another-opinion · 2 years
"Next time, when the youths say their fathers didn't have the courage to fight their oppressors, remind them among other events that Nigerian teenagers hijacked a plane in Nigeria as part of the struggle to restore the democracy we all enjoy today"
Akin Akinola
Congratulations to the winner(s) of the election in Osun state, I hope it is not just the pragmatic citizens that has learnt a lesson or two about politics and how it is played.
Anyway, that's not what is on my mind this evening;
I have always been a lover of good movies, can't remember how that came to be but I guess it is partly because my parents loved movies too and fortunately,the cinema culture was still very much alive in Nigeria, Kaduna to be precise in the late 80's and early 90's. So, as a family we used to go see movies. I grew up loving good movies but not Nigerian movies though and for obvious reasons too. Anyone who understands fiction, loves and write fiction like me will understand why Nigeria movies didn't appeal to me while growing up. That changed..
The entertainment industry evolved, I know a lot of people think it sort of happened on its own,but we have government policies to thank, most Nigerians, especially the young ones don't know this but some enforcement of the broadcast of 60% local content for TV and 80% for radio aided the growth of the industry. Then content creators started churning out superb contents. Today, I stream Nigeria movies, I love our films even though we still have a long way to go compared to some others, especially Hollywood.
Despite the growth, I think we haven't done enough, we have lots of untold stories that can further improve the industry if well told. The one that always come mind for me is the story of the first plane hijack in Nigeria- April 1967, but the most sensational one for me is the October 1993 hijack by teenagers with a toy gun to protest the annulment of June 12 presidential elections. That story would make an Oscar winning movie.( Next time, when the youths say their fathers didn't have the courage to fight their oppressors, remind them among other events that Nigerian teenagers hijacked a plane in Nigeria as part of the struggle to restore the democracy we all enjoy today).
Our nollywood producers only need to look inward, we have so much untold stories that can match and even do better than Hollywood stories if well scripted and directed.
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another-opinion · 2 years
"Next time, when the youths say their fathers didn't have the courage to fight their oppressors, remind them among other events that Nigerian teenagers hijacked a plane in Nigeria as part of the struggle to restore the democracy we all enjoy today"
Akin Akinola
Congratulations to the winner(s) of the election in Osun state, I hope it is not just the pragmatic citizens that has learnt a lesson or two about politics and how it is played.
Anyway, that's not what is on my mind this evening;
I have always been a lover of good movies, can't remember how that came to be but I guess it is partly because my parents loved movies too and fortunately,the cinema culture was still very much alive in Nigeria, Kaduna to be precise in the late 80's and early 90's. So, as a family we used to go see movies. I grew up loving good movies but not Nigerian movies though and for obvious reasons too. Anyone who understands fiction, loves and write fiction like me will understand why Nigeria movies didn't appeal to me while growing up. That changed..
The entertainment industry evolved, I know a lot of people think it sort of happened on its own,but we have government policies to thank, most Nigerians, especially the young ones don't know this but some enforcement of the broadcast of 60% local content for TV and 80% for radio aided the growth of the industry. Then content creators started churning out superb contents. Today, I stream Nigeria movies, I love our films even though we still have a long way to go compared to some others, especially Hollywood.
Despite the growth, I think we haven't done enough, we have lots of untold stories that can further improve the industry if well told. The one that always come mind for me is the story of the first plane hijack in Nigeria- April 1967, but the most sensational one for me is the October 1993 hijack by teenagers with a toy gun to protest the annulment of June 12 presidential elections. That story would make an Oscar winning movie.( Next time, when the youths say their fathers didn't have the courage to fight their oppressors, remind them among other events that Nigerian teenagers hijacked a plane in Nigeria as part of the struggle to restore the democracy we all enjoy today).
Our nollywood producers only need to look inward, we have so much untold stories that can match and even do better than Hollywood stories if well scripted and directed.
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another-opinion · 3 years
So, this needs to be said and written.
You mustn't necessarily have an opinion about every trending topic, nobody expects you to know it all, you are not Google.
We live in an age where everybody is a pundit, some go as far as calling themselves analysts or consultants and sadly a few media houses bring these people on live programmes to give "expert" advice on issues, of course, shallowness and ignorance is usually displayed, then the average viewer with a much more deeper but not enough knowledge on issues than the analyst with a platform will start seeing himself as an expert, if someone with such shallow thoughts could appear on TV what stops them from labelling themselves consultants on social media too. Hence the social media is flooded with so many self acclaimed analysts, experts and consultants.
One person would have expert opinion on sports- and i mean all sports including ice hockey and bobsleigh(imagine the average Nigerian analysing these sports with a lot of confidence), politics- both local and international, legal issues, the same person will analyze medicine, defence etc and you begin to wonder if they're superhuman. Many have come up with the argument of knowing a little about everything. i strongly agree with that, i grew up like that too. Knowing a lot about a very few things and a little about a lot of things but that doesn't qualify you to comment about everything, remember you only know a little.
The main culprits here are the so called influencers and people who are fortunate (some actually worked hard) to have a platform.They have an expert opinion on every issue , give out false information, dole out unconfirmed news and mislead their followers.
You should know that the emptier the barrel, the noisier, the more you try to sound and appear intelligent by commenting on every trending topic, the more you reveal your ignorance and those you think you want to impress will only laugh at you while urging you on so that they will have more things to laugh at.
let me close this with @farouqkperogi's words, "Having a platform and an audience are not credentials to know everything about everything. I know that's a strange thing to say on social media where everyone is an "expert" on everything under the sun"
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another-opinion · 3 years
I mean, given the Way Humans Are, we can never completely rule out the possibility that some of those hard-to-decipher inscriptions were made for the explicit purpose of annoying and confusing future generations. Spending dozens of hours bashing glyphs into solid rock for no other purpose than to troll hypothetical future observers is absolutely a thing some people would do.
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another-opinion · 3 years
I am one of those who get piqued when Nigerians are quick to refer to certain societies as "saner climes" as if we all are a bunch of inasne people in our own society or climate, but then, i don't blame them, the reactions to the allegations against the current landlord of number 10 Downing street can give us an idea why our people almost always assume that our clime is an insane one.
Despite his apologies, the condemnation has not stopped and it cuts across party lines. So, it is neither about political parties nor is it about party loyalty, it is about the law, it is about standard and the superiority of the law, it is about leadership by example.
The Brits are not saints, they are not the most morally upright people, but they don't place individuals above the law in the name of politics and leaders don't break the laws with impunity.
Let's bring it home, i don't think any of our leaders will apologize (you may think otherwise, but these are my own thoughts), they will go as far as rubbing it in with condescending explanations.
The burial of the late Abba Kyari is an example. The public criticism to what appeared to be a situation of non-compliance to Covid-19 protocols and the response the senior special assistant on media and publicity to the president gave is one of the very clear reasons and examples why some Nigerians think ours is an "insane clime".
We need to do better. we need to have some form of order.
Nigerians should be able to demand accountability from her leaders irrespective of party loyalty. The nation is bigger that your political parties, everything shouldn't be politics.
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another-opinion · 3 years
I am one of those who get piqued when Nigerians are quick to refer to certain societies as "saner climes" as if we all are a bunch of inasne people in our own society or climate, but then, i don't blame them, the reactions to the allegations against the current landlord of number 10 Downing street can give us an idea why our people almost always assume that our clime is an insane one.
Despite his apologies, the condemnation has not stopped and it cuts across party lines. So, it is neither about political parties nor is it about party loyalty, it is about the law, it is about standard and the superiority of the law, it is about leadership by example.
The Brits are not saints, they are not the most morally upright people, but they don't place individuals above the law in the name of politics and leaders don't break the laws with impunity.
Let's bring it home, i don't think any of our leaders will apologize (you may think otherwise, but these are my own thoughts), they will go as far as rubbing it in with condescending explanations.
The burial of the late Abba Kyari is an example. The public criticism to what appeared to be a situation of non-compliance to Covid-19 protocols and the response the senior special assistant on media and publicity to the president gave is one of the very clear reasons and examples why some Nigerians think ours is an "insane clime".
We need to do better. we need to have some form of order.
Nigerians should be able to demand accountability from her leaders irrespective of party loyalty. The nation is bigger that your political parties, everything shouldn't be politics.
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