ante-infinitum-blog · 6 years
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Kilometer 0
you know the words.
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ante-infinitum-blog · 7 years
Kilometer ∞
Princeton, New Jersey/Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
and somehow, the ending.
In life there are things that belong to fate and things that are left up to you. I always thought that beginnings and endings were fated experiences in which no man could exert will. What was left to us was making the space in between shine as a testament to how truly euphoric the human experience can be. It gives us the opportunity to reflect and deeply consider the very philosophy over which our personalities and existence is built on, and become better people. 
It all starts with a choice. Do you fight to make things good? Or coalesce to the powers that be?
In the three years since I began writing this, I have met those powers every single day. I stared them directly in the eyes and promised myself that the fight was worth it, and have returned more emboldened in my belief of good- that it persists, despite the many losses and deep hits it has taken. I chose to fight because of how inspiring that was- despite all the odds and notions to the contrary, making something good is a choice. 
In a way, this writing project was my way to commit myself to that belief.
But with every beautiful beginning comes an equal and corresponding ending. It was a meaningful path that brought me here, one mixed with sometimes anger and confusion, but nevertheless reminded me of the choice we all make to seek beauty in the world. 
As for the necklace? It has reached its own infinity, where I hope that someday it inspires the same love of good in the hearts of others.
Thank you for growing up with me. I hope to meet all the people that inspired me soon.
Your friend,
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ante-infinitum-blog · 7 years
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Kilometer 33,591
Montgomery, New Jersey
The flight back to the United States had a unique energy to it. Every moment was spent knowing that at the end, we would all separate, going to our corners of the country. But at the same time it was cherished as 13 more hours to make something amazing happen. That was the magic behind every moment I spent with those people. But the overwhelming theme I found was just the absolute zen I was only beginning to understand on the flight. After experiencing the beauty of the happiest room in the world (a story I will have to tell under the stars in person), I had unknowingly embarked on a journey that I am still pondering today- redefining everything I have ever known to be true. What is love? Beauty? What defines the bounds of human relationship? 
I look to you, future owner, for guidance in this journey. Many answers are in the road ahead :)
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ante-infinitum-blog · 7 years
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Kilometer 21,262
Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
The travel distance to Tokyo alone doubled the number of kilometers on this necklace. 
I was given an opportunity to travel as a United States High School Diplomat during the summer following my junior year. It was an all expense paid trip to Japan, which you can watch here, that genuinely changed the way I saw the world. I met an amazing staff for the program, who spent their entire summer making the program and coordinating everything, and some incredible friends. In only a year after my time at HSD, I had left for a completely different country with 19 of my closest friends from the program. But I also met a new roommate, a ton of fellow high schoolers, and an incredibly caring host family (my host father is pictured above.) I think the video tells a better story than I ever could. 
There were two incredibly important things I realized on this trip, the first of which was the fact that I want to get married on Miyajima Island. In the two days I was there, it became so incredibly emotionally significant to me. Its beauty aside, it was the home to one of the greatest spiritual awakenings I had ever experienced, and the location at which I celebrated the beginning of my birthday. I vowed on that day to no longer be only an introspective person, but also use my understanding and my knowledge to be someone for others. The second thing I learned while abroad was that there is this principle called wabi-sabi that refers to the tea ceremony. When dishes break, they are fixed with gold and precious metals to symbolize a philosophy that beauty doesn’t come in novelty, but in age. The scars and wear and tear represented strength, not weakness. This necklace, which kind of became a metaphor for who I am, finally found a new beauty in its damage the same way I did. 
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ante-infinitum-blog · 7 years
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Kilometer 10,000
Greenwich, Connecticut
I took this picture long ago, but never got around to writing about it because of a changing perspective I had about this journey and where it would take me. Ten thousand kilometers led me to what I thought was no better than where I had began, and I saw a deep depression fall over my life. It was fitting, of course, that i began to notice that the necklace had lost a number of its plastic jewels- a big regret I had was not being more careful, or not buying something more practical. It was also around this time when i noticed a crack in the necklace that went almost completely through, right down the middle. 
I guess in a way that was all symbolic. 
But the first ten thousand kilometers also showed me what it took to be something. How much we take happiness and the ones we love for granted while walking down our paths of life. It was in this existential crisis that I realized that this necklace is, as far as anyone was concerned, broken. And in a lot of ways, so was I. Retrospection gives me now an amazing insight into the meaning behind all of this- the natural wear and tear of something I bought in the spur of a moment a summer prior, the symbolism I was reading due to a reflection of my outlook on life, and everything else that seemed to stand out. Ten thousand kilometers took me to Germany and back, making friends I would have never imagined meeting. It took me to Washington D.C., Princeton University, and concluded on the drive back from Connecticut for Thanksgiving. 
I could never be more grateful for the adventure this damaged piece of jewelry has given me. Here’s to where it takes me next.
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Montgomery, New Jersey
Kilometer 9,604
The necklace was in my bag.
Sometimes these moments are too quick to react to- (also I was straight bawling during this). I skipped the beginning of an economics exam to sit and watch a bus of German exchange students depart from the school’s front entrance. It is the end of an era. The end of the exchange program that lead me through some of the best and worst times in my life. The end of a the trip that brought me to DC and Philadelphia. The end of the situation from which this necklace and blog became a thing.
But is it the end?
If there is anything that I have learned from my experience in GAPP, it is that there is only one end to an infinity of beginnings. Things tie together so seamlessly in this play we call life and the only thing that can stop us from experiencing that is our inevitable ends. But existential crisis aside, the German exchange program taught me to live passionately. I truly learned what it means to, as Thoreau once said, “live deliberately.”  
I am glad that this story started where it did. And I most certainly love where it will take me.
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Washington D.C., United States of America
Kilometer 9,572
Oh Captain, my captain! The story continues here- the capital of our great nation and one day my future home (1600 Penn if you get what I’m sayin’). Traveling again with the German exchange program, I visited DC. We took a very brief bus tour through the city before stopping at the Smithsonian and later a restaurant in Chinatown.
Being in DC reminds me of my goals and future- all the memories I am going to one day share with you, future owner! 
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Niagara Falls, New York
Kilometer 8,589
I hecked up. Though I brought the necklace with me, I managed to forget it in the car and miss this amazing photo. On the bright side, I now have an excuse to bring you with me and experience this view once again.
Here’s to that day c:
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 7,855
National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Since the last post, the necklace has found residence in the top drawer of my desk- just next to where I keep my laptop. I come across it almost every day and think about all the stories that I am going to tell you some day. 
Philadelphia was a story of connections- the German exchange group I went with seemed to either already know the city or not want to learn anymore, but the connections and friendships we continued to strengthen grew even more important. There are a million stories to tell about Philadelphia, about the German exchange, and about me, but I personally think this necklace is all that I truly have to say. 
Here’s to the day I meet you- unless I already have, (???) in which case, met you
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 7,782
Montgomery, New Jersey
In the last 20 kilometers, I experienced something greater than what words can describe. As a High School Diplomat, I learned to seize the wind and take in all that is around me. I learned how to capture every moment not with a camera but with memories and stories that will last a lifetime. I can say with all honesty that I have never laughed that hard or cried with that much genuine feeling in my life. I met some of the greatest people and went to some of the most beautiful places so close to my hometown.
HSD brought back a very important part of my existence: passion. I lost it many times before when things got tough, but now I truly understand what it means to care about making every moment count. 
So here’s to seizing the wind, HSD, making the moment count, and finally to you. I am making a thousand cranes to remind me of what I am feeling right now, to symbolize the hope and peace I wish to pursue, and to make a wish. 
Meet the first crane c:
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 7,762
Montgomery, New Jersey
Following my flight (sorry for not updating), I began all new adventures once again. First came getting used to speaking english again, and all the hilarity that ensued following that. Then came a series of video chats for my next exchange, High School Diplomats. I met some of the nicest people I know this way, and I look forward to all the stories I will share with them in the future. c:
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 1,230
Göttingen, Germany
The night before my flight, I spent my final hours in the city with the rest of the exchange students. This picture is a bit rushed, as my trip was, but that is the whole point- there are many stories to be finished.
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 849
Brandenburger Tor, Berlin, Germany
The story continues a very very long bus ride from my home for the trip- one of the most beautiful cities in the world. For me personally, it symbolizes an incomplete story, just as the necklace does. 
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 480
Hann Münden, Germany
From the rooftops of an ancient German village
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 477
Hann Münden, Germany
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 163
Die Autostadt, Wolfsburg, Germany
My future took me to the Autostadt in Wolfsburg, where I saw what was probably one of the most beautiful car displays in the whole world.
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ante-infinitum-blog · 9 years
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Kilometer 162 
Die Autostadt, Wolfsburg, Germany
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