anouraborealis · 4 months
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My solarpunk crust pants so far!!!! I’ve been upcycling some old black jeans for the patches :)) I posted about the Refuse Dystopia block print I made in December, but recently I’ve been experimenting with stencils to make the solarpunk flag (I think it was originally posted to Reddit? I feel like I remember it being posted there)
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Reblog if you're a cuddler.
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anouraborealis · 1 year
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Hi, I am a new writer who wrote this more as an exercise than a serious story. I’m trying to find a good balance of goofy and good storytelling, and I think I did a solid job. Enjoy!
CW: A lot of smut
Alyssa is working her boring ass 9-5 desk job. Her popular and wickedly handsome coworker, Jerry, approaches. "Hey Alyssa, Heard you in the bathroom from my cubicle. It sounded like you were frying chicken in there, wanna grab dinner?" He asks. She's flustered, put on the spot, and feels disgusting. "Sorry Jerry, I need to visit my dying mother, all the nights every night." she replies Ay Well then I hope that old wicked bitch of the west dies, am I right for am I right?" “Haha Jerry you're so silly."
Allysa had pulled the plug two weeks ago... Alyssa is just not attracted to Jerry at all. She doesn't know why either. Every time she reads about someone like him in erotica her pussy turns into a waterfall but in real life she Just doesn't like him at all.
I Just don't get it, whenever I read about men and their tight asses and thick man titties or whatever going against women and their squishy and adorable parts and glistening skin with their beautiful eyes, I just get So hor-. wait, I'm a lesbian aint l. Yippee!
She jumps up and spins around in excitement until she notices something black on her desk. She stops spinning and-
She pulls her NRA sanctioned grenade out of her -
pocket and gets interrupted by a voice. 
"No please, I haven't even gotten lesbian pregnant, oh please!"
Oh gosh, all I wanted was to be an awesome lady lady killer dyke type spider and this I straggot ass human is gonna kill me. I literally Just ran Away from papa.
Allysa slows down a second, then stops.
Wait, did it say lesbian pregnant? I wasn't aware that was something someone could do.
“Shut up you lying ass bitch, we both know that spiders can’t be lesbians!"
“That's not true you ignorant ass bi-pedal straggot!”
“Am I a straggot or am I BI-pedal umm? I'm a lesbian too bitch!”
“Oh well, why are you attacking me. fellow faggot?!!!”
Why am I attacking you? You're a Black spider, you could kill me, but, with my NRA sanctioned grenade and also my Pussy Pistol™  I could kill anyone. Also , this is the only other queer I know. Oh god, what've I done?
“Oh my octo-legged queen I'm so sorry, I was being a total hypocrite!"
Wow, I never expected a home-sapistraggt to turn to good so quickly. Tis' truly a miracle. Not to mention she’s fucking hot. If I squint hard enough I could imagine her as a spider
"It's-It's okay, I never expected a human to understand."
"It's just that, as a queer, I'm lonely, so lonely Marcus!”
"My name is Natalie."
"Oh, sorry, it was a Will Poulter reference.”
Oh dear lord thank god she didn't get the reference, it’s way too early to be flirting.
“Oh well, I’m lonely too.”
Oh no, what if we wouldn't work together. I certainly want to marry her but she's already making references I don't Understand. I don't care! I am obsessed with her. Talking to her makes me feel like my heart Will explode. I'd scale the tallest mountains for her. I’d slay a billion soldiers for her. Fuck, she’s so adorable now that she's calming down.
"Hey, so- What's your name..?”
"I'm Alyssa nice to meet you.”
This is such a cute spider. I can't believe I almost Killed it.. I can see all of its eyes, glistening in the office lights just like stars in the sky, so dreamy. FOCUS! I need to find out how to get lesbian pregnant. That sounds fucking hot!
“Hey wait a minute, what’s lesbian pregnant?”
“Oh well, it's not something that happens with humans. When a spider marinates in female cum we can get pregnant."
Oh no, I was really excited to become lesbian pregnant. Oh welly Just not for me I guess. But, maybe I can get Natalie lesbian pregnant. Oh that would be a dream. having a few arachno-children with such a beautiful girl.
"Um, Just curious, could a human get a Spider lesbian pregnant?" 
"1-I'm not quite sure, it's never been tried before."
“Oh, well, maybe you could try it, or something."
I grow tenser. I practically just asked to impregnate my crush. I'm. Such a pathetic fail girl. I'm sweating. I'm so horny I'm literally squirming!
Oh my god she totally wants to get me pregnant. I think. I'm not quite sure actually. I might just be making her uncomfortable. Fuck it! What am I again? I am the lady ladykiller. I could, and maybe already have, totally get a human to fall in love with me.
"Ay baby, open your legs and maybe your pussy juices could get me lesbian pregnant.”
I can't even speak, I just fall down. It feels like there's oceans of waves crashing inside of me. God, I can't wait for Natalie to be inside me. My legs start spreading, it doesn’t even feel like I’m controlling myself. She's scuttling up my leg and I'm getting so flustered. I support Myself on my elbows. She's making her way up my thighs. I can feel exactly where she is. It tickles! I bring my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing, moaning, whimpering, and screaming. God I wanna whimper so bad. I hope Natalie likes whimpering. I fall slightly angled to my side from moving my hand to my mouth. She's inside of me now.
Oh my god I can’t believe I’m doing this, I'm fucking a human. She's squirming so much, it's adorable. I'm actually inside her. Holy shit. I've never done this before, I haven't even chainsawed another spider, (like scissoring, but chainsaw because spiders have so many legs) I need a strategy.
Natalie puts herself in between Alyssa's g-spot and clit. She uses 6 of her legs to squirm around her g spot and 2 to circle her clit.
 What The fuck is she doing in me? I've never masturbated before. This is so new oh my god this is amazing. It feels like a new part of me. It Just feels like pleasure. I can't stop shaking. My hand is barely even muffling my moans. I'm clenching the floor so hard it hurts. I'm not even controlling myself any more. It's like my body is begging to burst through my skin. It's like I'm made of lightning. I can’t take it anymore. It's too much but I want so much more.
Alyssa cums an entire yard, all over her cubicle wall. Nobody notices because everyone's gone to kill themselves. Natalie gets completely washed. out, she's covered in cum.
I can barely move. I didn't know humans could cum this much. my entire body of sore. I don't think I'm gonna make it. I lived a good life. I realized I was a lesbian, I ran away from papa, and then I met the girl of My dreams. I'm perfectly content, even if I don't get lesbian pregnant. At least, I got her to cum hard. There's a sharp pain in my stomach. I feel like I'm about to burst open. It hurts like fire. It feels like my entire body is on fire. I think, I'm giving birth! Oh my god I'm gonna die having been Lesbian pregnant! My life is complete! I can finally rest! I can finall-
"Oh my god that was so good I've never- Natalie? Natalie are you okay? Natalie!!! No no no no!”
Did my girlfriend drown in my cum? No she can't, I love her so much. She can’t be gone. This is all my fault. How could I let this happen? If I Just was harder to make cum or-or never had sex with her in the first place this would all be fine. This is such bullshit! I was alone for so long and just as soon as I find love she dies. Maybe I could- maybe I could clone her. No, that's stupid! It's Just hopeless. There's nothing I can do. Everything. I've ever cared about is gone. I'm Just, worthless now. It's- It's kinda nice to be worthless. No matter what I do now I can never hit a new low. 1- I guess it's okay that Natalie is gone. Spiders only live a few weeks anyways. I accept this. What's that!? Is that an egg? It's growing! It's-It's oh it stopped.
Alyssa took that egg, and when it hatched, it became something she never imagined. His name? Peter Parker.
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