Good news, I’m not dead!
I’ll gonna be revamping things a bit and trying to participate more in the community, as well as probably posting some writing at some point about a new boss I’ve been working on
I’m probably going to change my URL at some point as well
Hope everyone’s doing well!
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Cade cade marmalade @antagonisticheroism !!
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do you think theres an (in-verse) porno called ‘johnny gay’
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On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely is it that your Boss would wear light-up sneakers if they could find them in their size
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My favorite Saints row quotes because why not
- “I always wanted to strip dance!” -“You’re not wearing any pants” -“FUCK YOU PAUL” -“Then go make yourself a fuckin’ waffle” -“Wanna add casual sex to that list” -“I am equipped to pleasure you” -“I always thought you were just friendly and hated pants”
if you have any to add, please add them
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3, 10 and 15! Ride the angst train.
+“Woop I meant 17 not 15 XD”
3. Did they have a happy childhood?
 I haven’t fleshed out everything for her backstory yet, but I think for the most part, she had a decent childhood!
10. Is there someone from their past they will never forgive?
 At this point, just the standards like Julius/Dex etc, possibly some blood family members? thats another tbd
17. Beside the 1950s sitcom, what else would their hell be?
Actually this is a part of an alternative timeline thing I’ve been working on! Essentially, she gets stuck in a simulation wherein instead of fighting the morningstar during sr3, she made a deal, dropped her flags and went into hiding to have a baby. The nightmare aspect for her is the whole dropping the flags/living in isolation thing because A) the saints are a big part of her identity and B) she does not do well alone and also is terrified of raising a kid
Thank you so much!
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Saints Row IV
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SR Boss asks
1. What’s their backstory? 2. How old were they when they first joined the Saints? 3. Did they have a happy childhood? 4. Do they have any siblings? 5. Did they graduate high school? What about college?
6. What’s their sexuality?  7. What do they look for in a partner?  8. Are they currently dating anyone?  9. Who do they love most in the world? 10. Is there someone from their past they will never forgive?
11. What is their favorite food? 12. What are their pet peeves?  13. What are some of their fears?  14. How do they deal with injuries?  15. What is the MOST embarrassing moment in their life?
16. Are they a cat or dog person? 17. Beside the 1950s sitcom, what else would their hell be?  18. Which death effect them the most? (Besides Johnny)  19. What is their favorite music?  20. What are some of their hobbies? 
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I love quicktime events that are like ‘press LMB to gracefully waltz with alien’
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Hey saints row fandom Please gimme the song the best discribes your boss and I will draw them to that song
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rlly invested in the idea that everyone in the saints looked down on johnny in sr1 because everyone saw him as a bull that charged in headfirst if you waved a red flag in front of him. but along comes playa and they look up to johnny because he’s so tough and confident and he’s dating the girl everyone on the row talks about. and they try to impress him but that usually ends in playa overestimating themself in a fight and johnny having to scrape them off the concrete. but johnny doesn’t look down on playa for it. dex and troy treat playa as the new kid who has a lot to learn but from the start johnny treats playa as his equal. the new kid doesn’t treat him as an idiot and johnny doesn’t treat playa as if they don’t know shit yet so they bond really quickly because of that
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johnny’s relationship with boss as a parallel to julius’ relationship with ben king kills me. ben and julius see themselves in the two younger men and wonder if they will make the same mistakes
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listen. if your boss is straight you’ve not gotten the true heartfelt message of the saints row games. you simply havent fully grasped what volition was trying to convey with this series: everyone’s really gay
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boss can canonically do a split like its nothinhg always remember
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Weekly reminder that I’m here, I’m queer,
and Cade had a girlfriend. Her name is Piper and she’s real cute
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When you try to draw and partially succeed :)
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