anshupunreddy · 9 months
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Part 2
Conceptual goal: I made this piece for my mom because she loves to paint, just like me. She always is trying new creative things, and I know her dream would be to open an art gallery after she retires.
Aesthetic goal: My favorite color is black, and I tend to gravitate toward blacks and neutral colors when I choose clothing and other things. My mom always hates this and wants me to be more colorful. So, to incorporate my own aesthetic with hers I chose to recreate a piece that was mostly black and white, but had pops of bright colors.
Course Inspiration: I was actually inspired by an assignment from last semester when we had to reinterpret an Eva Hesse piece. I chose to make her art resemble graffiti, so I wanted to explore using the graffiti style again.
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anshupunreddy · 9 months
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Part 1
Conceptual goal: I made this piece to hang up in my room because it matches the aesthetic of other things in my room already.
Aesthetic goal: I saw this piece on Instagram (@figaro_many) and wanted to recreate it because I thought it looked cool. I also thought there was an interesting subliminal message to this piece that depicts how women are often scrutinized in society. Women are often expected to be very feminine and gentile, and are often painted in a bad light no matter how they act, especially when they don’t meet society’s unfair expectations.
Course Inspiration: The portrait assignments we had inspired me to try and depict a face for this piece. For my final last semester, I also explored depicting the female body and social commentary about women through art. So, I wanted to continue with that goal.
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anshupunreddy · 10 months
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For my note, I wrote lyrics from “Your Song” by Elton John because it’s a great romantic song and I think everyone should be reminded that people are thankful for them to be in this world.
Attendance Prompt
“The BCC’s assumption was that the confusion was due to ignorant English-speakers not realizing that taupe and mole were different words for the same thing. Marry and Paul were rather more thorough. They set out on an expedition around the zoological museums of the United States and France to look at foreign specimens from the genus Talpa, to determine whether there was a logical reason for using both terms” (p. 257)
I chose this quote because I respect the extreme and diligent efforts of Maerz and Paul for trying to universalize definitions of color. I also thought the quote was interesting because it reminded me of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis I learned in a psychology class. This theory suggests that language influences its speakers perception of the world. This made me wonder whether people of different cultures may perceive colors differently depending on whether they have more words for different shades of color.
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anshupunreddy · 10 months
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Attendance Prompt: “one problem is our modern world, filled as it is with spot-lit rooms and backlit smartphones, overloads us with blue light at odd hours of the day, which has negative effects on our sleep patterns” 179
I chose this quote because I thought it was relevant to the assignment this week about modern consumerism. In today’s world a lot of people are more concerned with material things and being on their phones that they lose touch with more important things like being connected to other people and to nature. I too have also had my sleep affected by being on my phone too late at night and have been trying to read more instead of watching tv or scrolling on my phone.
To make this collage, I used water color for the table and the woman’s lips, cut out words and objects I thought related to consumerism, and used colored pencil for the martini glass. I morphed the olives in the martini into coins by using actual coins and I animated a generic woman to represent a generic consumer. I included the martini glass to symbolize the modern consumer consuming material objects without a thought just like consuming a beverage. I think in current times we don’t even notice how much we’re obsessed with unimportant material things because it’s become the norm and we constantly want to buy the newest things even if we don’t need them.
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anshupunreddy · 11 months
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I decided to draw my roommate Anna again. I tried to incorporate visual repetition by making the clouds in the background squiggly to resemble Anna’s curly hair. I also split her face and half and used scribbled lines for one half to make it more abstract to incorporate your critique from last week.
attendance prompt:
“It was partly these, and partly a love of chemistry for its own sake, that drove an 18-year-old scientist to spend his holidays holed up in a makeshift laboratory in his father’s East London attic, trying to synthesize quinine from coal tar. Today, William Perkin is celebrated as one of the heroes of modern science. It is not because of quinine, which he never did manage to produce, but because of a rich seam of chemistry that opened up when he accidentally happened upon a particular shade of purple: mauve” (p. 167).
This quote was interesting to me first because I was impressed that someone so young had such high scientific ambitions. It also reminded me of the discovery of penicillin and how Alexander Fleming sort of accidentally discovered it during his experiments like William Perkin accidentally discovered a new color.
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anshupunreddy · 11 months
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Activity #3
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anshupunreddy · 11 months
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Activity #1
I chose to draw my roommate Anna for this activity. She has been my roommate and best friend since freshman year. Her gorgeous and unique curly hair is often one of the first things people notice about her, so I used a dark pink color. Pink also represents love and compassion which is fitting because Anna is also very loving and compassionate with everyone. I also added hints of blue because she loves sharks and anything to do with the ocean and marine life. I made her eyes green too because she loves nature and has a ton of plants in our house.
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anshupunreddy · 11 months
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Activity #2
I decided to bring my rocks back to my house and leave a design for my roommates to see on our front steps. I tried to make the design look like a sun because we haven’t had much sun lately.
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anshupunreddy · 11 months
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Jellyfish facts
1. Jellyfish do not have brains, hearts, or lungs (Source: Marine Conservation Society)
2. Jellyfish are the oldest multi-organ animal in the world. They have been around for at least 500 million years (Source: PETA)
3. Jellyfish may be the first animals with no central nervous system that have been observed to sleep (Source: PETA)
4. One species of Jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) may be immortal because they can revert to a more juvenile developmental state when they are threatened, sick, or old and will mature into a mature adult again (Source: One Earth)
5. 150 million people are stung by jellyfish each year (Source: Bristol aquarium)
Consumerism facts
1. Nail polish fact: Nail polish originated in China as early as 3000 B.C., and in Ancient Egypt it was used to represent class rankings; lower class individuals wore nude and light polish and high class individuals wore red (source: Good Housekeeping).
2. Chevy fact: Nobody knows how the bowtie logo was originated. Some people think that William Durant—the founder of General Motors—saw a similar design on hotel wallpaper, while others say he was inspired by a newspaper advertisement (Source: CrossroadsGM.net)
3. Nalgene fact: Nalgene plastic products were originally developed for use in laboratories for things like jars, test tubes, and Petri dishes. This is because it was shatterproof and lighter than glass. (Source: Wikipedia)
4. Tote bag fact: In Indonesia in the 1970s-1980s, tote bags were often called student bags because students would print a political statement on a plain canvas bag to convey their political beliefs (Source: Vivaldi.net)
5. Champagne fact: The Guinness World Record for the longest recorded champagne cork flight is about 177 feet which was set by Emeritus Heinrich Medicus in June 1988 at the Woodbury Vineyards Winery in New York (Source: the Champagne Company)
Attendance prompt:
“As well as power, red has baser associations with lust and aggression. The devil is traditionally depicted in red. The association of red and sex in the West dates back at least until the Middle Ages. It was frequently the color assigned to prostitutes in the many sumptuary laws passed over the course of the period” (pg. 136)
This quote stuck out to me because I think it’s interesting that one color seemingly had such vastly different representations. One was of power, and like I mentioned in my nail polish fact, was often worn by the upper class. The other was of lust, aggression, and even evil. While they seem very different, power is also often associated with lust and aggression, so it might make sense that one color represented all of these themes.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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Midterm Part 2:
One of the things I want to do before I die is go skydiving, so I painted a sky with someone parachuting down. Something interesting I learned about skydiving is that skydivers use their mouths to take pictures with cameras that have tongue, bite, or blow triggers.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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Midterm Part 1:
For the Halloween-themed drawing I drew a skull morphed into an hourglass. I added red pen to make the sand look like blood. I also made the arms of the hourglass look like the bones from fingers to add to the halloween theme.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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1. I was born on November 21st, so I’m a Scorpio
2. Scorpio is associated with the colors maroon, brown, and black. The associated animal is a Scorpion because it’s related to a Greek myth where Orion got stung to death by a scorpion which is why the star Orion sets as Scorpius.
3. Scorpio is linked to the planet Pluto which is said to govern destruction and transformation and is dark and mysterious like Scorpios.
4. I also included the constellation for Scorpio, the M symbol which represents creation and destruction, and an eagle because Scorpio’s are said to have powerful vision and spot details like eagles.
attendance prompt:
“Pink is, after all, just faded red, which in the era of scarlet-jacketed soldiers and red-robed cardinals was the most masculine color, while blue was the signature hue of the Virgin Mary” (p. 115).
This quote was interesting because the opposite is true today, where pink is generally considered feminine and blue is considered masculine. I think the switch in what is considered masculine and feminine just proves how gender norms are social constructs that are constantly subject to change
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
I love the shapes in the background. The black compliments the yellow really well. This reminds me of checkers.
Plant identification:
Lance-leaved Aster: This is the plant with the flower on it with white petals and yellow in the middle. Some facts about this plant are that it was introduced in Europe but is native to North America. It is a specie of a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae
Solidago Gigantea: This flower is tall and unbranched except at the apex of the flower where the branching occurs. The stem is light green or pale purple. It can be identified as a perennial wildflower.
Laterpitium Gallium: the substance in the root of this plant called laserpitium can spit an angelic acid and "laserol". This plant most commonly grows in the summer because it can be killed by cooler temperature. It is also safe to humans and animals.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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I drew a tiger because it’s my mom’s favorite animal and we used to grow up watching any tiger animal planet show. I learned that tiger’s urine smells like buttered popcorn.
My favorite music to listen to in the fall is anything by Hozier. My favorite Halloween themed movie is Monster House.
I was born in 2001 and something interesting that happened was that the Human Genome Project released its first draft of the human genome sequence, so I included a strand of DNA.
The song lyrics I chose were from the song Rock On by David Essex because my dad used to sing/play it for us all the time when we were little, so it always reminds me of him.
attendance prompt:
“But during the political upheavals of the 1970s, the childlike smiley was co-opted as a symbol of subversion. By 1988 it was a pop-culture phenomenon, inextricably linked with music and the new club scene. A yellow smiley was used on the Uk cover for the Talking Heads’ song “Psycho Killer”…” (p. 74).
I chose this quote because I love the song Psycho Killer. I also did not know that the smiley face had such cultural and political significance considering they are such a common symbol we see everyday.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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queen anne’s lace
- this is actually a weed, but I thought it was really pretty. It’s related to a garden carrot and it’s roots can actually be eaten when it’s young.
norway maple leaf
- the norway maple is an invasive species that releases chemicals that prevent the growth of other plants. it has been banned in New Hampshire and Massachusetts
oxeye daisy
- this is also a weed that grows very quickly. When cows consume them on dairy farms, it gives milk an unpleasant flavor
attendance prompt:
“this practice perhaps explains the origin of the phrase “to whitewash,” which means to conceal unpleasant truths, usually political in nature” (p. 53)
I chose this quote because I did not know that whitewash was actually a type of cheap paint. I have only ever heard the phrase “whitewashed” used derogatorily to refer to people of color who abandon their own cultures for the typical American/“white” culture. It’s interesting that it has other negative meanings that don’t refer to the actual paint.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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I forgot to take a picture after step 1, but I used colored pencil for the first layer
Attendance Prompt:
“Colors, therefore, should be understood as subjective cultural creations: you could no more meaningfully secure a precise universal definition for all the known shades than you could plot the coordinates of a dream” (pg 27).
I thought this quote was really interesting because I would never consider a color to be ambiguous. Usually, anyone would know what color I was talking about. But, it’s interesting to think that colors and definitions of colors evolve over time just like technology and science.
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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Hi! I’m Anshu Punreddy. I am a senior biology major. I love painting, hiking, and playing volleyball for fun, and I’m excited to be taking another art class this semester:)
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