank them for all they had done for him. But he couldn't do any of that, he didn't have the time. So he just staid with the courier as their life slipped from them. And even though Arcade could walk away after the experience, he felt as if life had left him too.
Boone: Boone was just out scouting, he had lost the courier awhile back after they got seperated during an attack. He wasnt worried though, the Courier was strong. And he’d find them. He smelled the stench of burning flesh and looked around and saw smoke starting to dissipate from a nearby destroyed settlement. He knew the legions work and he made his way towards the settlement, hoping to take out any legion who may have stayed behind. But, he saw no one. So he began to scout the rest of the area and that's when he saw them. The courier, strung up on the cross. He had seen so many like this before, so why did this hurt him so much? He couldnt stop himself, he cut the courier down from the cross and helped them to lay on the ground as he moved them to the shade. He carefully took their mask off and began doing medical work. But he didn't know much, he was barely doing enough. Finally, he realized how hopeless it was. He looked back at the almost dead courier who returned their gaze with similar hopeless glazing over eyes. Boone had done it again, he had failed to protect someone he cared about. Boone simply held the couriers hand as they began to fade away. He would bury the courier, someplace they loved. And he would make sure to kill the legion bastards responsible for this. He was tired of doing nothing now. The fire in his heart wouldn't let him rest after this.
Lily: Lily didn’t understand what had happened to the poor courier, but she didn't like it. Neither did Leo. She ripped the Courier off from the cross and cradled them like a child. They looked up at Lily with sad hopeless eyes as their blood began to stain Lilys arms. Lily could tell that the Courier was dieing. She held the courier close, telling them sweet things. Telling them that she loved them and was going to take care of them. Things she had said to her grandchildren many, many years before. But now instead of having happy and soothed children looking back at her it was a dieing friend.  Lily looked up and saw the symbol of the legion plastered everywhere where she had found the courier and heard Leo raging in her mind. She would teach these Legion boys a lesson, and chop them up too. But not without first cradling the courier into the next life and finding them a nice place to rest eternally.
Raul: Raul didn’t know what to do, he saw the courier tied to that damned cross. He knew the legion did these kinds of things, but in his mind, he always tried to play it off as they only did it to bad people. It was the only thing to help him cope with it, but now he had it in front of him. The courier's body bleeding and bruises, head kind of tilted to the side on their own shoulder as they baked in the sun. If Raul could cry, he would have started. He stood there frozen for a while, not knowing what to do, how to respond. He knew that the Courier would either have a slow agonizing death on this cross or… 
Raul sat under the shade, with the worst feelings he had lived coming to him all over again. 
Cass: Cass didn’t know what to say. What to do. She covered her mouth, it was a horrific sight. She had seen this all before. Why did it hurt so much now? Because it was someone she knew. Someone she cared about. The smell of blood started to get to her. She knew she couldn't help the Courier. But they couldn't dare to finish them off. They didn't have the strength. Not after everything they had been through. Cass turned and left the town, walking towards the sun. She took out a bottle of whiskey and chugged it down, then tossed it into the sands. The rancid smell of blood still fresh in her mind. She kicked the bottle away. She was going to need a lot more whiskey than that.
A hell of a lot more.
Veronica: This isn't the first time she's seen people put up like this on Legion crosses. And she doubted it would be the last. She looked in horror as the blood dripped from the couriers bleeding and gauged torso onto the sand below. She almost didn't know what to say. It was… jarring to say the least.  But her time in the brotherhood taught her many lessons. And she knew it would be… better to let the Courier die quickly then to bleed on the cross. This isn't honorable. Veronica made it quick, and buried them near goodsprings. Where the courier had died once, they would die again. 
ED-E / Rex : The two wouldn't know what to do. Neither would truly fully understand. Rex curled up at the bottom of the cross, whining and hoping the Courier will respond. Hoping the Courier will be okay. ED-E sees the couriers pain and calculates the likelihood of survival. None. ED-E put his laser to use regretfully and deactivated next to the cross. Rex stayed there until the Kings brought him back home. Where he would lay at the Kings feet once more, but never again with the same joy. 
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some companions getting well deserved affection
4K notes · View notes
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I spent real time on this and I don’t know why
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11K notes · View notes