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Also why did the Muhammed post on the 27th and his brother posted the same exact thing the following day? Per Facebook staling they don't interact with each other so it's peculiar that they are posting the same shit back to back.
Here's the corresponding transaction dates for him in October, already listed previously:
10.26.23 $499.99 wu
10.26.23 $1,999.72 wise
10.27.23 $1,145.99 wu
10.27.23 $1,353.79 wise
10.30.23 $2,499.99x3 wu
10.31.23 $2,499.99 wu
Prior to the day mohamed makes the post, she has sent $2.5k. On the day mohamed makes the post on October 27th, she sends another $2.5k. Hassen makes his post the next day, Saturday the 28th. After the weekend on Monday and Tuesday she sends $10k. He is subsequently released the following week.
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Per the saved convos with hassen, the brother. Supposedly on November 1st, he paid the money. She messages him on the 2nd and he says they paid the money. The message says he will be released on Monday, which is the day we had the vet appointment. He says he was supposed to get married next year (2024), but thinks "the marriage will be postponed. Because all the money we collected we paid muhammad."
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In other messages, mohamed says he ruined his brothers wedding and repeatedly says they can't afford the wedding because all the wedding money was put towards freeing mohamed in addition to my partners money. In later messages, mohamed repeats the wedding is $60k and he can't afford it. "If I had 60 thousand dollars, I would marry my brother." 60k tunisian is $19.2k usd. $60k usd is 187,470 tunisian.
In an earlier message prior to this release he Said the hearing was postponed until October 9. Per the procedures of the tunisian justice system, none of the timeline makes sense. The costs don't add up, the funds requested don't correspond with fines, court fees or victim restitution and it's clear lawyers don't cost anywhere near that amount.
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While on the expense of tunisia analysis, here's the English language class that met for 1hr a few times a week for a month or two.
06.26.23 $1,370.99 wu
06.26.23 $2,166.99 wu
06.27.23 $2,499.99 wu
06.28.23 $499.99 wu
06.29.23 $1,999.99 wu
She paid $8,537.95usd for a class that wasn't even at a university and wasn't even the length of a school semester. As mentioned earlier, that's more than a 4 credit laboratory course at fucking Harvard University.
I found private one on one tutors who charged between $1-$4usd per hour of english language instruction. If he paid a dollar per hour for one on one instructions, that would be 8,537hrs of instruction, which is 355 days of 24hr instruction or 23yrs of 1hr instruction per day. At four dollars per hour, he could have had 2,134hrs of instruction or 5.84yrs of daily instruction. The most expensive Sousse private language instructors i saw were $22usd, while most charged between $1-$9usd. At $22 per hr, he could have had 388hrs of one on one tutor with the most expensive private tutor in Sousse- 1 year and 23 consecutive days of 1hr lesson or 16 24hr days.
Looking at the language schools in Sousse to cross reference for price comparison. Heres the google map list in order of what appears first when searching for "language school near Sousse, tunisia":
1. MR Deutsch Akademie only offers german language and no course prices are listed.
2. Into Academy only offers french and german language. Summer session for a1 and a2 level 45hr course is 470 dinar, $150usd, or 550 dinar, $176 for 60hr b1 and b2 level course. Duration seems to be for a singular month.
3. Elite Language School - Els only has a facebook page states they teach english, french, german and spanish. The page was started in November 2021 and discontinued the following month, December 2021. No price listed.
4. Inlingua Sousse offers courses in german, french, italian, spanish, english, and arabic and are a, b, and c levels. Classes range in duration and seem to cost 360 tunisian, $115usd.
5. Plc American Academy has no web presence, website or social media.
6. Boosteno Sousse offers only german in a and b levels. No price listed.
7. Ocean Languages offers french, imperial english, english, german, spanish, italian, Japanese, Chinese and dutch. Individual english course is 400 tunisian, $128usd, per level and a group course is 250 tunisian per level, $80usd. 30 hours per level, levels a through c.
8. AdeA offers only german courses in levels a through c.
9. Britannia English Academy only has a facebook page which shows that they only offer english language classes to children only.
10. The Academy - Medical Workforce only offers german and it seems like most courses are geared toward specific professions.
11. Lieu Du Course Goethe Institut Sousse just offers german language and the price is unclear.
12. Iisc Sousse only offers german and no price is listed.
13. Wall Street English Sousse offers only english courses but the prices are unique to each student and you have inquire based on your level of english currently and your longterm goals.
14. School Languages And It Pour Tous
École des Langues et d'Informatique pour Tous offers French, English, German, Italian
Spanish, Chinese, Turkish with an IT focus. Prices not clear.
15. Pristini Language and Training Institute offers english, german, french and arabic courses. Sessions are 45 to 60hrs and meet 3 times a week, no price listed.
16. Amideast Sousse offers a variety of english courses. The conversational english, english for the workplace and english for general communication courses is 42hrs 2 to 3x a week for 620 tunisian, $198usd.
17. School Infolangue offers a variety of language classes. Per their facebook page, a 150hr english course costs 350 tunisian, or $112usd.
18. Sousse Langues offers italian, russian, english, french, german and spanish and levels a and b. No price listed on facebook page.
The rest of the google maps locations listed are for children, only offer german or dont have websites.
Class was solely for personal reasons, he wasnt looking to learn professional english for employment purposes. He just wanted to communicate with her better. She cried and told him she didnt want to but ended up paying anyway. He sent some vague brochure.
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It just seems so racist.... like you are implying that your country is so backwards and heinous and unjust and in violation of fundamental human rights that they are handing out exuberant sentences for minor crimes and infractions and having cost that makes litigation by the basic citizen so costly the only option they have is jail because they can't afford to litigate and fight it. And like if your country is that backwards, how the fuck are they affording the incarceration of so many people when they are making over reactionary arrests that people can't afford to fight? Like if the people are so broke or things in this country cost so much, that means there's no tax revenue because shit is so cost prohibitive and people have no income to tax and if things cost so much, how can the country afford to keep so many people incarcerated? It's not like housing people in jail is cheap.
Today she said she doesn't believe the jail story was legitimate. And like ya, no shit. Dude was posting on Facebook while supposedly incarcerated. But it was good to hear. She said basically we were at the concert and she hadn't heard from him all day which was unusual because they had talked every day since they met basically. He was always checking in multiple times a day and responding to her messages and he wasn't. She thought it was unusual. She messaged to ask if he was OK. No response. In subsequent days, his brother, whom she had never spoken to but had known about bc he shared the same room with him and snored, reached out and messaged her. She asked him what was going on with him because she hadn't heard from him and the brother told the story. They were rear-ended on the motorcycle she bought him, mom flew off and broke her leg in their town, where speed limits are no more than 30mph within city limits. Instead of helping mom, he assaulted the driver in the car who rear ended the motorcycle.
It's unclear if he went home and was later arrested or if he was arrested on the scene. Apparently for assault charges, the victim needs a medical certificate documenting their injuries and impairment and how many days they will be out of work/school. Anything less than 5 days impact is minimal, anything more than 30 days is grave.
Per the story, the victim initially agreed to not go hard but then supposedly changed his mind and wanted him punished. She gave money in Sept immediately at the news and then again in end of October and he was released first week in November after we had the dogs vet appointment.
09.01.23 $2,499.99 wu
09.05.23 $1,000.99 wu
09.05.23 $1,010.99 wu
09.05.23 $2,499.99x2 wu
In the first 5 days of September she sent $9,510.
09.19.23 $2,499.99 wu
09.20.23 $2,499.99 wu
In the middle of September she spent $5k.
10.26.23 $499.99 wu
10.27.23 $1,145.99 wu
10.30.23 $2,499.99x3 wu
10.31.23 $2,499.99 wu
In October she spent $11,645.
Grand total for legal expenditures was $26,155... she believes she spent only $20k. Just like how she thought she spent $100k total when the amount was $63k more than that guesstimate.
Just asked and she said the initial September $10k charge was what she was told the cost would be. Then in Sept, brother hassan reached our saying the court was not going well and this latest phase (possible appeals is what she said) required more money to pay for costs, the $5k. Then he reached out end of October saying that he was sentenced to 1 year or he could get out if they paid this money, the $11.5k. She gave this money October 26, which means they reached out probably a day or 2 before- meaning sometime in the middle of last week in October. Then the guy supposedly didn't get released till the second week of November, sometime after the 6th but before the 10th.
This leaves many questions. Why did it take them 2 weeks to release him after the money was received? Also, why did she structure the payments so weirdly? 2 transactions for under $2k total on 2 days, a Friday and a Thursday, and then 2 transactions after weekend... the one day she had 3 transactions of $2.5k each. If the transaction limit on western union was $2.5k, why couldn't she have just made 4 or 5 transactions that day totalling the $11k needed? Or if the max amount of $2.5k transactions per day on western union is 3, why couldn't she have made 3 transactions of $2.5k the next day and not have it spread out over so many days?
And if it was part of a pay for days you were sentenced to serve in exchange for freedom, the rate specified is that each day of jail is equivalent to 3 dinar, or $1usd... so if he was sentenced to a 1 year, that would only cost $365usd to pay for those days instead of serving them.
Based on the fines prescribed in the penal code and the costs of legal proceedings in the judicial code, there's no way any of the fines or court fees could have total more than $1k for what he was accused of and claims he did. And so I wondered what do lawyers charged. Reached out to a bunch and one responded quickly with her rates.
"Here are our rates for your reference so you could compare. We charge 5000usd for the investigation phase (which may take 14months maximum), and 6000USD for the appeal phase (if any, knowing that the case could be close at the investigation phase), and 7000USD for the cassation phase (if any, knowing that the case could be closed at the investigation or appeal phases). Each visit to the jails is billed at the rate of 180USD."
Based on my understanding of the cassation phase, that's the French court system highest court somewhat similar to us supreme court... the cassation court vacated and pardons people, and its the last resort after a legal battle and for her to litigate, it's only $7k.
If any of the story were real, based on the legal code protocol, he could only have been investigation or appeal phase. And for her to litigate that it was only $11k, not $26k. It's just such flagrant lying and bullshit.
And then she says when he gets out of jail he calls her crying ("probably fake tears," she said) saying he's so happy to be out and see her again. And both him and india both said she's the only person they care about beside their mom's and they've never cared for anyone beside their mom's and she's the only one. Just just gross manipulation.
And then she said he would always play the victim and be like poor me, I'm so poor, you think I'm a bad person, you think I'm a liar and she'd have to be like no no no you aren't, and doubt her own feelings and project positive affirmations to him and feels guilty for doubting him. And then with india she says he's all woe is me, my whole neighborhood hates me because I'm muslim and my dad beats me and I was raped and I'm so disadvantaged. Just such trash.
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Thought this one on page 106 of tunisian penal code was great. Article 297: "Breach of trust. Illegitimate appropriations." If someone gives you money "to make a specific use of" it, that's 3 years imprisonment and a 240 dinar fine, $76.81usd.
Money was given with the expressed condition that it be used for the boat, for the motorcycle, for the English class, for the medical expenses, and for the legal fees and it was not used for that in any way shape or form.
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Also its super fucked up how in tunisia you can get out of a rape or kidnapping charge if you marry the victim, regardless of if they are an adult or child. So incredibly disturbing.
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Adultery in tunisia is a 5 year jail term and a 500 dinar fine, $160usd. The affairs partner "shall be punished by the same penalties as the guilty wife or husband."
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Page 75 of the tunisian penal code says that anyone who commits violence and murders someone during that violence can get a 2 year sentence. Wtf could this dude have possibly done to get more than a year sentence if he didn't murder someone?
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This says anyone who uses violence against a public official just exercising their regular duties is 6 months prison and a 48 dinar fine, $15.36usd. If the violence is intended to force the public official to not do their public duties, the 6 months and 48 dinar fine still apply. If a weapon is used, the sentence is up to 3 years and a 120 dinar fine, or $38usd. So if you commit violence against a police officer in tunisia, maximum jail time you could get is 6 months or 3 years if weapon is used. This is on page 47 of tunisian penal code document in French.
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It's my understanding that the French judicial code has different descriptors of crimes. Instead of misdemeanor vs felony, it's contravention, followed by delit, followed by felony. According to the penal code, fine for contraventions can not exceed 4 dinars, $1.28usd, or 2k dinars for delit, which is $640usd. If the offender is a repeat offender the maximum the fine can be increased in double, so it would be a fine of no more than 4k dinar, or $1,280usd.
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Tunisian penal code, which follows the French judicial system, specifies that anyone who strikes another person deliberately will be punished by 1 year and a 1k dinar fine, which is $320usd. If the victim is related, incarceration increased to 2 years and 2k dinar fine, or $640usd. If the deliberate assault was premeditated, the sentence is 3 years and 3k dinar fine, or $960usd. If the crime results in incapacity, sentence is 5 to 10 years. If the assault does not have lasting consequences, it's considered a misdemeanor and sentence is 15 days.
Clearly something about the tunisian assault story is not adding up.
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I wonder what kind of fights they had. What did they fight over? How did they insult eachother? How did they make up?
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I'm thinking about hanging myself in the basement. She's left. Going toa nature spot supposedly. Probably going to talk to online losers. She says she doesn't want to be glared at up I've straight up been asleep the whole car ride. I was thinking I could just rig up noose to ceiling beam and step off a step stool. Idk, not ideal but I just feel like the sodium nitrite is probably fake and idk if I can swallow a whole bunch of salty water and it seems just as painful as strangling myself. I thought maybe I'd rig up the setup. Then salt and ice burn, was thinking my leg, and then see how I feel after that. I'm going to put the dogs in the crate.
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She wants me to put on sum41 in too deep but I can't because her phone is locked. I'm like isn't it weird that your phone is locked. Is this the type of relationship you want and suddenly it's all you ruined this evening blah blah blah. And then she stops the car in middle of the road and opens door and vacated to back seat. And leaves the door open. And then she drops our tee-shirts on the middle of the road. And this car asks if we're OK while shes locked in the back blaming me for ruining night wtf ever
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His second deleted reddit account is so incredibly gay. My mom said maybe he's posting in the cheating and gay groups to find people to scam...and I totally agree. Also just upset that she was literally concerned with him cheating on her while she's cheating on me? Like if she's nonmonogamous why does it matter who he's talking to online? And she said early on in their relationship, she saw him commenting on some transfems post looking to hook up and she confronted him and he said everyone just wanted him to pay for sex (which is lol bc she's actively paying him for sex). And then the convo I read on her phone in June from January/ February is her again asking him if he's seeing other people... so obviously it bothers her him sneaking around yet she's doing that shit to me with no fucking regard. I just feel worthless and lame and uncared for. And the dude is just obviously going around scamming all these people simultaneously. Fml.
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anothershittyaccount · 2 months
How can you literally be such a self involved unaware asshole that you slam a door on a 3.5lb 2.5 month old puppy? It's just demonstrative of how you just act and literally think of no one but yourself. Like the puppy is out of the crate, you know she follows and you just literally slam the door shut on her, with bo regard for the fact that you were just playing with her and of course she is going to come after you.
All about her, all of the bullshit, the root is with her being a self involved zombie. She literally can't think of anything beyond her own damn nose. Doesn't think about the consequences of anything or care about the wellbeing of anyone. I'm so over this trash.
Ordered my sn, but I suspect it's likely fake. It cost like $37 with shipping. I will buy a nitrite test kit online. Maybe get several so I can get an adequate reading. Thinking I'm going to practice drinking salt water to see that I can hold it down without vomiting. I guess putting it in capsules slows the absorption and makes death long and drawn out as does consuming it with anything but water so I need to be able to drink a salty concoction and hold it down for shit to even work.
Flights to peru are $212...one 25 hr flight with a layover in El Salvador and another in Columbia. Then there is a $240 flight with a layover in Panama but the layover is only 1hr so I would def miss the flight. I'm just so over this existence. I can't do this anymore.
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anothershittyaccount · 2 months
I'm going to burn myself.
Were having sex and she starts crying. I ask her what's wrong and she says me asking is making her uncomfortable. I ask if she wants me to stop, she says no but keeps on crying harder and louder. I stop and ask her what's going on. She won't tell me and then gets dressed and goes outside. Later, I go to walk the dogs and I ask her what's going on again and she says I'm interrogating her. She says if I were crying she'd comfort me. Which is what I'm trying to do by asking what's going on. She says she's thanking about bad times with me where I make her feel unsafe, as I am doing now. She says I'm being aggressive because she didn't want to have sex with me. Lmfao. What the fuck ever. It's literally nothing to do with having sex or not, is has to do with us having a shared experience and you locking me out. But of course you have some nasty interpretation. I just need to not do this anymore. She hasn't paid rent for August. I feel like she should just leave, fuck her, fuck her dumbass family, fuck her scammers. I should have been done like 15 fucking years ago. How can you be in a relationship with someone who has this stilted perspective of you? You can't. And that's all she wants to believe, the madness I'm going through is in vain. She's never going to alter her impression of me and I'm constantly going to be subjugated to this role I don't want to assume. Also, I'm 99% certain she grew out her nails because one of the scammers. It's gross. The whole situation is gross. I feel like we had a good week yet she falls back into some bs narrative to bolster her fucking fragile ass ego. There is literally no point. She's just staying for the dogs and doesn't even want to be here, as she has explicitly stated. Yet here I am trying to make it work and really She's been checked out and over this a long time ago, as my mom has repeatedly stated.im just an idiot.
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