Hey guys, I know I've been quiet here. I'm definitely writing but last week my uncle passed away after a debilitating, ugly battle with an aggressive brain cancer. It only took 4 months to destroy him and it was so hard to watch.
My uncle was very important in my family and especially to my older sister and I. In the absence of a father, my uncle was wonderful to us, doted on us, and protected us and made us feel loved and cared for.
Cancer is a fucking evil disease and I hate it. I've lost many family members to it and it's just scary. As a matter of fact, I have a biopsy scheduled in the morning because I have nodules on my thyroid. My ENT says it doesn't look like it's that disease but we won't know for certain until it's tested.
Anyway, if you're the praying type or can spare some healing and comforting vibes, please send them toward my family and me
Also, as it's International Women's Day and I really could use a bit of financial support, if you have anything you could send to help, I'd also appreciate that. I've worked a lot recently but with everything happening lately and the cost of imaging and x-rays, I got a bit behind again.
Take care of yourselves and hug the ones you love.
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i really hate to do this, but i’m struggling for funds and i figure since it’s disability awareness month it’s a decent enough time to ask
being a teacher candidate is massively expensive (go figure 🙃) and i’m having to pay hundreds for certification testing in addition to other general life expenses so if anyone would be kind enough to spare some $$ for me i would be endlessly grateful
my ko-fi is here
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This is your casual reminder that yes, your wip is worth writing. You’re not wasting time. Creativity is never a waste.
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damn she just eviscerated everyone on this website
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wash your hands before you go.........quarantine sadness
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everyone stop what you’re doing and look at this baby pelican
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twitter: youre passing people on the street eavesdropping on things you vaguely agree with
reddit: youre attending a fan club meeting where you can find and share any information as long as it sticks to one topic
instagram: box of 1$ assorted pokemon cards at a covnention and half are actually magic the gathering cards
tumblr: youre in your house cooking for a few friends and someone climbs through your window and demands your opinion on steven universe
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all classification systems are ultimately arbitrary because no matter how objective we try to be, our attempts at categorizing the world are fundamentally rooted in the values we hold.
which brings me to my next point about horses being reptiles due to Vibes
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original thread by @pukicho and several other users
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winston’s new sweater.
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idk why anyone would be interested in me romantically i literally watch netflix, complain, and wear the same four to five outfits with different mixes and matches all the time
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What do you guys think of this as my new GIF?
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if ur lgbt+ im curious: if u can remember, what was your first major Gay Ship?
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signal boost for anyone who knows someone who went to the concert in manchester arena. be careful everyone!
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